Sunday, July 3, 2022

Island Beaches: Light Breeze, Sun, and Sand!

I'm moving through my pictures and putting them into my gallery. Feel free to purchase. I will put more up as time permits. 

Photos are for sale in gallery. Some of profits
go to charities. Island Beaches


A Couple of Pics Out by Harrod's Creek

Harrod's Creek in Louisville is one of those nice areas on the water. A couple of nice pics you might enjoy. 

The Next Big Challenges for American After Extremism: Social and Economic

 As a nation there are challenges we will face and each time we move through those challenges we become better. Just like in human development challenges lead to growth. When we fail it can also lead to decline. That is why when we struggle with issues we should not become too hyper political about them to the point that nothing gets resolved. There are new emerging challenges we will face once we get done with our bout of extremism. 

While our politicians sometimes feel that society is defined and managed through far right and left ideologies they sometimes fail to understand that solving problems in a bi partisan manner has better outcomes in the long run than not solving problems at all. Movement on dicey issues is helpful even when we don't agree 100% on all the approaches (Why I advocate for politicians to actively listen and problem solve.). 

We have gone part way through a phase of extremism and hopefully will have the laws and moral aptitude to put it into the past. There have been people in this country that have dealt with these issues for a long time and we were slow to act. Now these issues almost led to the fall of democracy. At the same time, we also have protestors that feel threats and intimidation tactics for political reasons is acceptable. 

I have heard that 1/3 of Americans feel that violence for political purposes is acceptable (Kind of sick and third world). I sit and wonder, "When did we become like this?". I then turn on the news and see how our narrative of hyper political and tough talking is now the way to get ahead within someone's half of society. We will need to draw people together toward a unified center based on a shared sense of universal values. 

Once we have come to master the current dangers of extremism. We will then face new issues that will lead to new positive or negative long term economic outcomes (Which will have social, political, and other outcomes). We are always in a state of becoming. 

1.) Opportunities and Human Capital: People will be competing in a fast paced changing global environment. They will want opportunities in a time when what works today won't work tomorrow. The social classes will have to become porous. Opportunities for growth, development, and income will need to change to ensure it is reachable by more people to create the foundations of societal motivation. In other words, opportunities shouldn't be just for a small slice of society. If you want to compete on a large scale we will need large scale economic engagement.

2.) Innovation and Development: Our education systems will need to change, innovation should be built into our policies, and we should develop our investment mechanics. Our infrastructure will be a big part of how we compete and that matched with human capital, motivation, and investment will determine whether our industries are leading or following. Sometimes our policies are inadvertently focused on making us dependent on other nations. Our economic success likely rest on our ability to be at the highest location in the supply, investment and innovation synapse. 

Friday, July 1, 2022

As a Nation We Will Someday Need to Decide if We Will Support or Not Support Hate Groups

This represents organizations but 
it is similar with nations. Each nation
should have core values and extremism
in hate and politics shouldn't be one of them.
See Company Culture. Notice top 10 and how
profession and culture might be different.
I've seen it! The distorted personality and self interested for gain make up stories to a group of people who have a difficult time thinking for themselves accept and act on those behaviors without pausing to ponder. That group jumps on the band wagon of hate and little is done to hold the perpetrators accountable. We then flip the page to our national politics and find similar strains occurring in different places and times and should scratch our heads. Without challenge hate will be embedded into our culture. 💁

When is enough actually enough?

Under our current system enough seems to occur when the behaviors are so grotesque they put lots of people at risk (Puts the "right" people at risk. Often the risks of the "wrong" people are talked about academically but ignored by the rest of society.). Prior to that there is little understand and little ability to hold accountable perpetrators. Where the signs of distortion are obvious the law is behind the curve (It is changing and it is now beginning to see the the bigger impact of legal circumnavigation of hate.). 

Again, that doesn't mean that the law is wrong, or immoral, but that the law often comes with its own misunderstandings of the world based on somewhat distorted legal logic. Instead of focusing on truth it is focusing on the legal game of theoretical logic played by lawyers and politicians. There is truth much deeper than citing obscure cases that are not 1 to 1 relations (Truth creates understanding and moral conscious as relates to application). 

We find ourselves intimidated by domestic extremism because many times these behaviors are/have been inadvertently encouraged and because the law struggles to see them for what they are (Its just too easy to blame and scapegoat others. The law is becoming aware of its universal nature over the past 50 years.). Effective change in our political and social environment will rest on detecting signs of distortion early and acting on them when they are apparent (No matter who the perpetrator and who the target.) 

Whether one is running through a capital chanting "Hang Pence" or running around town bragging about "Get the Muslims" the personalities have the very same strain of power mixed with mental distortions (The psychologist still struggle with differences of opinion and when opinion is designed to cause harm to others.). One's position (i.e. place of authority) and station in life (i.e. wealth) should not make a difference in the outcomes. If it makes a difference we have lots of changes we still need to work on. The proof is in the pudding and not in the feel good/feel bad rhetoric at today's water cooler.

Good and Effective Coaching in Sports

Sports is an opportunity to socialize people and help them understand themselves within a team. Under the right mix sports are a benefit to young minds that want to explore their physical abilities and their abilities to work with others. Good sportsmanship is part of the process and a good coach will help young people gain a sense of self for mastery over their environment while developing helpful traits (I have seen some coaches do the opposite.) 

Values and Coaching (Good Coaching):

You may want to read an article by Dr. Alen Goldberg on being a good or a bad coach. Good Coach vs. Bad Coach. The article highlights how coaches should walk the talk. One doesn't want to display poor behaviors or encourage poor behaviors in players. Good coaches encourage certain values within their teams that create a type of team cohesion. 

Skill Development (Effective Coaching):

Likewise a study at Nottingham Trent University (Nottingham, UK) found that polo coaches improved people's skills. They did a test on situational awareness and found that polo players could detect ball placement much better than others as an indication of skill development of environmental awareness. Polo Psychology 

Thus we find that coaches maintain positive sportsmanship values and enhance peoples performance skills. That is not the case in all sports and/or coaches. The younger the players, the more important it is for them to develop certain values and abilities. Good coaches can develop the person as much as the skill. When coaches focus exclusively on skill without valuing sportsmanship we create toxic teams that won't succeed on or off the field in a consistent manner. 

It is my belief that poor and/or toxic coaches should be removed from teaching young minds no matter how many championships they win. Their goal is to develop the whole person. We want to see healthy and well developed sports players that win on and off the field. 

Why do we often accept the unacceptable in terms of values and behaviors? (Gifted and Herds)

 There are times in our lives where we must make choices. We either follow the herd or we move on in our own directions. It is hard to judge these things from the outside because people are often unfamiliar with all of the dynamics involved. What we can say is that the vast majority of people will follow their social networks and they are biologically, socially and psychologically conditioned to not question their environment. 

Herding Mentality
We see this in politics and we see this in our personal lives.  You can read about Herding Mentality.

While a certain amount of following is normal there are some things that cannot be followed and doing so creates a moral hazard. The breaking of certain values and principles breaks down the moral fabric of society.

That difference in when to follow and when not to follow may be difficult for the average person to "see". For example, gifted people with higher levels of intelligence, ethical development and inner emotional lives often find dichotomies in life that others can't see. 

Stepping outside of social expectations is difficult and takes a deeper core value system and the strength to stand up to what is right. Gifted individuals use their feelings and their brains to make decisions in complex and often difficult to understand ways (Gifted success paths). They draw upon many different resources to make their neurochoices. 

If we take a look at gifted individuals we often find that many have rubbed against society in one form or another. In history the most profound are often exiled, punished and/or worse because they don't see eye-to-eye with powerful people who don't question their social structures (Think hemlock and Socrates or Voltaire and exile, etc. ), . Gifted people look beyond the obvious as a psycho-bio rooted behavioral characteristics (See Traits Gifted). 

Why is it important to understand?

Herds create stability in society and gifted people push all the buttons to make it a better society. If we were to step out to the "birds eye" view of the patterns (another thing gifted people can see better than others) of society development we would find on a macro level that they actually work together. One challenges the norms (its not about just challenging everything) and the other changes and solidifies on new ideas and concepts (creating stability through customs and norms). 

Each time there is something radically new it is usually the gifted people who see it first and they take risks for their keen insight and deeper value systems because others are unaware. Most of their concepts are discarded because they are not conventional but we someday find out 5, 10, 15, or 30 years later they not only  were correct but also were "in the ball park" in their solutions/understandings way before others even knew there was an issue. 

One of the best ways to keep society adapting is to respect differences in people, listen, and find places where changes may occur to keep society moving forward. This is one reason why Escanaba Polo Mallet Company supports gifted children (along with a few other charities) to help fund opportunities to enhance our best and brightest beyond the herd. 

We are thinking of trying to push our society forward to be competitive but limit ourselves to herd understandings of group confirmed solutions.

Why the US Innovation & Competitive Act (Or some form of it) is Necessary to Spark Change?

The United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021 is an attempt to push the U.S. to compete in areas that are likely to be part of the next major economic revolution (See Digital Era). It will address issues such as 5G, AI, quantum computing, semiconductors, bio-engineering and so much more. You can gain some analysis and understanding in a few articles I picked for you. Senate Passes China Competition Bill ,China Competition Bill, McConnell Warning, What's in Competes Bill

This is what I have to say about it. I think ponder what our next place is from an economic competitive standpoint is very important. We have dragged our feet and wasted so much time arguing about useless things in our party politics (I like Biden because he is doing his best to make an impact and I like McConnell because he might be rough around the edges but he seems to care about our long term national health. You can sort of watch how they navigate some of the dicey issues.). Now we have to put these minds together. :)

We can also debate and discuss the particulars but not the overall need to compete on these tech fronts. The rest is sort of negotiable. My opinion is that I like things to be organic and setting policies that change the environment are helpful so that companies can do what is natural to them. That would include FDI (That is my fiscal conservative Republican side). At the same time there are times when a spark can start the ball rolling and create longer term tax advantages that return wealth through government stakeholder theory concepts (That is my Democrat side with a net positive result emphasis.).

We know we must do something and how we do that is debatable and something our legislative bodies need to figure out. I don't believe we can do nothing (Don't listen to me I have a Muslim sounding name and I'm not in the 'connected' class. 🤷 Ok....sorry I'm killing it but I will eventually have a point to make. Its a meaningful one but is just not the right time. 😏 )

  • provides funding for FY2022-FY2026 to support U.S. semiconductor manufacturing, research and development, and supply chain security;
  • provides funding for wireless supply chain innovation;
  • establishes a Directorate for Technology and Innovation in the National Science Foundation;
  • extends through 2025 the authority of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to lease its non-excess real property and related personal property;
  • authorizes various programs and policies related to space exploration;
  • authorizes various international affairs programs and activities, including foreign assistance for the Indo-Pacific region;
  • requires federal infrastructure programs to provide for the use of materials produced in the United States;
  • imposes sanctions on China for cybersecurity and human rights abuses;
  • requires the Department of Health and Human Services to consider national security risks associated with sensitive genetic information;
  • includes initiatives related to elementary and secondary education, including those to increase computer science education;
  • contains provisions related to higher education, including those reauthorizing through FY2027 international education programs and addressing China's influence on institutions of higher education;
  • modifies and expands the schedule for graduated merger filing fees;
  • prohibits federal funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology;
  • requires the U.S. Trade Representative to take certain actions related to digital trade and censorship practices; and
  • extends through 2027 the Generalized System of Preferences.