Friday, July 1, 2022

Good and Effective Coaching in Sports

Sports is an opportunity to socialize people and help them understand themselves within a team. Under the right mix sports are a benefit to young minds that want to explore their physical abilities and their abilities to work with others. Good sportsmanship is part of the process and a good coach will help young people gain a sense of self for mastery over their environment while developing helpful traits (I have seen some coaches do the opposite.) 

Values and Coaching (Good Coaching):

You may want to read an article by Dr. Alen Goldberg on being a good or a bad coach. Good Coach vs. Bad Coach. The article highlights how coaches should walk the talk. One doesn't want to display poor behaviors or encourage poor behaviors in players. Good coaches encourage certain values within their teams that create a type of team cohesion. 

Skill Development (Effective Coaching):

Likewise a study at Nottingham Trent University (Nottingham, UK) found that polo coaches improved people's skills. They did a test on situational awareness and found that polo players could detect ball placement much better than others as an indication of skill development of environmental awareness. Polo Psychology 

Thus we find that coaches maintain positive sportsmanship values and enhance peoples performance skills. That is not the case in all sports and/or coaches. The younger the players, the more important it is for them to develop certain values and abilities. Good coaches can develop the person as much as the skill. When coaches focus exclusively on skill without valuing sportsmanship we create toxic teams that won't succeed on or off the field in a consistent manner. 

It is my belief that poor and/or toxic coaches should be removed from teaching young minds no matter how many championships they win. Their goal is to develop the whole person. We want to see healthy and well developed sports players that win on and off the field. 

Why do we often accept the unacceptable in terms of values and behaviors? (Gifted and Herds)

 There are times in our lives where we must make choices. We either follow the herd or we move on in our own directions. It is hard to judge these things from the outside because people are often unfamiliar with all of the dynamics involved. What we can say is that the vast majority of people will follow their social networks and they are biologically, socially and psychologically conditioned to not question their environment. 

Herding Mentality
We see this in politics and we see this in our personal lives.  You can read about Herding Mentality.

While a certain amount of following is normal there are some things that cannot be followed and doing so creates a moral hazard. The breaking of certain values and principles breaks down the moral fabric of society.

That difference in when to follow and when not to follow may be difficult for the average person to "see". For example, gifted people with higher levels of intelligence, ethical development and inner emotional lives often find dichotomies in life that others can't see. 

Stepping outside of social expectations is difficult and takes a deeper core value system and the strength to stand up to what is right. Gifted individuals use their feelings and their brains to make decisions in complex and often difficult to understand ways (Gifted success paths). They draw upon many different resources to make their neurochoices. 

If we take a look at gifted individuals we often find that many have rubbed against society in one form or another. In history the most profound are often exiled, punished and/or worse because they don't see eye-to-eye with powerful people who don't question their social structures (Think hemlock and Socrates or Voltaire and exile, etc. ), . Gifted people look beyond the obvious as a psycho-bio rooted behavioral characteristics (See Traits Gifted). 

Why is it important to understand?

Herds create stability in society and gifted people push all the buttons to make it a better society. If we were to step out to the "birds eye" view of the patterns (another thing gifted people can see better than others) of society development we would find on a macro level that they actually work together. One challenges the norms (its not about just challenging everything) and the other changes and solidifies on new ideas and concepts (creating stability through customs and norms). 

Each time there is something radically new it is usually the gifted people who see it first and they take risks for their keen insight and deeper value systems because others are unaware. Most of their concepts are discarded because they are not conventional but we someday find out 5, 10, 15, or 30 years later they not only  were correct but also were "in the ball park" in their solutions/understandings way before others even knew there was an issue. 

One of the best ways to keep society adapting is to respect differences in people, listen, and find places where changes may occur to keep society moving forward. This is one reason why Escanaba Polo Mallet Company supports gifted children (along with a few other charities) to help fund opportunities to enhance our best and brightest beyond the herd. 

We are thinking of trying to push our society forward to be competitive but limit ourselves to herd understandings of group confirmed solutions.

Why the US Innovation & Competitive Act (Or some form of it) is Necessary to Spark Change?

The United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021 is an attempt to push the U.S. to compete in areas that are likely to be part of the next major economic revolution (See Digital Era). It will address issues such as 5G, AI, quantum computing, semiconductors, bio-engineering and so much more. You can gain some analysis and understanding in a few articles I picked for you. Senate Passes China Competition Bill ,China Competition Bill, McConnell Warning, What's in Competes Bill

This is what I have to say about it. I think ponder what our next place is from an economic competitive standpoint is very important. We have dragged our feet and wasted so much time arguing about useless things in our party politics (I like Biden because he is doing his best to make an impact and I like McConnell because he might be rough around the edges but he seems to care about our long term national health. You can sort of watch how they navigate some of the dicey issues.). Now we have to put these minds together. :)

We can also debate and discuss the particulars but not the overall need to compete on these tech fronts. The rest is sort of negotiable. My opinion is that I like things to be organic and setting policies that change the environment are helpful so that companies can do what is natural to them. That would include FDI (That is my fiscal conservative Republican side). At the same time there are times when a spark can start the ball rolling and create longer term tax advantages that return wealth through government stakeholder theory concepts (That is my Democrat side with a net positive result emphasis.).

We know we must do something and how we do that is debatable and something our legislative bodies need to figure out. I don't believe we can do nothing (Don't listen to me I have a Muslim sounding name and I'm not in the 'connected' class. 🤷 Ok....sorry I'm killing it but I will eventually have a point to make. Its a meaningful one but is just not the right time. 😏 )

  • provides funding for FY2022-FY2026 to support U.S. semiconductor manufacturing, research and development, and supply chain security;
  • provides funding for wireless supply chain innovation;
  • establishes a Directorate for Technology and Innovation in the National Science Foundation;
  • extends through 2025 the authority of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to lease its non-excess real property and related personal property;
  • authorizes various programs and policies related to space exploration;
  • authorizes various international affairs programs and activities, including foreign assistance for the Indo-Pacific region;
  • requires federal infrastructure programs to provide for the use of materials produced in the United States;
  • imposes sanctions on China for cybersecurity and human rights abuses;
  • requires the Department of Health and Human Services to consider national security risks associated with sensitive genetic information;
  • includes initiatives related to elementary and secondary education, including those to increase computer science education;
  • contains provisions related to higher education, including those reauthorizing through FY2027 international education programs and addressing China's influence on institutions of higher education;
  • modifies and expands the schedule for graduated merger filing fees;
  • prohibits federal funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology;
  • requires the U.S. Trade Representative to take certain actions related to digital trade and censorship practices; and
  • extends through 2027 the Generalized System of Preferences.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

U.S. GDP Declines 1.6% in Q1-2022: What Gives?

 The economy took a little dip. Its not expected to be long based on some of the projections by investment firms. We seem to have run into some issues of contraction (See below). I'm not sure what the big problems are nor what all of the solutions might be. What I can say is that I think we need to do more to attract investors in our communities. Foreign and domestic investment can make a difference. If we want to be on top of the world market we have to make our spot on the global supply chain the most lucrative. We also need to be an export oriented and innovative nation. 

Reuters has a pretty good synopsis of how we are doing economically in the Q1-2022 US Economy Contracts Q12022

Things like less disposable income, lower exports (I hate this!!!! I just don't know why we struggle with bring back investment and exporting more. 😤), lower consumer sales, lower profits and a total of 9 out of 22 industries contract (Its not to be long term but its a crystal ball issue.). How the heck is petroleum and coal going down during an energy crisis?

 (I must be not understanding something. I love clean energy and prefer it and think we should move there. A good plug and play energy system would allow us to beef up difference until the other industries fully develop. You see Europe starting up some of its coal factories again. While we should be exporting our oil and oil shale I believe that we could also more quickly develop our eco friendly renewable energies better while improving battery systems. Having a cost effective low carbon energy system will push all the other industries to capitalize on emerging technologies.🤷)

What is next? 

No idea. I think the digital economy has grown substantially since COVID and I also think that 2023 will be an interesting year with potential growth periods for GDP and Digital GDP (Assuming we have the right growth policies and we settle our political differences). See Short Lived Shock 2020 and Not Out of Woods, You can gain some information from the Conference Board and Digital Transformation. (From a frustration all the Digital GDP numbers appear old. I wonder why no one seems to be tracking in real time like GDP.)

The information below is quoted from BEA Website There is also a full version at GDP First Quarter 2022

"Real gross domestic product (GDP) decreased at an annual rate of 1.6 percent in the first quarter of 2022, following an increase of 6.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2021. The decrease was revised down 0.1 percentage point from the "second" estimate released in May. In the first quarter, there was a resurgence of COVID-19 cases from the Omicron variant and decreases in government pandemic assistance payments.

Profits decreased 2.2 percent (revised) in the first quarter, after increasing 0.7 percent at a quarterly rate in the fourth quarter.

Private goods-producing industries decreased 6.9 percent, private services-producing industries decreased 0.8 percent, and government increased 2.0 percent. Overall, 9 of 22 industry groups contributed to the first-quarter decline in real GDP."

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

January 6th Riot Updates July 28, 2022

This are getting interesting to say the least. I'm kind of busy today so I'm not going to say much. It looks like momentum has shifted. In any situation like this it is important to understand. To prosecute or not prosecute is still an open question with pit falls either way. The biggest issue is what happened and how can we avoid it again? I still kind of think there is a pot stirrer in there somewhere. Depending on how much someone digs they may find a patterned system with the hats, members, coordination, etc... Its not enough to say it may be that way, one must actually connect and create valid the dots. That requires researchers, interviews, and panels. Not an easy task to decipher mistake form intention.

Before you get all excited about what I believe. I just am watching to understand. I think there is possibility for more issues in the depth but that doesn't mean it is. I always focus on the maintaining our institutions (a older conservative idea that may have been forgotten. These institutions developed over 100's of years and can be applied universally cross culture.) from generation to generation. Sometimes institutions need to change/adjust to resolve generational problems but we should do so through the proper methods. 

The highlights...

The full version....

Why I Believe Our Nation Should Strengthen its Values and Create Better Opportunities

The world is not an easy place. Some are born with golden opportunities and others are locked out of those opportunities. Democracy provides people a chance at self governance and capitalism provides people an opportunity to rise on their own merit. Yet there is a divide in society and that will likely be the next big challenged after our current bout of extremism 

(National success is a series of doors and challenges. Just like in personal development, societal development requires us to collectively master each challenge.)

To overcome the next challenge means we must strengthen certain values that are an essential part of the deal. We must act with integrity at all times and places. The higher one's station and position in life the more they should hold strong values. Those values should tell us that we need a unified society focused on the same positive outcomes for everyone (based on merit and not class). 

The connected class should be well aware that the essential purpose of their existence is to foster democracy, capitalism and our way of life. All societies will have a connected class and its not unique to the U.S.. Those who are allowed and gain access to those opportunities will have chances that the rest of society won't ever likely get. (If you have money, power, and influence you have duties or otherwise we risk a correction at some point in the future. It is the same with ours as it is with others.)

I'm not sure if that in and of itself is wrong but just the way our species, and other species, are designed (not sure). What I can say is that the doors must always be open to advancement as a people no matter what station, religion, or background one comes from. With such positive upward oriented values we can say that people will trust that America is the land of opportunity because there are multiple pathways (It may not be easy but they are there and the most diligent can make it.)

As we move through the sacking of the capital, extremism and different forms of corruption we will have to keep in mind why we exist on this planet and the risks of internal default. People should feel government represents the people and not a tool for manipulation. Likewise, they should feel if they put in the effort they have a chance to succeed. We are sometimes wishy washy on those democratic and capitalistic values. 

Values should be part of our society. We should think beyond ourselves to something greater. Our responsibility not to hurt ourselves is paramount. Its not something anyone can walk from whether or not they were given the wood, pewter, stainless steel, silver or gold spoon at birth (With the right effort they should be able to trade it up and in some cases down.). 

There are real people in this great nation of ours fighting for what is right but getting the wrong end of the stick. I think we may need to rethink some things. 

We are likely moving into an era of serious competitive national need. We can either move forward into something new and advance with our principles (i.e. the Digital Era) or we can stay stagnant and slow but surely be bested by other nations and ideologies. We will need our best and brightest to lead the charge. The whole system depends on maximizing our competitive opportunities through human capital development. The choice is ours! In many cases walk the talk is needed. Just saying. In one ear and out the other....

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Can Ukraine Still Win the War? Maybe under the right circumstances.

Most analysts would at this point say no way Ukrain can win and push the Russians out! I say it is possible but it won't be today or tomorrow unless.... You can read Russia Winning War in Ukraine.  With the right supplies, sanctions, and a few unexpected Russian mishaps based on existing weaknesses (the things Russia doesn't show the public) occur, then the tide could turn (i.e. defaulting on debt, economic woes, lack of ability to muster resources and a few battlefield losses). 

We were a little slow in our response and in many ways hoped to give Ukraine the ability to fight without creating a decisive victory. Troop levels are depleted on both sides but Ukrainians have more international support. With a change in strategy, better equipment, and back up support by well trained/seasoned mercenaries Ukraine could possibly turn the Russian assault into a route. 

Russia is running thin on multiple fronts and I suspect in many ways hiding that through false strength puffery (Putin's demand to surrender). Their ability to maintain forward momentum without serious national engagement is unlikely. More likely Putin has a geographic line he wants to reach and then bulk up some defenses to annex that area. 

Not letting him get to that line and dig in would mean the possibility of putting him on the defensive without a strong defense structure in place (i.e. a defense structure would slow his troops and give chances for Ukraine to counter. This may be why he is constantly pushing the battle line.). The timing needs to be just right and the equipment would need to be in place (This is why large kill zones can be helpful in softening advances and creating tactical retreats.)

Putin is an advanced forward chess player. He zeitgeist his opponents and creates chaos through fear and superior numbers. Just like getting bogged down cost Russia so would a few mistakes and reverse momentums that exploit temporary pauses (Risk being not having enough Ukrainian troops to push back hard.). 

The questions might be 1.) Do Ukrainians have the ability to detect the holes, 2.) Do they have the right equipment to pierce those holes, 3.) Do they have the troop supplies to capitalize on Russian mishaps? If in such a situation where an attack turns into a significant full route expect tactical nukes or bio weapons (Its not definitive but a hypothesis).

While anything can happen and such large openings would be rare, the support difficult to garnish in real time, the other option might be keeping up the costs of Russian ground presence in Ukraine until Putin passes away and the next leadership group feels the costs are not worth it. No idea. What do you think? So many possibilities. Time answers all questions.