Friday, June 24, 2022

The Irrationality of Group Rage

Group rage starts with loyalty to individuals who rage. Why people rage run from all different justifications but most rage is usually unwarranted. People who critical think typically don't rage against others. They may be upset, they may disagree, but they don't have the psychological benefits to rage. Rage is a deeper emotion that does sometimes have value for self defense but is often used as offence to harm others. 

In situations where hate is mixed rage is often marked by the desire to maintain a cover on one's internal feelings (Sometimes other incentives such as money and embarrassment but these are associated with deeper issues). An early childhood loss, feelings of inadequacy, etc.. and to keep at bay those overwhelming feelings so they project them onto a target. 

Typically these targets are people they are jealous of, who disagree with them, frustrate them, or are better then them in some way or form. They may or may not be better but they are perceived that way. In the perpetrators mind the best way to stop those feelings is to put that person down and devalue their lives. 

That devaluing comes from making up stories, lying, dehumanizing and other distorted sense of projections. When it is one's feelings alone it has no legitimacy (i.e. angry person) but when they can get a group involved it is seen as legitimate (It may all be a distorted subconscious lie but its about sharing that rage with others and finding supporters in hate.)

The weaker the personalities they surround themselves, the lower the boundaries (i.e. cultish/clannish groups), the more likely they are going find adherents to their cause. The group becomes a tool to get the target even though the target didn't do anything wrong and/or had every right to protect themselves and their family (Irrationality of the group lost in the legitimacy of numbers.)

What makes these situations dangerous is that the group becomes not only the tool but also the enablers of hate. They become unable to choose their own value systems and must hate the target even though the target has always been nice to them and they have no valid reason to do so. 

This becomes increasingly more distorted in groups where each persons value is highly structured and they are told what to believe, who their friends can be, what values they hold, etc... In this case we are talking about a ex mediocre sports group from 25+ years ago that has not grown up or created healthy sense of self. 

Because of this limited thinking and cultish adherents such groups become dangerous. They are not able to be derailed because the internal dialogue is distorted and their false perception becomes put on the target (Let us pretend that the target has done nothing wrong.) They become Steven King creepy in the sense that they will not deter themselves from their object or pick a healthier path forward. Throw in there a couple of cops whose social life is owed to the group members and you have a big problem (Using legitimate authority for illegal and illegitimate things. Extremism cuts across our societies.) Our tomorrow is defined by our actions today.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Team Democracy: Anchoring our American Values and Responsibilities

Cicero Denounces Catiline 1889
We have certain universal values that should be supported and encourage in society. We must pull the fringes back to the center through shared commitment to our institutions. Americans first and parties second. We have a responsibility to be honest and protect each generation from the selfishness of the few. Democracy is like a sacred torch that must fed with positive thoughts and positive actions to maintain its hard won benefits. Each generation will adjust its meaning ever so slightly expanding the practical adaptability of Democracy. We are limping in our obligations because some in society feel entitled that they should have their way at all costs (A faulty ethical system that can lead down a logical path that can justify political extremism and critical thinking deficits.)

I agree with the danger of outside influence impacting our elections and in turn trying to create internal dissention. Some are unwittingly just blindly ( mental slaves of forms-Plato) who don't question or think about the alternatives. They solidify their distorted deep seated beliefs through emotional encoding and every time they think about the topic they become enraged again. They can't short cut the process unless you reach them early before their emotions are attached or create an inclusive environment where thoughts and beliefs are shared openly in the spirit of learning. (Which may have nothing to do with the topic but only one's perception of the topic. Much of our beliefs and values are subjective but carry similar strains cross culture and cross society.) Add group validity to internal distorted beliefs (i.e. mental health. Why we need mental health and tracking strategies) and you have group justification for rage (feelings of powerlessness).  Give them a target (s) (the scape goat) and you got yourself shared extremism based on the ways in which they communicate, the terms/sayings they use, symbols they create, internal rage, their leaders values, etc....(Some more interesting reading not necessarily in order....Blind Leading Blind, Vervet MonkeysEmbedded Groups,  Interconnected, Economic Influence SocialSocial CognitionSocial Cap TheorySocial Capital. Systems ThinkingOptimism, Socialization Process, Human Perception, Hyper Politics

This is the Safe Pledge the military guys were talking about. It is a pledge to protect democracy through non-violence in the U.S.  We must always be open to truth which means we must first be open to being wrong (A Lot!). I support it even if it is just a reminder on what we should already know (i.e. our oaths and Plead of Allegiance. You can lean more about that in History of Oath). I encourage you to send it to your politicians (Doesn't matter the party.) and ask them to pledge support or you won't have their vote (Seems like much of the problem comes from that arena anyway. They did make a pledge and say it everyday but to many it hasn't sunk in what oath they have given.  Maybe not? ðŸ¤· Time will tell.....)

This quote below is interesting because it highlights that we must always be aware that we know little to nothing about our world (Meaning as we innovate and develop new tools in the Digital Era we will learn more about our environment from reaching further out into space and further inward into molecular biology/DNA) and/or "the truth" shifts because of new understandings (...even its subjective nature. There is always another layer of truth. Dang.....Philosophy!  ðŸ¤“😂)

No human being will ever know the Truth, for even if they happen to say it by chance, they would not even know they had done so.” Xenophanes

Catching Pike in the Escanaba Harbor (Underwater Pics)

One of my friends caught a great pike in the Escanaba harbor. I didn't measure it but likely 30+ inches. I think he is going to let him go. I was encouraging to cut it up and give me some for supper but because of its size I am going to text him and tell him to let move on in its life. According to a Michigan Document  

"Delta County Chicago Lake, Carr Lake, Hamilton (McDonald) Lake, Lyman Lake, Escanaba River upstream from first dam at US-2, Round Lake (T40N, R20W, S1): no size limit on Northern Pike and up to five (5) Northern Pike may be retained in the daily possession limit with only one (1) greater than 24 inches.

We initially went there to dive and pick up a drill he lost and help the marina grab a bubbler that fell into the water. I did get to try out my used Coleman outdoor/underwater camera I bought on Ebay for like $15. Is ok but want to take it into deeper water. was a good catch!

You might be interested in reading....

Pike Stats Rules and Guidelines

Field & Stream Pike Beginner Tips Bait

Great Lakes Fishery Commission

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

January 6th Committee Members Receive Threats: We aren't adapting fast enough

We just sort of have to keep watching how threats are being used to create a level of fear to control outcomes. This is how extremist movements gain power through the use of numbers and threatening and/or actualization of violence. We have turned a blind eye to these behaviors for too long and now they are coming back to bite us (We should have dealt with them earlier but we may not have understood or seen it.). This is why people (Republican, Democrat and Rationalists) must work together to thwart and stop extremism from fermenting in the first place. 

Jean-Antoine-Theodore Girous 1788

A few ideas on how to limit radicalization may include...I believe there is a place prior to a full radical catalyst where intervention would likely have positive change and encourage critical thinking just before mental solidification. For example, inserting correct information when a group is beginning to debate and come to radical conclusions can go a long way. Once distortion of thought and heightened emotions catalyzes, people construct a social reality that leads to habituation that is very hard to break from the outside.

Thus insertion of correct information, breaking up of extremist groups, and mental health can help thwart future radicalization pre catalyst that solidifies a group's conclusion. For example, let us say that people are beginning to act on false information and you intercede with more accurate information as a group is becoming radicalized in turn saving a group from itself (i.e. For example, In smaller situations one might use a video they can't ignore and then follow up information that is more accurate.) I also think reflecting back a more accurate version of the distortion of behaviors from an anchor outside the group can lead to better understanding of some. It will likely lead to some becoming more enraged (emotional irrationality) at what they see as counter to their opinions and some start to think about their behaviors more (i.e. critical thinking) based on an internal compass.

Trust me....I have learned....that some groups can't and won't change as long as they are connected to a central personality(ies) that tells them what to think, how to feel, and who/whom is to blame for their problems. 

The use of threat and intimidation is a tool designed to control, manipulate and silence opposition. The best way to fight against manipulation is to challenge it directly and let them know it won't deter you (committee, minorities, politics, fellow Republicans, etc..) in any way (This is why we need our politicians to vote and lead by conscious and not blindly follow each other.). The moment you show fear and do not act to hold such people accountable is the moment they will further feed off of the power (..and gain adherents that want to feel powerful.). Do you see how fear is starting to turn toward a type of third world use of violence to get one's way (i.e. Nazi, Rwanda Genocide, etc..)? Our politicians have little idea how bad this can get if not directly challenged and held to account in its early formation stages (Its not too late but we are behind the curve.

It makes no difference if at the capital or in our hometowns. Ignoring and showing fear feeds the darkness of this power. We should be following up on each of these threats, collect all the data, and then chase it down to see if there are patterns and pasts that would influence choices. We may be surprised to find in many ways that these are not as organic as we think. There appears to be coordination. 

Personally I think if the committee (and other officials) dig long enough they could find that this isn't exactly all homegrown extremism but possibly a more serious foreign influence to stoke up internal dissention (Maybe not but there is some indication. I just can't put my finger on it. Perhaps why violence is being used to try and intimidate anyone who looks into these situations or won't act in a certain way. Its a protective maneuver. Let us wait and see who in hindsight will have supported these behaviors and who has grasped for the next run. Time answers all questions as it turns future into history.) (Russian Election Interference, Russia Exploiting Elections,  Soft Side, Upload Documents, Digital Era Warfare, Hate Groups Social Media

You may want to read 'Hang Them All

Don't listen to me...I have a Muslim sounding name (There is a point why I keep saying it and it will come out eventually.) 🤷

The Qualities of Business Students and the Quality of Business Hiring

There is an association between the quality of the business student and the quality of a quality business hire. While we often think in terms of grades one should move beyond such limited understanding to include such things as creativity, communication, leadership, systems thinking, personality, ethical values, time management and persistence in fulfilling responsibilities. 

There are few to no excuses for not doing your work (i.e. homework) in business. Businesses want deliverables every time and on time; variations need justification. 

Creativity: The new need for uniqueness in a technological transforming society shifting into the Digital Age.

Communication: The ability to use different forms of communication to share ideas and draw resources. 

Leadership: The ability to chart one's own course and lead from genuinely from within without overly high external validation. 

Systems Thinking: The ability to look at a larger system and find ways to improve on those systems. 

Personality: The type of personality that helps one get along with others (EQ).

Ethical Values: The ability to differentiate between right and wrong and protect a brand. 

Time Management: The ability to manage one's time and work independently by getting projects done.

Persistence: The ability to show up every day, get focused on one's work, and stay at it until the job's done.

Using Polo Mallet Business to Teach About Start Up Business

(A few comments about the article below. The idea is to develop a start-up and support learning development of other entrepreneurs. 30%+ of profits go to charity.)

Success in business comes from trying out new ideas. Escanaba Polo Mallet Co. has been playing around with different pricing strategies as it develops its mallet model. Having a level of flexibility helps to determine what the mallet will fetch in the market and ensure a reasonable return rate (Much of our profits go to charity so profit is necessary for our general mission.)

According to the US Chamber of commerce, "If you’ve already launched your business, you can experiment with these strategies until you determine what works best for your business. You can also vary strategies between products depending on the market for each good or service.". 

You may want to read the full article '7 Smart Pricing Strategies to Attract Customers'. It discusses price skimming, market penetration, premium pricing, economy pricing, bundle pricing, value pricing and dynamic pricing. They will help to determine the right strategy for you and your business.

For example, Escanaba Polo Mallet Co. is looking at using something like the $99 mallet as market penetration price but we would eventually want to offer custom mallets in the $250+ range (Prices are always subject to change. We are still working on the right price.). They are similar but one has a higher quality and custom focus for individual players. 

Check on the Specs and price at 52" Michigan Made Polo Mallet With Free Shipping.

Part of the mission is to help others learn how to develop their own business as we work toward developing a start up. That includes important information and ideas. Much of our profits go to help support charities. Please share. :)

Gladstone MI Beach: Lots of Sun and Vacation Feel

I'm still thinking of our area as a vacation destination.  It would be nice to see a food vendor a few days a week. A fresh juice stand might also be cool. They would be responsible to ensure of area. Someone mentioned they also wanted more of these permanent shade umbrellas.