Friday, March 25, 2022

Full and Half American Syndrome: Why Americans are likely to move to higher human capital development and greater universal principles?

The short answer...we are likely increase our focus on our human capital resources and universal shared sense of purpose because it puts us in our best competitive position with the most options. Our diversity can be a big advantage for national competitiveness when hedging unique strengths within our democratic principles. (i.e. America Wants 3 Things. It is also helpful to think about our diversity as somewhat differentiated when compared to other advanced nations like China or those in Europe or Asia.. Investing in infrastructure (physical and digital) is half the answer while investing in the brilliant minds of those who use such systems are the other half of the solution (innovation and butterfly effect). 

Without maximizing all of our human capital from cradle to grave we will struggle with staying competitive over the long haul. We are in an age where one creative mind can accomplish something spectacular and many creative minds do things we never thought possible (i.e. like rapid innovation of industries). The human element will be central to our development or it will be what derails us (We find a way to coexist and thrive as a single people or we don't.). 

We can't afford to leave people behind in a transforming nation. It makes no difference what the race, religion, or background. Everyone is part of the solution. There are no such things as full or half citizens where the rights of one supersede the rights of others (At least not in our current Constitution as I read it.). We are a single nation and a single free people working together to keep the torch of democracy and freedom illuminant (For the world and future generations of Americans. Yep...we sort of forgot about them and or greater responsibilities.). 

This gets more difficult when we overtly or inadvertently categorize others as having more rights (treating people differently) and value (Full Americans) and others as halving less rights and value (Half Americans). The next generation is very willing to pull up the false wedges lodged between peoples (race, religion, other) by those with short sighted view points (Completing societal integration opens up whole new doors of further possibilities. Mixed race kids are the fastest growing demographic. Most young no longer see race and religion as dividing factors in their social and business lives. They have different focuses and challenge. In some ways they are better than us.)

 An American Renaissance in innovation moves beyond the recent physical investments and into the investment of maximizing our most precious talent (the people). Renaissances are major shifts in thinking and the outputs of that thinking. The way in which we engage in work, education, and the economy will push older institutions to adjust (Seems most likely) whether they want to or not. If wise, our politicians will also think about human talent/skill (mental) and its relation to competitive development (physical) as a resource to be developed for national competitiveness (That will require thinking about reducing the damage done by those artificially inflating these superficial differences.).

Great positive change happens we each of us become part of the process of continuing and advancing the essential freedoms and rights of self-governance that is inherently beneficial to all of us. Ideological platform shifts are connected to our collective constructed understanding of the world (Something our politicians can help us with. Their job is to sell their ideas on a brighter future and not limit our options through binding rationality in far Right and Left political battlefields. U.S. May Outperform China). While COVID pushed us into seeing great technological change in real time to the nature of how we work. live, communicate, shop and entertain it will likely be be followed by further changes in universalizing our principles that transcend race and religion. (Not only will perceptions national likely change but often the way we think about these things globallyScience and knowledge shifts our understandings Economic Evolutions and TriangulationRemember that all economics is the study of human behavior. A change in one is related to a change in the other. Technology influences our thinking and is also a product of that thinking. Our instant online connection to others will change how we perceive issues like race, religion and culture from a vary practical standpoint. See Harvard Divergent Threats)

 As the oral tradition says, Is the glass half full or half empty? (I think it should already have been brimming.) 

Accomplishing the Mission: Bringing New Partners to the Fight to Counter Evolving Threats (Detroit Economic Club)

Everything is evolving and technology is evolving quickly. When we were kids things were simple because you had to taste, touch and use your senses but as technology changes the threats often become more remote (not always but often). We have threats we face from foreign governments, local extremists, domestic terrorists, for profit hackers, and much more. Working in collaboration with companies makes a big difference in coordinating response and protecting data. It is a whole nation affair. Our political leaders should think about how to encourage a first advanced manufacturing digital age society that enhances human capital, creativity, R&D, and manufacturing in a way that surpasses our challengers. We are a society that must learn to overcome our challenges and ensure that our essential philosophical truths as a democracy are held strong. That can be a hard sell to some.

Its very sad that people are still attacking officers (This is different than legitimate protest). There is room for improvement of the justice system but hurting officers isn't the solution; it never was. Being a police officer (and I know a lot of them) is inherently a dangerous job and I think we should recruit and train to make our officers stronger and more effective. Likewise, connect them to other institutions that can help in solving crime problems (i.e. medical, social work, volunteers, etc...) as well as holding a line for those intent on violence (no matter background, religion, or ideology). Its a sad situation and hopefully we make it through this challenge. 

Escanaba City Council Meeting 03-17-22: Collaborative Proposals, Stuff and "Marina of Dreams"!!!

Sorry wrong coast but you get the feel.
(Picture not from Escanaba)

Lots of interesting things going on here. I'm not going to get into all of it as you can read the agenda March 17th, 2022 Escanaba City Council Agenda. Some potentially helpful developments in terms of a number of businesses thinking about collaborating on a project that includes the multiple sites (We might also find that possible in other projects with different interested stakeholders; local and out of area). I would like to see what this business group comes up with in terms of potential designs and their benefits to different sectors of the community; clusters (i.e. housing, ship industry, hotel/tourism, with marina location expansion. I would add that Escanaba is like a peninsula on the north side and one could almost envision how putting a marina and additional ship works would improve the nautical appeal of the area. Perhaps, opening a few portals to more choices. 🤷) I sort of looked around and I think they are just in the preliminary stages of idea formation. If they get creative you never know what they can come up with!!! Can't wait to see it!! (I looked around but didn't see specifics yet. My 2 cents below on a few ideas. 🤔)

Perhaps a Dinghy Dock 
for Lunch/Supper
People from Gladstone and Rapid 
River can come over. Fisherman needing
supplies, food, bait, etc... i.e. host more
fishing tournaments, sail boat races, etc...
(Picture not from Escanaba)

If your staying at marina
order food and drinks. Have a nice deck.
(Picture not from Escanaba)

Keeping the park and area fun.
Break wall in back with walk way?
(Picture not from Escanaba)

I just thought of the Field of Dreams movie when thinking about these proposals (ok sorry 😂. Marina of Dreams). This would be a unique development for the town and likely will have a significant impact. As with all things when we make decisions of this magnitude some doors will open and others will close. If we build it who will come? 🤔

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Does Russian Economic Official Anatoly Chubais Indicate a Move Toward Soviet Style Government Reforms?

Key Economic Official of climate and sustainable development Anatoly Chubais resigned his post and left country. Anatoly was a special envoy that lead privatization efforts under Putin and Boris Yeltzin (People raised during and after the Cold War should remember some of these names.)  It could be something as simple as a major disagreement or it could be an ideological shift for the country.

A couple of options:

1.) Personal grievance based on arguments, prior competitive and ideological positions. 
2.) Shift in Russian economic stance indicating pro Soviet economic-sociological models.
3.) Putin feeling threatened by Oligarchs and and how they obtained their money.
4.) Purging government of varying opinions (Likely to limit new ideas as well as consolidate control over govt. resources).
5.) Additional options...(there are always many unknowns).

In many ways it looks a little like Russia is turning inward and back to his prior governance style. Time will tell......

It should be noted there are never any facts with projections and options...there are just possible avenues.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Are Growing Cyberattacks an Escalation of Conflict: Can the U.S. Create a Next Gen Advance Society-Economy?

Interesting article on CNN by Sean Lyngaas 'FBI advised that hackers scanned networks of 5 US energy firms ahead of Biden's Russia cyberattack warning'. We have a growing need to update our digital infrastructure (including physical infrastructure for redundancy and resilience) and our military capabilities in handing, thwarting, and responding to hackers. While it seems unimportant it should be remembered that there were attempts to sway public opinions, shut down companies, and connect bits of information to create profiles on important people. Hacking is more than playing around with online security as it delves into espionage and reconnaissance similar to what we have seen in Ukraine. It could also be a precursor to a widening conflict (For them it was invasion for the U.S. it is likely more escalation of old Cold War grievance/conflict. Something I suspect that Putin wants as he might feel the fall of the Soviet Union and westernization of markets made Russia non competitive. I guess someone would have to ask him? 🤷 If there is something we Americans should learn is to work together to solve problems/bi-partisanship and jump two feet forward into an advanced manufacturing digital era economy that maximizes all of its human capital. I'm not sure there would be a downside to modernizing our society to growing realities to making ourselves a learning nation that attracts more international investment.)


Picture of a Northern Michigan Horse Ranch

The one beautiful thing our country can claim is the wide ranging differences of environments we host within a single nation. From the northern woods of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to the tropical weather of Hawaii we pretty much have it all. One of the reasons why Delta County Michigan is so special is that you can still buy acres for activities like horse ranches at an affordable price, enjoy outdoor adventures, and still have access to many community amenities without the big city commute. Whether your a business investors, an start-up entrepreneur or a digital nomad looking for hobby/horse farm you will likely find something here for you. 

If you like the picture
Donate to Orphans

Why You Can't Fix Hate. Rooted Deep in Social Networks

Over the last few years I have seen the dark power of hate and distortion. The ability to say what you want and exploit differences in a way that leads to potential serious harm. In many cases, it doesn't take much to get people to explode out in rage and coordinate efforts to harm a family. It could be based in something as simple as a lie or as dark as undiagnosed mental health disorders. No matter its root these problems brew under the surface and don't seem to have much of a solution. Larger group manipulation indicates the initiators feel they can do no wrong and can exploit their social connections (They seem to understand how to create a story, share that story, and exploit existing bigotries.)

Let me first make a distinction between hate and a mistake. Sometimes people get upset based upon their own personal weaknesses and emotionally lash out. After they are calm they might reach out and apologize (ok...that is probably very very rare. You would have to be an amazing person.) or they at least make small gestures to rectify the situation. Hate is different, it is an irrational attempt to harm others for the distorted self-image of entitlement one carries. It can't and often won't stop until the initiators see themselves in a truer light (You can't just tell them who they are and where their distortion comes from because they have a lifetime of ego protections to ensure they never become aware...also why they are unlikely to feel remorse. They must dig into who they are as a person to find that pain.)

No issue. We have come across people in our lives all the time that don't seem quit right and are suffering from various issues (They may be civil to some people and sadistic to others where they don't feel they compare.). Most of those people do not lash out or they catch themselves and people just sort of stay away from them. However, when we move into lashing out and coordinating a large group of hate supporters based on blind loyalty and racist/bigoted values someone has effectively threw a match on a gasoline depot that was just waiting to go up in flames already (Appeared intentional.)

What we find after all of this time is that most people over the years and through familiarity with the targets have begun to reject the false narrative and rhetoric (Making efforts to reconnect as a community.) The initiating group may feel no remorse and their closest supporters are afraid to reach across the mental iron curtain in fear of being rejected by the core hate initiators. The truth of the situation means little and our values are often discounted in convenience (Most of us just talk about values such as integrity, but when it comes down to it we dump it for personal gain.). Of course there are also those few who are mentally blocked off and you can sort of tell from their body language they really don't like you or want you around (As you still scratch your head wondering what all the fuss is about? As far as I know me and my family haven't don't anything to anyone. We have been on the receiving end. ðŸ¤· ðŸ¤”)

I can only conclude that hate is deep and its dark. People can be easily mislead into believing all types of false and unfair things about others. Once hate is socially confirmed through false shared sense of identity (i.e. sports identity in this case) it is very hard to break through the cultish/clannish narrative (the one that makes them believe they are different and better than the rest of the world). Over time I suspect more people will peel away from this hate based value system but it will take a long long time (They need familiarity and then need the rhetoric to decline). Yet there will always be risks of flare ups that can derail that process through rudeness and passive aggressive anger by ego driving small person syndrome (i.e. micro aggressions by hate sympathizers.).  As for the core group and their dark is unlikely anything will change for them....they should have known better before it happened (They aren't the smartest people in town...they just seem the rudest...and perhaps the most self-consumed. Maybe not, maybe there is more? 🤷). Time answers all questions. 

I will continue to positively engage and go where I want without fear as I believe in certain American values and have belief/value/spiritual systems that prompt me to stand up for certain values (That doesn't mean I'm a perfect person or that I don't have faults. I haven't met a perfect person yet. However, I have met good souls and dark souls as well as tormented souls and have come to recognize the difference.). I do understand that many of those within the hate network are afraid to anger their group (testimony to weaker values) but there have been many who are reaching across the divide (A testimony to their positive values). Those who might just hate me (or my kids) would need to have a reason for it (..meaning there would need to have been a negative interaction and I don't remember having a problem with anyone.) or otherwise they seem to be masking their darker belief systems and deep seated fear of a world changing around them.