Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Escanaba Hotel and Jail Site Development Meeting: Waterfront, Hotel, Housing and Nautical Considerations Important

Escanaba Michigan Hotel-Marina-Yard Site
The hotel is very important for Escanaba and it has an opportunity to shift the developmental projects of the city. I encourage you to think about long term viability and maximizing of waterfront space for economic, tourism related, and nautical purposes. I'm not going to get into all of the proposals and the benefits/detractors of them but I will say that I like some of what was presented by Northshore Marine Terminal & Logistics who might be willing to work with a hotel to balance the two benefits (tourism and development) . 

No matter who is awarded bids I would like to say I think there is some room for a nice hotel (or hotel and condo facility) and a nice expansion of marina space that includes passenger, recreational, and military vessels (of course with different docking areas but one can certainly benefit form the other.). You will want to read the agenda because it has the proposals inside March 8th 22', Esky Agenda. It will give you an overview of what different investors are proposing.

Thinking over the proposals I like a blend of hotel/condo/studio, retail, marina, and nautical considerations could be included as a potential long term strategy to hedge different markets. We would want to do more than just put a hotel there and should maximize the waterfront for aesthetic tourist related industry while perhaps enhancing the local shipyard in some way (They do require similar type improvements. i.e. break wall, lights, etc...). Not sure how that would happen but proposals can be adjusted to allow an approach that enhances cluster benefits (i.e. hotel designed in a way that includes higher end condo/hotel living with a nice marina that raises its appeal and visitation. Retail space below and improvements to the harbor area. Opportunities to allow larger private yachts and tourism boats if they present themselves in the future.)

Thinking in terms of multiple industries such as marina, tourism, and nautical provides hedging aspects of economic growth can help us think about how one of a kind locations can be used to support different economic factors within the city. That might also raise the value of other aspects of future development that often follows recreational destinations that would be attracted to waterfront vacationing. Everything is negotiable! Once this project is started I think the cities (Escanaba and Gladstone) and Delta County might start thinking about some of the other buildings in the area and attract interest to them as well (See Esky-Gladstone Downtown, Start Up Delta County, Tourism Micro Manufacturing, Delta County Equity Fund, Escanaba Venture Capital, Attracting SME,). Still thinking about the prior happenings at the jail site. I'm just curious. 🤔

Russia-Ukraine Almost Ready to Negotiate: Russian Plan B?

It has become increasingly apparent that Russia is unlikely to secure a decisive military victory in Ukraine (Negotiation or Land Grab Tactic). Now that they haven't secured a quick victory, lack full Chinese support , and economic havoc at home they are likely working on negotiating their way out of the situation with Plan B (Lack of China Support). I suspect Putin needs some type of win and must choose to double down on a failed strategy or negotiate his way out of it. 

(I don't really know...I'm just trying to figure out the logic and how these situations are seen. Historians, academics, and researchers do this all the time.)

I suspect there is some pressure from China, Putin's inner circle supporters, and the Russian people to start negotiating a settlement. The military situation looks very bleak and his troops are beginning to falter and fall back. The quick victory didn't happen and there is little support for him to keep troops there economically or socially.

Here is the long-term damage that he may not have thought about in Plan A (The risk of using the same mental anchor to solve problems). Russia just withdrew itself in part from the world and the world economy (At least for some time.) and it may have rallied the U.S. to recognize some growing future threats (on a number of different levels) and could push the U.S. to develop further with more bi-partisan interest (Has the Iron Curtain been redrawn?). It may have also set pro-capitalist Oligarchs on a new line of thinking about who should be running the Russian government (Wow...that would be interesting! There are some incentives there for it.)

 (These aren't facts but just a way to sort of look at what is happening and make sense of it. We will have to wait and see what actually happens. We can project but time tells us what actually happens. ðŸ¤”)

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

House Bill 5570 (2021): No Tax on Gas In Michigan?

“We aren’t addicted to oil, but our cars are.”
 — James Woolsey
The senate and house passed House Bill 5570 (2021) 24-14 Senate and 63-39 State House that would stop collecting 27 cents per gallon in state tax revenue. It would apply to gasoline, diesel, and alternative fuels. You can see the history HERE and the actual bill HERE. Read through the bill and get a grasp of what seems most important. I pulled the following information. 

-"beginning April 18 1, 2022 through September 30, 2022, the rate of tax on motor fuel 19 under this subsection shall be zero cents per gallon". 
-"If the tax on motor fuel is zero cents per gallon under 5 section 8(1)(d), then the tax on alternative fuel is zero cents per 6 gallon equivalent".

Now decide what you believe. Lower taxes is good for economy and/or tax revenue to fund projects (You will sort of see where there is room for debate on these issues.)? At this point I think it goes to the governors office to consider accepting or vetoing.  The essential issue is Russian fuel (at least as stated) but the approaches might be different on how to deal with rising consumer costs. 

Lack of Chinese Support May Impact Russia's Plans

Everyone is talking about Russia and Ukraine. An interesting development is the signaling by China that it doesn't want to get involved and that support will likely be muted. You can read more about an analysis of the financial considerations of China in 'China can see the limits of bailing out Russia's economy'  and the difficulties that may impact China. It should be noted that much of the world is supporting Ukraine and if China becomes substantially involved there would be a subtle but noticeable and sustained impact on China's long term economic prospects as alternative business partners are sought (This is something that might benefit the U.S. as a preferred long-term trading partner. As soon as we get our political leadership to focus on solutions. There is some indication that just like in MI. our national leaders are also starting to work together through good kharma bi-partisanship. Old Dogs with New Tricks I guess.🤔 )

Lack of China's support, international backlash, Russian economic decline, and bogged down operations in Ukraine were not likely part of the initial scenario. What we also see without Chinese support is that Russian antiwar (and likely anti-Putin as the seen cause of the war.) social divisions and oligarch press (Desiring a return to normalcy so they can continue to make billions is going to create problems of sustainability.) Few choices because increased brutality to win the war will lead to increased global disdain and economic punishment but a lack of clear victory will undermine public faith in the war and those who are leading it. 

Let us just wait and see what happens.....its one possible outcome.....of many possible outcomes (Some of which are pretty ugly.).  This is where you are likely going to see desperation of Russian leadership rising and behaviors that are more symbolic to maintain a status of winning as people scramble for whatever Game Plan B was (This might end up being a historical lesson in the risks of "yes" man/woman surrounding a strong personality, diminishing institutional checks & balances,  not looking at all of the alternatives and scenarios, and always using the same "hammer everything" approach that comes from a personal outlook on life. I don't know...its scenario out of many.🤷)

Elder Asian Woman Attacked Viciously: Symptoms of What? Time for Change?

 Hate crime can be anyone on anyone as long as they have a "legitimate"(meaning not legitimate) categorized target to focus on. A behavior like this is rage and deep seated emotional imbalance with an outward projection. The target would not warrant such hate simply because she is Asian. As a people and as a community we must learn to control and manage people who have hate aggressive issues (Extremism is rising). I would be surprised if this was the first outpouring of violence and extremism from this individual. Perhaps somewhere in their life we could have derailed them from a crime like this if someone would have stepped up to prior behaviors and encouraged mental health (Why I support Michigan Track and Coding). 

I'm happy we passed the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act but we should have already known better. Until we focus on the essential values of what makes us American we will struggle with seeing ourselves through the same mental prism (that leads to unity). We must have an honest conversation about race and religion in this country and ensure people understand and know that our only path to the highest national performance will include raising our moral and human capital capacity to truer equality (The problem is defining that.). I believe these officers did a great job catching and taking into custody this man (Officers and people are on the same team.....if we can get some of our politicians to stop exploiting these differences. Trust me when I say their are guilty fingers pointed everywhere and into every race, religion and background. Don't believe me? I hang out with people from every background and I listen to their stories and how some define each other. The good news is the vast majority of us have no issue integrating and intermingling. Its the vocal few that get the microphone and prompt others to follow poor values. We should put down the self-oriented immaturity and focus on building the best nation the world has seen. For now lets just sit back and watch what our leaders going to do. I'm not a fan of politics but don't judge them too quickly either...they may surprise us!🤷 )

Sen. Romney: Putin Will Only Be Reasonable When He Fears NATO

Senator Romney discusses the threats we face to democracy. We are at a time when internal division and external pressure are meeting economic prospects for the future. It is the time when Americans should unite to build the 1.) first advanced innovative digital again nation (that includes the benefits of an innovative military, space, data infrastructure, infrastructure, and energy), 2.) walk the talk in our freedoms to maximize human capital (education adjustments, justice reform, best-brightest development regardless of socio-economic status, etc...), 3.) connect politically and economically with the world to reorient ourselves to the center of the supply chains (treaties, values, promotion of democracy, etc...). 

As far as planes to Ukraine go there can be arguments on either side. I agree that flying them into Ukraine might not be our best option but we do have trucks right? Donate the trucks and planes. Let them pick them up and drive them across the boarder 🤷(Its an option to think about, discard, accept, etc...Multiple entry points, different cargos, parts, different routes, assembly points, etc...). There are risks doing something there are risks to doing nothing. What we can say is that Ukraine is an important marker for things to come. 

I support my politicians not exclusively on party lip service or "yes" man-woman status but on their ability to lead. Democrat and Republican leaders are viewed the same in my mind. If you have leadership ability in you then have it and if you don't you should find another occupation. I think Senator Romney has integrity and moral courage (I also think President Biden has a good soul. They are just opinions.). That doesn't mean I agree or disagree with everything he (they) is saying. I'm also not of radical political bent and instead see my nation as one people suffering from the annoying aspect of hyper-politics nipping at our future vitality. (Oh yes I'm still a light right Republican.)

Monday, March 14, 2022

Dancing Your Way to Health, Fitness and Social Proficency

Email Fitness Training
This blog isn't only about business, investment, higher education and government affairs as it often delves into other issues that might enhance a healthy lifestyle for business professions (i.e. dancing). One thing that many professionals suffer with is finding fun activities to socialize and stay in shape. It can be difficult to keep up with your fitness routine if you are balancing the many different aspects of a business life. From boardroom to ballroom dancing is one way to increase your health fitness and social proficiency. 

According to an article in Time Magazine entitled, 'Why Dancing Is the Best Thing You Can Do For Your Body' when we incorporate dance into our fitness routines we....

1.) Burn 300 calories per half hour.

2.) Improve mood and lower stress. 

3.) Enhance social connectedness

Look around in places like Meet Up, Facebook, dance studios and event pages and you will find lots of different entry level dance classes. You can do anything from salsa to hip hop. Some will burn more calories and some will burn less. I probably did most of them at one point or another in my life. You will naturally meet people and get in great shape. Use it as an augmentation to your current routine to avoid burnout and develop your "practical" skills and muscle usage. 

If your interested in virtual fitness training send me a message. I have fitness trainer, yoga and self defense certifications and do training as a hobby to help keep myself motivated to meet my own fitness goals. Nothing better then to be involved in the field. Limited space and availability. Email Fitness Training