Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Importance of Remorse as a Hate Group Indicator of Reform

The concept of remorse is not weakness, but the underpinnings of growth. Darkness comes from deep seated pain and when people do horrible acts of human indecency that borders on sociopathic depravity there are inherent risks to others. The normal ingrained boundaries that are built into our species (and others) do not function as they should and in turn create a ticking timebomb outward lashing venom designed to damage all in its path that can see past the narcissists mask.  

It is difficult for the legal system and people within society (the ultimate stakeholders) to know when someone has put down their distorted behaviors for healthier outlooks. Most people who commit horrendous acts won't feel much remorse until held to account and one must decipher the difference between actual reform and pretend reform (Based on fear of punishment or community disdain. There is some indication that most of the community, except those most connected to the group, have rejected the hate and distorted narrative. That is a testimony to their strengths.)

According to an article entitled The Power of Remorse and Apology there are a number of elements as they relate to remorse (Friedman, 2006):

(1) Identification of the wrongful act;
(2) Expression of remorse and regret for having committed the act;
(3) Promise to forbear from committing the wrongful act in the future;
(4) Offer of repair.

It should be noted that these were not immature behaviors or mistakes of misunderstanding (They had no qualifications beyond self interest to make such judgements.). There was a wholesale attempt to exploit racial-religious social divisions, involve children, spread false rumors to "cleanse" the community, elder manipulation for personal gain, and utilize a close officer friend (s) to enforce their false narrative (and what appears to radicalize a pre-existing network of corrupt officers 2-5 officers that could have led to death/injury in the wrong situation with the wrong personalities. Some may have been trying to create that situation. There is some indication of a history of these bad behaviors by this officer group. There is also an indication that some officers acted with integrity and did the right thing even though they were initially fed false information and that I can respect; none of us are perfect. Mistakes are understandable in some circumstances.) in order to damage and gain (socially and financially) from other's quick heuristic bias and ignorance (i.e. blind supporters part of a dysfunctional sports network that bully and silence each other through strict social structures of "looking cool". Kind of where the concept of mental slavery and "mob" mentality comes from. That doesn't mean everyone. Most of the people in the larger network are pretty cool...but live within a homogeneous social context. I applaud those that can step outside these networks...and many seem to be doing that. That is a positive thing. They may not know it but they just strengthened their community and its future prospects.).

What I like about the article is that it provides an avenue of understanding remorse. In this situation, I solemnly (at least I think I do. 🀷) hoped to protect children, myself, the community and ensure that the perpetrators obtain the mental health they need; but are unlikely to see for themselves. It could be a win-win situation for all....except the officer that willfully violated the Constitution and promoted what appeared to be very un-American values (There is no room in law enforcement for those types of "bad apples". I  support law enforcement 100% and support 100% the basic civil rights of all Americans regardless of race, religion, or ethnicity embedded into the Constitution. Some of our politicians are having difficulty understanding the complex concept that law enforcement is a necessity but that enforcement must continuously improve and adapt to the needs of all of society to ensure institutional trust and social stability. I have helped officers many times and minorities many times over my lifetime. I regret none of it! We are on the same team and those exploiting those differences are wrong. Think for yourself.).

What I can say is that I tried to act as an adult (and hopefully a leader because of the wider implications. No idea if I actually succeeded....but I stepped where my values nudged me. Hopefully they are the right values. πŸ€”) and it is up to everyone else to decide truth from falsehood, "cool" from moral conscious, and in turn who and what type of nation will will be in a rapidly changing socio-economic environment (We must learn to tackle these problems. I think there was a good attempt....and I think wisdom trumped ignorance...but it wasn't guaranteed.). Those that know the perpetrator group can answer the question themselves by asking, "Is there genuine remorse?" If there is, great! (They probably don't know this but they forgive the moment I saw the dysfunction. Forgiving and forgetting are different. Some boundaries will likely always need to be in place now.) but if not.... and internal reform is not present then we should ask, "When is the next blow out?"

(Side note: This is a perspective. As far as I know this is a truthful and supported perspective. There are always multiple interpretations to any event and that is our socially constructed realities.
Friedman, (2006). The Power of Remorse and Apology. The Journal of College and Character, (7) 1.  10.2202/1940-1639.1510

Thursday, March 10, 2022

The General Scientist of the Specialist?-Digging Vertically or Horizontally in Higher Education

Higher education and researchers/scientists often push for greater depth. Ever since we enter the hallowed halls of doctoral school we are told that we must dig just a little deeper to discover something new. That could be as tiny as the tip of a needle or it could be a mammoth as a major as a scientific paradigm shift. The question of specialist and generalist is an open debate with a current over focus/bias toward specialists that limits the U.S. capacity to develop industry transforming ideas. 

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Donate to Orphans 
There are advantages to both and teams shouldn't be focused too exclusively on one over the other. In the Harvard Business Business Review article,  When Generalists Are Better Than Specialists, and Vice Versa they found studying mathematical model publications of 4,000 mathematicians after the collapse of the Soviet Union that generalists mathematicians outperformed in slower change environments while specialists did well in higher paced environments.

It should should be noted that these are math publications and amount of publications don't exactly equate to discoveries and/or large discoveries but it is a commonly used benchmark. What we learn from that study is that in fast paced environments specialists continue to dig deeper into problems and seem to do very well (likely why they are fast paced with each new discovery.) while generalists try and connect concepts and apply them more broadly (which could impact applied research but might not always be so easy to define.).

So who should be the type of people to add to a research team?

There is some interesting discussion on polymaths as a person who understands many different fields and create integration across these fields. In the article 'People With ‘Too Many Interests’ More Likely to be Successful, According to Research' Multiple interests is not scatterbrain, it is the process of discovery by looking widely across fields for answers; something specialists are going to have a hard time doing (The author Michael Simmons reviewed a giftedness study and presented a Leonardo Da Vinci quote which I stole because its relevant to this discussion. Knowledge comes from borrowing and that is ok as long as you cite and give credit. Basically, I like what he was saying so I used the quote. 😊).

While academia and industry rewards those who create pin head discoveries as specialists it is often the polymaths and gifted people that develop profound discoveries that reach across multiple fields (sometimes transforming them). They do this by connecting different concepts, even though they may sometimes seem contradictory, across wide spectrums of knowledge in a way that leads to profound breakthroughs through essential "truths" that logically apply widely (Root-Bernstein, 2009, Araki, 2018). 

Cross field integration is not confined to science but also in other life arenas such as art, literature, and science or in physical pursuits like dance, self-defense, sports, etc.. that are integrated into a process of "being". Polymath is a physical, mental and psychological integration that strikes at the core, soul, essence of a person; the gifted curse. You can read more about this in Multiple Giftedness in Adults: The Case of Polymaths and Polymathy: A New Outlook to gain a greater understanding. 

Key Point: Specialists are often reward in industry and higher education but creative generalists like polymaths are the ones who create paradigm shifts that impact multiple scientific fields. Higher education should change so as to better dig not only vertical holes but also horizontal one's that connect fields. To see both the forest and the trees; not just the leaves. 

Key Point: A scientific team might want both generalists and specialists to improve creativity/innovation and that might be even more important in applied research (i.e. military innovation and/or industry innovation.) You may want to review an article I wrote on Teams and Product Information (Abel, 2014)

To answer the question of specialists or generalists? I would say having specialist to dig deeper is important and having creative generalists to apply those concepts to industry and multiple fields of study is important. We have a problem with ensuring that discoveries make their way into industry to better society and the generalists (especially polymaths) can better ensure discoveries have maximum benefit through wide adaptation (i.e. cross industry innovation). 

(Of course try and explain that to a crusty old professor who is advantaged from and wholeheartedly believes deeper is better than wider and you will get that glazed over look. I know lots of crusty old professors so its not specific to anyone I know. Its just a saying! I love them like I also love the smell of dusty books and bleach cleaned rooms. Actually, I like that kidding. πŸ˜πŸ€“)

Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses — especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” —Leonardo Da Vinci

Abel, M. (April 25th, 2014). .How Groups Can Foster or Thwart New Product Idea Formation. Academic-Capital Blog. Retrieved 03-10-2022.

Araki, M. (2018) Polymathy: A New Outlook. Retrieved 03-10-22 from

Teodoridis, F., Bikard, M. & Vakili, K. (2018) When Generalists Are Better Than Specialists, and Vice Versa. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved March 9th, 2022 from

Simmons, M (05/03/18). People With ‘Too Many Interests’ More Likely to be Successful, According to Research. Enquirer. Retrieved 03/09/2022

Root-Bernstein, R. (2009)Multiple Giftedness in Adults: The Case of Polymaths. International Handbook on Giftedness. Retrieved 03-10-2022 from

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Innovation and Competition Act 2021 and The America Competes Act 2022 (America's Technological Adaptation to a Post Pandemic Innovative Era)

Redeveloping our nation requires commitment from all of the parties involved. Bi-partisanship is one of those things that can lead to great new things. While we may disagree about lots of side issues such as values, spending, economic approaches, etc... we should be unified in trying to build one of the most advanced nations the world (and history) have seen. Remember that the types of technologies that are coming out now are bigger than the Industrial Era and as we move into the Digital Era we will look back 50 and 100 years from now and know that a marked technological change happened after the Pandemic (Innovation became highly important and was given a push by necessity.). With significant change our modern era could become compared to the Renaissance of Europe much like the Black Death sparked a new way of looking at the world the Pandemic has pushed us to think about our competitive abilities and how new technologies become part of our natural societal adaptation/evolution (See Black Death and Renaissance). 

New government pushes to encourage economic change are natural and should be expected by nations such as the U.S. that have developed preliminary technologies that helped maintain the economy during difficult times and are seen as increasingly important for future economic resilience (Also making bipartisanship more possible to accomplish great things. Few good things happen without multiple stakeholder coordination.). These changes are likely part of our natural course of development (i.e. perhaps the start of an American Renaissance).....

United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021 Senate 1240

  • provides funding for FY2022-FY2026 to support U.S. semiconductor manufacturing, research and development, and supply chain security;
  • provides funding for wireless supply chain innovation;
  • establishes a Directorate for Technology and Innovation in the National Science Foundation;
  • extends through 2025 the authority of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to lease its non-excess real property and related personal property;
  • authorizes various programs and policies related to space exploration;
  • authorizes various international affairs programs and activities, including foreign assistance for the Indo-Pacific region;
  • requires federal infrastructure programs to provide for the use of materials produced in the United States;
  • imposes sanctions on China for cybersecurity and human rights abuses;
  • requires the Department of Health and Human Services to consider national security risks associated with sensitive genetic information;
  • includes initiatives related to elementary and secondary education, including those to increase computer science education;
  • contains provisions related to higher education, including those reauthorizing through FY2027 international education programs and addressing China's influence on institutions of higher education;
  • modifies and expands the schedule for graduated merger filing fees;
  • prohibits federal funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology;
  • requires the U.S. Trade Representative to take certain actions related to digital trade and censorship practices; and
  • extends through 2027 the Generalized System of Preferences.

You can read an analysis from for Strategic & International Studies Renewing American Innovation

The Astrologer 
(The universe and its systems.
Change of patterns of thinking
and eras of innovation.)
The Dance of Death Series
Marks the Start of Renaissance
Hans Holbein (1497–1543)

You can read about 4521 The America Competes Act 2022

  • provides funding for the domestic production of semiconductors;
  • requires the federal government to undertake efforts related to cybersecurity, defense procurements, and inflation;
  • modifies the Department of Homeland Security's activities, including by requiring domestic sources for certain procurements;
  • sets out financial regulations for cannabis-related businesses and revises other aspects of the financial system;
  • imposes liability on certain e-commerce platforms for third-party trademark infringement,
  • changes immigration provisions that apply to, for example, entrepreneurs;
  • expands premerger notification requirements;
  • revises ocean shipping provisions; and
  • requires the Small Business Administration to issue guidance for childcare operators.
You can read an analysis from the Association of Science and Technology Center 2022 American Competes Act

White House Press Briefing

True or not its fun to think about. I suspect its possible. πŸ€” 🀷

Is the Iron Curtain Being Redrawn? China Competition and Russian Desperation

This is a make it or break it moment for the U.S. and while our politicians are starting to work together they are still foot dragging in hyper politics. This is not the time to put personal and political pettiness in front of the long term viability of the nation (See Greatest Threats, Out of Woods, China Stats, Deradicalize Politics, National Visions, China to Overcome US, Strategic Leadership). Avril Haines, the director of National Intelligence, is correct when he says China, "remains an unparalleled priority for the intelligence community." in U.S. Intel Officials Detail Threats From China, Russia

Here are some of the problems we face. China's hidden support for Russia is a problem. That is in the Chinese short term interest as investors take Russian oil and other products and bank on them for profit reasons (It also makes Russia a sub servant). Furthermore it creates a new type of Iron Curtain. With this type of anchor to the "Eastern Block" we are now running into a situation where the U.S. will be forced to compete in a way that may disturb people's lunch (Sorry...our politicians and national leaders have a job to do! Lunch is to keep you working. Too much salt and sugar isn't good for you anyway!). 

Even if worst case scenarios do not arise, assuming China is more interested in trading with the "West" then with world regimes, it poses a long term threat (Its not an argument against the Chinese or Russian people but an argument for the strength of the U.S.). The U.S. must be more competitive, be more, and become more innovative. It must do more, invest more, create more, develop its human capital more, and be more than it has needed to do in decades. That won't happen with our snappy politicians spouting off useless rhetoric designed to get them re-elected and raise political divisions (This is why I support bi-partisan politicians and civil debate on issues while focusing on coordinated engagement on national development. Michigan is starting to show the socio-political-economic benefits of working together and I believe the nation can do this as well.)

A few things I would think about.....

1. Developing rapid innovation systems. 

2. Bringing supply chains back. 

3. Focus on global business competition

4. Reducing racial, religious, ethnic divisions to create a society that lives by its philosophical values. 

5. Mastering ground and online education for human capital development. 

6. Stronger data security and data infrastructure.

7. True capitalism that allows the best and brightest to rise on merit regardless of "connectedness" and ethnic, racial, religious stone walling. 

8. Developing small, medium and large businesses to create economic flexibility and innovation. 

9. Update our export infrastructure, adaptable energy sources (i.e. green), and rebuild our Great Lakes.

10. Develop our space technology, military and alternative weaponry.

11. Encourage R&D throughout our nation. 

12. Draw in FDI through wise policies and investment mechanisms (towns, states, and regions)

13. Treaties designed to strengthen our ties across the globe.

14. Walk the talk governance, transparent legal structures, and universal values/ethics that create broad based trust with the youth of nations around the globe. 

15. Connecting to our young and really moving beyond the selfishness needs of our generation and focus on the next generation (Maybe your grand kids don't count...I think many do believe they count ...and will try...but self-focus is too common!) 

16...A laundry list more!

Don't listen to me.....I have a Muslim sounding name! I'm also a light right "old guard" Republican with cultural Catholic esoteric Seal of Solomon type religious beliefs. I know...its stupid! ...but history of those who think differently is important because if we all did the same thing we wouldn't get anywhere. Its just an opinion.....geese...I'm not radical enough to have a "valid" opinion? 

March 3rd, 2022 Escanaba City Council Meeting: Smoke (Not the Type You Think), Fire Hydrants, Sidewalks, and Movement! Investors Welcome!

When I look back at the City of Escanaba I begin to think about where its going and how the enthusiasm of its people and leaders could encourage greater opportunities for the future. Within their packet are goals as they relate to attracting young entrepreneurs (and hopefully digital nomads) to the area. While some ideas will likely work and some wont, it is the effort that creates the most benefits over time (Think of economics as many choices that create a trending line.). When city officials are focused on developing their town with trends in mind by using current advantages to develop future advantages there will be movement regardless of the specific outcomes of any particular program. 

Within the March 3rd, 2022 Agenda Packet you can find a report on public engagement, an excellent picture of the tennis court revamp (hopefully the backboard is straight), the master plan action items, and much more. There is a plan to attract young professionals and entrepreneurs which is great! We need investment and ideas in order to create a more vibrant long-term city with lots of new opportunities. You may also want to check out the sidewalk and walkability. Since the Pandemic people are becoming more interested in the outdoors and outside. They like to walk.

You can read an article by Deloitte entitled, "Making cities smarter. How citizens' collective intelligence can guide better decision making" that discusses the bottom up approach and hedging technologies to create vibrant cities that can be a draw. You may also want to read 'Americas Cities of the Future 2021/2022 – FDI Strategy'  and you will begin to see how why I think hedging the outdoor recreation/tourism, digital nomads land, local-regional entrepreneurship, marketing for investment (entrepreneurs, companies, and FDI), downtown redevelopment, natural resource extraction, shipping & logistics, military, design & small batch manufacturing can create a viable cluster. 

Some cluster aspects will develop naturally but these are some of the options open and available for exploration. The specific make up of the clusters will depend on city, county, state, and federal interest. I we can build a working model here we can rebuild for other places.  That creates an opportunity to quickly speed up development with a rapid innovation economic system that helps put the U.S. first in multiple and essential industries.  You can read a book review on Strategic Planning.

If your an investor you may want to contact City of Escanaba and/or Delta County Chamber of Commerce

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Russian Oil Ban: Ways to "Beef Up" US Oil Companies W/ Eye on EV Green

Russian oil and gas energy is to be to be banned by the U.S. and has strong bi-partisan support in an effort to not subsidize the Russian-Ukrainian war. Europe isn't going to join yet because they are on the oil "morphine drip". It would be too fast of a shift and change for them to adjust without seriously damaging their economies (I actually don't blame them but I think they might want to start thinking about alternative sources and supplies for energy). You can get most of the information below...... 

There is no point in writing it all out when you can read it in this excellent article posted by CNN 'Biden announces ban on Russian energy imports' by Kaitlan Collins, Jeremy Diamond, Kevin Liptak, Phil Mattingly, MJ Lee and Kate Sullivan (Sorry I stole the chart idea below. Love when they put in sources. It helps add credibility to arguments and ideas.)

U.S. Energy Information and Administration shows a table of near 0 and/or low daily Russian oil imports in  'Top 10 Crude Import Nations' where exposure in the U.S. is much less than many other nations. There is also 'June 2010 -Present Stats'. What you do see is there are some blank spots so it indicates there is some missing data and/or barrels a day (If it was 0 barrels they would state that I suspect.)

What we might want to consider if the numbers make sense.....

1.) Produce our own oil and ship to Europe (I'm sure the oil companies will be happy.)

2.) Of those oil revenues we might consider putting significant amount of profits into R&D sustainable and renewable energies to help give these companies a bridge between oil production and clean energy production (If I was a energy producer I would want to hedge my investments into clean energy as demand for one rises and the demand for the other declines.)

3.) Work with other national oil producers to beef up sales which helps diversify Europe's oil supply (I think the administration is already doing this.).

4.)  Put the U.S. more in the center of oil production and better navigate the movement from world oil dependence to clean technology (The silver lining of being a significant producer of oil is we have more control over a switch to clean energies.)

5.) Reduce despotic powers by using this opportunity to diversify all energy production and make a more adaptable energy infrastructure system (i.e. if we have problems in one area we can more rely on others to fill the gap trough other sources. Remember our electric grid is still put together by metaphorical duct tape.)

fyi....I think this is where leadership is starting to shine through. I'm pretending there are no political parties for about 30 seconds. πŸ˜+🐴=bipartisan🐣.......πŸ’¨

“Emmett Till Antilynching Act” Applaud the Bill but Should We Already Know Better?

The antilynching bill sponsored by Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1] helps to solidify hate based lynching behaviors as illegal (See the progression of the Bill HERE). You can also read an explanation of the bill on NPR, 'Senate passes anti-lynching bill and sends federal hate crime legislation to Biden'. I think it is great movement to sending a message that we are all equal and we live under the same system, laws, rules, and political structure (I don't believe those who applaud and support hate should be in our government but alas they persist by our silence and lack of good moral conscious. I'm not talking about people who discuss race and religion honestly; even if we don't want to hear it.)

Here are the bones of the bill....

Legal Stuff: “(5) LYNCHING.—Whoever conspires to commit any offense under paragraph (1), (2), or (3) shall, if death or serious bodily injury (as defined in section 2246 of this title) results from the offense, be imprisoned for not more than 30 years, fined in accordance with this title, or both. (More Information). I didn't know there was a cap on punishment. Seems to me that there are some crimes so hideous someone should get multiple life sentences (...and I suspect others much lighter but it should be dependent on the circumstances and level of involvement.)

Take a look at this......

Radically Changing Demographic: The Census Bureau has 2020 stats that are a snap shot of our current national make up HERE. You may want to read Brookings Institute's analysis of the demographics of people under 16 years old HERE  and how the next generation is going to be radically different than this one. (One of the reasons why I advocate for our leaders to think of how quickly things will be changing in the next 10-20 years. What we think today is not going to be what they think tomorrow. We haven't connected well with youth and rightfully so some of our distorted values will be tossed. Of course its like pulling teeth without anesthetic because we have tunnel vision. Everyone is "right"!)

Should We Know Better? Of course we should! Yes the bill is helpful but we should already know that our laws should be universal and anyone who chases down others because of race, religion, ethnic origin or anything else and tries to lynch them is morally deplorable and the worst of our societal garbage. I can't even imagine that people would do this and if they do we are in a scary scary world where anything goes. As Americans we have the right to feel safe and secure!

"Ninety-nine percent of all perpetrators of lynching escaped from punishment by State or local officials."  Yep! I believe it!!!! If its true its shameful! (You can also find a lot more information on Gov. Track)

The law is welcome but we should not need it to tell us the difference between right, wrong, and the morally deplorable! Some members of our society are sick and those who turn a blind eye are even sicker! (I've seen it in action!) We must step into our futures where we work together as a society that lives by its essential philosophical truths and universality of human freedom and life. This is only a reminder of how we are taking the right steps but have a ways to go if we have a need for such a bill (I'm an "old guard" light right Republican who believes in the equality and value of human life. This bill is way way beyond overdue but shouldn't even be necessary. What century are we in?).