Tuesday, February 8, 2022

How Companies are Overhauling Supply Chains (Reshoring)

We have gotten used to off shoring our supplies to save money and then selling them back to American consumers with mark ups. As a people we are addicted to consumer products. Sometimes that can have a positive benefit to Americans as long as the manufacturing, sales, distribution, truck drivers, etc.... are primarily located in the U.S. (I guess you could also include regional allies and philosophical allies. One of the reasons why I think MX and CAN should be part of the initiative.) However, when we are buying primarily from cheaper sources overseas with a complex web of suppliers we creating more wealth for others and losing our long term capital development (Not a bad idea if you invested in the entire supply chain but very inefficient and destructive to the environment). . Some of it is an investor problem and some of it is a consumer problem. Reshoring holds some promise to bring companies back to the U.S. (Assuming we build the infrastructure and create probusiness policies that also encourage worker development). Reshoring could be an important part of economic development and refunding our way of life (i.e. why I'm sort of working on a cluster model. Perhaps a philosophical approach, converted to a tangible/measurable economic approach and then injected with economic capital.). 

(My son is trying to go to college and has been waiting for his lap top for months. 😠 🀬 I told him with supply chain issues to just go to the store and buy it but $50 cheaper comes with a lot of headaches! Yet that is a lot of money for a kid! I wonder what the economic cost of slow computer deliveries and having a difficult time getting your money back? πŸ€” People are Dying from Not Finishing Degrees. Its dangerous out there!!! πŸ™€)

Anyway....the Wall Street Journal has a very nice video.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Standing up to Hate and Standing for Learning and Accountability

Hate is one of those things that can destroy society and creates barriers in our lives, in communities and within society. In many ways we have become two different nations and that will hamper our ability to master emerging challenges. Where our leaders should be bringing us together many are trying to exploit artificial divisions. Where justice is supposed to rule supreme it becomes perverted in the process of political rhetoric and "blind eye" support for criminal behavior. The things I have seen over the past three years in terms of coordinated group hate that impacted and influenced local decisions was too grotesque to look in the other direction. These behaviors should not be allowed in modern civilized society. As long as we fail to take them seriously we will be on a national path of destruction. Our two worlds will either be merged into one or they will split into two (I understand that it seems like a complete and absolute impossibility but we are trending there. There are those who try and exploit division and there are those who are trying to keep us together. I'm not even sure what patriot means anymore. 🀷)

Beware of Snake Oil and Snake Charming! 

One of the fastest ways to destroy the glue that binds society is to not uphold certain values when it is obvious not doing so is inherently corrupted and morally bankrupted. Want something? Lie. Need money? Steal it! Want to damage someone? put in a false police complaint. Not allowed under law? Use your police friends to circumvent the law . Want to feel morally justified? Capitalize on bigotry and hate. That doesn't work? Get your gang of friends to target them and their kids. None of that works? Ostracize and bully others to reject them and damage their local opportunities to ensure you ethnic cleanse them out! Want to break the social contracts of society? Do nothing! Want to destroy all of society? Consistently do nothing across wide sections of society.

Thank god most of us are not like that. Yet these behaviors have become socially acceptable to many and to those who fail to see the bigger purpose of their positions and institutions their short sightedness is inherently dangerous.  We are a collection of many different peoples and there is only one way forward and that is through inclusion (Think about all the different people in the country. Do you think its possible to continue with two different societies?). Where I have been targeted I have asked for accountability that includes mental health evaluations of perpetrators and a forensic review of a root incentive (Not saying something was taken but if it was and they owe it they should pay it. Where it would ruin them they can keep it with my blessing.)  However, a free pass only placates bad behavior (Group members engaged because they were afraid to stand on their values for fear of social consequences. They are actually correct. Most people in their group don't really have the freedom to think and act genuinely.

Dualistic Thinking Limits Options

Dualistic thinking is destructive because it fails to see all the other possible solutions. Some will even argue if you are against a corrupted cop that has received multiple community complaints for potentially illegal behavior must mean one is against all cops (See how the the premises and conclusion are not connected through a strong chain of logic. The conclusion came with the premises and there wasn't any explored alternatives. Little direct connection between A and Z.). That is black and white underdeveloped thinking. I'm for cops and love the profession. I want to make them stronger, better, more skilled, promote good cops (remove bad cops) and ensure the system functions as it should. That sounds fairly pro cop to me (Few things seem reasonable in our current political spectrum.) while still being pro people (You know the ultimate stakeholders of society.) Justice must be wise so that it should help those who can be helped and deter those who need to be deterred (carrot and/or stick.

My Intentions Have Been the Same from the Beginning

Not much has changed since the first day the hate group got involved (My opinion and intention is documented.). In this situation my goal was to understand, encourage those who need help to get help, expose official misconduct, and further encourage pro-social behaviors. The goal wasn't money (not that I wouldn't be entitled to it but I haven't asked because it wasn't essential to the main problem. That also doesn't mean we should pervert the laws so that we consistently short stick certain "classes" of people in the legal system. We should be mindful of systemic issues.) but that it was an opportunity for many to learn about extremism and how that is tied to mental health and inappropriate social values. It also taught about dysfunctional social networks (in this case a mediocre sports group from 30+ years ago) and the inability of people in those groups to think for themselves. I did not ask for prison (although some may have deserved it!) and thought about win-win situations for people and institutions who either willfully engaged in bigoted behavior or emboldened themselves on manipulative hate narratives (They only needed a false justification to act.)

Strategies to Deal With Large Hate Groups If/When they Revert to Old Patterns

The situation has now changed and it is sort of a mixed bag. I doubt everyone has learned from the situation. For example, in a few years we may find the behaviors continue. If I'm aware that such destructive behaviors continue, other minorities are targeted, and official misconduct continues unaccounted there may be a growing need for a different type of strategic approach. That reversion of values happens if we have not done what was right the first time (I'm not saying everything was done right or wrong but that it took some time for people to recognize the inappropriateness of the behavior and act upon it. The aggressive, racist, and dishonest behaviors were easy to spot right from the beginning. One must just be open to it. People just choose to ignore it. Our laws should not be subjectively applied.) 

Not that it would be easy to hold a large group accountable but I suspect one could build a coalition of different non-profit organizations (especially those protecting minority rights and transparency), political interests, government officials, business leaders and concerned citizens (especially those who who also experienced a breakdown of the moral fabric of society), those who believe in freedom and the Constitution to push for accountability, appropriate prison sentences,  etc...  It is possible to build a powerful network based on shared moral sense of purpose. It would need to have purpose beyond this situation and to ensure we have the best functioning system on the planet (Not on Republican or Democrat dynamics but on good moral conscious alone. There is a large but silent middle untapped path.)

From a strategic perspective one would need a keen understanding of macro data, mass marketing, politics, social movements, fundraising, human behavior, criminal networks, etc... At such a point in history one would have no option but to officially enter the world of politics even if they are promoting a universal value (something I've been debating but also avoiding due to the toxicity of the current environment. Its a difficult, thankless, stressful, job with lots and lots of pit falls and moral hazards. We should be creating environments that encourage good people to come forward instead of those that promote self-interest.). 

Standing up to Hate isn't Magic!

Dante Reading from the Divine Comedy
by Domenico di Michelino, 1465
Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence.
I once had a very important person ask me whether or not he could trust me? I gave him a confused/conflicted look and unfortunately didn't get a chance to respond before our game ended and we parted ways. It is hard to respond if you need to work through the context and contingencies (It is a little like an exploding electric current that searches for all the connections and then prunes them back to what makes the most sense logically. Kind of like metacognition. Intellectual Gifted and How Brain Works. ). However, if I had a few extra moments to think about the deeper meaning of the question, the slightly skewed/probing line of conversation, and the nature of meeting for our game, I might have uttered, "It depends🀷". It depends on a lot of things of which the main one is whether I believe in what I'm doing (i.e. believe in it for myself and I believe in it for others.). If you watch the honest communication of people and are willing to listen they will tell you everything you need to know about them. You don't need to be a "magician" to sniff/conjure up the inherent value of a moral code while still recognizing the nature of human follyπŸ§™‍♂️🎩🐰

Side note: You don't need to be perfect to have a moral code or believe in the value of our nation. You only need to be honest with yourself, others, and faithful to a bigger purpose. We are all perfectly imperfect! We build great nations by recognizing our own faults and working together to maximize our strengths and hedge our weaknesses (Kind of philosophical here. πŸ€”πŸ˜)

And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons.
--January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Kirkpatrick Performance Model and Performance Formula Applied to Business and Government

To understand whether someone has successful achieve their training goals is dependent on their ability to incorporate key concepts into deep learning where they create noticeable change of action/behavior. It makes no difference if we are talking about a company training situation (something like a small start up) or a large group (even as large as governmental entities/bodies). Learning occurs whether or not we are training or not however training is often more focused in an effort to create competitive competencies. A solid tool is Kirkpatrick's Performance Model to help formulate a method of review to ensure meaningful learning is occurring.

You can read a book that discusses the basic executive and leadership model 1. Reaction, 2. Learning, 3.Behavior, 4. Results HERE

Performance can come in many different levels but sometimes putting them into a formula can help. Three variables used in the Performance Formula 1.) Ability-capacity to perform the job individually or collectively. KSA; 2.) Motivation-Willingness to perform the job; 3.) Environment-environmental issues such as systems, co workers, politics, resources, etc. 

You can look at a formula that sort of describes how this functions.

The Performance Formula

Performance = f(KSAs × M × E)

KSAs = Ability; M = Motivation; E = Environment

f=function of

Sometimes its easiest to use an example. Let us say we are dealing with a challenge (i.e. a new market competitors, international conflict, complex decision making, etc...). We would need people who have the knowledge, skills and abilities to overcome the challenge, the motivation to overcome the challenge, and the proper environment to overcome those challenges. If any of these factors are not present, there will be difficulty in developing to full capacity and increased risk of failure.

There are many ways that training development can be derailed and lead to lower overall organizational performance. If we have narrowly relied on inappropriate KSA (i.e. nepotism versus inherent ability) then we would be limited in the first variable, if the motivations are wrong (i.e. self seeking versus organizational mission) then we aren't likely to gain the collective effort (or it will be derailed into improper uses.), and the environment (policies, structure, pressures, etc... that can derail efforts).

When any of these components/variables are missing/weak we run into an issue of inability/ineptitude. That creates problems because we are unable to overcome challenges unless we start to learn the skills (in comparison to non learning organizations), create the motivations (i.e. performance = rewards), and the development of environments/systems that are more conducive to success. Its a process that moves beyond "big attitudes" within the company/organization.

I can say that being able to overcome environmental challenges and threats takes focus and constantly building capacity. Some organizations do this because they develop learning institutions around core values and principles. Those that don't eventually collapse as the cost of internal transactions rise through derailed effort and lost opportunity. Leadership within a growing organization can help put together the pieces/factors that lead to environmental master but must always move toward higher levels of macro perform through shared principles and effort. 

The purpose of education is to free the student from the tyranny of the present.”- Cicero

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Should Local Officials Reject National Political Dialogue

 We are moving into uncharted territory as a nation as hyper politics breaks down freedom of speech and pro-social options. We have a highly charged political environment where winning seems like the only thing that counts (At least to the people who take much and give little. They would rather lose our future vitality versus use common sense reasoning). Good moral conscious, safety of the nation, protection of democracy, strengthening the republic and inclusive society that maximizes it benefits is increasingly skewed for the political elite on either side of the isle. Local officials should chart their own course even if that doesn't fall in click heals national political pressures. Do what is in the best interest of their people and support those who are fit to lead and not those who are the most connected.

I want you to read this article by Contact: Jeff Karoub  and Daniel Rivkin entitled, "Michigan local government officials worry about local impacts of national political discord" which is based on the Michigan Public Policy Survey. Its an interesting concept that local officials are concerned about the impact of national hyper politics on their communities. (Where democracy started and thrives are concerned about the decisions of their national leadership.)

-A full 61% of Michigan’s local leaders believe the current environment of national partisan politics hurts relationships

There are some other statistics and polls that indicate declining trust but this is the one I would like you to ponder for a moment. Hype politics is destroying the foundations of democracy and the momentum for increased conflict is rising. Encouraging a larger central leaning Republican and Democrat base mixed with greater access for independents can do a lot to break up the current aggressive dynamics of leaders. People are becoming increasingly encamped and engaged in destructive behaviors that should lead to local communities rethinking negative national influenceπŸ™‰. 

This isn't about winning elections. It is about ensuring the republic, democracy, and our ideals stay in tact from this generation to the next. The coming elections will be a big one and will determine whether we have the capitol to overcome our international pressures and emerging threats over the next 10 years (Behaviors between two communist oriented states seem to be in tandem to knock Statue of Liberty off her perch. Its not even about them! Its about order and stability in the U.S. and the world at large). Inadvertently (in most cases but not in all) our politicians are increasingly part of the problem and have no idea how they are making our adversaries smile (See China-Russia Collaboration. Should we expect them not to be strategic about our internal strife and encouraging the selling to highest political bidders our time honored values? This isn't an emotional argument as much as it is a strategic one). 

Just like I would encourage the Millennials to reject hype politics as they rise to positions of authority I also encourage our local officials to think about connecting to each other (local Republicans, Democrats and independents working together around some basic American principles) versus taking any negative prompting from the national political elites (Take what is good and reject what is bad.). If there is one thing that local leaders can walk away is this, "Don't let national dysfunction into your communities and into your decision making." Do what you were elected to do and safeguard the needs of the people in your community. Success can only happen by bridging the political gaps and working toward constructive solutions (Reject the voices tearing us apart).. Your inner voice is more important than the wonton political ramblings and self-interested rhetoric of an elite national few. Make choices based what that little inner voice tells you to do (inner values). It will come to define you. πŸ’“

Side note: I have always been transparent about my political beliefs. I lean a light right Republican on fiscal values and maximizing individual choice while slightly left on encouraging development of an inclusive middle class (including small business). The rest is sort of situationally dependent on the challenge and resources available; called evidence based thinking (at least as much as I can do.) 

Night Time on the Harbor (Red Hue)

Ok so I have a few moral leanings and while we sort of wait around to see what national competitive choices (or lack thereof) we might as well enjoy the small things in life. Nice colors. 

Ethics and Values in Business and Government Shouldn't be "Optional"

 The foundations of our society are based in trust. That trust comes from people who follow certain codes that relate to ethics and values. We trust because we trust that we share certain values that guide decisions on things like truth, fairness, honesty, best interest of society, fairness, equality, etc... When we make such values optional, and in turn have no social pressure to ensure people act within certain expectations, we will damage long-term trust in business and government (The connection between low trust polls and social disturbance hasn't yet registered with behaviors.)

A Couple of Scenarios 

Pretend one business steals from others and even though people within the business community know about it they don't say anything. When poor behavior becomes discovered people just sort of look the other way as though nothing happened (i.e. Enron.). Just because we pretended we didn't know doesn't mean the damage from the theft doesn't leave a sour taste in people mouths because of a lack of social and legal enforcement. Imagine we now do that across many businesses, we allow them to take from certain groups and we develop cultures that encourage exploitation. Short term profits can lead to long term declines in the entire economic system. 

The same thing for government and politicians. Let us assume that certain values are being swept under the carpet if there is an advantage for a party, group, entity, etc... As people watch they begin to learn what the "rules of the road are". What is stated and what is enacted appear to be radically different. Even if they say nothing they are learning that those in government might be different than those who are not in government (A major division of distrust emerges.). The cultures of those in politics and the cultures of the people are different as short term political gains lead to long term national decline. 

Supporting Ethics and Values in Business and Government

Its important to support the bigger picture of ethics and values within business and government. I have seen in my life horrendous displays of corporate greed and "wink nod" justice/law enforcement. The very roots of these behaviors all came from the same dark place within people. As long as no one challenges they will continue on and on because it is in their best interest to do so. 

What is the best way to challenge inappropriate behavior? Critical thinking and reflecting back as much truth as you can (It must be factual and evidence based. Values must be clearly defined and in the best interest of all of society.). Those who do these behaviors are unlikely to listen (remember they are selfish and already violated social norms so the "rules" don't count) but you can create the pressure for a healthier environment with the 90% non vocal members of society who have a stake in ensuring that the total economic/business and government system is functioning at its optimal state. 

I encourage young adults now taking leadership positions to think about their values and what they want their country to look like for them and their kids.  Then they can create the pressure politely and within their positions to make meaningful change. It is their time to lead and fix some of the muck we made out of it in our generation is becoming increasingly apparent as the U.S. moves into the #2 spot (..hopefully not...but that will depend on our shared sense of purpose and values. Some of our leaders are defaulting and some of our good leaders are being sidelined.).

Ethics and Values are not optional, they are always consequences to supplanting basic moral systems for too long (Its been that way in history for a long long time through the various national life cycles.)

Friday, February 4, 2022

The Process of Democracy and an Advancing Society Takes Sustained Commitment

Emerging advanced societies will be characterized by opportunities (across spectrum from small to large business), innovation, rule of law (equity), educational attainment, research, advanced infrastructure, democratic institutions (also a flip alternative), international influence and wise political leaders. That doesn't mean each person within the socio-political perspective will always do what is in the best interest of society, or have much conception of the environment they are in, but there are cultural expectations that encourage people to think about others and the long term interests of the nation before they default to their own needs. We are at that spot in history where people choose one path over another and that will make a big difference in our trajectory.

"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" as the saying goes ("Knowing" the answers without knowing the questions first is almost always a bad policy for leaders.). To build an advanced Digital Age/Information Age society means that current stakeholders must create the pressure that leads to unity of essential purpose and organizational action toward environmental mastery. While such a society does not yet currently exist there are a few societies that are likely posed to transform in the next 10-20 years (Some will collapse or revert to a lower level if they fail as it is because they didn't accept new expectations that lead to higher performance. The exact characteristics of this advanced socio-economic structure are in fluid definition but there are lots of secondary data and historical innovation trending that would indicate a major economic shift is coming....likely good for some and bad for others.). 

Whether or not we can sustain a commitment to something greater than ourselves remains to be seen. We went through a lot over the last few years as a nation and for some they now "get it" that not everything is about them. They have greater responsibilities to values and principles that connect society together (Economics is the macro study of human behavior based in very root values and assumptions of pro social exchange.). If societal rewards are going to those who engage in improper and self oriented behaviors (and decisions) across the spectrum (It makes no difference the long chain justifications we give for it) we will derail our development on philosophical course rooted back to the beginning of our nation. The best and brightest must be able to rise through the ranks to perform (Its a human capital argument. Nepotism levels, rigid social structures, lack of diverse wealth/opportunities, etc... are are all risks.)

Where we go from here may seem like purely a collective choice we have no responsibilities but as with all systems it is based on the micro choices by which we live our lives. (Think about it. Coffee, cars, houses, friends, behaviors, etc... all have a level of personal choice. They add up to build a culture and nation. Leaders are supposed to push people to higher levels of collective action and not just their leaders or party. )

The Digital Era/Information Age will heighten the speed of change because technology will increase the speed of activity and the frequency by which new ideas are created/spread. The social structure is slower to change as what is currently dysfunctional today will increasingly be misaligned and more dysfunctional in the future (We have seen this in Capital Riots, police-protestor clashes, lack of trust both of and between political factions {I actually have more faith in government than the large political polls that have come out in the past five years}, reduced national competitiveness, etc...). 

While we think that our values and choices are removed from the outcome they are a direct catalyst of  macro outcomes. As we start transitioning into the next developmental platform level (It will happen with our bow pointed into the waves with a sense of direction or we can capsize broadside because we were too busy arguing and rewarding poor behavior to navigate the ship.) If we do not adapt we become #2 (...our choices will be more obvious in hindsight when the the flowery words dissipate into something more factual), #3, #4, etc...to dissolution (No one can say what will happen but if we follow the development of all teams and organizations they work along the very same processes. Countries must also renew their purpose or dissolve even though the life cycles are long. The USSR wasn't "magically" immune and neither are we.

The only question the next generation will have is ,"Were you loyal to your nation (i.e. its people and Constitution) or were you loyal to something else (self, politics, rigid ideologies, racism/bigotry, social class, etc..)? It makes no difference what we say....unless those words lead to positive action to overcome our current national challenges. Whether we have the moral courage and evidence-based decision making skills to build something greater remains to be seen (I think we do...but that is not dependent on any single person.) Time answers all questions! Where you lay is determined by your inner values. 

Where do I lay? While I'm not a perfect person I will encourage people to think about something more important and create win-win situations where they seem possible (No stones left to throw!). Unfortunately, I am concerned that most of our political structure will fall back into previous failing patterns of thinking that got us to this point because they already knew "all" the answers until it becomes obvious there is a possibility "they didn't"! Unfortunately their choices will impact our generation, the next, and likely the one after that (I wonder if being in leading positions and not able to see the risks for hundreds millions of people because an appropriate risk analysis/environmental scan is low on the political field's priority list is considered selfish? πŸ€” Maybe not, as one party wins blind votes over the other?🀷 )  Even if I'm wrong (that is a possibility as well...I think it would get us in the "ball park" where we can take a Babe Ruth swing. ⚾) what I have to say relates to togetherness, creation, human development/capital, loyalty to deeper universal values, organizational alignment, mission statement, entrepreneurial and competitive spirit as an untested but supported plausible path to scalability at a time when infrastructure dollars are hitting the market right at a time when the pandemic created transformational change capital. 😲😷 Thus far, in my lifetime I have been fairly accurate in my market forecasting πŸ‘€. Just sharing some of what I have learned over the past 22' years. πŸ™‡⛲⨻ 10 Years is not much lead time for meaningful organizational change. My loyalty lays with my moral conscious. Whatever that means!