Tuesday, January 25, 2022

$824 Million Michigan Incentives to Lure $7 Billion in GM Investments (Other Types of Strategies)

 If your interested in Michigan's economic landscape you should consider reading the article 'GM wins $824 million in incentives from Michigan to lure $7 billion in EV investments' by Chad Livengood (Livengood, 2022) as it provides a nice overview of the event. In this case The Michigan Strategic Fund is using an incentive to partner with the business (There are longer term benefits at play of keeping emerging tech and other associated industries attracted to MI.). It works as a strategy but is a little controversial because some might feel we should not pay companies (In this case I agree for the most part with what they are doing.). An alternative strategy to use in the future is to invest that amount in some infrastructure (and others i.e. training grants, land acquisition, etc... packet.) that will help that company and other companies creating wider benefits. While they may have the same tax rate they also have higher returns from the improvements as they can obtain and ship resources cheaper then their competitors. Likewise, there are other benefits that impact both people and businesses that can use these "build out" adaptable infrastructures (We don't do well in calculating they non direct benefits but they are as or more important than many of the measurements I have seen. There are other value developments that can have an impact on business like active wide and focused marketing to international investors. Looking for other companies along the supply chain to create new technologies and trying to lure them. Directories for people looking for suppliers, etc... etc...etc..... Just a few ideas that we are not limited to a single tax incentive tool. It works...but we might be able to do other stuff as well to make a unique international appeal as a state.)

Livengood, C. (January 25th, 2022). GM wins $824 million in incentives from Michigan to lure $7 billion in EV investments. Auto News. Retrieved January 25th, 2022 from https://www.autonews.com/manufacturing/gm-wins-824-million-incentives-michigan-lure-7-billion-ev-investments

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The 139' Luxury Liner Ship called America (Pic and Video)

Out sailing and came across a beautiful ship called the America. You may not be a nautical type person and may not know much about ships but they are certainly are a wonder to watch. Our nation was built by such ships that carried people and supplies. I dive in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan sometimes and came across ships that sunk and are deteriorated beyond what they once looked like (You can read about that here). This is what a few of them may have looked like once in their full glory.

Its awesome to see a wooden liner of this caliber. America is a 139' Luxury liner was build Scarano Boat Building (Kind of interesting what they do.) in their Albany shipyard (Yacht Chart Fleet). You can learn a little about America and its charter HERE

Enjoy the pic and video

Friday, January 21, 2022

1 NY for Officer Killed and 1 Injured: Gun Controversies Continue!

Another officer was shot and with sadness we can say we haven't yet got a handle on gun violence. I think we are dealing with the availability of certain guns on one side and the right to own guns on the other side. From a domestic disturbance response issue (violence and mental health may be at cause) it is sad to see things turn out this way (Meaning we need change that creates accountability and opportunity for help.). Somewhere and someday we are going to have to find the right balance between protection from gun misuse and the right to bear arms. We are not there yet...but people are certainly discussing it from a wider societal perspective. Either way, until we find a solution  it will continue forward and some will misuse them; maybe always will. :(

Maybe we need to innovate the gun market to create more finger print protection. See an article by Daniel Trotta in Rueter's article 'Exclusive: Smart guns finally arriving in U.S., seeking to shake up firearms market'. However, guns are a controversial issue. I don't know all the arguments involved so I'm just sort of learning to formulate my own opinion (I haven't made up my mind on the idea yet. What I can say is useless death and violent crime damage our society.). What I can say is that I have talked to a lot of people who own guns and I think some of them don't respect its finite nature (The personality and gun are often the primary issues). There are others who are more serious about them and treat them with a level of respect (The type of gun owner I trust.)

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Escanaba City Council Meeting January 11th, 2022: "Smart Zones"

Escanaba's townhall was a positive step in the adjustments needed to encourage this small town to be a place where people invest, live and thrive. It was also a productive meeting because it was informative to city council members in terms of how procedures work and why they exist. You will notice that from prior meetings until this meeting there is a higher sense of team cohesion and sense of direction (Go back to the Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning stages and some of the exhibited behaviors of groupsTuckman's Stages). There will naturally be differences throughout their time in office but if they focus on actionable steps to improve future prospects and how their choices impact the lives of residence they will be accomplish much of what they set out to do.

The good news is they are taking an additional step to increase personal-professional knowledge of how to manage a city and the ability to work together in a way that builds trust with community members (Notice in the presentation the focus on transparency and shared goals.) Newer and younger city council members would likely find it beneficial to be familiarized with official rules, regulations, and laws so they don't step in legal potholes. Sometimes when members enter into public life they may not have all of the experience needed to make difficult decisions in complex environments. This is where organizations like the Michigan Municipal League can be helpful to new administrations where ideas and resources can be shared among municipal members. 

Another step the team could take would be to take a look at personality attributes and area of interests and try and match that with roles and responsibilities. The benefit is that it can create increased engagement and motivation of team members because they already have the natural focus. One would want to of course keep in mind over interest in an area which could make someone blind. Where that might occur you may want multiple people working on that topical area. (See Personality Traits and Team Cohesion , Path-Goal Theory and Higher Performance Path-Goal)

As a side note. The speaker did a great job of connecting the concepts that universities can draw resources and provide an attractive draw for young people to move into the area. They also have the ability to use their intellectual resources to improve their communities and give "real life" experience (...thinking how things connect between different institutions and activities to create net positives community. The more you do that, according the a theory on innovative transactions, the higher the growth rate. It is also possible to also expand the system by new lines of "net positives" that come from efficient use of resources to create ROI in clusters.) That of course relies on the ability to attract and retain diverse faculty from a broad range of backgrounds that can help students prepare bright futures. While Escanaba is a small town nestled in the woods and lake in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan it has significant potential as an investment draw. (Small Business Online Success and Business Incubators)

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Verso Merges with BillerudKorsnas AB Investments in Escanaba (Delta County Economic Cluster Model)

Verso unanimously accepted a buy out offer by BillerudKorsnas AB in a $27 per share bid that seeks to convert the Escanaba mill into a world-class, sustainable, fully integrated paperboard production site. That is good news for Escanaba and its local economy as the company invests up to an additional billion beyond the initial purchase price into paperboard operations. The strategic move into North American, near new markets and sources, will likely help BillerudKorsnas meet increased demand for green packaging in an online upswing of sales. There is more to be done in Delta County MI to attract, retain and capitalize on investments to create growth. The following provides an overview of BillerudKorsnas AB investments and how other investments in the area could lead to a growing innovation system/cluster (Its just a model and for illustrative purposes to develop a full economic theory.).

The merger may make the Escanaba plant one of the leading facilities in the country in terms of advanced paperboard technologies. It means more jobs and job opportunities for local residents (Likely money/tax revenue for the community.).  Prior to the merger, there was some concern that if Verso ever closed the town's economy would nose dive. One of the reasons why I'm doing my best to look at new economic models and theories (...not that it will or won't have an impact but simply to understand) as a way to return investment and generate new opportunities based on existing local strengths (A model that can be applied elseware.). Attracting and retaining the right kind of industries will create a more resilient local economy.


BillerudKorsnas AB makes cardboard packaging and in a world where products are being bought and shipped from online marketspaces there is a high likelihood the company is tapping into a upward swing in online purchasing trends that rely on packaging solutions. You can review some of their products HERE and their general served industries of food, consumer & luxury, medical & hygiene HERE


The increase in $1 billion investment into the Escanaba mill will likely secure employment and other benefits for local residents, and new comers, into the mid term future (Its possible to project that under the investment schedule and company adjustment to figure minimum years of benefit. Maximum years are based in market projections beyond the next 20 years ish and are difficult to determine as manufacturing centers shift.). What we might want to see is investments in complementary industries that can build off of core competencies and shared interest in resources, human capital, and knowledge to create sustained global advantages.

Fighting Climate Change

BillerudKorsnas AB also won an award by Tetra Pak for fighting global warming through decarbonization, low green house gas emissions, a 97% fossil free production site. Notice in 2025 they plan on having a 100% fossil free location and how that coincides with conversion of one machine (That doesn't mean its the Esky Mill but it would be interesting if it turns out to be. See Delta County Green/Smart City)

Historical Context

Escanaba MI./Delta County, Mi.
Now known as the
"The Mill" originally started as the Escanaba Electric Street Railway Company, 1891 Escanaba Pulp and Paper Factor in 1911, it became Mead Corporation in 1942, Verso in 2015 and finally BillerudKorsnas in 2021/22'. the company has a long history in the area and one could almost see this mill as a landmark institution. Bringing in new technologies and investment will help ensure it goes forward forthe foreseeable future. (You can read more in the Iron Mountain Daily News and Visit Escanaba.)


The company will still keep Europe as its primary market but is actively seeking to move into North American and locate operations where there is an abundance of fiber supply (I wonder if they are also thinking Canada). The company seeks to have net sales growth of 3-4% per year and the EBITDA margin above 17% (I dislike EBITDA...grrrrr Its so finite without a full capture of the activities.😤). You can check out the company on Reuters and look at the advanced chart to see its growth status over 10 years. 

You will also notice that BillerudKorsnas is also working with BASF to try and create higher levels of products with more end of life options. That could mean some state of art advancements are coming in the packaging process. BillerudKorsnäs paper ConFlex® Silk as well as BASF’s biopolymer ecovio® and lamination adhesive Epotal® Eco. Read BIL-BASF Press Release

Noteworthy Articles:

A couple of Key Points:

-$27 per share offer by BillerudKorsnas AB and a prior offer by Atlas Holdings for $20.
-Unsolicited offer (Meaning the terms were very positive and little reason to reject it. That also may be an indication that Verso may have already been thinking of long term ownership options without yet searching and without yet.)
-The purchase is in line with their paperboard strategy and goals to have a bigger presence in North America.
-Together BillerudKorsnäs and Verso will be the largest producer of virgin fiber paper.
-One machine is estimated to be converted by 2025, a second machine by 2029, with a total capacity of around 1,200,000 tons (Looks like there may be new tech coming along with it.)
-BillerudKorsnäs is committed to continuing to serve Verso's existing customers.
-increased debt and operating cash flow to pay for purchase.
-Sales ending September 30 2021 of USD 1 264 million and adjusted EBITDA of USD 158 million (I dislike EBITDA and over reliance on it but yes...its an important metric of performance. grrrrr again!!!🙈).
-Financed through 3.5 Billion Krona, debt and operating cash flow (The company has the resources to make a large purchase and may be considering others.).
-Verso reported its net sales grew by 11% to $339m compared with the same period of last year (FY20)
-Northern Wisconsin has passed legislation to keep some of its mills functioning until they find a buyer. (Might be an opportunity for a consortium of investors that want to work on planting more seeds to increase fiber growth that slows climate change and creates a sustainable industry in the region.)  

Coordination Opportunities W/College

Bay College (local community college) may want to partner with BilleerudKorsnas to see what skills the company (and region) needs from local graduates (See Skill Availability and Investment). There appears to be programs in Forestry and Fire Science didn't see one directly related to the paper industry (You may need to look around and see if any of their programs are of interest. Review the offerings HERE.) Paper Science and Engineering degrees are excellent. (See Best Paper Science Colleges 2022). Its also possible to create truncated production associate degrees and/or certificates on the based on paper making production, familiarity with equipment, and general plant safety (Its just an idea on how industry and colleges can partner to make education increasingly relevant. Who knows....maybe mills will pay for an associate degree as an augmentation to internal training. or maybe it attracts companies to send employees through an online version. 🤷) 

[As a side note: Its important for higher education institutions to hire qualified faculty from a diverse range of backgrounds to better prepare students to compete in a world where knowledge is fluid and culture is more relative. Things sometimes only seem local but they are still influenced by global pressures and trends. See cultural hiring. If our colleges want to compete globally they have to think globally. 

Aligning education to industry needs while still maintaining the general purpose of broadening minds and developing the whole person often leads to improved lives and new employment opportunities. Its how you interweave information to stay focused on employer needs while infusing broadening ideas within that content. i.e. multiple sort of themes in the narrow and wider context. One might include for example common industry job skills, wider industry-economic awareness, life-long personal development skills and societal knowledge all in the same program. There are likely many different opinions on how to do this. See Global Mindset]
Other Activities in the Area

We should also consider that there has been other movements in the area such as Navy ship works and general focus on enhancing the marina and tourism that will create their own benefits . Housing is also becoming an important consideration in Escanaba and that can be used for new residents, tourism, elderly, and young people who want to live downtown (i.e revitalizing the downtown and making it attractive to young people.). Furthermore, Concentric's purchase of EMP for the the auto (maybe pumps for future space) industry is another solid investment that contributes to potential future growth. Concentric-EMP EV AutoMichigan EV Upswing and a nice article by by Auto Litigation Partner/Attorney Lauren Loew in the National Law Review  (Time will tell what happens. You may want to read a little about Marketing Brand Management, Delta County Marketing)

Cluster Notes Conception: Having an understanding of the different investments in the area, state, region, and globe help to determine trends that help companies align their operations (See MI Expansion or Protectionism). Specifically, in the DC model I'm creating it is possible to connect companies to enhance shared resources, infrastructure (Shipping Infrastructure, DC Broad Band $18 MilGlobal Supply Chain, DC Venture Invest), institutions (Rights and Clusters, Law & Economy) and activities to achieve mutual growth while encouraging faster innovation.

For example, if we review the different technological lines developing within the cluster, compare that to growing international market needs, we can in turn place greater emphasis in areas that are likely to bear fruit for multiple industries (sometimes getting them to work together on shared projects. See R&DBusiness Collaboration, ).  Its not specifically related to this or any other company but as a general approach of how one would map and create opportunities (Interorganizational Collaboration, Cluster Collaboration, Sub Cluster FactorsEconomic Synergy and Multi Clusters.) 

Once we map an area by its transactions we are better able to know where to help shared elements grow through focusing efforts in key areas that improve the speed of transactions (Hub Flagship and Working Hub)  Where there are deficits of need a new start up or recruiting a new company might be beneficial. (Availability of Financial Information, Virtual Communities, Attract SME, Pure Michigan,  Tourism and Natural Resources, Esky Downtown, DC Hedge Fund, Regional Development, Institutional Invest, etc...)  I guess such concept would come under a "cluster management" approach.

 Again, I'm only working on a model so its just a hypothetical example for the moment. Within such a system there would need to be wider applicability so as to create a more sustainable economy with growth prospects. Perpetual Sustainable. Roaring 20's, Infrastructure Synergy, Innovative Macro Systems, Developing Hub Networks, Reinvest Marketing SystemsSuper Hubs, and Renaissance Info Age)  Maybe at some point I can break it into a complex mathematical formula but I'm not anywhere near there; maybe not. I need to first understand the factors and whether innovative systems can be throttled up or down for greater economic influence. 🤷(See Empiricism and New Economic Theory, Theory ApplicationMathematical ProjectionInnovation, US. Losing #1 New Theories Needed and Theory of Transactional Innovative Clusters). 


Saturday, January 15, 2022

Hostage Situation Texas Synagogue - Its NOT how we solve problems in this country!

The hostage situation in Colleyville Texas highlights the reason why we need to understand how/why certain behaviors and beliefs lead to people acting in unacceptable ways.  Geopolitical issues should not be played out on our streets (of any race, group or religion). I pray for the safe release of the hostages and people's hearts will warm to a better path forward where peace can be found. A best case scenario is that the attacker/perpetrator releases the hostages and gives himself up to protect himself and society at large (We can always hope). There is a type of redemption for people who come to their senses and do the right thing (Bad happened but maybe we can learn from it. Looks like from the updated new the attacker did not do the right thing and it ended in instant justice. In this case it appears justified as other lives were being scapegoated/used for the attackers desire. Threatening other lives leads to difficult choices and not the optimum outcome. A common problem with extremism is that it loses its rationality and moves down a distorted line of thinking; again not race, religion, or group specific.)

We may want to understand whether this person has mental health issues, comes from a network of extremists, or where they were radicalized (I have looked at a lot of religions in my life and the sanctity of life is part of all of them. It looks like ideological distortion....but one has to wait and see until the investigation is complete.). This is why I advocate a track and coding system for people who display extremist behaviors (of any race, group, religion). It provides an opportunity to get into the psychological underpinnings (likely to be similar to other  precursor acts of group violence).

Knowing when to intervene on dangerous behavior and the key drivers are important for future prevention. America is a safe haven where people can practice any religion they so desire with peace and tranquility. No one has the right to take that from anyone else...it should be something we all stand behind as a national value (We must stand up for it together.). Failure here, in our hometowns, or in our Capital means we haven't learned the lessons of history and as a social structure haven't embedded more universal concepts. (There is no religion on the planet that I know of that would disagree with the right for people to worship...even when its different than the majority population. There may be people who disagree with freedom of worship based on their own extremist ethnocentric viewpoints but its not within the inherent religious text or values. Cherry picking any religious text without understanding its intended themes is almost always inappropriate. Personally, I think most religions lead to the very same path of wisdom/insight, knowledge/truth, moral conscious/prosocial values, and awareness/cognitive brightness but that's just my opinion. 🤷)

Tsunami San Diego - A little rain....small waves.

Tsunami Advisory for San Diego this AM. It ended up being  just a little ran and small waves. Could of course been worse but it wasn't expected to be anything grandiose by the time it hit the west coast. You might enjoy a couple of pictures of Ocean Beach last night. 

I like this one. That is a photographer.