Saturday, December 11, 2021

What is the Summit for Democracy?

The Ouroboros represents the
cycle of renewal. Science and Democracy
Scientific Education=Science Literacy=Reflective Citizen=Democracy
The Summit for Democracy was/is an international pro-Democracy forum hosted by the U.S. Department of State as an avenue to raise awareness of the risks to democracy itself. You can obtain some additional information on their main page 'The Summit for Democracy'. As a response to seeing democracy backslide around the world, the U.S. put together a summit to discuss and display commitment to democracy from government, civil society, and the private sector leaders. The message resonating is that we have to renew our commitment to certain democratic principles if we expect them to survive.

Authoritarianism mixed with corruption that moves beyond the financial incentives to include circumventing human rights seems to be growing as an international trend (From a sociological perspective one could say there are shifts in the underpinnings of society.). Authoritarianism is antithetical to a free people who decide things collectively by ensuring the natural power and rights of each individual is not supplanted by the selfish needs of the few. Democracy has its roots in the very beginning formation of our civilization (beyond western civilization) and is essential to our success (or failure depending on the ability to make it a relevant philosophy for each generation's problems.).

There are always forces that seek to gain power over others and that often means they would need to undermine our democratic institutions by casting long shadows of doubt through unjustified criticisms. There is always room for legitimate criticism of public institutions and when well thought out are worth their weight in gold. There is a difference between undermining and reflecting for future growth. Our institutions should and can adjust but we as a people must commit to working within those anchor institutions to ensure our way of life persists. Unjust criticism often is amebic by nature and doesn't offer many solutions.  

Nietzsche believed that people always want more power using motive based behaviors throughout their lives in his publication Will to Power. This deep seated urge is precisely the reason why we need strong trusted institutions that act with integrity so as to ensure the power stays in the collective. Corruption, hyper politics, radicalism, elitism, etc... all reduce that trust and in turn breaks the mutually agreed upon bonds of common destiny. (Ok...I know...I'm just being philosophical here.)

The event seems to focus on rebuilding international commitment to democracy. In this case, it looks like the U.S. is trying to lead this conversation (Which isn't a bad strategy or rebuilding our international position.) to attract democratic supportive governments to work toward the bigger picture. Participating organizations/countries can support each other in this process by the free exchange of ideas, peoples, and commerce mixed with thoughtful feedback (so we aren't blinded) in a way that often leads to greater long-term partnerships.

Our problems won't dissipate until there is firm commitment to essential American values and our hierarchy of beliefs puts core essential principles primary in decision making (i.e. Constitution, rule of law, freedom of speech, etc....)  You may want to read 'What is a Backsliding Democracy and Why was the U.S. Added?' to gain an additional perspective on how and why the U.S. was included as a society that became more authoritarian. The good news is we can reverse this trend if we rebuild our centralists, ensure our institutions focus on their missions, remove corruption (of any type) and draw people into a single vision of who we are and where we want to go. 

I could probably go on and on and on about some needed changes such as more focus on balancing the economy with small business (opportunities that create net positives), hiring for skill/ability and not nepotism, universalized justice system, focus on innovation, building a high values adaptable export oriented infrastructure (i.e. ports, Internet, multiple source energy grids, etc....) and attracting HQ and manufacturing to the U.S. Moving beyond hard infrastructure we can turn attention to the importance of arts (poetry, meaningful music, painting, drawing, dance, etc....) to embed our essential beliefs (There is a historical pattern to art I believe with the same symbolic impressions "core truths" that come up in every society and in every generation. Art is about teaching values and beliefs in an entertaining way that breaks through our mental schemas that would have likely missed the message of the authors. See Thousand Years, Red Queen , Vervet MonkeysHyperpolitics and Dem/Rep Comp.🤓) 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Subtle Form of Discrimination or Fair Management Judgement (How Would You Interpret It? Community College Example)

The Importance of 
Quality Education
to Our Young
There is overt and subversive types of discrimination of which the later is the most dangerous. Because its not direct it is hard to address and has far reaching consequences for the full development of communities and society. Subtle forms of discrimination can be very hard to put your finger on because candidates can be rejected for any reasons or no reason at all. To determine whether its an accurate reason, a reasonable reason, or a discriminatory reason are elusive without accurate information. We continue to discuss and debate these issues in a nation that is now diverse and our long term survival of our republic depends on solutions that bind us together. 

Let me give you an example of how this might work at community college. Based on the job description you are a qualified candidate that exceeds the requirements of the position by education, skill, academic/professional experience. No response on a number of applications to various prior adjunct positions but as a stand alone factor it isn't of much concern. In and of itself means nothing because sometimes more qualified candidates are found and that would make sense.

You apply for an adjunct position and someone from HR gets back to you right away because they have a desperate need. The HR representative looked at your resume and thought you would be a good match as he/she explains that you are more than qualified. You agree to fill out the application and submit by the next day and in turn spend an hour or two getting it done to fulfill the hurried request.

There is one caveat. You don't have your references because you haven't applied for an adjunct position in a while. The system won't let you put the application in until you have a reference. You put a place holder reference in and get back to the HR representative and let them know you completed the application but didn't put the references in but if they need them you will get them. 

Indicates Global Societies
Need Leaders of Capable of Understanding
to Create Intellectual Capital
and Financial Success. That will be hard skill to develop
 if we don't expose students
global cultures and practices.
Diversity Intelligence
You come up with a few good names of people have worked with and reach out to the HR representative again about the references (Actually you can exceed their reference requirements because you have been in the field for a while and have not only received high evaluations but have a history of positive working relationships.). Nothing! No response! You send an email to the HR director inquiring if there is still a need. Nothing! Dead silence!

You make the assumption that they don't need you and promise yourself that you will apply to the next adjunct position and have the references ready to put in the application (Regardless of if they tell you to get your application in quickly or not.). At the time you thought you were doing them a favor (I guess yourself as well) and were doing what they needed and requested. Sometimes wires get crosses so your open to alternative explanations but the lack of response is concerning.

A red flag is sort of raised by the incident. Is it because you did something wrong, your not qualified, small town rumors, discrimination or something else? You really don't know...but its an odd situation. So the best thing you can do is sort of keep your eye out for new adjunct spots and "chalk it up" as an unexplained event. However, you scratch head as the concept of "did they really find a more qualified candidate?" and even if they did what is the "ghosting" and rude/unprofessional behavior about (Keeping in mind its not a university town and its isolated so some types of candidates are likely to be in limited supply.)🤔?

That is the problem with subtle forms of discrimination (not saying it is that yet) because like passive aggressive behavior its hard to address appropriately (maybe there is a psychological association between the two. See Passive Aggression-Discrimination and how it impacts not only "others" but also our veterans.) Behaviors could mean something or they could mean nothing (Its highly subjective without factual information.). Your personal and professional judgements believes its not "nothing" but you can't definitively say "its something". You can suspect it is based in bias, you suspect its based the "rumor mill" but you can't really say one way or another (See how this is difficult to say concisely?). 

However, we do know that if ("If" is the term and under what criteria?) such practices are occurring it runs counter to EEOC and Federal Law and limits the type of experiences students have (As based in the mission statement and the needs of tax payers.). Thus, the beliefs and decision of one person(s) impacts the student body by lowering the quality of education and in turn the mission and values of the entire organization (by extension anyone who attends and that in turn represents are large part of the community. Their decision may be limiting the future of youths/students in the area.). Does it really matter? Probably not....not unless we believe its important. 

How you interpret the situation might be dependent on your value system and your background. A far right ideology adherent might say...."Who cares? Do you think someone should just give you the position if you didn't earn it? I'm tired of these people always complaining!" While someone of the far left persuasion might retort, "Our society is inherently discriminatory and its exactly this type of masked biased that creates all the problems! Hiring mangers [companies, colleges, etc...] do what they want with no accountability! It must end!". Someone in the middle might say, "I don't know if its either one way or another. I do know that young adults should be exposed to different types of faculty and if the person exceeds qualifications they should not be rejected without serious consideration." The HR person might dig into their legal training and say, "They didn't put in their references [or other selection criteria] so I reject everyone who doesn't do that regardless of whether they were informing me of their time frame! I can find more justification if needed to support my decisions.".  ....or maybe something else. (I claim to know little here.)

What do you think? Managers discretion or something more? Try and answers it for yourself and your personal learning and solidification of what you believe. Which values should take precedence in our society? These issues will become increasingly important as we deal with the pressures and pushes of two different visions for America (I suspect the more practical vision will win out but you never know.) butting against the pressures of an interconnected global society (They have interests as well in how we turn out as a nation.). 

The goal is to highlight that as a society we are changing and we will struggle with similar issues in towns, companies, higher education and other institutions across the country....but it is these issues that will tie us together or break us apart. The causes and solutions can be amebic and of course can't always see these situations clearly because we are not "flys" on the wall. Despite academics and politicians and the general populace debating such concepts they often do so based on existing values. As a nation we will need to move toward national reconciliation where we compete as a single people with a single overriding vision (This is a team and organizational perspective and not a promotion of any political agenda.). As academics we have a duty to raise such issues for general mental consumption by societal stakeholders (and researchers). "Responsibilities of Doctors".We will someday find a way through the fog and politically dicey issues. See "The Intolerance of Tolerance-Respectful Civic Debate on Campuses". You may also want to read a study on how higher education is globalizing in 'The Development of Global Higher Education in a World of Transformation' and a somewhat dated University of Michigan study ,'Diversity and Higher Education: Theory and Impact on Educational Outcomes'.

Mense, Evan & Lemoine, Pamela & Garretson, Christopher & Richardson, Michael. (2018). The Development of Global Higher Education in a World of Transformation. Journal of Education and Development. 2. 47. 10.20849/jed.v2i3.529. 

Gurin, P., Dey, E., Hurtado, S., & Gurin, G. (2002). Diversity and Higher Education: Theory and Impact on Educational Outcomes. Harvard Educational Review, 72(3), 330-367. Retrieved from

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Act Seeks to Ensure Veterans Affairs is Updated and Functioning at Full Capacity

On November 17th, 2021 HR4626 was referred to Congressional Committee on Veterans Affairs. You can read the bill HERE .  HR 4626 goes by the title of “VA Assessment by Independent Measures Act” or the “VA AIM Act”.' The act is designed to ensure that the VA functions with efficiency, cost effectiveness and with positive outcomes. Based on some of the troubles of the past it is important to ensure we continuously improve the VA department (as well as perhaps all other departments as a general approach) to ensure positive outcomes that serve our veterans and society.

In general it states, "Independent Assessments.—Not less frequently than once every 10 years, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall enter into one or more contracts with a private sector entity or entities described in subsection (d) to conduct an independent assessment of the hospital care, medical services, and other health care furnished by the Department of Veterans Affairs."

Government systems are sometimes known to have problems because they become stuck using certain processes/mindsets that don't change quickly as the private sector to market factors (This is why govt. outsources. If they get efficient and effective they could outsource less.). Many of our systems are antiquated and based in the WWII post war emergence. We are moving into a new way of functioning (Digital Era/Information Age) and older systems will be thrusted to update not only to collaborate with wider stakeholders but also because people expect them to update. 

A formula showing how to measure
Bureaucrat performance by principle-agent problems
of incentives, selection, and measurement.
(Besley, et. al 2021

What I like about this Bill is that it offers a mechanism to create adjustments and changes to ensure the system stays increasingly effective (We know that every 10 years.). All systems must continuously tweak toward greater efficiency and effectiveness to create the building blocks to a more functioning larger governmental system. That is unlikely to happen without some type of audit and review (Based on appropriate performance metrics that still likely need to be defined and will continue to be defined.). However, there is something to think about here.....ensuring that the auditors and people engaged  in the review are not looking simply toward efficiency but also adjusting the entire system with "out of the box" thinking toward greater effectiveness through cross organization functionality. Thus reach, effectiveness, performance, and cross institution (vendor and other agencies) integration is helpful to develop immersive (total vs. disjointed) services that use our resources well to create "net positives" for society. 

"There is a strong positive cross-sectional relationship between the level of bureaucratic capacity and the level of economic development as measured by GDP per capita." (Besley, et. al, 2021, Pg 9, para 2)

Besley, T. ,et. al (August, 2021). Bureaucracy and Development. (Working Paper 29163). National Bureau of Economic Research. Retrieved December 7th, 2021

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Moving Hate to Group Growth (Sports, Beers and Bullies)?

Most people change and adapt throughout their lives when placed in the right environment with the right pressures. Some become stuck in a way thinking and when their narrow viewpoint clashes with the world around them they may utilize their social networks to confirm that their perception is the "correct" one. The problem is that there are many different ways of viewing the world and to say one is correct over the other often leads to conflict as good conscious is replaced by use of force and intimidation to ensure their perception is the leading one (Self identity and world view are associated.). 

Most people if asked can relate the strengths and failures as a person and have some level of remorse when hasty choices are destructive. When false perceptions are confirmed by dysfunctional groups there is little to no internal learning (Its not race, religion ore even country specific). They are having difficulty moving outside of that mold to change their perspective and that in turn carries with it ongoing risks of future need to confirm their distorted views through their social networks. 

I use the term "sports, beers and bullies" because the group is question has not changed much from highschool nor have they adapted well to global shifts. They have the same identities and seem to relish in this antiquated viewpoint of themselves. There is little fear walking among them, shaking their hands, and saying "hi" because I know where they come from. I came from the very same background but along the path I traveled have been exposed (mostly willing but sometimes unwilling) to all the colors under the sky.

The problem is we can't allow such groups to continue to develop a new generation of narrow minded individuals for fear that they will not be able to compete effectively on a global world. Opportunities will run through their fingers whether or not they are aware of those opportunities. They will continue to slip in position and stature and helping them means bringing greater awareness to their lives. Unfortunately, as with all kinds of cultic outlooks they rely on the same self-confirmed logic through the same networks and thus unexposed. 

While my strategy is to be polite and friendly I'm not unaware of the ongoing risks when groups get upset and in turn are willing to act on these unquestioned loyalties. Most of the members are very good people and not willing to engage in wanton destruction. Yet there are some who are emboldened and all to willing to force their inappropriate values on others. They call me a "bitch" because I refuse to submit to group intimidation and have the skills to stand for something greater (Its not about them or even me.). 

There are values that take precedence that go back to our time honored principles as a nation. We have generations of people who died for those beliefs and it would be dishonorable to allow them to be trashed because people can be easily manipulated. They know little of me and what they do know is unlikely to be accurate (In some ways I can't blame them...they have no way of cognitively bridging the gap.). What I can say is that as our nation globalizes their limited beliefs are unlikely to serve their long term interests well (They will increasingly become the fringe.). Yet there is still hope they have learned from this situation...I know I have.("Know thy neighbor")

So where do we go from here? I'm not sure. I will be around serving my community (like I have served them even though they do not know it....but will likely become aware at some point in the future.) and of course will go where I want and when I want. Rage and hate has no place in our communities anymore as it holds us back from our full potential as a nation and people. So I smile with a little sadness as a sort of kindness for I know there is so much untapped potential here. Maybe we can change that for the next generation.

"Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.Rumi

Reagan National Defense Forum 2021 - Discussion with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III

Defense Lloyd J. Austin III discusses changes in the military to keep up with China and its growth in new technology and military might. As a first rule we should think about working together toward a greater goal to ensure that our way of life and essential values of democracy are a beacon for peoples and nations around the world. He believes, sincere selflessness helps empower people to rise to new challenges and often sets the exceptional and the average apart (Duty, Honor, Country). 

Competitive Position

There is a lot in this speech so I want you to listen to the whole thing yourself. As a general platform the use of innovative hubs/clusters can lead to diverse innovation as a national cultural phenomenon. Free minds, free spirits, and entrepreneurial spirit is what can set this country apart as an economic powerhouse and in terms of capacity a military powerhouse. 

Having the will also means we need the way. That often comes from rethinking our developmental approaches and often moving into the very minute understandings of how new ideas are created, rewarded, and fostered. Innovation is a process that when put within a theoretical model can sometimes be built in other locations and places. As we move into more VR world with the virtual and physical divide integrating with AI and wearable technology one must think to the very small transactional structures that make it possible.

The platform of sub transactions to understand innovation is important. It helps to see how clusters can be built and developed in a way that leads to new industries and faster transactional shares that help to speed up new ideas from inception to scalable large scale resources for the military and for civilian based products that can be sold. It is possible to rejuvenate the economy and the military in one major innovative push that uses bottom up small business partnering with major corporate and military stakeholders. 

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Death Threats and Political Intimidation: Upton and Omar Leading by Examples (Poll Shows Americans want RINOS and DINOS)

Strength isn't only about power and might but also about political capital and getting things done. Anger and ideological blindness is taking a toll on Americans and concepts of "togetherness" around core principles as an important avenue forward. Regardless of our political persuasion Rep. Fred Upton (R) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D) have shown it is possible to work and empathize across the isle and that could be the start of something small but important for political relations ("RINOS" and "DINOS" have shown they can be core party faithful while still working with others. 🦏💕🦖=🗽 Liberty!)

Pew Poll
There are people who want the different partisan sides to start working together and are becoming concerned with the prospects of democracy (See Pew Diversity and Division in Advanced Economies). The poll indicates that a huge majority of Americans are concerned with high conflict differences such as political (90%) and racial (71%) divisions, religion (49%) and country-city divide (42%).

What we also find in this poll is that 86% of younger people feel that different ethnic races, religions, and people's are important to develop a better place to live. That same trend is found across many countries in the world and I think its helpful for politicians to take note that the fringe may get the microphone but that the trends of society indicate something different (Meaning radical supporters have loud voices but are not reflective of society.🤔).

Upton and Omar's ability to communicate and treat each other civilly starts to follow that trend where variety and spice of life is an asset. The next generation will hold significant power and it will be those centralist voices that are likely to appeal to them from a leadership standpoint.

(There is a study on Bi-partisanship Legislative Effectiveness entitled 'Are Bipartisan Lawmakers More Effective?', looks like working paper, that while bi-partisanship in Congress isn't what brings forward bills it is what helps get them passed into law at a higher rate. If we introduced well thought out bi-partisan bills by people who actually want to solve problems we might have higher political outcomes and as a tertiary bonus prompt people to raise Public Trust stats of Congress and government. )

From a political position, it is the young that are now starting to take politics seriously and will likely bend the current extremist curves toward something more healthy. Thus the next generation of leaders are likely to be be more educated, more global, and more tolerant of differences if we do not allow far right or left derailment to cause a train crash before that happens (See Global Cultural Intelligence, Millennial Market Changes, Global Cultural Perspective, Social & Emotional Intelligence)

(There are a number of important indicators that highlight how we might start to transform in the Digital Era/Info Age if those who feel like they are loosing power hijack our development as a nation. Fear of losing power often drives self-serving anger in highly competitive environments. You can read the study, '“Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it”: the combined effects of leader fear of losing power and competitive climate on leader self-serving behavior' Death threats, breaking into offices, corruption, group intimidation, blind hate support, etc... can cause social havoc that leads to infighting and national decline. Just like in relationships toxicity and 'might over right' is unlikely to have a positive long term and leads to all types of destructive outcomes.).

You can read and article by Melissa Nann Burke in the Detroit News to get a picture of what is going on 'Upton sought out Omar to express support after they both received 'nasty' death threats'

Friday, December 3, 2021

THE RAGING 2020s: Companies, Countries, People — and the Fight for Our Future

 The Detroit Economic Club puts on some great stuff. They are where many business professionals seek to gain new knowledge and understanding.

THE RAGING 2020s: Companies, Countries, People — and the Fight for Our Future
An Exclusive Live Virtual Event
Alec Ross
New York Times best-selling author &
Distinguished Visiting Professor at l’Universitá di Bologna Business School
For 150 years, there has been a social contract. Companies hold the power to shape our daily lives. Governments hold the power to make them fall in line. And the people hold the power to choose their leaders. But now, this balance has shaken loose. Today’s global companies are as powerful as countries and on issues ranging from privacy to sustainability to diversity and workers’ rights.

As the world rages amidst pandemic, rising inequality and increasingly frequent climate disasters, Alec Ross offers a path forward in THE RAGING 2020s. He examines the economic and political forces that brought us to where we are today, looks at the trends shaping the decade to come and answers the question: will we come together to rewrite our social contract? 
Purchase The Raging 2020s on Amazon by clicking here.
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