Sunday, December 5, 2021

Reagan National Defense Forum 2021 - Discussion with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III

Defense Lloyd J. Austin III discusses changes in the military to keep up with China and its growth in new technology and military might. As a first rule we should think about working together toward a greater goal to ensure that our way of life and essential values of democracy are a beacon for peoples and nations around the world. He believes, sincere selflessness helps empower people to rise to new challenges and often sets the exceptional and the average apart (Duty, Honor, Country). 

Competitive Position

There is a lot in this speech so I want you to listen to the whole thing yourself. As a general platform the use of innovative hubs/clusters can lead to diverse innovation as a national cultural phenomenon. Free minds, free spirits, and entrepreneurial spirit is what can set this country apart as an economic powerhouse and in terms of capacity a military powerhouse. 

Having the will also means we need the way. That often comes from rethinking our developmental approaches and often moving into the very minute understandings of how new ideas are created, rewarded, and fostered. Innovation is a process that when put within a theoretical model can sometimes be built in other locations and places. As we move into more VR world with the virtual and physical divide integrating with AI and wearable technology one must think to the very small transactional structures that make it possible.

The platform of sub transactions to understand innovation is important. It helps to see how clusters can be built and developed in a way that leads to new industries and faster transactional shares that help to speed up new ideas from inception to scalable large scale resources for the military and for civilian based products that can be sold. It is possible to rejuvenate the economy and the military in one major innovative push that uses bottom up small business partnering with major corporate and military stakeholders. 

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Death Threats and Political Intimidation: Upton and Omar Leading by Examples (Poll Shows Americans want RINOS and DINOS)

Strength isn't only about power and might but also about political capital and getting things done. Anger and ideological blindness is taking a toll on Americans and concepts of "togetherness" around core principles as an important avenue forward. Regardless of our political persuasion Rep. Fred Upton (R) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D) have shown it is possible to work and empathize across the isle and that could be the start of something small but important for political relations ("RINOS" and "DINOS" have shown they can be core party faithful while still working with others. 🦏💕🦖=🗽 Liberty!)

Pew Poll
There are people who want the different partisan sides to start working together and are becoming concerned with the prospects of democracy (See Pew Diversity and Division in Advanced Economies). The poll indicates that a huge majority of Americans are concerned with high conflict differences such as political (90%) and racial (71%) divisions, religion (49%) and country-city divide (42%).

What we also find in this poll is that 86% of younger people feel that different ethnic races, religions, and people's are important to develop a better place to live. That same trend is found across many countries in the world and I think its helpful for politicians to take note that the fringe may get the microphone but that the trends of society indicate something different (Meaning radical supporters have loud voices but are not reflective of society.🤔).

Upton and Omar's ability to communicate and treat each other civilly starts to follow that trend where variety and spice of life is an asset. The next generation will hold significant power and it will be those centralist voices that are likely to appeal to them from a leadership standpoint.

(There is a study on Bi-partisanship Legislative Effectiveness entitled 'Are Bipartisan Lawmakers More Effective?', looks like working paper, that while bi-partisanship in Congress isn't what brings forward bills it is what helps get them passed into law at a higher rate. If we introduced well thought out bi-partisan bills by people who actually want to solve problems we might have higher political outcomes and as a tertiary bonus prompt people to raise Public Trust stats of Congress and government. )

From a political position, it is the young that are now starting to take politics seriously and will likely bend the current extremist curves toward something more healthy. Thus the next generation of leaders are likely to be be more educated, more global, and more tolerant of differences if we do not allow far right or left derailment to cause a train crash before that happens (See Global Cultural Intelligence, Millennial Market Changes, Global Cultural Perspective, Social & Emotional Intelligence)

(There are a number of important indicators that highlight how we might start to transform in the Digital Era/Info Age if those who feel like they are loosing power hijack our development as a nation. Fear of losing power often drives self-serving anger in highly competitive environments. You can read the study, '“Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it”: the combined effects of leader fear of losing power and competitive climate on leader self-serving behavior' Death threats, breaking into offices, corruption, group intimidation, blind hate support, etc... can cause social havoc that leads to infighting and national decline. Just like in relationships toxicity and 'might over right' is unlikely to have a positive long term and leads to all types of destructive outcomes.).

You can read and article by Melissa Nann Burke in the Detroit News to get a picture of what is going on 'Upton sought out Omar to express support after they both received 'nasty' death threats'

Friday, December 3, 2021

THE RAGING 2020s: Companies, Countries, People — and the Fight for Our Future

 The Detroit Economic Club puts on some great stuff. They are where many business professionals seek to gain new knowledge and understanding.

THE RAGING 2020s: Companies, Countries, People — and the Fight for Our Future
An Exclusive Live Virtual Event
Alec Ross
New York Times best-selling author &
Distinguished Visiting Professor at l’Universitá di Bologna Business School
For 150 years, there has been a social contract. Companies hold the power to shape our daily lives. Governments hold the power to make them fall in line. And the people hold the power to choose their leaders. But now, this balance has shaken loose. Today’s global companies are as powerful as countries and on issues ranging from privacy to sustainability to diversity and workers’ rights.

As the world rages amidst pandemic, rising inequality and increasingly frequent climate disasters, Alec Ross offers a path forward in THE RAGING 2020s. He examines the economic and political forces that brought us to where we are today, looks at the trends shaping the decade to come and answers the question: will we come together to rewrite our social contract? 
Purchase The Raging 2020s on Amazon by clicking here.
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Thursday, December 2, 2021

December 02, 2021, Escanaba Regular City Council Meeting (Tuckman's Team Development Model)

Escanaba City Council Meeting. Not a whole lot to say this time around. The Agenda is HERE. New administration so there will be some kinks to sort of work out but that is pretty normal in the forming, storming, norming, and performing stages of any new team (See Tuckman's Team Development Model. ). I would say them are in Stage 1 and 2 and some general rules and ways of dealing with each other are going to come out and then everything will get smoother. This looks standard to me as each member is elected based on something they want to accomplish and they are feeling each other out to find their place in it all Sea legs coming soon!


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Why I Call Myself an "Old Guard" Republican?

I'm not sure where our politics are going but I'm pretty sure I understand what I believe. That puts me as a light right Republican (I guess to some that would be a RINO but If my basic values are central to the history of Republicans then I'm not sure it would apply accurately in this instance. It would seem there are others using the term Republican to gain support when they do not necessarily believe in many of the long standing Republican values. Its not my call though to define these terms as they are collectively negotiated.). 

At the same point its very hard for me to be far right (or even far left) because I think these perspectives are narrowly limited. The best solutions are when you can see both sides of an argument and can take the wise pieces from either to find the best solution that has the most applicability. I seek to create logic and rationality as much as possible (I often fail but usually I'm on my own course in divergent thinking.). 

I also have minority kids (in many ways minorities of minorities in an aggressive world where the rules don't always apply) and I can't engage in any level of hate or support hate in any form. Its not fair to them or to the majority of society who no longer fits into a perfect "glass house" perspective of "American". For the most part, I think that hate will end up cracking this society much like some theorists have predicted if we don't eventually get a handle on it (A responsibility of all Americans and parties. One could even make an argument a national security issue.). 

As a general rule I think focusing on small business, people and developing a strong diversified economy will help not only "average" people but also our long-term corporate options. Policies are often skewed toward a limited sliver of corporate support (because of the nature of politics and financial influence) but don't really think about the whole economic picture and the long term need to create and develop a sustainable economy through innovation (Different economists see different things but I see small business and MNC large businesses partnering to help each other.).

Furthermore, I'm conservative in my values. I believe religion is helpful for people and most religions focus on describing the very same events of life and our duty to a higher set of values and power (Its not my place to say which religion people should follow.). If we all focused on ourselves, parties and people we would suffer many of the same problems we are currently experiencing on a national level. There are just some values that help keep society together but many of us have lost our belief in humility, kindness, thoughtfulness, love, inner strength, wisdom, honor, forgiveness, etc... because we replaced them with false images of brutal strength, quick judgement, hate of things we don't understand, and selfishness on the upper spectrum limits in our modern politics and social lives. 

So I'm not 100% sure where I fit on the political perspective because the definitions of our parties have changed and what I believe doesn't seem to have much connection with what many of our politicians are saying (at least publicly leaving more and more to the fringe.). I'm not sure if I'm part of one party, two parties, or no parties at all.  At the moment I can say an "old guard" Republican with the right to have my own opinion (same problem with Democrats. I have lots of liberal friends and even a few radical one's who can't accept others opinions so I just don't talk to people who lose their rationality; not really party specific.) Time will tell.....we will just have to wait and see. ⏳

The Importance of Deradicalizing Politics for National Solutions (Policing as an Example)

As a nation we have been discussing policing and police reform for some time without resolution. Solutions don't come easily forward when both sides of the political spectrum are hyping up their base in ways that are wholly destructive and not in the best spirit for national growth. Radicalism within politics is a serious problem because common sense solutions can't be found when ears are plugged and mouths open. Our national leadership should listen to their inner voice and find pro social positive solutions that benefit the institution of policing while still addressing the needs of our people (duh!).

The Blind leading the Blind
Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1568

For example, If I say I support police and I support protestors that creates a lot of confusion among our radical politicians and supporters (meaning there are lots of great politicians that can think complexly but the loud mouths are often skewing the debate and solutions!) If I say I want to enhance the effectiveness of policing it "must" mean I'm against minority rights. Likewise, if I say we should listen to peaceful protestors that also "for sure" means I'm against law and order! (Do you see the black and white thinking and how people interpret information through their own ideological perceptions? There is no middle ground and thus no solution. 🦇💩🤡 Hyper Politics)

Yet that isn't my interpretation at all. I'm 100% in support of police and I'm 100% in support of peaceful protestors. There is always room for improvement and removing bad/corrupt officers is part of the solution as well as engaging with peaceful protestors to understand their concerns (while arresting those who engage in violence and destruction). The solution isn't left and right ideological radicalism but truth that seeks to find "common sense" solutions. 

A study conducted at Cambridge found that radicals have a hard time doing complex mental tasks and simplify their world through black and white type of thinking (You can see a description of the study HERE You can read the actual study HERE.). Before you jump to one of those "radical" conclusions consider while the study is focused on one ideological outlook it really applies to the process of not thinking through complexity which certainly can apply to some Democrats and some Republicans. 

We should encourage our leadership to start thinking in non-radical ways and find middle ground where the most rational solutions that will have the widest public support are found (Cognitive Teams). When I say I saw bad police behavior that should be held to account while saying I actively support our police that means what I say it means (Regardless of others confusion.). Those who miscue this information do so because of their own radical ideological bent that favors their limited perspective. 

We can't run a nation well without positive well thought out solutions if we are unable/unwilling to think complexly about leading issues of the day. When only 1/4 of people trust what our politicians are saying the problems move way way beyond my comments of supporting police, listening to peaceful protestors, holding to account anarchist violence/protestors, as well as removing "bad apple" officers to maintain institutional integrity (See Pew Study). 

Not sure what kind of country you want or who you are going to listen to? We need to deradicalize our politics to find pathways for societal advancement. We might someday look back 100 years in our virtual reality history books and say, " simplistic was our thinking during the times of the Covid pandemic. Thank god we evolved as a society and species!" (Vervet Monkeys). More systems thinking is needed in government. Perhaps continued polarization is our solution? 🤷  (Systems Thinking, Perception and Reality Race Relations, Stoic Concept of Justice, Warriors of Past and Future, The Soft Side of Extremism, Conducting ResearchBiggest National Threats, Social StabilityDon't Get Upset!

Stuff a Blue Goose Gladstone-Giving Back and Good Will

 Policing is tough business and they support our communities in important ways. As you can tell for the "Stuff a Blue Goose" campaign from the Michigan State Police they do more than give tickets. Many of the officers volunteer their time and seek to create good will by supporting those in need. 

In many cases police are the first to come across people in poverty. Many of the youth that get in trouble do have poor backgrounds and often not the support or resources they need to develop to their fullest of abilities. They start with a limp and without shoes in an economic race that would make even Micheal Jordan pant. 

According to an article in TV6 'Gladstone troops collect over $14k in donations during ‘Stuff a Blue Goose’ event' (our local channel) Meijers, Walmart, Marines Toys for ToTs, Pats Food In Gladstone (one of my favorite stores), Marinette County Sheriffs, Marinette City Police, and Salvation Army were all involved. Helping others is a community affair.

You can gain some additional information at MSP Newsroom. I suspect they could give you direction on places you can donate if you have cash contributions and missed any deadlines. There are lots of people in the area that could use a little help and I encourage more wealthy members of society to donate.