Friday, November 26, 2021

Michigan Has $18.5 Billion Coming-Lets Do Something Beyond Buying Christmas Presents! (Delta County Innovation Model)

Michigan is receiving $8.5 billion Covid Money and $10 billion or so from the Federal Infrastructure Bill. That is a whopping amount of money! What we should do with that money is highly depending on where we want to go and I'm sure there are lots of people out there that want to have a field day with that money. Putting more Christmas presents under the tree might not be the best use of the money if that spending has limited long term impact. 

What kind of presents
should we put
under Michigan's tree?
I have a couple of ideas on where I think some of that money should go and how that might help create a solid model of future prosperity (Trying to find a Christmas present that keeps on giving. Its kind of like giving a nice ham/turkey/lamb for Christmas which helps a starving family one day or giving someone tools, knowledge, and a job to help them feed their family everyday. Not that there is anything wrong with helping on immediate needs but long term plans are highly beneficial). Not that its a perfect model, or even a finished model, but that it may be one in which once successfully created and implemented could lead to reapplying in other areas.

I advocate for use of the money to develop hard infrastructure that leads to the fundaments that attracting more business. All of that is important for long term health. Putting that money into net positive returns can be helpful for state coffers.

For some time I have been working on a innovative transactional theory to help build a stronger society and have used Delta County Michigan as a focal point because of its unique characteristics (See innovative transactional cluster theory). Its semi isolated and many of the ideas and concepts could be observed developing in real time because of its smaller size. Large enough for some variability in industry but small enough to connect them to together into a shared brand.

Delta County has advantages that include infrastructure, a couple of anchor business, tourism possibilities, outdoor recreation, green living, small-medium town aesthetics and a skilled workforce. One thing that sets them apart is that the community supports each other (save a few selfish individuals) and have an active stake in each other's lives.

However, not much attention has been placed on the city and a little money in the right place could be used to attract businesses and ensure that the model could be applied and used in other places. While our economy is doing well today it doesn't mean that it will do well in a few years so we should think of long-term growth with this money. Trying out something new may not only be helpful but necessary. 

The Detroit Free Press put together a great article by Dave Boucher discussing how some of our officials want the money spent. Whitmer, Michigan lawmakers must agree on how to spend billions in federal aid

I understand its Christmas time but lets do something that could positively impact the nation for the next 50+ years and help to put our country on the path to a leading nation (assuming we can keep our politicians from splitting it.)!!! That will require more than just slamming our hands down and demanding our way louder and louder and louder. It requires a level of foresight and leadership that says, "Hey, if we can make it work here we can make it work in other places within the state...maybe the nation."

Possible answers usually start with a question!


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving: Delta County Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy and spend with family and friends. Let us not forget the Native Americans that helped the new comers to shore and fed them. Do something good with your time. You can read about the history of Thanks giving HERE

Escanaba Community Thanksgiving Dinner had 300 people. They don't have an official website other then Facebook HERE

If you want to donate do so at .....

Community Thanksgiving Dinner

912 7th Avenue South

Escanaba, MI. 49829

Facebook Page

Data Bus brings people. :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Department of Defense Establishes the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (UFO Hunters)

DOD Announces the establishes the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group. You can read the official memorandum HERE. Cool stuff! Nano Nano! Congress Electro Propulsion  

Just for fun you can see our half joking UFO video in Escanaba. Its probably a drone or balloon but fun to think about. 👽👾 Someone said maybe Chinese lantern. 🤔 Only one problem the wind at 9:30 pm was 4.6 mph NNW. These "UFOs" were heading easterly. However someone from our Xfile Community Team (just kidding) said that they let off some Chinese lanterns at that time so likely that is the leading theory. Its just good fun. 

The Importance of Accountability-The Danger of Radicalism in Politics and Life?

Knowledge and learning
 guides the path.
Hate is powerful and sometimes part of the way we think. It can impact a great many things in the way we approach the world. Over the last few years our society seems to be stretched at the seams by people who have something to gain (politically, financially, ideologically, etc..) by hyping up the problems to further their influence. Often the people who start these problems don't care about the consequences on others because that is not part of their "agenda". As a nation we will need to start tackling some of these issues and holding people accountable when they are trying to harm or hurt others; no matter their race, creed, or position.

Removing "bad apples" is important to ensure integrity in any system; that isn't unique to law enforcement. I think most reasonable people sort of agree that when people violate the law and constitution they should be held to account. Likewise, I would suspect most people would similarly agree that we also have a responsibility to hold criminals accountable no matter their race, creed. I suspect you can add friend networks and wealth to keep it fair. Sometimes that might mean a lighter punishment if they can be reformed without jail and other times it might mean jail time if they present a real risk to others. 

Politics gets involved and there a level of acceptance of bad behavior and in turn further encourages such bad behaviors to continue by giving troublemakers "cover".  If you notice in my writings I talk about national unity, wisdom in the judicial system, universal rights, and holding criminals accountable (Way way before our current national blow out.). You also see me write about opportunities and economic growth for all Americans. You may even see me give a few thoughts on building the strongest nation we can by encouraging motivation, business, and positive engagement with society. 

Of course I'm a single voice and that is drowned out by those screaming at the top of their lungs. Despite the whisper, I have experienced a fairly full array of life because I have met lots of people, know lots of great officers, spend time with Black people, have Arab Muslims friends, Jewish friends Christian friends, and spend time with White Americans, Africans, Europeans and lots of other people. I'm experienced in understanding culture and "open minded" enough not to judge too quickly small differences (I focus on character). Yet my voice is drowned out by those who already have the answers; sometimes without thinking about alternate explanations.

That doesn't mean I'm always right and it certainly doesn't mean everyone will agree with me. I've also been on the receiving end where someone makes up a story based in their bigotry and desire for financial gain and utilizes their close corrupted friend(s) (indicating a wider departmental problem) to put pressure my family to leave our home town. At the end of the accountability is seen as dangerous as the disease of hate can easily spread and starts circumventing the law (sometimes with nodding approvals and sometimes covertly to avoid detection.) 

Where do we go from here? I can only say what I'm going to do. I'm going to stand tall against the power of hate and encourage people to "do the right thing". I'm going to support our law enforcement and support the removal of rogue or corrupted officers (for integrity and trust issues). I will be visible and not allow the power of hate to terrorize our population (meaning this probably wasn't the first time this happened.). I will also encourage people to come together and be fair, reasonable, and just with their thought matter what their political agenda (There is no better political agenda than national health...maybe some of our politicians should think about that.). 

If we do not stick close to our essential American principles we will have a hard time keeping the ship together. Look around and look at the hyper politics and the radicalism growing on both sides of the issues (mirroring our politics and politicians) and ask, "Who are we as individuals and who are we as a nation?" It looks like time and choice will answer that question for us. I think I know what we could be and perhaps I will play a small part in getting us there someday. No one knows the future...but certainly we can look into history to see what happens to countries that don't take these concerns seriously or when factions develop that can no longer compromise or be held to account. 

A couple of articles worth reading Philosophy Politics Governance, Standing for Ethics,  Playing it CoolMemorial Day, Conflict Modeling,  Cost of Embedded Groups, Cost of HyperPolitics, Evolutionary Arms Race, Vervet Monkeys,  Road to Ultra Nationalism, Democracy Backslide,  Why I Write? and Dissertation Questions  (Disclaimer...don't judge too quickly yet. This is a good opportunity for people to learn...not saying I'm teaching here or know anything. Its just observations for self understanding. Just take a moment to check in with your personal values and envision the future of your country. What can you do to ensure its long-term health? How are your actions part of the solution or part of the problem? 🤔💗)

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Nasa Seeks to Change Asteroid Direction to Practice Planet Defense

We are not in Sci Fi as the space race continues. New radical technologies are being tested to ensure we have the tools ready in case Earth is threatened by asteroids. Very cool stuff!

Einstein's Theory of Relativity Goes Up for Auction

Einstein was one of the worlds leading scientists and as we move into space exploration more we find many of his theories to still be correct. Manuscripts are often preliminary work and ideas that lead to a bigger breakthrough. Some write them on pieces of paper (back when that is all they had), some put them into scientific pieces, journals, blogs, etc... to ensure there is a record of how these ideas were created and developed. An excellent article in the Guardian.... Einstein’s notes on theory of relativity fetch record €11.6m at auction.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Job Numbers are Much Much Higher Than Expected! What Does That Mean for Michigan?

Manufacturing, Tourism and Start-Ups
as a Michigan growth Strategy
New numbers came out from the Fed and job growth is more robust than originally expected. That is great news and in turn that is also an opportunity to ensure that growth will also raise opportunities for African American and Hispanic populations. Developing the broadest possible growth for society is important for developing fair economic development. There are different opinions on what those numbers mean and what we can expect so it is important to read diversely on the topic.

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy has a few comments on the disconnect between job growth and job announcements HERE. Different metrics reveal different insights and we can learn from them. Having a battery of metrics in the Digital Era will likely lead to greater understanding of how our economic engines work and thus lead to better decisions.

U-M forecasts furthermore indicates that Michigan should have a full recovery by the end 2021 with as much as a 2% growth in manufacturing jobs.. You can read about that HERE

The type of jobs Michigan attracts will be dependent on the industries we draw to our state. Adding manufacturing and tourism type jobs would seemingly have an impact opportunities for minorities; and others. Manufacturing brings back middle class jobs in a way that have real impact on families of nearly all backgrounds. 

I think the one thing that we all can agree upon is that making Michigan a place to invest, invent and build will increase positive opportunities. I might add that encouraging strong tourism (in addition to manufacturing and start ups) influences the creation of a more diverse economy and one in which attracts and retains top talent of different backgrounds. See Pure Michigan, SME, Start-Ups as a few ideas (I'm not saying they are the best ideas....I'm just saying they are ideas 😶.)

The articles and projects are considered market research and market forecast. You can read how each piece of the puzzle can be found by looking at both sides of an argument (Don't ever get stuck into a single way of looking at everything. That is called blindness.). Each piece of information fills in a gap of knowledge. HERE.  If you are an executive you will need to weigh these arguments to look at the provided evidence of different authors, scientists and intellectuals to make better strategic decisions. You can read about executive evidence based management HERE.

Strategy is built from assessing the environment, understanding the data, looking at our SWOT, and in turn making a strategic decision that appears to match certain economic, scientific and technology trends.