Tuesday, August 24, 2021

GoLocal at Walmart to Be Competitive-Small Business and Customers

Walmart has taken a slightly different approach to digitization and competition with Amazon. While its building its online competitiveness it also is seeking to improve delivery service. They are going to deliver your product in 2 hours or less. That is pretty fast and that will change some of the landscape of delivery if it is able to connect small business and consumers more closely.

We should expect these delivery times to improve as as the digital technology creates efficiencies in the supply chain and allows them to manage these many smaller deliveries on a more macro scale. If they extend this to smaller manufacturers that may give them also an outlet for their products (I will have to see how to add mallets.)

Thus, instead of criticism of hurting small business within an area they could consider being a conduit for those products and services that are unique but may have wider appeal beyond Walmarts shelf and into a more global offering. In other words, they can help build local brands. See Homegrown Brands.

The other advantage is that if Walmart works well with small businesses they can keep the premium advantages from their distribution process. The local delivery abilities matched with a strong truck fleet that moves products from region quickly is a strategic approach the company is likely trying to maintain.

You can check out the site at Express Delivery

You may also want to read, 'Walmart announces GoLocal, a last-mile delivery service for other retailers' by Sarah Perez

Congressman Bergman Sends Message to Vets

Congressman Berman sends out messages from time to time via his email distribution list. Because he is the Representative from Michigan's 1st Congressional District his news important for understanding what is going on in the area. This message is a particularly nice one I thought I would forward because of all the stuff that is going on in Afghanistan (His service fits well with the unique veteran demographic returning home from decades of fighting). 

It is important to remember that veterans have helped to protect our freedoms and when they land back in the States they often serve their communities with the same tenacity.  They are next generation leaders, business owners, and community supporters. 


As a Vietnam Veteran and a Commander responsible for the deployment of thousands of Marines to Afghanistan, I’m taking this opportunity to address you, my fellow Veterans, as we endure together the deeply disturbing stories and images coming out of Afghanistan.

Here’s the bottom line up front. Something that we already know to be true, but that is worth repeating during this intensely challenging time.

Whether you saved the world from fascism in World War II, stamped out the spread of communism in Korea and Vietnam, cracked down with lethal force on radical terrorism, or served our Nation in any capacity while wearing a uniform – you made a difference.

By virtue of our service, we defended the freedoms of good men and women around the world and have made a positive difference. Always remember that.

As we are reminded today by the events in Afghanistan, the threat is always changing. Those currently serving in the region are experiencing this first hand, and I have the utmost confidence in those individuals with their boots on the ground to carry out their mission.

For us here at home, now is the time to connect with our brothers and sisters in arms and their loved ones.

You are not alone. You will never be alone.

If you need someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to dial 1-800-273-8255, then press 1 for the Veterans Crisis Line.

Thank you for your dedicated, courageous service and welcome home.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Fastest Growing Industries 2021-Places for Towns to "Reconnect" to the Global Supply Chain

Understanding which industries are growing in 2021 tells us how our economy is transitioning and changing. What we want to see is improvement in certain industries that indicate that the economy is moving in a beneficial direction. In the article, '2021 U.S. GDP By Industry' by Andrew DePietro there is a discussion on a breakdown of leading industries...

GDP by Industry

1.) Real Estate $4 trillion.

2.) Manufacturing $6.4 trillion

3.) Professional and business services $4.5 trillion.

The information is from the BEA which stands for the Bureau of Economic Analysis. See GDP 2nd Q

The author includes a list of a number of industries. 

I keep thinking about how this applies to Delta County Michigan and how they can capitalize on emerging trends so locals can attract jobs and enhance/enrich lifestyle (...not that its not great now!). For example, lets say the military & space industries are coming to the UP, there is an increase in manufacturing and in turn warehousing & shipping as well as a general trend toward new business development (i.e. design firms and custom manufacturing). It would make sense for rural areas with beneficial infrastructure like rail, ports, airport, highway, etc...to consider their potential place in it all. I been writing about this for a while but I will include a couple of articles to review Delta County Shipping and Attracting Start up Firms and 3Q Manufacturing Trend (Continuing on with this economic though experiment See Theory of Transactional Clusters.)

The Oath of Office-Attracting The World's Talent~!

 In our nation we respect differences and we seek to blend our peoples into a single national spirit that soars above the petty rhetoric of the day. It makes no difference your race, religion, or culture because we need this diversity to navigate a shifting environment. We are universalizing our nation (whether we consciously aware or not) to attract the highest quality talent from across the globe. Warriors, poets, and free thinkers can apply! We are bound by our Constitution........

Sunday, August 22, 2021

American Veterans Help Evacuating Afghans with "digital Dunkirk"-Crowdsourcing Help

Veterans don't stop serving their country when they shake their dusty boots off back in the U.S.. They continue to serve their friends and people they knew back in Afghanistan years after knowing them. Because the situation is deteriorating, we don't know exactly how much, these veterans want to help people who are trying to leave Afghanistan do so.

There are stories of some level of harassment of people trying leave (....not sure of how much and to what extent as it seems different reports are being released to he public). However, strategically I think that the Taliban should let whomever wants to leave to just go without any problems. Its a better omen then the many other options they currently have and in turn can go a long way if they seek "normalization" in the future (The cold war may have started last year and chances are Afghanistan will be a piece in this. :(.)

All life is precious and we hope that people who want to leave can do so peacefully and without harm. It provides for the best overall outcomes and it indicates that any withdrawal commitments and/or reasonable expectations will be honored. The safe return of people to the US and the best wishes for the struggling Afghan people should be at the forefront of our minds (We can pray for the best outcomes for a safe, stable and peaceful Afghanistan). 

You can contribute and provide your expertise.....

This list contains information and “lessons learned” by US military veterans trying to help our Afghan friends. Please use this as a resource and know we are doing our best to be helpful here. The situation in Kabul and elsewhere changes rapidly and we will try to keep this updated. We are very sorry our friends and allies are suffering right now.

You may also look on LinkedIn for #DigitalDunkirk

You can read some about the "digital Dunkirk" run be veterans groups HERE. 

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Why Its Difficult to Root Out Hate? Cultural Confirmation

No matter what religion you practice, race you belong, or continent you come from there are people within communities that hate (and of course those who do not hate.). Once someone identifies their nation with their race/religion there is going to be problems for everyone else that doesn't fit into that mold. Religion, race and culture are tied together in a way that makes it difficult for people to step outside their personal identities to consider the needs of others and/or the greater needs of their nation. The vast majority of population will never truly see beyond what is in the benefit for themselves to what is in the benefit of everyone (A limiting human condition). 

The problem we often face with dealing with such issues is that we lack unison of purpose. There are laws, some check in with their moral conscious, and there may be a general societal interest to help guide us but sometimes we get it wrong. The problem is that when push comes to shove, few are willing to step outside their roles to do the "right thing" (They don't want to sacrifice to uphold a bigger principle.). We keep struggling because politically we can't get everyone to work together toward our national purpose (A place that is often exploited by knowledgeable criminals.)

The problems of extremism and hate are unlikely to go away anytime soon without political and institutional alignment around core national values. Sure...we might push police reform down the road another 15 years (I doubt it will go that far before another national blow out occurs. Statistically, I think we are running risks the longer we wait. Doing something, even if its not perfect, goes a long way to prompting society that we are unified in our long term vision.) but certainly we can try it (Avoiding our responsibility to deal with this divisive issue today could mean a perception of irresponsibility in the future.). 

I'm an optimist by nature. While we sometimes turn a "blind eye" to hate in our own communities (due to ignorance, lack of understanding and sometimes personal/institutional bias.) we often want to do the right thing but run into wider social contingencies. Even in such situations truth begins to overcome falsehood but that can only happen if we continue to talk and debate. Silencing through intimidation isn't the answer and never will come to a positive solution...unless such behaviors are challenged (A method of realigning people and/or departments back to our core American beliefs.)

Sure there are people who will violate our most basic laws to distort/suppress truth but in the end truth often just makes more sense then post-constructed stories. You can sense through people's actions, words and cues that they are telling the truth. Truth is one of those things that when people hear they will recognize it. While its ugly to hear it is is still part of getting better as a people and a nation.

I've seen people do some pretty horrendous things in support of hate based behaviors simply because of personal loyalties (They think they are showing loyalty but when someone has an issue and they don't want to get help it is more beneficial to encourage them to deal with such issues right away to minimize the impact on everyone. Pretending like the "pink elephant" doesn't exist only pushes the problem down the road where it becomes bigger and more destructive; remember that victims have rights too! Do you see the parallels between dealing with mental health issues and dealing with larger scale "American Family" issues as it relates to hate? Both follow the same sort of dynamics where distorted thinking can lead to group distortion. Truth is sort of the blunt backstop that keeps everyone oriented toward the facts. I think Michigan Extremism and Coding might be helpful to ponder and think about for use. ).  

We can't just root out hate if we don't take action to stop intentionally bad behavior when we see it (False police reports, theft, bullying, defamation of character, etc...). I'm White but spent a lot of time with White people as well as Black People, Arabs, Muslims, and many others. I started with a simple question, "What makes these people so different than us?" Its probably a little more personalized than that but yes...that is one of the essential questions...that has lead to some wonderful insights into both the beautiful and ugly of human behavior (The tunnel vision by which we declare knowledge.).  

There is nothing but our values and beliefs that make us any different than another nation or another people. There are those who support good moral conscious and those who don't. There are the healthy and the unhealthy mindsets. Healthy people don't know all the answers and weigh the options before acting. Unhealthy people may look like they are debating but seem to come to the same conclusions over and over (i.e. changing information won't change their opinion as a result of rigidity in thought and inappropriateness of behavior. Think about it.)

It makes little difference what country you come from our what religion you follow (Good hearts are different than bad hearts.). Good people will try and do good within their cultural perspective and bad people will manipulate culture for their personal and/or political goals. The American creed of working hard and achieving, fairness, freedom, etc... is based in our willingness to 1. first believe in certain values and 2. act to ensure  those essential values are integrated into society. 

Turning a "blind eye" and not focusing on some of the tough questions isn't a solution; its an avoidance strategy. Facing our national issues means looking at them, learning from them, and acting with wisdom to improve them. Sometimes there is a need to gather more data that could lead to better decision making through an appropriate delay but we should never push off our responsibilities ( or failure to fulfill them) simply because we lack the willpower. If you don't understand something then go collect the data and come to understand it better for yourself. Then....make a decision. Beware of how cultural ethnocentrisms can limit full knowledge of a problem. America isn't about cultural confirmation of a particular race or religion but about the promotion of an idea related to human freedom and the ability to earn one's own bread without molestation from others. Its a collective idea that can still be sold to the world. (A global America needs to uphold its universal values for a global business generation. While this is a smaller study we can see how institutional quality and foreign investment are related. See Institutional Quality and FDI. One might draw different conclusions but its a hint that people want to invest in countries that have developed institutions they trust and believe to be fair because they have everyone's best interest in mind. Wouldn't you if it was your money?)

Hurricane Henri Nears-New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Declares State of Emergency

Hurricane Henri is on its way and its possible people may be without power for days. Our power grid has problems and isn't designed to reroute power quickly or with ease (and take from different sources) in the case of emergencies. With increasing storms, hacking, and even sabotage we have to consider some of the merits of developing a hardy and dexterous system that can draw and pull from multiple sectors/sources. Perhaps our infrastructure bill can address some of these issues in our most populated areas. Rural areas may be better off having using at least a percentage of all power drawn from local power sources that can be more fully utilized in cases of emergencies (I guess it could be used as one additional source to feed a larger system if necessary as well. Thus its a back-up source for locals and a secondary sources for more national oriented emergencies.)