Sunday, July 18, 2021

Fire Trucks and Powerful Engines

Final got a chance to look under the hood of one of these firetrucks. Powerful engine! I didn't really pay attention to the brand at the time but I think this might be a Cummings Engine. See Cummings Engines.  Not sure on the speed or torque power. 

Delta County Michigan relies heavily on volunteer firefighters. There are paid firefighters in the City of Escanaba and Gladstone as part of public safety but a significant portion of rural firefighting and support services come from volunteers. 

All of the fire departments, whether volunteer or paid, could use donations and support in helping them achieve their goals. They do an excellent job with what they have but some new equipment (i.e. grass truck and battery powered Jaws) would be helpful. 

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Driving Through the Upper Peninsula to the Mackinac Bridge on US 2-Beaches and Farmer Markets

 Driving from Escanaba to lower Michigan. You can see some of the beautiful beaches and a few cool places to stop. Lots of tourists this year so its likely to be a trend setter. This is one of the reasons why I think Escanaba should get into tourism and micro manufacturing as two ways to attract new wealth and retain it in the area. 

Friday, July 16, 2021

The Difference Between Healthy and Unhealthy Groups

There are differences between healthy and unhealthy groups that will help highlight what we want and don't want in our communities. I would like to list a few I have learned through experience. Over the past few years I have been dealing with a group of individuals who consider themselves "locals" (I'm a local with multi generational roots but because I have a Muslim sounding name that designation no longer applies and that designation has been stripped through ethnocentric projections.) and have coordinated efforts to not only damage reputations but also encourage a wider group of individuals (based in their sports networks) to engage in similar types of antagonistic behaviors (probably learned from antagonism with other sports teams. We aren't a sports team...were just a father and two kids. Think about it!). 

While my children and I have not done anything to the members of this group (.....disagreeing or having boundaries is not "doing" something. Not all members understand theirs and/or others boundaries so it only seems like "doing" something.), we were told by the "leadership" the reason why this group and their larger network of supporters were doing this because we are "Muslim" (..leading to a coordinated ethnic cleansing attempt to make the town uncomfortable through social network manipulation.). That is likely only part of the truth. The other part is that there are other petty things that set off the fragile egos of key influencers in the group (...such a social problem means we need to work on finding a Social Cure for unhealthy group behaviors least their value systems spread to others who might also not critically examine information and behaviors. See Social Cure

Hate really isn't as much about hate as it is about power over others and the weakness the perpetrators hide from their followers/others (If you are confident in yourself there is no reason to hate or fear people who are different.). What likely urks the "inner core" of the group the most is that the majority of people around their age have come to recognize them as the "center" of local sports and social culture since highschool (I'm not sure why...they seem pretty average to me in terms of wealth, style, abilities and characteristics). The core groups desire to be praised by others around them creates a much bigger problem when the "Muslim family" (and likely others) see the mental folly and refuse to bend to their will (The arrogance of not allowing people decide things for themselves without outside manipulation and/or intimidation! What is this world coming too? Ingrates! πŸ˜’πŸ˜³). 

Most "normal" people just sort of move on when they can't dominate someone but in this case the central members of the group continue to spread rumors (...increasing the likelihood others will be hurt through false information and "loose cannon" personalities) capitalizing on "blind" group followership and an all too willing "gossipy" ear. There is little to  no remorse for such behaviors because it is "justified" simply because they are the "other" and do not have the channel to provide an alternative source of information through intentionally created social barriers (Come on...your really think when push comes to shove people don't support their friends over "good moral conscious"? We have seen lots of people do bad things and in hindsight say they were pushed by others and are "blameless". Each person "owns" their own behaviors and often only becomes aware after the fact when they look back in forced reflection. )

It creates a problem for society because this group feels "entitled" to "own" a town and those that disagree with inappropriate behaviors and false information become targets for coordinated behaviors (i.e. bragging about how they ruled highschool, how they "rule" the town, and how everyone wants to be like them. Most of the people don't have the background to sort of see the dysfunction in all of this so they believe the first thing that comes out of one of their friends mouth without considering how misinformation benefits those spreading it.) 

Basically, the extended sports members are told who they are allowed to talk to and who they can be friends with based upon the social direction and control methods of their central leaders (In laymen's terms they call it "owned". BTW it seems as though they use rumors and false information to control their network as well. Doesn't sound very free to me and this makes such groups undesirable to emulate in the general population). Here are a few concepts that separate healthy from unhealthy group dynamics...

1.) Healthy groups accept people who are different then them (They are not ethnic cleansers, hate mongers, and bullies. Yuck! Yuck!). They recognize the inherent value of others and are open to meaningful exchanges.

2.) They don't manipulate the laws, spread rumors, put in false police complaints and then brag about it, or engage in aggressive behaviors. Healthy groups try and focus on truth, solutions and win-win outcomes. 

4.) Healthy groups move beyond their highschool identities (i.e. sports) and into other healthy differentiation of personality (multi faceted interests that may include sports but also art, books, volunteering, etc...) 

5.) Healthy groups don't tell their friends what to believe and the values they "must" have to be members (Remember this should not look like a gang with colors.). While members in groups align on many things they are not forced to believe in a specific way for fear of social retaliation.

6.) Healthy groups don't coordinate behavior to harm "those people" or spread rumors to damage the reputations of others. In healthy groups, the members know the difference between right and wrong and are empowered to act upon it. The more they follow the direction of the core leadership, the more they lose their sense of "reality" that could lead to further inappropriate behaviors in the future.

7.) People in healthy groups are allowed to think for themselves. Normal variance in opinions is accepted without repercussion.  One person(s) doesn't get to define things for others simply because they were popular 30 years ago and can still throw a good "kegger". 🍺 (Animal House and Caddy Shack were cult classics that live on and on and on!)

Healthy groups are open and welcoming to others and are willing to be inclusive of general differences. Members are allowed to have their own identities and not tied to the dysfunctional values of their "leadership". They are free to hang out with whoever they want without having the threat of being "cut off" if they are friends with "the Muslim people" or show any sense of maturing of civility (I'm surprised people give their personal power over to them. Its like all the "manliness" and "coolness" gestures by some of the members is just more or less theatrics when push comes to shove 🀷.)

As of now, I will continue to be polite and friendly to members of this group so they don't need to fear others such as Muslims, Jews, Blacks, Asians and/or anyone else who holds different values. However, there are limits on what a person can and can't do because as long as the central members continue to encourage poor behaviors it is unlikely that the other members will have the independence of thought and/or self efficacy to break free from their dysfunctional networks (That would mean they are mature adults Abel to decide things for themselves). 

Members of this group feel that if they just sort of don't say anything that they are "off the hook". That isn't true (Group behavior only seems to diminish individual responsibility.). Silence in this case is complacency that that is the root of why such bad behaviors continue (..and have likely been done to others in the past. This was learned behavior based on past patterns. Thus it was a tool used at other times. In this case, they can't live with not being in control so they continuously escalate every issue.).  Its important for the group to reflect back to their leadership the inappropriateness of their behaviors so the group can reorient back toward healthy pro-social behaviors.  

I found a study on bullying that you may find interesting. See Bullying in Sports  "PΓΆrhΓΆlΓ€ et al. (2006) stated the majority of research studies related to bullying defined it using three criteria; a) bullying is when someone directs destructive behavior in the direction of another party or the intent to hurt or harm, b) bullying is an act that happens repeatedly over time, c) there is a disproportion of power executing bullying and a party being subjected to bullying that is unable to defend oneself." It important to remember that its the intent of the bully's and not the "reality" of the situation. Not everything is how it first appears and that is why we don't judge only the cover of a book (trust me...flipping open a page of a book from time to time could be helpful here πŸ“•πŸ“–.)  

My question is, How many other times have members of this group done this until someone said, "Nope...its not your right to throw your dysfunction on others! It makes no differences if you manipulate 20 or 200 people to act on your misleading information because right is right and wrong is wrong!."  With any luck and with positive engagement (over time) we can encourage members of this group to abandon their blind followership into the dark world of hate and chart their own course in their relationships and lives (i.e. empowering people to be better). We owe it to others and our children to be well adapted adults. America is built off of freedom and the right for people to think for themselves and not on bending to intimidation, corruption, or hate (Yes I'm aware of politics over the past 10 years and the growing trends there. Not sure I completely understand it yet.πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š).

Each of us will need to decide which principles in our lives matter and the values we want emulate to the youth of our community (The central members of this group intentionally involving children and taught their children inappropriate lessons). I would love a win win situation where the perpetrators come to recognize their behaviors and seek help in solving their personal problems versus finding scapegoats in "the other". It would also be nice to find a way through the fog that can shed light on how to deal with these issues in other places. That requires coordinated efforts to redirect their anger into a healthier place where they can deal with it and move past it (Hate is sometimes based in other comingling traits such as narcissism and childhood trauma.) of now I'm still here. πŸ’— 

Little Dove Makes Its Nest (Picture) - Birds of Ishtar?

Doves of Love!

I was doing some housework painting under the eaves of my house and I come across a dove. He didn't move the whole time I was there. Just staring at me and not moving. Its amazing how patient they are. My brush was within 6 inches and it didn't even flinch. Finished up and! Found another dove nest on the other side of the house.  

Doves are symbols of peace and have been part of society dating back to the ancient days. I suspect its a little bit of a good omen to have one living at your house (in a hokie pokie kind of way!) 

They were called birds of Ishtar and associated with Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty. Many religions (including the big Three) believe in their blessed nature. They were there there for peace, to guide souls, to bring people together, to pass messages from one world to the next. Kind of cool stuff (It relates to our Anthropology and root beliefs and/or symbolism we use as a species). See Dove Symbolism and 15 Facts on Mourning Doves.

Either just hanging out or passing good omens...its welcome! We have to learn to live with nature someday anyway. Maybe I should throw some bird seed out.....(Yikes I'm that old!) πŸ€”πŸ•Š

1st District Upper Peninsula Legislative News (07-16-21) NOAA and Great Lakes Officials

The Great Lakes is an important asset and we must protect and improve it where we can. You can read below about how NOAA and municipal officials are working on understanding..."coastal erosion and habitat impacts with nature-based strategies that will safeguard coastal assets, boost local economies, and encourage resilient planning in the face of a changing climate."

Its important for us to protect the Great Lakes as a long-term resource while also ensuring we aren't just taking without returning. The Industrial Age, mixed with a prior culture of conquering the wilderness, and high demand for raw materials to feed that age, led to taking away wealth from our natural resources (i.e. rapid pollution and non-natural cities). The Digital Age and its ability to monitor large scale activity and more efficient use of solar (and other alternative energies) will provide with the power of science will likely provide 1. ways of putting wealth back in through sustainable practices and 2. creating stronger protections against environmental collapse (terraforming naturally to return wildlife and likely thinking about how that applies to seeding/farming other promising planets. Its all science fiction for the moment but the basic technologies and understandings are already in existence.). Maybe in my lifetime. 🀷

I took the following directly from the Bergman Brief which is an general news email from the Congressman's office. You can subscribe as well if you want to keep up with district news. There is a also a twitter address here. We should keep up with the district news no matter what our political persuasions. The more we interrelate and listen to each other, the more we can bridge gaps for the betterment of the country.

The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative and NOAA will announce a new Lake Michigan Coastal Resilience Initiative

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative will announce a new Lake Michigan Coastal Resilience initiative. The goal of the initiative is to bring nature-based solutions to cities being impacted by coastal storms, fluctuating lake levels, erosion, and climate change. The partnership will provide an ideal opportunity for Lake Michigan municipalities to develop innovative nature-based strategies and share lessons learned for strengthening coastal resilience and protecting community resources in shoreline areas. 

This initiative represents the first formalized partnership between NOAA and Great Lakes municipal officials to directly address coastal erosion and habitat impacts with nature-based strategies that will safeguard coastal assets, boost local economies, and encourage resilient planning in the face of a changing climate. Municipal officials will be organized by the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, which represents more than 135 mayors from cities along the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River.

Through the initiative, NOAA will provide a series of trainings and workshops to help municipalities increase capacity, design restoration projects, and fortify coastal habitat using nature-based infrastructure to improve coastal resilience and advance the goals outlined in the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan 3, as well as the Executive Order (E.O.) 14008 on Tackling the Climate Crisis At Home and Abroad to combat the climate crisis and conserve our lands, waters, and biodiversity.

The Lake Michigan Coastal Resilience Initiative is being supported by $500K in Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funding to NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management.

Additional information is available at

National Science Foundation (NSF) awards Michigan Technological University with $258,537 Grant

This project, entitled "Mechanistic Studies of Water Disinfectants on Iron Interfaces," is under the direction of Kathryn Perrine. The award starts Sep. 01, 2021.

USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service Office in Seoul, South Korea Works with Beard’s Brewery of Petoskey

The effort to promote the MI-01 Brewery’s craft beer at a promotion event realized projected sales of over $20,000 as the result of its participation:

FAS/Seoul, in a partnership with the U.S.-based Brewers Association (BA), organized a 'Great American Craft Beer Showcase' at the Korea International Beer Expo 2021, May 17-19.  A total of 33 U.S. craft breweries, including Beards Brewery, participated in the activity.  Nine of the breweries had no Korean importer partners and looked for new export opportunities in the activity.  With brewery representatives unable to travel to the program due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, FAS/Seoul represented them at the show instead and succeeded in finding Korean importers for five U.S. breweries.

In total, the beer showcase is expected to result in $200,000 in potential sales over the next 12 months. For Beards, it is projected they could potentially make over $20,000 in new sales during that time period as a result of the promotion.

Classic Cars Cat-Man-Dos and City Branding-I Want This Muscle Car!

In Escanaba there is this pub (I think the owners would refer to it as a pub. Could also be a bar or a restaurant because they have food, entertainment and drinks. You can see more about Cat-Man-Dos HERE) located right downtown where all the action is! They are an anchor for the community and pushing the entire downtown to rethink their strategies (Check out the cool awning. Just a hint Eagles Club put in outdoor seating for members and they might put in some new chairs there. We need more of this throughout he downtown. People outside eating and dining are normal for tourism destinations.) . Events can do wonders in attracting people to the downtown area and improving their overall tourism and business draw. 

Escanaba is an underdeveloped adventure/outdoor tourism location that holds opportunities for design firm and prototype manufacturing. See Delta County Adventure Venture Capitalism and Delta County Start Ups. It is somewhat self contained and maintains significant infrastructure advantages based on its location, airport, port, and rail. These were left over from prior eras of development and have had just enough business to keep them functioning. Their capacity is much more and with the need to bring back manufacturing and update our industries this should be a place of interest to investors.

When people have positive brand experiences they often develop memories and feelings that lead to people coming back. A study looked at behavioral, sensory, affective, and intellectual experience in downtown events. See Downtown Branding Sensory Experience. Research like this is important for places like Escanaba (and Gladstone) to consider for long term fiscal sustainability. The study indicates, "Downtown brand managers need to focus on creating affective and sensory brand experiences for tourists while creating behavioral and sensory experiences for locals. Strong place dependence leads to revisit intention and positive word of mouth for both visitors and locals, thereby leading to increased revenue for the place." (Beckman, Kumar & Kim, 2013, pg. 654)

I actually just want to find one with the body
and put a modified engine in it. 

Sorry...I got a little sciency there. The street was blocked off and people were out enjoying themselves. The lasting impression many of these visitors have is "Wow...that was fun. Lets come back to Esky next time they have an event" and then they go home and scan the Internet for more fun events (Why we need to have a central place for all local events). Check out the Escanaba Visitor Site. They have some official events on there but it would be helpful to have a link to a site where bars, restaurants, and other places can put their events as well (i.e. bands, karaoke, Northern Sun Winery Concert, etc...)

Anyway...after I get a low end Harley next year (...thinking about it πŸ€”πŸ) I might consider getting back into redoing classic cars (I had an old race Porsche someone ran into the side of a few years ago! 😭)

Beckman E, Kumar A, Kim Y-K. The Impact of Brand Experience on Downtown Success. Journal of Travel Research. 2013;52(5):646-658. doi:10.1177/0047287513478502

Human Subjects Certificates and IRB Requirements

 Researchers typically need to obtain human subject certificates to show how they are protecting subjects from undo stress and/or harm. When conducting researcher there are lots of different things that can happen that were not intended by the initial researchers. This is one of the reasons why government requires such certificates and why universities have their own International Review Board. 

In the past we have done some pretty sad things that took advantage of captive populations, children, and minorities. Nazi Germany also conducted research on its prison population (at that time mostly Jewish) in an unethical manner leading to the need for greater research insight and protections. 

You can learn more about the IRB See IRB

"Under FDA regulations, an Institutional Review Board is group that has been formally designated to review and monitor biomedical research involving human subjects. In accordance with FDA regulations, an IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or disapprove research. This group review serves an important role in the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects."

I recommend researchers stay up-to-date and that they provide such certificates anytime they are conducting human subjects research. Of course they are selling here but there is kind of 2 major places to get these certificates. Some updating of certificates from the email below...

Major changes to the federal regulations regarding human subjects research became effective early 2019, and if you and your team haven’t recertified, you may be at risk for non-compliance.

PHRP makes it quick and easy to remain compliant and up to date with current regulations through our Online Training certification. PHRP Online Training covers the new regulations and ethical practices for human subjects research in seven modules and features interactive practice and case studies. The course tracks and retains your progress in a personal dashboard and issues a single certificate of completion when finished. Health professionals will be able to earn continuing education credits for a small additional fee.

Register and purchase the course here or contact us to learn more about customized institution pricing. Get a full year of access to the self-paced course and download a personalized certificate of completion. If you have any questions on how to proceed, don’t hesitate to contact me.