Thursday, July 15, 2021

Justice and Prison Reform: Looking at the Big Picture Through Aperture Adjustments

Justice is a system that is designed to ensure that we have a level of order in society. It has also become big business and there is a whole structure to the field that ranges from people who clean prisons to the people who made the arrest (I support police 100% and 100% improvements where needed). A justice system is necessary because we know that there are people who don't always follow good moral conscious and need a different level of boundary enforcement (i.e. walls). Incarceration is not an ideal solution because it represents a prior failures (not to mention the cost and outcomes) of our (meaning there is a line that moves people into criminality that we could shortcut) society in terms of child rearing, mental health, criminality and science. 

What I'm saying is that there are many steps before someone becomes a criminal and each of these steps may have been the sins of others and a failure of our society to act when it was needed (...thats not giving an excuse for bad behavior which must still be held to account for Justice to occur.). Most people are not born with inherent anti-social traits (that would make our species cannibalize each other. We often learn how to do that from each other! 🤯) but they learn these behaviors from their parents, environment and at times biological-environmental influences. To only look at the specific crime at a single instance in time doesn't necessarily tell us much about the person, their motives, and the root causes (That is not to say that the specific crime is not worthy of punishment or that anyone should get a free pass just because we look at a broader picture). 

Looking at a snap shot is different than looking at a 10 minute video (They have different levels of content and context). That is why we have a responsibility to understand the roots of criminal behavior from a socio-biological level and in turn use our moral reasoning to determine the most effective outcomes for everyone involved. Having a broader picture changes some of the assumptions and in turn some of the solutions. We can continuously propose new solutions and in turn move toward a more sustainable system (..and more accurate in understanding and solving problems.)

What if we could understand through science (and a change in legislation) so we can reduce our prison population (saving us money) while becoming more effective? I think we would all agree at least in principle of the expensive costs of prison (..and even perhaps accepting any practical changes that make it more effective in protecting the public.). Prison (or the threat thereof) might be enough with mental health counseling (and medication and monitoring) to allow a much larger percentage of society to be productive (versus being a drain on resources). Changing our legal strategies to better collect data and make positive pressure to change when certain behaviors come to light (i.e. first offenders).

Solving complex problems like justice and prison reform that leads to more effective effort requires a focus on actual scientific investigation matched with a wider angle lens (through data collection) on crime so as to better help protect the public (...and help the victims). While putting some people in prison may still be necessary, there may be a larger portion of people who can be rehabilitated through better understanding of the underpinnings of crime and new solutions (whatever they may be.). Sometimes changing the aperture of the lens leads to whole new sets of knowledge and insight. 

No problem getting tough on crime through better understanding and more accurate solutions. Isn't the goal to minimize future crime, reduce financial and tertiary costs to society, while become more effective (morally and fiscally)? ...ifs its not then perhaps the problem isn't the justice system but the societal context within which it exists (i.e. the need to believe in the developmental line of the justice institution and not allowing it to get stuck at one point in history of its developmental line.)

I'm not a softy on crime...but I'm a believer in pushing every system in the modern world upwards through continuous improvement that leads to more effective outcomes (The problem of change is often more political than practical.). If some systems are advancing (i.e. medical) and some systems are stagnant then we have some lopsided institutional development. The U.S. is one large system and it functions best when all of the systems are striving toward the same end and maximum performance. It makes us an adaptive species.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

University-Industry Research Pooling for Cluster Development

Clusters are "communities" of like mined organizations and stakeholders that share similarities in characteristics. These similarities also create opportunities for shared R&D among multiple organizations at the same time (They build others they build themselves). For example, the Aerospace Industry and the Navy might have shared needs as they relate to a new tool or a new product design made from rare metal. All of that requires some level of effort and offering opportunities for business to pool their resources so researchers find solutions to industry problems. 

That of course doesn't mean companies can't research issues on their own (Flying solo might work for specific patents but doesn't work well for industry breaking technologies that unlock doors to unknown future industries.). They would then be focused more on specific application of industry research for their own needs (...leading to patents, products and wealth specialized to that company). However, when we are dealing with mutual shared interest in research that benefits manufacturers and other societal stakeholders there really isn't much of a reason not to do it and hedge the skills and knowledge of different companies to investigate and resolve issues that impact multiple industries at one time (Remember that when we solve industry problems and then specific application within particular companies we lead to US, and other partaking stakeholders, leading industries and world economies. It would be helpful us to have a tax system that encourages R&D and turns companies doing business in the US. to moving their headquarters to the U.S. leading to further intellectual dominance. See Calibrated Tax Structure MNC Draw and Calibrated Tax Structure HQ Concept.  and 15% International Tax Floor).

Here are a few benefits of pooled cluster research. 

1. Location Enhances Innovation: Locating R&D and university research in the same space and on the same problems increased problem solving and the wider applicability of findings for national development. See Fostering New Discoveries See Location and Growth

2. It Creates Shared Competencies and Like Minded Rationality. See Hub Competencies

3. It Creates Opportunities for Skilled Labor: Cutting edge products also create opportunities for advanced labor knowledge. See Firm Specific Human Capital.

4.) It allows business researchers to try out ideas and then apply those ideas to other clusters throughout the country. Localized and Regional Hub Benefits

As a nation we will want to ensure that we stay on top of competition and be that country where real innovative magic happens (perhaps as part of a global brand in alignment with our core principles. Much of culture was spread through commerce.). That may require us adjusting how we think of university-research relationships in an effort to solve practical problems. We are building not only a nation but also a network of other nations and allies that may also benefit through contribution. It is an opportunity to put our STEM knowledge to work in created business and social benefits through wider global supply chains. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Imagine a New Ludington Street! Contest for Downtown Microgrant

Ok I know its super cheesy but it was
5 spare minutes and an old digital photo!

Escanaba has so much potential as a city and rethinking our town can make a big difference in the lives of our residents and "livability". The town maintains opportunities with its strategic location, port, under-developed downtown, marina, tourism, outdoors life, and motivated entrepreneurs. Just behind the surface is a small city that can develop and grow into something unique with its own brand and opportunities. 

We have to first envision it! The information below is taken from the webpage of the project. See Michigan Municipal  League Foundation for information on the microgrants.

The Daily Press has a pretty solid discussion on it here 'Escanaba in contest for downtown microgrant"

Project Description:
A streetscape placemaking experiment featuring pedestrian friendly improvements from café seating to street side planters, integrated community art, music, and recreational events based around participating businesses. A visioning charrette will encourage the community to imagine the future.


Description of the Artist's or Artists' work:
Staci is the education coordinator for the Bonifas Arts Center, a painter, and ceramics artist. We are still discussing the project, but a collaborative chalk art exhibit with students is possible.

The outcomes hoped to achieve are:
To demonstrate the value of unique placemaking by combining an interactive arts and music event with a community visioning/ charrette exercise to engage the public and encourage interest in the future of the Ludington Street area in Escanaba. Promoting local business, restaurants, and recreation.

Delta County From Homestead to Marina Happy Hours: Two Pictures

 Delta County Michigan is one of those places where you can pretty much get the best of multiple worlds. For those who love horses and homesteads you can done your flannel start a hobby farm while those who love the nautical lifestyle may find themselves raising their wine glasses at a Marina happy hour. Its a place where four seasons and all the blessings of a varied lifestyle can come down to a single place (Depending on the season you can pretty much get about everything in. If you don't like a particular season wait a few months and you can be snowshoeing and rabbit hunting.) See Delta County Neuroeconomics and Adventure Capital


Escanaba Marina

Monday, July 12, 2021

Jupiter Moon May Sustain Life-Europa Probe 2024-Need for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics

 Jupiter's Moon Europa may contain life and that is our space entry level target. There is a probe that will be sent to collect data by 2024. It is possible that under the ice surface there is the possibility for biological life. That would make it an alien find! (...even if it is only microbiological or even as complex as a plant). The probe is expected to collect information and beam that back to Earth for review.

It should be noted that we are a product of evolution ( a leading theory among a couple of theories of our origins.) and therefor our environment and our unique challenges created our species (and all the other species on our planet). On another planet with a different atmosphere and different challenges there will be different evolutionary paths (Meaning properties that carry big benefits and/or big risks).

While we might expect the universe to be made from the same fundamental materials we are constructed from, we can't say that 100% for sure. Understanding things thoroughly and containing them until they are rigorously tested (....preferable remote and in absentia. Like a moon base or a space station) is important for not carrying new "invasive species" and other items back to our planet before we can deem them safe (We haven't even fixed the Great Lakes problems yet! Can you imagine alien bacteria?🙅). 

Artificial intelligence and advanced robotics are important to not only reaching these planets but also to function in collecting samples and testing them for use. We are moving into a digital age (i.e. Information Age) and we need to innovate our AI and advance robotics to function semi-independently on other planets (We all watched Terminator so please keep a couple of back up "off" switches please! Periodic auto deactivation built into the hardware at various intervals would be cool. 🤣)

Advanced hyper innovation is just one of the reasons why clusters could help in connecting the various stakeholders together that can create advanced research outcomes that impact multiple industries at the same time (i.e. I need a robot for house chores and walk my pouch.). We will see a greater push in STEM in schools (The good news is that new knowledge also brings efficiencies in the use of energy and resources and perhaps the technology to reverse aspects of Global Warming 🤞🖖. Environmental stewardship is a good value. I like the outdoors too much to let it go to rubbish!)

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Escanaba Marina American Flags

The City of Escanaba did a great job putting up flags along the Marina mouth. It makes the place look great! People like to see a little color. If I was trying to brand a place I might put intersperse some local flags with our colors. At the mouth would be a nice place to put some very nice racing flags to attract attention.

The marina can be a big draw for the area and could attract all types of boats from leisure in the harbor to larger yachts on the other side (I haven't see any yet but if it was a seasonal tourist draw that could be possible). 

Tonight I was out fishing. For the last week I was using fake bait but tonight I splurged and bought some night crawlers. Didn't help! 🎣

What did I catch? No fish but good pic! 

Northern Sun Winery Comes Under New Ownership and Hosts Musicians and Charity

Northern Sun Winery was recently purchased and now ramps up its offerings by hosting musicians and raising money for charities. The charity tonight was to help children in Africa. Delta County needs more venues like this where people come out and enjoy the process of music. I'm thinking they should have some wine and art events as some of the local artists were there and seem to be part of the same demographic. 

I talked to one of the people that are really big into the local art community and I was to help out (assuming I was here) to remove and restore a painting that was moved to a Detroit museum for restoration. It was one of the only egg shell paintings of the labor movement era (taken from a local post office when it closed and put in storage and then lost. Beaver Island I think.). 

People seem to be suggesting a single place to host all of the events in the area. Everything from small concerts like this to city fireworks. That site should be simple (there are lots of places to do this but one must pick one) and placed as a link on various communications including official websites.

People who like one type of product/activity also like other associated ones. By hosting associated events they can also attract those demographics that would be of interest. For example, if we analyzed wine drinkers we may find similarities with other demographics. This is one study but you get the point. See Wine Drinkers in the U.S. 

Northern Sun Winery

Here is the link to Google Map.  Here is the website Northern Sun Winery

983 10th Rd, Bark River, MI 49807