Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Mouth of Rapid River Michigan

 Near Rapid River boat launch you will find a place not too far from town but looks like you just jumped back into another world. For those who live in the city it only takes about 20 minutes drive (less time than going to the grocery store). 

In my case I am using an inflatable dinghy that should have long sunk. Yet...I'm here so that is what is important. 

Talked to an "old timer" that was fishing and he was sharing how they didn't have reels when he was young. You had a 12' pole and a 12" line. That was it!

He also said that it used to be easier to catch fish and they lower the catch limit because of that depletion. Making sure we protect our environment may help these fish come back. 

Everyone in the world wants fish and the Great Lakes is a very large system for breading native species. It might be possible with time and sustainable commerce to ensure part of the profits/revenue derived from Great Lakes goes back it improving the lakes and the native species. 

That would require a level of systems thinking and how net positives in large scale activities (i.e. commerce on the Great Lakes) can be used to increase the natural value (tourism, fishing, management, and infrastructure). 

Poor video. I can actually create better ones but its time consuming so....cheap and easy!

The Danger of Group Think In Decision Making

Sometimes I wonder how people can willingly engage in illegal and corrupt activities without thinking about the moral rights and wrongs of their activities. We see this in business and in social settings where a "culture of corruption" that leads people down very dark paths. It is hard for people to think about their choices when the people around them confirm the "truths" of a situation. 

I suspect that human nature is to follow. We are herd animals, not very different from our cousins, that take our cues from others. Such herds are likely led by more dominant members that set the tone for everyone. If they are willing to engage in such activities it is likely that others will follow. 

One study states the dangers of group think and how it can cultivate homogenous behaviors, "...groupthink foster criminal activity by cultivating homogeneous behavior, conformity, resemblance, shared values and identical ways of thinking across and within firms. This herd behavior can be regarded as one of the explanations for the pervasiveness of criminal and unethical behavior in the corporate world, the consequences of which could be devastating." (See Criminogenic Isomorphism and Groupthink)

Each group develops their own symbols and values that helps them identify and navigate their environment. If the expectation is to engage in illegal activities most people will succumb to internal pressures that lead them to engage in behaviors that are not appropriate. 

Likely, as group members are similar in characteristics, background, and beliefs they are also likely to feel pressures to "conform" to poor values. Its very hard for people from homogenous backgrounds to see the perspectives of others and in turn are limited in their capacity to step out of herd mentality. 

Herd "group think" can be dangerous because at the very top it can impact options (i.e. Cuban Missile Crisis, Enron, Hate Groups) and choices based on pushing very specific ways of doing things. People don't know there was an issue until after the problem has occurred because entire groups begin to conform and confirm a group oriented message without getting "out of the box".

In business I think it is wise to find people who can work with others but at the same time can bring forward differences of opinion in a helpful way. That would mean creating cultures that have this healthy balance of the ability to work and think along similar lines but also break that mold when it is necessary. Healthy and empowered employees have options that herd "followers" do not. 

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Diving in Quarry -Bass Hot Spot

Diving is slowly starting to become a popular activity in the UP.  

In this case we dived a private quarry stocked with Bass 

Is There an Advantage of Liberal Conservatives; or No Such Thing?

We have another election round coming and I'm thinking about how polarized we have become as a society. There should be some way to make it through the cycle without doing long term damage to society. There is a possibility we might even get a little more polarized if we don't sort of think of central shared values that tie us together. The voices we hear (not all) are either all on this side or all on that side leaving most of the large sleeping middle confused. 

Contrary to radical belief, those in the middle are not enemies because they can take the best of both worlds and frame it into something that works for a wider group of people (They are the ones who give us the "wiggle" room in voting to get things done.) 

The loudest and often most ignorant voices in the room should not be the one's making the decisions the rest of us have to live by. Such individuals play a short-term gain that helps rally lots of people to their side by poking their life grievances but ultimately leaves a bigger mess. 

We are not talking about things we want to change in the nation but we are talking about the underlining anger over where this country has gone and how that is often misdirected. 

The problem is that it isn't a specific person or group of people (that is only going to cause ethnic strife and more problems) but the way we compete on the market. To compete well we need a shared sense of purpose and universal values (Just like we need universal principles in justice).

I'm a guy who loves religion! I think its great and it teaches people values. In all the religions I have reviewed or studied in some way almost all of them focus on some very basic principles shared as universal aspects of a good life. 

Religion and philosophy are intricately tied as a mechanism of understanding the world. One could say that science is a branch of philosophy and in turn rests in part on both (Doesn't seem that way but I think that might be true.).

What Liberal-Conservatives (I say this because its sort of a middle dichotomy between two ways of looking at the world) is taking the best of conservatism and allowing a more inclusive approach through a level of liberalism. They are the ones who can apply "good" conservative American values and open them up for relevancy to a wider group of Americans (i.e. we are now all minorities and we might want to think of what ties us together.) 

I believe its important to take conservative values we learn through our worship and open them up to the formation of basic principles of what it means to have values in the U.S.(responsibilities to country, community and ourselves). In other words, we want people to focus on shared values that are good for God (It is up people to decide for themselves using their god given freewill the nature of this "being"), Country, and Family without limiting the message to only one societal demographic. Don't we all have a part to play in the success and failure of our country and people (regardless of background)?

Is there an advantage to liberal conservatives?  ...or perhaps no such thing? 🤷

See Social Sciences and Org. Behavior

Week Ending June 19th, 2021 Jobless Claims

 Jobless claims for week ending June 19th, 2021 continue their descent as an overall trend. As jobless claims go down we should see some pressure on wages to move up as labor supply shrinks. 

"In the week ending June 19, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 411,000, a decrease of 7,000 from the previous week's revised level. The previous week's level was revised up by 6,000 from 412,000 to 418,000. The 4-week moving average was 397,750, an increase of 1,500 from the previous week's revised average. The previous week's average was revised up by 1,250 from 395,000 to 396,250." (See Jobless Claims June 19th, 2021)

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Those Who Like and Those Who Manipulate-Mental Health, Aggression, and Poor Self Image

There are people with problems and there are those who push their problems on others. On the surface people might seem very normal, friendly, and outgoing. However, when their fragile sense of self is bruised, or someone appears to be an obstacle, some will do almost anything to harm their targets; including criminal activities. 

The first thing you will notice about the perpetrator is that he/she is highly social and calculates everything by its social value. That make their world a very small one in which all interactions are about gaining support and reflecting back on them their superior image (i.e. lots of attention seeking behaviors.)

In most cases, people sort of get the message and understand what is going on in an intuitive way (You can see the differences in their facial expressions and what they are saying and we can often subconsciously pick this up. Training helps make it more accurate.) 

Yet, there are some scenarios where life for some hasn't changed much since highschool. While most develop an adult personality the narcissist cannot create such depth (they are stuck in their development through child trauma.). They are limited by poor self image and the need to protect that image at all costs. 

Not understanding the normal human development path is one thing but helping a narcissist gain financial, political, and social standing through aggression is another beast. Where the narcissist may be pathological and willing to pathologically lie, people still make choices to follow or not to follow (meaning their own morality is on the line.)

In dysfunctional scenarios where there are no normal checks and balances the narcissist has the opportunity to go uncheck through the ignorance of their followers and social emulators. When given a free hand they have no reason to stop because their poor self-image can't be fixed that easily. 

In other words, the rage they feel that someone doesn't worship them doesn't end at any point until they receive the mental health. They may be afraid of the legal consequences but ultimately don't change because they have not changed. 

We have learned in our society that there are a lot of people who will believe anything. Rumors are an effective tool to rally a base of supporters to engage in hate crime behaviors. It is difficult for followers and posers to think critically or rationally (i.e. they follow because they want to be part of their social network). We need laws to protect against self-interested individuals with aggressive personalities because there are few backstops when race, religion, or other differences are exploited for personal gain. 

As a society we will at some point need to make a decision who we are and what behaviors we praise and shun.  See Ensuring No Free Pass in MI.

Friday, June 25, 2021

UFO Report Sent to Congress.-Do we need better observation and analysis methods?

Who doesn't love aliens? I'm actually not an alien buff but when something unexplained comes along it sort of perks my interest like a puzzle. Its something no one has figured out so sometimes I like to think of the possibilities and build a model (green propulsion through solar powered panels that revers polarity and suck/push vessels through the air. No idea...sounds good? 🤷)

The report says, "These reports describe incidents that occurred between 2004 and 2021, with the majority coming in the last two years as the new reporting mechanism became better known to the military aviation community". 

I would take this as government having their ears perked and in turn taking a more formal approach to collecting UAP data. It is also another way of saying we need more data and need to learn how to observe their observation. 


As they observe us we should develop mechanism to observe them. They do not get into our operations and we should not get into theirs. We don't know what/who they are (Another country or scientific group) and/or something "out of this world". 

I believe our technology has advanced where we became more aware of these vessels but are unable to trace them back to an origin due to a lack of knowledge and information. That will likely change now that we are aware and are collecting information. 

What I can say is that if we did know how these vessels behave and their development state 20 years ago we should compare to see if there are adaptations that occurred during this time. Adaptations would mean they are more likely human in origin (as the goal would be to test the technology against advanced military systems). 

If it hasn't changed in 20 years we might consider them more visitors ( could be that its human but scientists are driven by adaptation). Visitors unconnected to a "home" origin (planet, people, etc...) would not have easy access to adaptation; especially if observational in nature only (Its so weird and sci fi to even think like that. LOL)

Just because we are confounded today doesn't mean we will be a year or 5 years from now. We will someday know the answer and likely if we take the right steps we can build something similar (with reverse polarity or other propulsion systems that work underwater and in air in a non combustible manner leaving no vapor trail or carbon pollution 🤔). 

The government says, "dataset is currently too limited to allow for detailed trend or pattern analysis, there was some clustering of UAP observations regarding shape, size, and, particularly, propulsion..." 

They are saying they don't have enough data. I say we create more through global observation and information sharing. In such a situation countries can can feed in what they know among different scientists and allow them to pick at it in a public way.

"UAP incidents are resolved they will fall into one of five potential explanatory categories: airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, USG or industry developmental programs, foreign adversary systems, and a catchall “other” bin"

In other words we need scientists to study, observe and categorize the information to find out where it should be placed.  See Intelligence Site 

I think there is a benefit from learning from this technology and in turn trying to create it on our own (I'm pretty sure were not that far behind as he basics are there). We can go green and developed advanced travel at the same time. Not a bad idea for a scientific direction. I'm not getting into the political arguments of for/against...just putting a small plug out there for science. 

UFO Intelligence Prelimary Assessment UAP 20210625 by Dr. Murad Abel on Scribd