Thursday, June 17, 2021

Fed Chair Jerome Powell (06-16-21) Expect Job Growth

Job growth is expected, inflation could rise, supply chain issues , holdings of securities continues, economic recovery not the same for all people's, and a few other things as they relate to general administration of the Fed. You can read a nice summary at Federal Reserve meeting full recap: Chair Jerome Powell’s market-moving comments

(This is why we need to shorten them back to the U.S. and if absolutely necessary then use Mexico as a low cost regional partner. Advance high end manufacturing and low cost manufacturing have a place in the product life cycle. See Product Life Cycle. We have become accustomed to tax hoping and moving facilities to Asia. However, there is no reason why we wouldn't consider building these options in North American first. See Invest Global Supply Chain and See Delta County Great Lakes Shipping Model)

Au train Old Cart Wheel Dive

 A few friends and I went to Au train last weekend to dive. What I found was something that looked like an old cart wheel off of the 1870's dock at Bay Furnace.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

U.S. Russian Summit (2021)-Cyber, Human Rights, and Cooperation?

President Biden just left the summit and he discussed the need of supporting human rights and standing up for essential principles that promote healthy international commerce. The "idea" that is the root of a philosophy is what makes each country and culture different. It is the ideological histories that help develop those ideas into full bloom where they create large groups of followers (Sometimes empires). The U.S. has its long ideological chain that crisscrosses with older philosophers that were used to develop the Russian ideological mindset (Each ideology has its own confirming logics and symbolisms that make it subjectively true for adherents. This is why culture is programming of the mind. See Culture and Negotiation). 

From the video you can tell there was significant discussion on cyber security. Russia has been said to use cyber because it is relatively cheap, bounces around the world (making it difficult to track) and there are many different cyber groups working freelance (plausible deniability). They are seen as early adaptors of cyber warfare and have gotten good at the game. However, the U.S. has much stronger capacity and once it moves out of the older platforms (into...dispersed data, encryption, block chain, etc...where processing and finding proper sequences becomes much more difficult).it will shave off most of the hackers (saving the best) cyber groups for some time before new hack methods are created (Overall it will be more secure and functional). 

Putin is an interesting character and he is strategic like a fox and can use systems thinking to manage various aspects of his administration. While the U.S. has much more overall abilities, we haven't fully developed our technological assets. It seems like (..from what it appears in the news) Putin often looks for flaws in people's character (A keen understanding of psychological motives and non-verbal mechanics) and capitalizing on our divisions in politics (i.e. hyper politics, Proud Boys, Antifa, etc..). We have to shore up this hole in our national capacity by promoting leaders that draw people together into a single concept of "American" versus separating out out into different demographic groups (That is why we can't let fringe Right and Left weaken our central American values). 

In addition, we do need to build our cyber capacity (in defense, functioning, and if necessary offence). One way to accomplish this is to give the next generation better STEM training and update our education systems to match current needs. We have this capacity in house (and globally) but we don't think on that paradigm and haven't really empowered our allies and young geeks to learn how to thwart cyber attacks (...meaning purposely testing our capacities and enhance them where they are deficient.) See Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security 

GM Announces $35 Billion on Electric and Autonomous Vehicles

 GM announced major investment strategy changes by putting together a package that will help it launch into the next generation. We are moving to a whole new platform of development where American creativity and sense of equality (hopefully) will help push our people and our nation into the next Renaissance. I applaud these changes because they are important aspects of creating long term strategic values versus looking at fill holes in the dam today. 

If GE (and other large companies) invest along with our government in not only in next generation products and services but also spear head industries (aerospace, military, cars, etc...) we can create additional innovations at other places that will rely on this technology. 

I have been working on a cluster theory on how to speed up innovation quickly and think there is an opportunity to expand that value. There are cross breeding between different industries like space craft, robots, military equipment, outdoor equipment, ship building, etc... You can read about some of my transactional clusters ideas (meaning creating environments to speed up innovation and reduce transactional cost and learning between different industries.  See Transac Econ Cluster Theory.

By aspects of the design of products in the same locality with some of these other industries they can cross breed ideas and in turn enhance each other. Sometimes initial monies from industry-government-pack investor to start a cluster and as time goes on it produces increasingly more value as designed products turn out to be small batch prototypes for testing (and niche government and industry partners). The results of that are sent to a mass production line for mass consumption. See Transac Sub Fac.

I took this from the actual press release which you can review yourself. See GM EV & AV Announce.... 

"We are investing aggressively in a comprehensive and highly-integrated plan to make sure that GM leads in all aspects of the transformation to a more sustainable future,” said GM Chair and CEO Mary Barra. “GM is targeting annual global EV sales of more than 1 million by 2025, and we are increasing our investment to scale faster because we see momentum building in the United States for electrification, along with customer demand for our product portfolio.” (GM, 2021, para 4)

When Race and Religion Are More Important Than "Good Moral Conscious"

There are selfish people in this world. There are people who devalue human life and high five their friends. Ok...I don't mean normal selfishness in terms of wanting certain things out of life and making choices over one's time. That isn't selfish unless you are unfairly damaging others. The kind of selfishness I'm talking about is along the lines of chill your bones selfishness with no regard for others (You know the type that scoff, smirk, make jokes and spread intentionally misleading information when you demand they respect your familys boundaries.). 

What is worse is that the friends that associate with them support these behaviors and engaged in them without really thinking about what they are doing (They acted but didn't think about why they were acting or the information provided to them as being out of character.). It is a sign of deeper dysfunction within their friend network (comprised mostly of amateur highschool players from 30+ years ago). While the group feels that such behaviors (I will share some of those later) are appropriate they move beyond distasteful to serious legal violations (Except if you have a corrupt law enforcement official and there is an assumption that they will never be held to account). 

This is selfishness juiced with serious mental health issues as members sought open ethnic conflict and targeted kids for exploitation in their financial and ego driven goals. While there are plenty of legal violations that likely occurred, the group should have had some "common sense" and stopped before it got out of hand (That is often the problem with how people view minorities and how they discount the lives of others, their rights, their freedom, and their property. It just seems a little less important than their own.).  They accepted at face value some very false and misleading information to deflect responsibility and in turn acted on that "information" with no proof other than their perceived notions of "people like them"(They have no clue what that person has or hasn't done to serve their country/others. What they do know is the color of the skin, the religion, and their need to not have their perceptions of being the "best" shadowed by anyone.)

Highly motivated by self interest individuals matched with poor values is a problem for society when mobs with police corruption are given a free hand to act (We remember the Tulsa Riots where no one was held to account even though there were plenty of witnesses. We will need a more enlightened view of the direction of our country where race and religion are not the deciding factor in who gets to harm and who is given "immunity".). When surrounded by people who have a lack healthy independence of thought we have a problem that appeared in the past, relived in the present and without intervention likely going to occur again. (Left over bully culture in sports. The sad thing is most of them were just sort of mediocre in ability and never really excelled in sports but they have devoted their entire life to maintaining the perception of being the "sports people". BTW that doesn't mean everyone that plays sports or in that crowd is guilty of something but some of those individuals coordinated their activities to please their social networks.).

Thus we have self-interested parties that lack any natural boundaries on their own accord. In most cases law enforcement would be the back stop. However, in this case one of the law enforcement officials was part of this group and in turn engaged in corruption not only here but also at other times within the community (Their friends don't really know that because they haven't had the capacity to think beyond the surface impressions. It was nearly impossible to protect your child when you know that any time you protest the officer either followed you home, encouraged other officers to "get the Muslim", or started an illegal investigation with no regard for local, state, national or international law.)

I could talk over and over about how wrong these behaviors are and the absolute lack of anything that smacks of civilized behavior. Most likely I will continue to talk about this the rest of my life because there MUST be some accountability for these behaviors (Its not going away just because its inconvenient and disturbs someone's lunch.). At present we have a traumatized Black genius that was used and discarded by people who should have never got kids involved in their manipulative games in the first place (Not to mention they taught their children how to act like racists and bullies.). 

These are not American values as far as I know, read, or understood (There is a difference between what some of us say and how some of us act.) Yet, no one is going to step up to help this child even though both parents and their extended family know what happened and have seen the radical change in behaviors (Their extended family is also Black so likely what they say doesn't count much either.) If we cannot stand up in this society to help where we failed to act then we might come to a couple of conclusions. 1.) The laws are inadequate for the modern era, 2.) Our politicians are inadequate to lead the masses and 3.) We have discounted the value of the majority of society and we have not learned from our historical mistakes. 

I wish I knew what the solution was (Helping this kid is even more important than understanding the lack of moral aptitude of those who stand on the sidelines not helping). More importantly, I wish I knew what to do and how to fix the problem. While I found something on the "Selfish Goal" it is wholly inadequate to describe the illegal, immoral, and intentionally destructive behaviors I have seen here. Worse, these behaviors were done with the full knowledge of people around them and with their support. Still today there is no sense of remorse from this group or people. See the Selfish Goal.

What side of truth do we as a nation stand on and what values are we (including these perpetrators) teach their children? I have studied hate for a long time and likely one of the leading authorities in this country on these issues.  I promise that until there is some level of justice this issue will not be swept aside, ignored, or circumvented like we have done to so many other minorities in this country when their rights were violated. Yes...even Black Muslim kids have rights that should supersede the selfish needs of adults (I'm an idealist by nature but I have learned that for many people it is ok to take from one kid of the "wrong" type and give to others of the "right" type.). Yaaa I know, many of our leadership are tired of hearing about the dirty word of "rights" but you would think by pure annoyance alone they would take steps to solve problems like this. I guess its one of those subconscious things that people can't put their fingers on but a large swath of society intuitively feel is true.

If we want a great nation that is based on equality we can't push our Black geniuses in the ditch because we don't want to expend the energy to "do the right thing". (We also didn't mention the advantages the other kids got from this behavior.) I suspect in the future, we will be forced to deal with issues like this. There are just too many people in this country that are now seen as the "wrong type". Sounds like we are being wholly subjective on the value of life....and that is likely why we keep having issues bubble up when the only thing we need to do is embrace universal justice where wisdom, virtue and law coexist in the same space and time. 

I am a Republican (socially a Democrat) and I am disgusted by the way we treat minorities in this country. This isn't about politics..this is about building something beyond our own needs so that our children and grand children (all of our kids!) can have opportunities to succeed and compete as a single people (regardless of their race and religion) in pursuit of the idealized goals of our nation's founders. I look around and I see some trying to do the right thing but perhaps we just don't yet have the right environment for higher levels of advanced human capital development.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

DOD: Seeks to Update Cyber and Innovative the Military (Hot Sauce Likes!)

We are making a strong effort to counter some of the issues our nation faces in terms of emerging threats. We need a strong military that knows how to create new leading technologies through government-industry partnerships (Remember that innovation is built from a wide base meaning that putting the right industries in the same place can make a big difference. See a model I'm working on DC MultiClusters).

In this case, the DOD wants to create innovative methods of updating their technologies to ensure they keep next generation development ahead of their competition. That is important because our new battlefields will not only need new ways of thinking but also new technologies that can match and beat our competitors.  See Military in a Data Rich World and E-Learning Modern Warfare.

We are moving into micro-electronics, artificial intelligence, R&D ($28 Billion), cyberwarfare, space fighting, advanced technology, robotics and much much more (I once came up with a Macro-AI way of learning but didn't seem to get much traction.). We are in the begging states of a new Digital Era and the U.S. has a window of opportunity to surpass its competitors by getting to this new destination as quickly and prudently as we can. See Sociological Economic Platforms

You can see the budget summary HERE and the larger version HERE

Resources to strategy.....

Ok...I looked on YouTube and I can't believe the fate of our nation comes down to only 4 likes. What do people watch on YouTube anyway? πŸ˜•πŸ€· I looked it upπŸ€”. The DOD gets 358 watchers and OT Hot Sauce discussion gets 6.1 million watchers. Ummmmm ok I like hot sauce too and awesome show but.....πŸŒΆπŸ…♨ can check it out HERE.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Space Force's Tactically Responsive Launch

Space Force launched Tactically Responsive satellite from Vandenberg Space Station. While it may seem to some that the Space Force isn't necessary it would be without knowledge of the next major economic revolution (hopefully with the U.S. leading it) in which advanced global networks, high tech manufacturing, digital economy adjustments and much more. We are talking 5 G and beyond in a way that helps our environment become cleaner through more accurate metrics while pushing our industries to the top. 

The U.P. is developing its own space and naval capacities as well as the U.S. looking at the Great Lakes as one of those waterways that will help manufacturing come back in the region. I'm working on a Digital Age economic cluster model for Delta County that include the aerospace, military, outdoor prototype manufacturing mixed with an export oriented port (Could also be used to repair military ships and other high tech retrofitting as well as shipping prototype/custom products). Since its just a model its not finished but the basic idea is there. 

The launch was done on a short time frame and with the use of clusters that time frame could be shorter and with higher quality as the right elements (and additional contribution industries) are present in the same location where the talent and resources are all present. That is the advantage of building efficient transactions within a multi industry environment (doesn't need to be the whole industry just the R&D aspects/design firms match with custom small batch manufacturing. Mass production of good ideas occurs in other areas.)