Sunday, June 13, 2021

Camping in Munising

Munising Michigan is one of those places that is on the north side of the U.P.. The town is small, perhaps a couple of thousand, located on Lake Superior. Its becoming known as an outdoor destination. They also have ice climbing which is still part of my possible Everest long term plan (I'm a conservative but very much believe in universal justice and the equality of man/woman). 

 A couple of us went up last evening to camp and then dive. Its a group of divers that like plunge freezing cold water to dive for ships and other structures. Today will be shallow diving for me. I forgot my regulator in CA on didn't realize it until now. 

We camped in an RV park because some of the divers have RV and all the gear. We were tenting it but I found out my sleeping bag works really well in cold weather. I know some people camp a lot but for my city friends, they probably don't camp enough. I plan on doing some more.

There are probably worse ways to spend time. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Three Generations of Canadian Muslim Family Murdered by Truck Driver-Its Important to Have Better Legislation

There is no words that can take back the lives of three people mowed down by an angry truck driver. While they were Muslim it could have easily been because they were Jewish, Black, White, Hispanic, Indian, or anything else that disturbed this driver. Unchecked hate is dangerous and in Michigan we have an opportunity to stand on the right side of history. We have an opportunity to make America stronger by pulling people to a central identity of what it means to be an American without any differentiation to the flavors of human life. 

We just need to convince our law makers that tagging and finding solutions for extremism is important on a local and a national level.

Opportunities for Hate Crime Reform in Michigan

Austin Shooting-The Motives Matter

Life is precious. There are people in our world that don't feel that way and they just pick up a gun or resort to violence when frustrated. We have a way to go to understand violence and how to deal with people who are bent on causing chaos and mayhem. While, based on the limited information available, it is hard to determine the cause (mental health, gang, etc...)  As single shooter often indicates mental health or personal grievance issues. Once a suspect is in custody it is important to ask the right questions so we can improve upon the laws to better protect the public. It looks like the officers responded quickly and did a solid job saving lives. This is one of the essential purposes of having highly trained officers responding to live events. 

Lap Swimming at Sunset Delta County Michigan

We choose what we want in this life. If we want money we will grind the "rat race". If we want love we chase it until we find our "turtle dove". If we want fame we put on a poodle skirt and dance around on our hind legs for everyone to clap. Life is what you want to make out of it! 

To me, sometimes life is the little things like lap swimming a lake at sunset (disclaimer: swim at your own risk.), engaging in a meaningful activity, or trying to leave a better place behind. You can find many of life's simple joys in Delta County where fishing, hiking, biking and bon fires are the normal course of a day.

The rest is up to you......

Friday, June 11, 2021

U.S. Innovation and Competition Act-Is the U.S. Trying to Launch Past Its Competition?

The Senate passes the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (US Senate S.1260) in an effort to create stronger technology and research driven competitive advantages on a national level. For some time the US been getting bested by our rivals because we were not seeing the patterns and adjusting accordingly to capitalize on our innovative strengths. While we are still the primary market leader, large countries like China have developed technologies that rival our own and are pushing their intellectual capacity to challenge our scientists, professors, and entrepreneurs. 

Its kindof our own fault! We took our technology to the low cost provider and in turn allowed them to grow at our own expense.  Bad policy mixed with too much focus on profits caught us by surprise. Doing new things in new ways means we should consider looking not only today but also 5, 10, 20, and if possible 30 years into the future to put such decisions in appropriate context. You may not be interested in reading the whole Bill (Its going to take me a minute) so you may want to browse United States Innovation and Competition Act (USICA): A Primer by Tom Lee and Juan Londono.

If your a nerd and you like technology this is going to be hay day (or hey day) for you. Law makers are pushing advanced technologies to a level we haven't seen before. There will be an attempt to surpass our rivals. That means no longer sidelining STEM and other programs to the "maybe if we have some resources available" status to "lets put programs like this first in line". We are reorienting ourselves to new challenges.

According to Senate majority Leader Chuck Schumer, “Around the globe, authoritarian governments believe that squabbling democracies like ours can’t unite around national priorities.....Well, let me tell you something: I believe that they are wrong. I believe that this legislation will enable the United States to out-innovate, out-produce, and out-compete the world in the industries of the future.”(Franck, 2021, para 13-14.)

Bill Overview:

In the bill, "To establish a new Directorate for Technology and Innovation in the National Science Foundation, to establish a regional technology hub program, to require a strategy and report on economic security, science, research, innovation, manufacturing, and job creation, to establish a critical supply chain resiliency program, and for other purposes." (S.1260, para1).

Key Factors of Focus:

(A) Artificial intelligence, machine learning, autonomy, and related advances.

(B) High performance computing, semiconductors, and advanced computer hardware and software.

(C) Quantum information science and technology.

(D) Robotics, automation, and advanced manufacturing.

(E) Natural and anthropogenic disaster prevention or mitigation.

(F) Advanced communications technology and immersive technology.

(G) Biotechnology, medical technology, genomics, and synthetic biology.

(H) Data storage, data management, distributed ledger technologies, and cybersecurity, including biometrics.

(I) Advanced energy, batteries, and industrial efficiency, including advanced nuclear technologies for the purposes of electric generation (consistent with section 15 of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950 (42 U.S.C. 1874).

(J) Advanced materials science, including composites and 2D materials.

A Few Thoughts:

Thoughts become reality when they have practical utility and the resources needed to create execution. Research and development resources have a habit of gravitating toward elite educated scientists. While such individuals are important and often successful idea generators they are at times limited by the same elite social and academic circles that give them those opportunities. "Out of the Box" thinking often requires creativity in thought that is stifled when there are too many distracting expectations.

We will need to change our scientific mix to open up the lines of development to a upcoming scientific class that is much more diverse in background. New technology does rely on a small group of individuals on the top but on a balance between new ideas (less indoctrination) mixed with scientific thinking (education in science). Some of this money should go to people we are not "well connected" in order to ensure that it has the maximum opportunities for developmental leaps. 

That inclusiveness might be hard for government officials/administrators to complete because they have become accustomed to using those same social networks to be elected and maintain their positions. The challenges we face require us to do a better job of seeking out individuals in a more active capacity that have potential to build aspects of systems others can't. Simply hiring the same people through convenience will mean results will be limited to the developmental lines of the past and less opportunity for "ground breaking" discoveries in the future. 

I would do a 60% -70% funding with individuals/organizations that have a track record of producing results and I would consider 30% to 40% to people who may do things differently so they can fill gaps in information in new ways (I'm really not trying to be too specific but just highlight the point that new technologies and innovation often comes from sources that are outside typical personal and financial connections within government. Sometimes its about novelty.)

The program is a launch to something bigger that will likely develop unknown technologies in the future. Our administrators may find that if they expand government money through tax deductible R&D expenditures and pooled industry research (to support multi-industry cluster development and in turn economic synergy) we may find net positives throughout our nation and manufacturing capacities that reduce costs and improve financial budgets. Why have the government pay for it all when we might be able to triple or quadruple the resources in investment by encouraging companies to do the same?

I have been working a theory that raises the possibility of advanced technology development in key locations (Delta County is an Example but there are other locations with unique mix of potential that can advanced other industries.) to develop proto-type products for immediate space, military, outdoor, entrepreneurial and advanced manufacturing might lead to butterfly mass production throughout the country. Its not finished but you can read Theory of Transactional Clusters (Its an unfinished idea!). 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The "Soft Side" of Why People Support Extremism and Hate

Overcoming embedded extremism and hate means understanding "soft side" of  support among people who don't normally accept such ideas as their own but are still unwitting but willing participants. These are the people who after the fact realize they were mislead and begin to rationalize away their responsibilities over choice. They comprise those who say, "Yes...but..." once pieces of a puzzle come together to create a fuller awareness of behaviors and motivations. To understand this phenomenon we will need to delve into the social networks and the influence of key social arousers how they can excite their base toward engaging in behaviors that normally would be seen as inappropriate (i.e. cleansing and/or national extremism).  More importantly we should wonder why community members did not reflect back to them more appropriate American values and how we are a cross roads of choice that will impact future outcomes (nationally and locally).  

Turning Radicalization into a Weapon

Healthy people who have a sense of balance between themselves and others are unlikely to be swept into mob action based on superficial differences (i.e. they make more of a conscious choice.). It is often those who lack an internal sense of values and who are highly focused on being "accepted" that are most prone to the negative influences of social "agents". Blind follower behavior can be such a large phenomenon that it results in history changing events such as the Capital Riots. Large mob behaviors could be spontaneous but are often caused through genuine need for change or through foreign manipulation to collect intelligence data and/or cause large scale social upheaval (See Riot Document Upload and FBI Testifies. As a side note, Thinking of ways for government to review is possible to interview witnesses, cross compare with other data, determine the frequency of shouters and "influencers" within the crowd. If multiple similar terms, sayings and behaviors indicate planted protestors it might be possible to continue to trace the information and logic chain back to "shadowy characters".). 

Either way, we have a problem with the gullibility of some of our population and how easy it was for others to push them to act in ways they wouldn't have consider in another place or time. This ability to radicalize others rests on tapping their preexisting implicit beliefs(See Implicit Bias, Violence, Justice) matched with a high need to belong/inner fears of powerlessness. Understanding the "feel" of a group's beliefs (Which you can actually do by observing multiple behaviors, comments, beliefs, actions, activities, etc...i.e. and finding the root logic) means crafty social leaders can exploit embedded hate to turn into outward action to accomplish specific goals. By analyzing the social behaviors we can better see how "influencers" can be highly destructive when critical thinking is absent (See Social Influence Networks). 

The Bigger Picture Central Values

Its important to keep the U.S. and its citizenry focused on emulating the essential core principles that hold our country together. When groups veer radically from those central beliefs it creates social division that can be exploited by bad actors and other "agents" for personal, political, racial-religious-ethnic and/or geopolitical issues. Beyond the politics of it all there are serious humanitarian issues as they relate to not tackling radicalism and hate; whether they are American or not.

 According to a study entitled The Weaponization of Social Media hosted by United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UCHA)

"Coordinated disinformation campaigns are designed to disrupt decision making, erode social cohesion and delegitimize adversaries in the midst of interstate conflict. IO tactics include intelligence collection on specific targets, development of inciteful and often intentionally false narratives and systematic dissemination across social and traditional channels."

In Nazi Germany people would call on their neighbors because it was seen as patriotic and right thing to do for the people of Germany at that time in history. In places like Iraq it was loyalty to one's community and to one's religious sect that defined the battle lines during that time. Each of them have in common a core group of highly ethnocentric individuals with a core nationalist/sect who heighted small divisions into big gaps through false narrative (You can tell the intellectual strength of a country by the open rationalist, scientists, free thinkers, writers, poets, philosophers and others that are allowed to explore their environments to discover previously unknown knowledge 🤔. Strong nations hedge their strengths for the advancement of the country while weak nations remove them to silence alternative strategies.😯 This choice determines the long term viability of a nation as a market leader or a market exploiter.).

In the U.S. domestic extremism is more of a homegrown phenomenon based within one's social networks and the perception of what one's country should look like (i.e. ultra-nationalism often caries with it other unwanted traits). When ethnocentrism and blind loyalty to one's social network mix with national perception (hopefully, one defined by Americans and not others.) it can be dangerous as critical thinkers are silenced and lower values breed in environments where group think causes misjudgment of environmental challenges and potential solutions. (See Legal Subjectivity and Distributive Justice)

A Nation of Minorities (Interwoven to Create Strength)

Diversity is a strength or it is a weakness. Diverse nations can hedge all of their strengths from multiple stakeholders, learning styles, and cultures to ensure the central principles of the nation and its institutions are focused on overcoming problems for the best interest of everyone (i.e. a good citizen). Diversity can also cause problems if there isn't shared goals among the groups and communities are susceptible to false rhetoric (We are limited understanding of how biological and psychologically connected we are based on the differences between perception and reality at different stages of one's development. The lower the developmental level the more limited the perspective. Each race and religion seems to follow similar patterns of thinking and we should consider the possibility that focusing on our similarities among all of the community stakeholders is likely to have the best outcomes for everyone. See Debrowski Human Dev., See Man and Apple, and See Systems Thinking.)

Hate groups are seeking to exploit this, and any other difference, to place themselves into an advantageous position (Notice that this is different than sharing political beliefs and/or having preference in dating, marriage and friends). It is about an intentional campaign to bully, misinform, disrupt, and incite harm/violence (See International Relations and Social Network Theory). That becomes particularly dangerous if caused on purpose to exploit grievances and divisions (See Scientist Predicts U.S. Break Up and Information Warfare BTW. Its not my place to say anything good or bad about the theory. It could be true or not true depending on our actions and geo-political shifts around the world. The point should be highlighted that our divisions could be exploited by anyone if we do not stick to an inclusive central American identity.).

Wiser minds know that the end result of hyper politics and hate will lead to human catastrophes and if unchecked dissolution of a Republic ( least in current form. Think what might have happened if the rioters were successful in capturing, injuring, or extorting Congress members? Seriously....take a moment and think of what doors open and which close and how blind followership could have caused all types of of other problems.). Universal justice and a core definitions of what it means to be "American" is important in transcending future divisional differences (We must trust in our institutions and our leadership to consistently strive to do "the right thing" in all of their activities. This means having values beyond themselves to the greater purpose of the nation. Our job is to think critically about them and encourage the "problem solvers" to move to higher stations of leadership and ensure our "problem makers" are either being pushed to be helpful or discounted in their ability to lead.) 

At this juncture in history, stability (and thriving) will mean organically integrating people, places, and institutions by ensuring success and opportunity are based in actual performance rather than loyalty to one's tribe, religious sect, race, wealth, and/or "connections" (Similar concepts apply to too much concentration of wealth and not enough opportunities on the less wealthy members of society.). If we are one entity then we will have to think and act like a single large tribe with lots of spicy flavors (We all have gone to the store and bought a party mix or trail mix right? It tastes better in combo than the components alone.) Celebrating the characteristics of what makes us unique as individuals (and/or social, religious, cultural framework) should also come with celebrating why we are unified supporting a free nation of free people (Central American principles).

Red Queen Hypothesis

Let us take a sciency and nerdy approach to this from a very macro human species (any species) level where lack of diversity makes organisms less adaptable. When your environment changes (i.e. global warming, comet, conflict, COVID, disease, pestilence, food supply, etc...) it will naturally have an impact on people, plants, organisms, etc... and anything else that lives within that habitat. If species (i.e. humans) are too homogeneous in terms of genetics, race, religion, background, education, thought, etc.. we can run the risk of not adapting well when large scale changes occur.

The Red Queen Hypothesis indicates that as species diversify (races, ideologies, peoples, etc... intermingle) it creates natural changes in the adaptability in the species to allow for new genetic coding (See Red Queen and Humans and an interesting read on Red Queen and Firm Adapt). The same can be said of people who think different and how their thoughts impact the thinking of others and come to new thoughts and conclusions that can also help overcome challenges (While the Red Queen dealt with biology it is important to consider the possibility of how diversity of thought and science lead to new discoveries would not have been available without intermingling ideas. While it may seem far fetched to some our biology and our thoughts are at least partially related and mitigated by education and exposure to new ideas. Econ and Social Influence). 

Diversity mixed with an American central purpose creates strength that can't be achieved in homogeneous environments (i.e. countries that suppression and separate populations based in religion, race, and other superficial dividers. See See Homogeneous Bullies). We are a species like any other species and Americans are in a better place based on the long line of choices of our fathers and forefathers (including mothers and grandmothers) that put us in the place we are today (A moment of more clarity to make a choice.). It is now up to use to tie diversity to centrality of purpose to overcome the challenges we face as a nation (They are big but we can be first in on the next developmental platform. See Sociological-Economic Platforms). There will be voices that want to ripe us apart and there will be voices that want to pull us together. We are strongest when we can hedge our diversity to find solutions to challenges that other nations will struggle with based on their long line of national-historical choices (expending effort on innovation and new ideas versus spending resources on suppression and maintaining division). 

Side Note: This is a blog of ideas and not every idea everyone is going to agree with. Just because I state them doesn't even mean I believe them but am open to exploring the ideas for possible merit (Holding judgement until facts are known is called critical thinking.) Its not a "proven fact" but it is one possible explanation of how diversity and universal justice can be a strength versus a weakness to be exploited. We are here at this time in history and can choose the paths before us. See Road Not Taken Based upon what I see in terms of capacity, potential, international challenges, and diverse human capacity I would say use diversity as strength and reduce the influence of those who seek to exploit our differences (domestic or international. As a nation we will have to decide for ourselves what is the best approach to take and that will be based on the availability of the logical evidence based leadership capacity in the country. Perhaps switching up our lens from time to time would be helpful in getting a jump on challenges and finding new strategies to overcome them. See Red Queen and Through the Looking Glass Fantasy story or non-fiction truths? Its up to you to decide.)🤔🤷

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Early Morning Fishing in Gladstone Park (Digital Life and Recreation)

There are these people, called digital nomads, who travel around the country and the world staying in new unique places. Over the years, since I started working remotely, I became one of the those nomads. I still of course have a home and places to go but I'm more able to travel and do some of the things I want. That brings forward the idea of how to balance recreation, work and other aspects of life? 

This picture is taken from Gladstone Michigan. They have a fishing pier, boat launch, marina, beach, pavilion, ball park and other stuff. On this particular day I decided I'm going to head down early in the AM and put my pole in the water while working hot spot from my computer. Its early in the morning and that is the best time to get things done! 

The best part about this is that I throw everything in the car when I'm done and go for a speed walk through the park. Gladstone is in Delta County Michigan and affords the opportunity to live a small town life while having some modern amenities. 

I hope to draw in some engineering and design firms as well as a few tourist outdoor recreational businesses mixed with custom small batch prototype manufacturing to put a little juice into the area (These types of firms can enhance the area through high paying jobs while maximizing the development and protection of the outdoors through demographic recreational interests.). That is a longer term project. 

How did the fishing go? No bites. Even the guy before me said he didn't get anything. Still worth the time. I hear in Japan they pay to fish and not eat what they catch just for the Zen of it all!