Monday, June 7, 2021

USDA Seeks to Approve Water and WasteWater in Rural Areas -Could it Work for Gladstone

Whenever there are monies available for communities it is important to try and secure those resources if it will create a positive change. By the way, I'm not an advocate of taking more just to take more but Escanaba and Gladstone are small cities/towns in the U.P. and they are fairly stand alone in terms of water infrastructure. That means more resources are helpful and when grants are available we should take notice. 

Escanaba population is like 12K (meaning they may not be eligible) and Gladstone is like 4.7K (within eligibility requires for population.) One would have to spend the time to go through the information and see if Gladstone qualifies. 

What is the Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program?

You can read that below and I placed a cheat sheet there as well. 

Waste Water Grant 508 RD FS RUS WEPDirect by Dr. Murad Abel on Scribd

Research Vessel Lake Explorer II Visits Escanaba Docks (Eco and Econ?)

The research vessel Lake Explorer II appears in Escanaba docks during its exploration  of the depths of the vast Great Lakes bottom (ok could have been there and didn't notice but the intro would not be as dramatic✍.)The ship has scientific purposes and could have multiple objectives in the region. There is an old blog that appears run by the crew member Julie Barker on behalf of the EPA that is outdated and not really part of this trip but it is still cool to look through from a research log standpoint. (See Life Aboard Lake Explorer II and Lake Explorer II History) You can actually track the ship online which is super cool (Track Lake Explorer II)

Study the Environment

The environment is where we live and when we destroy it we have problems bringing back the ecosystem to its natural course of development (we have already altered it). Understanding these organisms and our impact on them allows us to make better choices about policies as they relate to infrastructure, pollution, and other activities. As we live in and use our environment it will be helpful to improve it where we can through understanding and environmental focus. 

In addition, as we seek to bring back manufacturing to the U.S., the Great Lakes will be an important strategic part of the ecosystem and the economic systems. There has been increased investment by government to revamp some of our dilapidated shipping infrastructure to improve upon import/export capabilities (See Great Lakes Shipping and Escanaba Shipping Export Hub).

Scientific Equipment

The scientific equipment on these types of ships is important. I'm curious what they are using because I'm with a team searching for Queen City (which I'm going to call QCity so its not easily searchable for other people that want to steal our ship finding glory! jk🚢 😂 I also have a boat called STEMStella which I want to get a grant to do NOAA research on.) and we need better understanding the structure. Carrying (used to) the following scientific equipment (See Ship Specs and See NOAA/EPA) (Disclaimer I just briefly looked to see if they were the same there may be various in equipment.):

Sunday, June 6, 2021

G7-15% Global Minimum Tax Floor Reform for Digital Multinational Firms (D-MNC)

G-7 Has reached an international tax deal of a 15% floor for all participating nations. While this still must be sold to the 135 nations in the G-20 its a good start in creating an agreed upon international minimum tax rate. It is unlikely Big Tech will welcome the news but it should have been expected. When new technology disrupts old systems it takes time for government to update its thinking to meet those changes. A high global connected society will best be suited by a calibrated tax system and having a rock bottom minimum limit to equalize playing field.

Companies have sort of circumvented the hodge podge international tax system to their advantage (I'm not making moral judgements here because its a dollar and cents decision). The problem we face is that MNCs offer products and other services within countries they don't much tax. That became a problem as international shipping spread out supply lines and even more of a problem when there are little proximity advantages for digital products (unless you build a cluster and a network).

More Consideration Beyond Tax Rate Alone:  

Let us say that you utilized the infrastructure of the U.S. to build yourself an awesome global tech firm. You are making money off of your big tech idea and then a smart accountant comes and says, "Hey, move it over to this tax haven country and you play 1/4 the rate of the U.S.". With sparkling eyes many will pack up their bags and set up a remote shop halfway across the globe (European countries experience that as well.) The American people loose out on that tax revenue but the owners and shareholders would reap the benefit (while of course living in advanced countries where it is safe, infrastructure is strong, etc... We might also consider why the rich and poor are highly divided if employment opportunities dry up but international tech stocks rise).

Big technology isn't going away and its likely to keep growing as we enter the Digital Era./Information Age. That leads to a problem of catching up to products and services transferred around the globe but the taxation system unable to handle this level of complexity. Helping companies understand value parity in European and American countries infrastructure and lifestyle also helps these companies ponder the other disadvantages putting too much emphasis on the low tax rate itself. 

In other words, executives will have to conduct an environmental scan of all the positives and negatives of a country/local before making an HQ move.  That may also lead to less volatility if there is a "hometown" and international tax rate (volatility and long-term lowering of competitiveness). Moving around in tax dodging only goes so far and doesn't truly allow a company to build capacities and competencies in its HQ market.

From my understanding, the new system is a level of agreement beyond the floor tax rate of 15% and taxation of products/services within the country they are sold. This will create a fairer system but it will also likely create some ripple effects globally as companies reassess their global strategies (It may also impact American bleeding of companies). Any change in policy will impact how companies adjust to those policies.

You can read a little more about the background of the problem in the Journal of International Law The Transformation of International Tax , there is an, "....effort transformed international tax—changing its participants, agenda, institutions, norms, and even its legal forms. Perhaps most important, efforts to close corporate tax loopholes widened a rift over revenues that threatens a hundred-year-old tax treaty framework." (Mason, 2020, para 1).

Government administrators and finance gurus have been thinking about these things for a long time. This is one of the first times in modern history they were successful able to come to an agreement on a more comprehensive system based in digitization and globalization. That will inevitably have advantages for Europe and the U.S. Janet J. Yellen, the Secretary of Treasury, made the following announcement on the U.S. Department of Treasury page:

"The G7 Finance Ministers have made a significant, unprecedented commitment today that provides tremendous momentum towards achieving a robust global minimum tax at a rate of at least 15%. That global minimum tax would end the race-to-the-bottom in corporate taxation, and ensure fairness for the middle class and working people in the U.S. and around the world. The global minimum tax would also help the global economy thrive, by leveling the playing field for businesses and encouraging countries to compete on positive bases, such as educating and training our work forces and investing in research and development and infrastructure. (Yellen, 2021, para 1)"

"Hometown" Digital Tax Man Plan: 

I'm also working on a calibrated tax system for the U.S. in a way that might lead to attracting home based firms and help pay for long-term infrastructure that keeps the U.S. competitive. It should be noted that under this hypothetical system HQ and companies that invest in the U.S. get a "hometown" rate while international companies that utilize the U.S. infrastructure (and other advantages) but are foreign/international may have an "international" rate. 

There will be some trade off in environment and infrastructure with the tax rate. Sure, a country could put the rate at 15% MNC tax rate floor but if they don't have the available bandwidth, corrupt officials, poor education, etc... then it wouldn't necessarily be better than a country with 27% rate if the but has the right environment. 

 Now, offering a 21% "home town" rate might lead to some of those companies making the decision to invest more in operations and move their HQ back to the U.S. (This leads to more advantages for other companies. The cluster system I'm working on maximizes those environmental benefits making the rate not the essential/only issue for corporate boards to consider.) 

Its not really finished yet nor has it been compared with general international principles to see if it would really work. However, its just an idea but it still seems like it might have some merit with the new international tax system being outlined by the G-7 (I'm not saying or giving a full opinion yet but just sort of exploring the option.). You can read a little about it below: 

You can take a look at what I'm doing.....

1.)See Lower HQ Tax and Supplier Infrastructure

2.)See Attracting MNC to US.
Yellent, J. (June 5th, 2021). Statement from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen On G7 Finance Ministers’ Commitment to Global Minimum Tax. US Department of Treasury.

Mason, R. (2020). The Transformation of International Tax. American Journal of International Law, 114(3), 353-402.

Full Bloom in Delta County Michigan (Escanaba)-Is it Possible to Carve Out a "Smart City" in the Northern Wilderness?

Delta County Michigan is one of those unexplored and underdeveloped areas that has so much potential for the creative class in terms of lifestyle, recreation and affordability. The town has all of the basics a company needs and with some investment and firms it is possible to turn it from a great city to a "Smart City". Before someone gets upset it already is a smart city. However, in this case, smart city means a city designed for the Digital Era (See Smart City). 

It may be possible to build off of market trends and market demand to create something new in the post-Covid world that appeals to the industries developing in the area. With regional infrastructure developments and the aerospace industry taking off in the U.P. it is possible to take a city like Escanaba and really build a wilderness city for tomorrow.  

One of the best things that could happen is there is a balance between tourism, local business, intellectual firms, government support to create a very adaptable cluster that enhances the lifestyle of the area while keeping its culture and flavor vibrant. 

This is a town you may want to relocate your firm if your looking for a place that has the recreational environment you need with the local skills and abilities your company craves (P.S. rumor has it you can buy a whole building downtown for like $100K with store front and office space. There is also some serious broad band investments going on! 😮🙊. See DC Downtown Revitalize and Adventure-Venture and DC $18 Mil Telecommunications). 

This may be the place where American design/manufacturing firms and new start-ups come together to create innovation can grow quickly (This is part of a theoretical thought experiment on economic clusters and national development. See DC Start Ups.).  It could also have global appeal for some industry specific companies that want to move their HQ back to the U.S. but aren't sure where to go. 

If I was a Venture capitalist I might keep an eye out for lush untilled soil. 

"Keep on sowing your seed, for you never know which will grow - perhaps it all will."

Albert Einstein

Ok...this post is about the picture...:)

Nice beach. If they groomed it by the beach house in addition to
food, rentals, recreation, and shuttles that run during summers
from downtown and around the park that would be cool. 
I wonder if anyone remembers the old trolley. That would be
super cool to have a trolley bus and a revamped downtown
for fun and functional work. 

Friday, June 4, 2021

Escanaba Town Hall Meeting (June 3rd, 2021)-Investments and Inflation and Maybe a Few Opportunities

Another exciting meeting wraps up wow it was a doozy! This wasn't just a meeting there was some discussion on how inflation impacts local investments! (Hey! It actually is important to understand how inflation impacts savings and when to hold and when to invest and when to diversity into stable currencies.) We also learn that the city has a pool of money it uses  for building and financing things. Thinking long term here and how companies interested in the area could do some good if they partner with the city to help them build the things a firm would need to attract even more investment and talent. 

One thing you find in small towns is that you can really really take something already beautiful and make it bloom into exceptional! I'm not saying that will happen but I'm saying that its possible to turn a small town like this into something more wonderful that it already is. A little oasis for people to stay, visit, work, vacation and enjoy. A place where work, life, and purpose come together!

If you had a chuck of  money I think adjustments in layout of the downtown and parking would be a benefit. Think about really making downtown functionally esoteric with open lanes, bike lanes, chairs, tables, etc... Might start to take some older buildings on the back half of the block and make parking lots. Its not like its full now but if it really starts turning into the Roaring 20's the downtown, waterfront, and functional lifestyle will make a big difference in draw and retention. (No one saying the town will take off...just the squinty eye possibility of it is interesting). 

You can take a look at the Agenda HERE. Information on other meetings can be found HERE

Still having a hard time hearing some of the speakers. Microphones need to be adjusted. 👂 

You will also notice in the Agenda document the transcripts for the April 27th, 2021 meeting just in case you get curious.  There was some comments on money for the tennis courts. If they are going to redo them they may also want to put in a straighter backboard. Sorry I like to play sometimes :) 

Escanaba City Investment Portfolio

Ilsa Minor from the Daily Press wrote a very nice article in 'Esky council looks at city’s investments' and you may want to consider the following quotes for an overview of the budget (As a side note I met the owner once...the guy has a lot of publication experience. Would love to interview and share his knowledge with people learning. Seems like nice guy. Anyway...Daily Press is our local paper so if you are an outside company that wants to post an ad and/or find things you will want to check them out as one of your first options. i.e. I'm looking for an old pick up, help in my yard, and a job I would look there first.),

"The primary goal of the city’s investment accounts it to create capital for city operations. Over the past 18 months, the city has withdrawn about $1.84 million from its investment accounts, dropping its starting balance from $28 million to a total value of about $27.2 million.


 "Market appreciation has played significantly into the portfolio’s total value, with a $357,465 drop in value just in the last six months. That drop in market appreciation, however, doesn’t show the full picture of the portfolio, which has appreciated $592,839 over the past 18 months. In the same 18-month period, the city earned $421,779.82 in income." (Minor, June 4th, 2021, para 5-6)

There was a lot of great information by Bob Valentine vice president of institutional investment at First Bank. I believe this is the same place First Bank Investment Management Group. Charts and graphs presented. Would have liked to see better. You can read a little more on how inflation impacts city budgets and investments in an article on 'Rising Inflation: What It Means for TIPS and Other Investments', (Martin and Shaffer, May 2021).


Minor, I. (June 4th, 2021) 'Esky council looks at city’s investments'. Daily Free Press.

Martin, C. & Shaffer, C. (May 6th, 2021)  Rising Inflation: What It Means for TIPS and Other. Charles Schwab. Retrieved

Fostering New Discoveries and Innovation Through Higher Edu. and Industry Coordination

People often believe that if you simply repeat someone else's words of wisdom you said something profound. Unfortunately, that profoundness was already inherent in the ideas previous discovery and utility. By repeating, what you have done is expanded the meaning and definition of the profound concept but the paradigm of the idea hasn't changed (It exists on the same plane of knowledge). To develop something new, unknown, and unseen means coming up with something undiscovered by constructing ideas based on the history of ideas within that particular field (i.e. that is why all research uses a literary search as a starting point) and beyond that field to create breadth of function.

As one draws knowledge from other fields (scientific fields are connected at the top and that is where profound knowledge occurs when individual discoveries have wider impact through increased application across multiple fields.) it can be increasingly possible to find new ways of doing things that others haven't yet seen

It should be noted that because of our current education system we are not producing enough PhD's and a sufficient supply of scientists that can produce individual scientific discoveries. In addition, we are also having a hard time applying university based discoveries to "real life" industry for the maximum benefit of society.  That problem will become increasingly highlighted if we can't supply American businesses with new solutions (moving to better environments) and workers with skills the market needs (lower wage jobs increase but high paying market leading jobs go overseas).

Statistics on PhDs (2% of population) and STEM fields are dismal (OECD, 2019). The vast majority of society doesn't engage in these fields at this depth thereby limiting discoveries to a very select few of people who have been highly indoctrinated into a specific, albeit. top school way of thinking (Thus, tunnel vision with limited aperture.). Where we once led we must now learn to compete again. See China Comes Close to Passing the U.S. in Doctors, Patents and Scientific Discoveries.

Without a stronger education system that starts young people learning important STEM and "other" scientific fields that moves them into higher education programs and finally out to employers with certain competencies we will have difficult functioning in the Digital Era/Information Age (See Industry Higher-Edu Competency Model as one example of possible alignment changes).

Companies also have a responsibility to work with universities to help fund, support, and test ideas. Universities have the responsibility to groom human capital talent and new ideas for national consumption. Yes...companies willing to try new applications of ideas can contribute to national development while advancing their industries and their own market position (I wonder if it is possible to provide opportunities within a cluster for companies to partner with universities to try new ideas and in turn share those results with other clustered companies who invested in the community for first in options. That might also provide a funding sources through a pooled grant that insulates researchers from individual company interests? 🤔 Each cluster would have university research that supports the development of the cluster a little like the old mining and Calumet Michigan but with much more adaptable diversity with multiple industries. Probably would work. 🤷 I should put something together on it. We have local deep port shipping and a need to attract firms to Delta County and we also have serious unused facilities at KI Airforce Base for more "sensitive" developments. Perhaps the Eagle will come back to its nest? 🦅🌱👀 See Delta County MultiClusters.  Kind of working on a Transactional Clusters Model for wider applicability in other industries.)

OECD (2019), Education at a Glance 2019: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris,

Government Intelligence Indicates UFO/UAP Are Likely Rival Tech (Not Ruling Out Alien)

The official Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) information will be released later. What can be said is that there is no evidence (leaving the possibility) of IT being alien. It certainly can't be ruled out because we have evidence of simple bacterial life on other planets (meaning we don't know what we don't know!). Intelligence indicates it could be a rival nation (or elite group) that has developed these technologies (i.e. if the same sightings have been around in similar form for 20 years we would have likely already seen some economic adaptations as the knowledge would have been commercialized. We also can't rule out that a secret science group would not have the same motivations to fully commercialize discoveries; depending on funding sources. There have been some energy attacks at various embassies and other locations so we can't rule out that they are related and drawn from similar technology lines). 

I think we can build this thing! Need more power strength retention/draw on battery and solar but we might also charge panels to move particles to and away from a ship/vessel/UAP. Once you can switch charges on the surface of a ship you have very fast propulsion (maybe). Think of an advance version of static electricity. It might allow for propulsion under water and in air through push and/or pull streaming mechanisms. See Scientific American Bend Water

Open questions are like risks and represent the big unknowns. While they appear to be peaceful we don't understand the technology, have nothing to meet/defend against it (at least what we state officially), and have very little direction on how to deal with it. I say study and build it!

This is how I would Approach This Issue (Very generic and does no justice to the actual detailed process):

1. Collect all evidence. 

2. Review, code/categorize, scrub evidence, and analyze data. Have there been changes in the technology over 20 years?

3. Review leading theories and cross compare them for similarities and how well they fit with the evidence (Theory buckets).

4. Where I have open gaps I would set up better surveillance (Law of universe says if you surveille us we can surveille back without it causing a problem.). Perhaps we need to review other patterns and behaviors and get one of them into a high powered photo/radar bomb (A little like what teenagers do on Instagram but with much better cameras.))

5. Come to a leading theory and adjust every time there is new information to support or change the theory buckets. 

6. Start finding start-ups, investors, and scientists who can build these things (See Delta County Innovation Model, DC Forming New Industries, Red Queen Adaptations ...sorry the Red Queen one is sort of funny but is also sort of true. 🤣We often shun human diversity in thought, body and activity but we must rely on that same diversity to solve problems and advance to meet whatever challenges lay before. Think of how we leave gifted kids with no resources but dump that money into other activities that might not have the same outputs. It won't be long before we reach planets commercially as oxygen creation technology and solar propulsion advance. Maybe sooner with commercial space flight developing fast through govt-industry development. 🤷 The point being, our brains are likely to start adapting in the Digital Era/Information Age to make sense of lots of information and be able to formulate increasingly abstract and complex ideas. The transition might be hard for some if their primary concern is wonder whether their new clothes help them socially peacock to the same group of friends they have known for 40 years. Just saying! 😏). 

The following is quoted from National Security Agency Central Security Service (NSACSS). You can also find declassified but highly redacted UFO documents. They are the older ones. See Older UFO Declass

The documents listed on this page were located in response to the numerous requests received by NSA on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO). In 1980, NSA was involved in Civil Action No. 80-1562, "Citizens Against Unidentified Flying Objects Secrecy v. National Security Agency". Documents related to that litigation are marked with "*". "XXXXX" has been inserted in a title if a portion of the title has been deleted prior to release. To select a document click on the document title, and wait for the PDF version to be downloaded to your local viewer. Approximate file sizes are given after each selection for user convenience."(NSACSS)