Thursday, June 3, 2021

Biden-Trump Era Infrastructure Tax Compromise Option-Attracting HQ and Investment to U.S.?

The GOP and Democrats are discussing the tax breaks and a total government spending package. You can get a pretty solid breakdown of the initial proposals HERE. It looks like the last and greatest public news is that lawmakers are stuck at the tax rate HERE.  That means there should be a level of compromise and it does look like the parties are really doing their best to work something out. 

Taxes and attracting intellectual capital and investment are important for the U.S. We also should consider the possibility of a more calibrated tax system to the global digital economy.  While I'm mostly thinking in terms of clusters I wonder how the following two concepts would work on a national scale? Not sure..I only partially extrapolated it out that far because I'm working on the conceptual basics. 

For example, we might consider a sort of Trump-Biden Era tax compromise (πŸ‘­πŸ’—πŸ’Έ Ok just kiddingπŸ˜…). Keeping the current Trump Tax/low cuts for companies that are or are willing to maintain a certain percentage of their HQ here in the U.S. and/or invest in their operations in the U.S., while the Biden tax rate for the rest (the far majority)? In addition, making sharable R&D within clusters a tax deductible phenomenon to encourage investments and advance R&D for industry development/manufacturing and tax base expansion. Brain ⛆⛈ πŸ€” .

Not really sure because its an unfinished project. Something to think about. Its not even a vetted idea so think about at your own risk. 🀷

You can take a look at what I'm doing.....

1.)See Lower HQ Tax and Supplier Infrastructure

2.)See Attracting MNC to US

Investigating Comingling of Hate Crimes with Other Behaviors (Solutions and Resolutions)

Crimes and criminal behavior are a way of thinking that can have a lasting impact on a community. Yes, people can make mistakes that were not intended to be criminal (i.e. misunderstanding something) but these are not the behaviors we are talking about here. Just becomes someone is caught in one crime doesn't mean they haven't engaged in other crimes. Hate and criminality are a way of thinking that impacts multiple facets of life. When there are legitimate open questions it might be helpful to investigate the full scope of the problem to find better solutions.

Let me give you an example of how this plays out in the real world. Someone has an untreated mental health disorder (i.e. people often don't know they have them.) and finds an opportunity to exploit racial and religious differences for personal gain (On the surface it looks like a one time event.). Because the behavior moves beyond misunderstanding and into a mental schema (See Mental Schema Research History)  there are likely other associated behaviors that fall in line with this pattern of thinking.

What are the chances these are an isolated incident? Not much. While the perpetrators might have engaged in the crime that finally got them caught, there were other issues that were not fully addressed and may rear their ugly head again. Its important to take a look at these associated behaviors to ensure that we are effectively understanding and dealing with mental health from a law enforcement training perspective (See Mental Health Enforcement Schema).

There are some other aspects that line of thinking and behavior exhibited at different times. Ponder....

1.) Social Context: They engaged in these behaviors in a social context that was accepting to such behaviors (See Social Psychology Criminal Justice). This means there is a high probability that similar exploitive behaviors occurred at different times as it relates to this person and their "blind" supporters. The group is heavily involved in the local sporting community and its important to ensure we are teaching the right values (youth and adults) to create resilience to protect against the acceptance of future inappropriate behaviors.

2.) Damaging Black Genius: The Black community needs stronger leaders and when a Black Genius that was intentionally targeted for manipulation, exploited, damaged and discarded (classic sociopath type behaviors) we have to wonder what the legal ramifications should be and how to help the person they damaged (We are making a commitment to our best and brightest for national development or we have other issues that take precedence. Either we are struggling with subconscious value in race/religion or we are struggling with better mechanism to help trauma victims? ). In this case two Black geniuses (one diagnosed the other unevaluated) were hurt (one directly and the other indirectly) but the perpetrators and their associated family/friends didn't care much because its unimportant collateral damage to their goals.

3.) Questions of Fraud and Embezzlement: Its not just about race and religion as these are hate tools to be used in a larger cleansing campaign that puts seeks to "gas light" the community to blame the victim thereby making discovery much less likely (We really don't believe stuff like this happens?). As with many such conflicts there is often a financial root that contributes to the decision making (i.e. exploitation of the elderly). We should ask ourselves from a strategic standpoint why someone engages in such behavior to this extent and the other contributing motivating factors. When race and religion influence legacies, opportunities and last rites that is a serious issue to contend with (I've heard other minority communities say the same.).

4.) Behaviors of Associates: Some of the members of the group (i.e. the law enforcement officer who dishonored his badge and the sacrifices of other officers  did so for his personal gain. Some would call this selfish and members of the group might call it "cool".) maybe engaged in other criminal acts throughout the community (An independent investigation determines plausibility.). Not taking a hard look at these behaviors doesn't make a lot of sense and would appear negligent in protecting the community from future crimes. While an investigation may determine the end result (affirmative, negative, too hard to prosecute, legal immunity, politically dicey, unpopular, not appropriate, etc...) its important to look at what happens when we don't take these behaviors seriously. The integrity of the system is more important than the individual actors in this situation (See Impact Social Media Hate).

5.) History of Bulling "Others" in the Community: This is not the first time such behavior occurred and I doubt this is the first time they put in false police complaints/witness against people they want to "remove from their presence". It was just way too easy to do with almost no checks and balances in the local system (A couple of officers had a good internal compass and made a difference. These are the people we should promote. Some may need to be trained. A few may need to be removed.)  There appears to have been other places and times when the group picked "fights" with others and manipulated their close connections to "solve" the problem (The difference being that the targets in this case had more self control and awareness of corrupt tactics.). 

While no one can say whether these are 100% true what we can say is that they should be of concern. It is an opportunity to draw clear boundaries between what is and what is not acceptable behaviors in our society. It is also an opportunity to give the perpetrators an opportunity to help themselves through mental health intervention to ensure that they do not do these behaviors again (Blind eye encourages more of these behaviors). We can't run from these issues and we can't afford to ignore them anymore (If we care about our nation and the next generation.).

I'm a big believer in forgiveness of bad behavior (not forget) simply because hate and pain is a drain on the beauty of life. Much better to forgive other's weaknesses (Forgiveness is not the same thing as not acting.). While such behaviors are inappropriate and fly in the face of good moral judgement they are also highly illegal and highly manipulative. Accountability, forgiveness, reform, and mental health can all come in to play here in a positive way. We just have to be a little more wise of how criminal thinking impacts not only the perpetrators (criminal logic) but also the victims and our perceptions of good moral conscious (societal standards of virtue and law. See Socrates, Ethics and Law). 

Crime and criminals should not have the last word or the benefits of their actions. While these people (and "party") may have scorched the landscape it is possible to turn intentional destructiveness into an opportunity to build something much better and much more enlightening in origin from the ashes left behind (A pretty good lesson for a nation that had it capital sacked by similar extremism behaviors). In Michigan we have opportunities to better understand, code and intervene the mental health issues that lead to extremism and its associated behaviors (See Michigan Coding and Solution). 

As a side note. There may be people (likely close friends, associates, and those who struggle with their own identities) that might disagree with the high potential of other associated crimes. Its kind of old study 2007 but seems to fit in this situation. The researchers found while investigating 435 offenders a three-factor model of dysfunctional thinking. They interpret these three factors as Control, Cognitive Immaturity, and Egocentrism. (See Inmate Thinking Patterns). If you knew the perpetrators it would seem a fairly accurate description of root beliefs.

“If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin.”
― Charles Darwin, Voyage of the Beagle πŸ€“

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Mike Posner climbs Mount Everest for the Detroit Justice Center

 Ok...that was my idea like 3 years ago but ok.....kudos! Honestly good for him and how he is helping people. I have been thinking about climbing Everest to raise awareness of the need for Universal Justice and then donate any received funds to a justice oriented causes. However, It has now been done so I might need to find somewhere else or do something else (There are other mountains to climb!). Still would like to climb but need to get motivated and just sort of gets in the way (I'm pretty good at time management but some things take precedence). It takes a long time to train and prepare your body. Took note of the coach though just in case I might need. Yes...Im running, boxing, hiking, but need to do more actual climbing training. I should have did some ice climbing in Munising and Colorado but got caught up :)

People struggling with what is right and wrong got to find that inner compass. 

You can donate here.....The GoFundMe fundraiser has a $250,000 goal

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Manufacturing Rises PMI Up to 61.2% for May 2021

The ISM's index of national factory activity increased to a reading of 61.2 last month from 60.7 in April. This would mark the 12 month of overall expansion. You can look on the PMI site and find some of the following highlights from the main page (ISM May 2021): 

-Demand expanded, with the (1) New Orders Index growing at a strong level, supported by the New Export Orders Index continuing to expand, (2) Customers’ Inventories Index hitting another all-time low and (3) Backlog of Orders Index continuing at a record-high level.

-Consumption (measured by the Production and Employment indexes) indicated slowing expansion, posting a combined 8.2-percentage point decrease to the Manufacturing PMI® calculation.

-Inputs — expressed as supplier deliveries, inventories, and imports — continued to support input-driven constraints to production expansion, at higher rates compared to April, due to continued trouble in supplier deliveries.

You should really take a look at the site because there are lots of detail and highlights on manufacturing in the country. One thing is supply and labor issues. This is where companies can invest in improved productivity and in turn digitization of industries or they can go to a low cost alternative (American-Mexican partnerships as an option. Don't forget donations to the orphans I keep trying to help!) 

New CyberAttack Highlights Need for Investment in Digital Infrastructure and Economic Platforms

Another large scale cyber attack highlights the need for changes in the overall digital infrastructure and economic platforms. We are working with data infrastructure that is disjointed and not secure and will continue to struggle until we bump up to the next level (See Information Age Economic Platform). A recent increase of different types of attacks on important governmental and business entities seems to create a more dire situation of improving our data storage and infrastructure resilience (See Updated Infrastructure and Security). 

Short scope is that these are isolated pockets of cyber hunters trying to randomly gain information and resources from companies and got "lucky". Worse case scenario is that it is testing weaker companies in hopes of shutting down bigger industries in a coordinated manner (Gas, Food, Electric, SolarWinds, Etc..). I hope its not a perimeter/adaptation check but researchers might want to take a take a peak. 

Kind of makes you think one of these entities hit a "jack pot" of information somewhere and/or got good at obtaining data from multiple sources? or cross country coordination? πŸ€” This is why we need more blockchain and dispersion of data into smaller pots. By the time someone hacked a number of pots (many of them are freelance businesses so they would have a pattern that reflects their entity)  there would be lots of data footprints (Unless you have the right sequence the guessing itself leaves a data point that can be traced back to the originator. I think I read that once in computer magazine. Probably would work? 🀷)

Countries like Russia and Iran have gotten really good at these hacks as "passive-aggressive" sort of ways of proxy fighting against a larger country like the U.S. Its also cheap and effective from a military standpoint. China is also good at hacking but their ideology seems to be much different and they are more "purest" in their philosophical driven behaviors. It does tell us we need a new generation of cyberwarriors and extended network coalitions in the cyber world. That also doesn't begin to discuss the need to innovate not only our military but also next generation manufacturing, space exploration and a whole host of other industries to stay ahead. (New Military Honor Codes Ok I read a lot..sorry πŸ€“). 

I'm not a cyber expert but my generation was one of the first adaptors of the Internet for widescale use (Kind of weird growing up with no air conditioning, chalk boards and pull down maps and then leap forward a few decades to biocyber, robotics and this stuff. Yikes! The new generation knows nothing of the old ways except what was in the books. Gosh! I'm Old!😬) and we made rap, breakdancing, and early techno cool. We were after the polyester era (side note I hear polyester pollutes alot).

Two Firefighters Shot in LA-What is going on?

There seems to be a spat of people using guns to solve problems. In this case two LA firefighters were shot. Copycat killers are possible and perhaps even a likely explanation. However, I would very much like to know if there are any similarities between the different events, affiliations, ideology, etc...between the different events.

While these appear to be independent events we should always keep our mind open to alternative explanations such as a connection (I doubt it but who knows). We do know we need serious mental health reform to help people before something big like this occurs (assuming its mental health related) but politicians are still struggling to find solutions.

Firefighters are good people and their only job is to help others and help their community. Such behaviors defy any sense of good more conscious. Local and national profiles should be created to dump data from all of these different events to specifically focus on cross comparison and analysis to find similarities. Extremely sad state of affairs. :(

Does Hyper-Politics Limit Freedom of Speech, Knowledge Sharing, and National Development? (Virtual and Physical)

Freedom of speech is one of the most important values our country can have. It is also one of those values that produces the most benefit for society. Whether we are discussing public issues that impact a country or we are discussing issues as they relate to workplace (cross functional teams) we find that knowledge sharing makes a big difference in outcomes. 

Freedom of speech is knowledge and idea sharing. It is a process of where people are given the right to express their ideas and opinions without retribution and silencing (intentional or not). 

If you sit in a board room and/or meeting room you will become increasingly aware if you pay attention to the body language and cues that some are given a bigger microphone than others. Its natural in social setting for some to lead and some to follow. 

It is also natural that some have more knowledge and intelligence than others and some struggle to keep up with the pace of conversation. What we do find is that healthy teams are open to members contributing knowledge and should not be limited by specific requirements to come to pre-existing solutions. 

For example a study of  103 cross functional team respondents using mediation regression analysis and structural equation modeling techniques found the following (Knuckes, 2021):

Cross Functional virtual team environment, social trust predicts knowledge sharing when mediated by intention to share knowledge. 

What the study is saying is that when teams (virtual and likely applies to non-virtual) want to accomplish goals through new ideas they will need to create social trust to encourage knowledge sharing (As manages we may need to create the right environment and team loyalty.)You can read more about the study HERE

Those societies that are open to new ideas will advance and develop while those that suppress new ideas through rigid social structures (i.e. China single party or U.S. hyper politics) will eventually start to decline as people come to realize that only certain voices, ideas, and people are capable of coming up with good ideas (Societies with elites wealthy "connected" and non-elites poor and "disconnected"). Think of who/whom in society has the largest microphones and whether or not they are qualified to really give advice to the rest of the country and party followers (This isn't for/against any particular party or person. Its just a point to be made about logical inconsistencies in some arguments promoted and how people accept arguments without sufficient critical thinking. One possible theoretical explanation is we can see similar alpha behaviors and compliance in food choice among vervet monkeys through the  neuroanatomical similarities of evolution.).

For example, an idea that adjusts an innovative process could expand R&D budget outcomes by 1.5X. That might result in first in advantages and market leading products/services which raise revenue and put a 2nd place company (or soon to be) onto the top of the market with significant market advantages. If that idea wasn't shared the company might continue to loose its market share (See Swotch Strategy). 

This is why the U.S. has been so successful for so long. It had an ideal that it strove for and it drew in as many people as it possibly could. While it wasn't perfect (Yes we do still have problems to work on.) it does seek to improve with each generation. However, hyper politics forces people to rigidly adhere to one opinion or another opinion and that leads to the stifling of innovation and development (Look back over the past two decades and see how it might be possible that the rise of hyper politics also means limiting ideas and growth and development).

Knuckels, L. (2021).Effects of Social Trust on Knowledge Sharing, Loyalty, and Effectiveness in Cross Functional Virtual Teams. Trident University International, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2021. 28417632