Thursday, May 27, 2021

Jobless Claims Ending May 22nd 2021 Decreased by 38K

Some good new on the job side indicating a labor market that is recovering. There will continue to be a shift in the types of jobs available based upon shifts to a more virtual Information/Digital Age. As pressure mounts on labor we should see wages rise. We we will also see is companies again thinking about outsourcing overseas. 

This is my suggestion. If you are a company that needs low cost production invest and partner in Mexican companies. I'm sure they would love the investments. (I have to put this plug in for the orphans of Mexico. If you do well you should give some back to the people who really need it through corporate sponsorships and grooming young bring minds in the area to produce greater good will.).

I would like to see companies innovate. Pressure on wages requires productivity to rise to maintain cost parity. When we invest in innovation we improve the productivity of of workers through new labor enhancing developments (i.e. suits, robotics, learning, etc...). Its the only real way of bringing people and the companies together. 

Having a low cost and a high tech option makes a difference. Hopefully, we don't continue to simply send everything in a race to national insolvency. 

May 22nd Job Report by Dr. Murad Abel on Scribd

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

UFO Report to Congress-Electric Solar Propulsion?

SciFi people are probably loving the new UFO news. I believe someday we may find out we are not alone in the universe but we should always rule out the most plausible answers before jumping to extraterrestrial explanations. I'm curious what the official reports are going to indicate. I'm not a UFO guy but sometimes unique things spark my interest and because I don't have a solid explanation I want to know more. More likely either top secret technology or something that was adapted from the old Tesla notes that hasn't been commercialized.  Government created the Establishment of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force to understand what is going on with tese UAP's.

First we have to stop thinking about things in fossil fuel conceptions. There are lots of other options that people don't think of for flight. For example, Nicolli Tesla, a Serbian engineer/scientist, invented supersonic electric spacecraft without fuel (See Tesla Inventions. As a side note Tesla had lots of unpublished notes and manuscripts that were collected at the time of his death). Likewise, current scientists have been working on super sonic electric propulsion for some time and its an emerging field with classified technologies (See Electric Propulsion for Spacecraft). 

I'm curious what will be told to Congress next month (I looked to see if it will be an open meeting. I looked around for info but got bored and quite😴). Personally, a few random thoughts on how a ship like this might actually function. The triangle shape equalizes pressures on all sides, allows for movement in nearly 360 degrees, constructed of solar-battery combinations, and in turn uses electric propulsion by powering panels that either attract/repulse particles. The vessel looks about big enough to hold one person (or humanoid lol) comfortably. I think we could make such a thing if someone (nano nano) hasn't already done so.

There are a lot of things in our universal we do not yet understand and our brains aren't developed enough to comprehend (We are still evolving and little steps found in gifted development is still lacking in the U.S....not to mention neglecting the rights of this special needs population. We also fail to maximize them for innovation and science purposes. Sometimes they are minorities within minorities that compounds the problem. Basically, even our education system is old world). There are times we can't see the things right in front of our face because sensing (using 5 senses/6 sense) and understanding (mental understanding of what is seen) are different. 👽 🤷 We have to make cognitive bridges from old technology to emerging technology without understanding the innovative steps (cognitive leaps) that would get us there sequentially. Its extremely difficult to get people to agree on the color of an apple (which by the way is actually very subjective depending on the light in which one see it and the cultural coding by which they sense it) let alone switch from oil barrels to supersonic electromagnetic field cruisers! 😳 

I was going to make a joke it was done by mirrors on the ground but people get really really serious about this stuff so I better just let it alone. 

San Jose Railyard Shooting Highlights The Need for Better Mental Health Intervention

The recent shooting in a San Jose railyard is tragic and may have been prevented with better legislation. We have a problem with violence and extremism in this country. When people get upset they pick up a gun and that isn't the way to handle these issues. In this case the investigation will determine the motives (....likely mental health related depending on who the perpetrator targeted.).  

There is entirely too much anger and rage in this country. We glorify violence for some reason. Real men (meaning mankind) say what needs to be said but they don't pick up a gun and take out innocents!  Pressure form the pandemic and global displacement (the inability of the U.S. to find a strategy to compete globally) likely has some level of indirect influence on the uptick in violence (...stress impacts mental health coping mechanisms). 

Coping in the Aftermath of Community Violence: Self-care Strategies

I think they could be preventable. If we have better mental health screening and intervention we may be able to help people before it becomes an issue. That has always been the problem, the inability to help those who need it and not intervening when necessary. Its a mess for law enforcement and direction from law makers is spotty at best. I've seen this in real life where problems that would have been small grow because we don't take action when it first becomes apparent. 

Twitter Sheriff Santa Clara

What Does Queen City Shipwreck in Delta County Michigan Look Like?

Someone sent me a book on the name of the person the Queen City ship was named after. Some of you know that I'm on a little ad hoc team to find the Queen City sunken ship; partial hobby and partial serious. It was named after Queen Marinette. I'm looking into that association but it seems to make some sense considering the area and location. I will be spending a little time reading through this book just to see if there is anything worthwhile. If nothing else it provides some contextual information of the era and possible associations with local peoples and tribes.

Hopefully this summer, slips were all taken in Escanaba boat size so we have to check on Gladstone. I should be heading back to the area for a few weeks to get some housework done.

Queen Marinette by History

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Benefits of Boxing! Beyond Fitness and into Social Benefits

Boxing, the sport of quick feet and even quicker hands. Not everyone who boxes will go into the ring, some are hopeful of winning a title, and others only hit the amateur circuit. No matter what your goals are you will find that boxing has benefits far beyond self-defense and into developing character and spirit. 

Fitness is an important part of why I do it, while the other side is more psychological. Boxing is real. Its not theory, mathematics, or complex. Its where we came from as a biological entity (i.e. mammals and mammal behavior. We may have become complex but we are pushed by the same bio-psychological urges.) similar to what we find in nature. It is padded version of two rams smacking their heads together. 

That might not make a lot of sense to people who had everything provided to them in life. It might make more sense to people who had to step up to a bad hand in the cards of life. That is probably why martial arts, MMA, and boxing seem to attract certain crowds. 

A couple of benefits of boxing....

1.) Fitness: Serious cardio

2.) Community: Tight community of members.

3.) Coordination: New connections and muscle memory. 

4.) Self Defense: New skills and abilities.

Its interesting that boxing teaches kids self control. The better the boxer, the more self control they have (Zhang, et. al. 2019). This is great for those who want to find a place they can tear into a bag. Its where one has to sort of earn their spot regardless of where they came from. Its more primal and in many ways truthful. You either have the skills and train for it or you don't. 

I was raised in part within a Catholic Seminary and I will have to say they used a whole different old world method of raising kids than what we see in modern schools. Some of the kids were really rich and some of the kids very poor. They were all exposed to things that range from dancing to boxing, wood working to art, and poetry to science. We should have more places like that because they can truly enrich people's lives. Spots where we create the right environments...but alas boarding schools have been nearly snuffed out of modern society. a martial arts enthusiasts I would like to see more gyms and places for kids (teens and adults) to gain new skills and experiences as a pseudo environment that moves beyond the physical and into a socially mentored locality. 

Zhang, G., Chen, X., Xiao, L., Li, Y., Li, B., Yan, Z., Guo, L., & Rost, D. H. (2019). The Relationship Between Big Five and Self-Control in Boxers: A Mediating Model. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1690.

Golfing for Orphans and Charity (Virtual)

I know some golfers so maybe they would be interested. If you have no other reasons to find an excuse to golf you might want to bring this up to your friends. While golfing needs no excuse to be played you may need an excuse to get together with your friends. I've been supporting these kids from time to time and I hope to be a little more involved at some point. 

Banner Virtual Golf Tourney 2021.png


You can be the winner of a perfect weeklong Baja getaway for you and 3 of your favorite couple friends in a 4 bed-5 bath beautiful ocean view home! Casa Corazon is located in the upscale gated marina community of La Salina, just 45 minutes south of San Diego between Rosarito and Ensenada, and has 24-hour guard service.

With some of the most beautiful coastal vistas of Baja California, this Villa is ideally set up with 2 masters and 2 additional rooms all with ensuite. Enjoy panoramic ocean views from the expansive rooftop terrace, perfect for dining and entertaining or quietly enjoying a majestic sunset.

For more info and pictures of the property: Casa Corazon



UNTIL MAY 28th at 7pm!

If you are not a golfer and still would like to support Corazon de Vida you can make a donation HERE or join the silent auction. It is filled with really cool items!




Our golf tournament this year is VIRTUAL! It means that you can play a round of golf any day, at any time at your favorite course, and then log in your score to compete until May 30th in 18Birdies. Prizes will be given to the top 15 scores. Have fun playing your favorite sport - or play for the first time - while supporting the children of Corazon de Vida.

Facebook  Instagram  LinkedIn
Corazon de Vida Foundation | Mailing Address:14252 Culver DriveSuite A-800,
Irvine, CA 92604

Productivity is Up. (05-25-2021) Digital Economic Boom

Its really great that productivity is up and it has something to do with new digital advancements. I wrote a little something about 2021 Digital GDP growth. I had hoped it would be a benefit to someone but seems to not make much of a difference. That is really awesome we have used hardship to create new ways of dealing with problems and pushing us into a more competitive positions. Maybe we could do a better job of drawing back manufacturing and raising the value of our labor. Seems like we already have some plans in place.  

GDP Contracts 1st Q of 2020-Is It a Short Lived Shock and Digital GDP Recovery? (April 30, 2020).

How the Economy Might Change After COVID-19? (March 19th, 2020). 

Economic Recovery-Are My Projections Still on Track? (September 13th, 2020)

I have come to realize there are different stratifications in society and there are definite barriers to some people. It doesn't mean that its intentional it just the social circles, educational opportunities and lifestyle differences that allow some more access to opportunities and some less. We can all talk about how to fix it but at the end of the day it isn't likely to happen. We have to push small business among the blue color classes to generate new products, services, and companies. That would require more than talking about it and playing politics with American's future.  

That was fun little puzzle. I will go back to doing really important stuff like painting, working out, and paying bills....the stuff rewarded in society. Its great to see we found an advantage in adaptation. I'm thinking of leaving future projections for the experts. People who didn't get an elite education might have hard time understanding such complex concepts. I failed a Harvard economics class so that probably puts everything in perspective. 🤷 Either with me. :)