Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Pictures of the Beach at Sunset-Two Different Impressions

I'm thinking about these two pictures. I think both of them are really good. Worthy of touching up and submitting somewhere. Picture 1 is more romantic and captures the essence of sunset and fun. Picture 2 is more peaceful, a perfect quite beach. Pic 2 is better than Pic 1 I think.

When the Laws Don't Apply-Damaging Children for Self Gain

Children were once seen as an important population to protect but as I get older I find that their needs are often swept under the carpet because the adults have something they want. When the intent to damage a child for religious reasons is clear and stated publicly, we have a different kind of bad behavior going on. The failure step up to hate is a pretty good indication that others have come to accept that children are practical tools in adult games.

If one were to dig deep enough they would also find that there are other places and times other children have been used as tools in what appears to be a narcissists need to "win at all costs". When this group has a history of using children (not to mention other intimidation tactics employed against people in the community at various times, places, and points in history) to win arguments.....we have more than poor judgement going on.

The struggle to find accountability for alleged crimes has been a long road and it was a path I avoided for a some time (I just kept hoping for a different outcome). The problem I think is one of association. No one wants to hold their friends accountable. Yet addressing these issues through the legal structure earlier might have prevented a number of other problems from morphing into something that could have been avoided. 

Part of me is in shock that psychopathology type behavior can be acceptable in our society if its turned into Us vs. Them mentality. Its as though most people have no inner compass and almost no ability to step outside their social circles for a bigger principle or cause. We so desperately want to be liked by others that we will do anything for crumbs of approval (Does it really change no matter what your social position?).

There are choices and options when dealing with issues of race, identity, and alleged criminal behavior. Each time we let such behavior pass we are making a statement about our values and prompt others to accept that statement as true (of course most don't put the time or effort into becoming knowledgeable on the topic.). At this moment in history we are dealing with a crisis of confidence; it could be restored with the application of universal justice.

Michigan has an opportunity to stand up against hate and against poor behaviors before they become bigger issues that impact society. This isn't only about devaluing human life, it isn't about who looks the best in the social mirror (Looking Glass Self Theory), its also about a basic core value system that all Americans can agree upon. Laws should adjust to ensure people get mental health help when they take a more destructive turn.  

Its one of those things that as a parent, you have to create protective boundaries for your kids. Failing to value all life and failing to ensure laws align with basic moral conscious has real consequences. We see the consequences of these poor choices playing out all over the country. Universalizing justice around core shared values and virtues can go a long way in restoring trust in the system through proper legal applications. 

I'm a believer that most police do what is right and in some cases stepped up to the plate in a meaningful way that further defines their integrity and commitment to justice. There are others however who took the opposite route and anchored back to inappropriate preconceptions. That becomes increasingly more likely if there are close associations and one can "spin" a story to create misinterpretations for self gain (That target will likely be there for a long time.). 

Assuming that everyone in society wants a strong justice system with the best and brightest minds (police, prosecutors, judges, etc..) in the country working in public service then we must maintain the integrity of the profession at all times. Promote those who do the right thing, train those who make mistakes, and remove those who embrace intentional injustices. Seems simple to me but I'm not always right and am open to the possibilities I'm wrong. Let's see what our politicians come up with?

Monday, May 24, 2021

Escanaba DDA Plans Marketplace Kitchen Grand Opening. Opportunities to Revitalize Downtown

Fun downtowns can people to the area and encourage other businesses to move "where the action is". Older downtowns have been successfully vitalized in other areas and it is possible to do the same thing in Escanaba as well. Hosting fun events and other activities downtown on a regular basis not only creates "press" but also increases positive affectively and in turn repeat visitors (i.e. increased tourism and investment.)

Jack Hall, a Reporter at Radio Results Network put together a nice little piece Escanaba DDA Plans Marketplace Kitchen Grand Opening that discusses the new Marketplace Kitchen. While these changes seem small they do add up to an overall impression on vacationers and local residents. 

Executive Director Scott Czasak of the Escanaba Downtown Development Authority (DDA) states, "The Escanaba DDA is proud to announce the completion of the Shared Kitchen project at the Escanaba Marketplace located in Downtown Escanaba. This project is another step in making the Escanaba Marketplace the centerpiece of Downtown which will have a multitude of uses....." (Hall, 2021, para 2.).

You can always read a little on how cultural evens can attract visitors in Assessing the Viability of Repeat Visitors to Cultural Events: Evidence from the Zora! Festival . I wonder if it is possible to have a "camp cooking" seasonal show or event to raise awareness of the area through online marketing and interest draw. 

It is also possible to further the development of downtown through partnering with real estate companies and public authorities to attract new downtown capital in a way that enhances its appeal but also provides a level of revitalization.  See Rebuilding Escanaba's/Gladstone's Downtown by Marketing Commercial Real Estate to Entrepreneurs

Amir Shani, Manuel Antonio Rivera & Tadayuki Hara (2009) Assessing the Viability of Repeat Visitors to Cultural Events: Evidence from the Zora! Festival, Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 10:2, 89-104, DOI: 10.1080/15470140902946378

Hall, J. (May 21, 2021). Escanaba DDA Plans Marketplace Kitchen Grand Opening. Radio Results Network. Retrieved May 24th, 2021 https://www.radioresultsnetwork.com/2021/05/21/escanaba-dda-plans-marketplace-kitchen-grand-opening/

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Escanaba Townhall Meeting (May 20th, 2021)

Keeping up with the local news. There is some discussion on moving dispatch out of Escanaba Public Safety and into Delta County's domain. From a strategic perspective this makes sense as a time to make any changes with new communications upgrades to minimize disrupting normal operations (learning and adjustment time). A lot of other great information on budgets, maintenance, etc... In positive light, transient slip rentals are up and that means tourism is likely up as well. Post Covid it should go up even more as people look for fun recreational areas where they can enjoy the outdoors (See Delta County Digital Nomads Land). Perhaps there is a way to make city/county revenue and in turn use a sustainable practices to ensure some of that money moves directly into improving recreation and recreational facilities so the assets (and potential income) of the area has more value (See SME Adventure Venture-Capitalism Tourism). 

I have some a little practical knowledge in regional dispatch logistics. There are lots of working parts and it takes time to build the competencies to get really good at it. There is time, training, retention, benefits, stress, insurance, facilities and much more. Dispatcher turnover can sometimes be high which means management costs likely run in the budget red from year to year (Depends on their budgeting method). Its not an easy business and unless you are going to provide services for a much larger population its hard to maintain slim profit margins based on per employee cost (See Economies of Scale). Another possible strategy might want be to outsourcing dispatch to a new/existing third party/entity to create greater protections in liability and cost overrun (Likely will need budget caps). 

Perpetrators and The "Victim" Status in Social Group Manipulation

Manipulation is designed to influence people through intentional misinformation. There are many reasons why a person would not tell the truth and it doesn't take a scientist to tell you why some people lie. There are natural  short term gains to being dishonest, "spinning the truth" and providing misinformation to people who are already willing to hear it (Yes...you can simply reconfirm someone's existing beliefs and enrage them by telling them what they already wanted to hear.)

There is the long lasting impacts of allowing others to intentionally misinform people. We must move beyond the false narrative and damaged reputations to see motive. In my situation, I couldn't care less any more what people think of me in the area. They would think negative of me pretty much no matter what I do right and what I do wrong (Doing things in a different way often upsets the applecart even though it shouldn't be of bother to anyone. This is just the type of people we are dealing with.). 

There are the consequences on children and what looks like intentional manipulation, involving children in adult affairs, feeding false information, and putting undo pressure on children to give answers they want (Very easy if the child wants to please others). Mature minds would wonder how children are involved and when the kids are damaged why the perpetrators feel they are "victims". 

We can often figure things out from the history of behaviors of the group. If the group has a history of spreading false information, coordinated bullying of others, low moral values, utilizing derogatory terms/language to devalue others (race, religion, people, others, etc...)and have tried to "set up" others then we should be concerned. They have become a danger to the community through their entitlement of behavior and misconduct. 

What we don't want to happen is that the laws are applied subjectively for different groups. Part of that thought process made its way into local decision making and in turn pushed people down the wrong path (As intended by the perpetrators). Perhaps the stakeholders figured out not everything is as first stated and corrected with outside stakeholder help. 

Not everyone is honest and some people have become so accustomed to dishonesty that they can make aggressive behavior look as though they are "defending themselves". In some sense they are correct. By being dishonest and spinning the story we can find that they are defending themselves from the truth of themselves. As long as they can find a scapegoat they are free to not face themselves or the consequences of their behavior.

What allows a group to be so dishonesty and have ultimately no checks and balances is a history of blind support for bad behavior. Let us pretend for a moment that  the group was not trying to to self enrich through illegal behavior  (The problem with not holding people accountable at all is they repeat behaviors.) In this case, lack of accountability, mixed with a poor culture, have led to repeated behavior that has ended in the hurting of children (No idea if the law sees this as illegal but that is up to their moral aptitude. The problem is that much of society doesn't feel they are doing enough to stop hate).

We as a society will have to decide if we want two societies with different rules for different people or one with central values that all institutions can adhere too (That will determine whether we have one nation or two nations). Holding people to account through the universal application  of justice can go along way in sewing prior mistrust for a huge swath of society. If we don't see the logic in protecting  children  and holding bad apples accountable (whether mental health or criminal) then we are unlikely to successful navigate the next stage in American's development. 

I have yet to see a law where the "super cool", "super shallow" and "super selfish" are given defacto immunity simply based on their personal associations.  As a matter of point, the law was written  specifically  to protect society from them whether or not we apply it that way or not. Race and religion should not determine  the value of protecting  our youth; their rights should transcend the law. Sweeping some lives under the carpet to give others a free pass in hate doesn't seem to me the right thing to do....but perhaps there are brighter minds that understand  things better- I just dont think the track record is that good (Maybe we should sample the whole population versus those at the very top and find how how they feel about giving free pass to hate in Michigan and the discounting of youth life. We can hope that law and wisdom can be paired.)

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Investor Jeffrey Gundlach Discusses Stocks, Bonds, and Markets (Short-Lived Stimulus)

Jeffrey Gundlach provides advice and insight into market changes and what we can expect. He mentions distortions in the market that in turn create bubbles and cause market correction risks. At the moment, the market is propped up with stimulus money that will begin to wane as the money is used up. There is a difference between stimulus maintenance type money and infrastructure investment.

Experts helps us learn from the skill they have gained over time and have shown be successful ways of meeting marketing challenges. Jeffrey Gundlach is a successful businessman and investor. He owns Double Line Capital. Forbes has a write up about him HERE. He is well known within the investment world and shares his insight regularly.

He has a point in that the influx of money will be spent right away and make its way through the economic system. That doesn't mean some people won't save it but that the money will predominantly be spent and give short term boosts. There will be an inventory drain and bubbles that rise from such influx of resources (i.e. people artificially raising products/services beyond their real value). 

The indented area below is a few thoughts I had on the stimulus value in short and long term form. Its is important to remember that these are only ideas that can sometimes have an impact on how we understand issues and the way in which we solve problems. Below I wrote up a few personal ideas on maintenance vs. growth stimulus......

     Short and Long-Term Stimulus Money (Maintenance vs. Growth):

Thinking about what he is saying on stimulus money wearing off later on during the year. I agree that money focused on societal maintenance needs are likely to have shorter term impact (I'm not speaking morally here I'm speaking in terms of cash movement) than investment in key infrastructure that leads to long term innovation and growth. Inflation takes a toll on the most needy of society that often live on the fractions (See Welfare and Inflation)

Investments in new businesses, R&D, and products that takes advantage of new infrastructure can lead to higher levels of long term growth that can influence skilled labor jobs. Manufacturing is one of those industries that impacts a wide network of supply chains and in turn has the biggest tertiary benefits to the economic system (I'm still wondering why it was so easy to outsource over the past few decades? I think we have begun to question the logic. 🤔).

 Our economic fundamentals are shifting and as the "system" moves to a more efficient state of functioning cause by digitization there will be new opportunities arising to rebalance budgets, calibrate taxes (We need to move beyond the physical concepts like the tax man coming to our villages and into a calibrated tax system that can maximize its global position. See Intellectual-HQ Tax Plan).

We see some of these changes occurring in real time. For example, if we update to the 5G economy  we speed the transference of information, economic activity, and industry development (See 5 G Economy). While investors gain advantages from new infrastructure, normal residents find other advantages such as remote work, online education. faster banking, video streaming, etc...  When we place our workers at the center of the global supply chain the benefits are are going to have increased technological and advanced skill knowledge where the highest values is created (See Welfare Theorem). 

The development of sustainable economy requires infrastructure investments followed by business investment that leads to higher growth and an expanding economic system (See Morgan Stanley and See Sustainable Development). I'm working a theoretical model by trying to justify application of an innovative development "system" in Delta County Michigan (See..DC Aerospace, Military, Tourism, Outdoor Cluster). Its not a finished work but something more to think about as an economic puzzle. Its also being edited.....see Theory of Transactional Innovation Clusters.

What we may find is that with innovation and development, reorienting the supply chains back to the U.S. as an international/global manufacturing base, and smart government policies driven by evidence based methods we can change our trajectory to again lead world development. We have to think bigger than our daily affairs and find a spot out on the horizon that we all are willing to sail toward. As we align our focus on a national level we will find things happening, new products, and new heights we are not accustomed to (COVID forced us down the trajectory with urgency through pattern change and necessity). We must create an environment that unlocks human potential (See the Hayek Road to Serfdom)

On The Topic of Human Perception In Religion and Hate

This is a blog and the purpose of blogs are to share information and ideas so that others may learn from that collective knowledge. What once started as a dissertation became a way of life and also helped highlight some serious rifts in our society which influences many of our current problems with extremism. The whole purpose of my initial dissertation was to explore the concepts of race and religion (and economics activity based on social actions) in society from a real life standpoint.

1. Different Worlds: Religion and culture (often associated but not the same thing) create different ways of viewing the world. There are boundaries to this world of who you can talk to and who you can associate with (different societies within a society). The more open minded you are in accepting the multiple flavors of life, the more you move out of one world view and into the next (Unless your capable of integrating the best of each). 

2. Subjective Civility  and Morality: When we view people who are different than ourselves we begin to view the laws, morality and good moral conscious as having different value to different groups. Those that represent the "other" seems to have less value and in turn less worthy of civil, honest or fair treatment. We may fundamentally agree around core principles of freedom of religion and freedom of speech but discard them in our unwritten codes and social rules.

What you will find is that opening yourself up to new ideas and concepts, like we are taught in school, also means closing off some of our older networks who have not grown or changed. That is dependent on the community and family you come from but it does create rifts. From an unwritten aspect, the social group is no longer allowed to associate with the "other" for fear of retribution from their social leadership (Lack of empowerment to decide for themselves).

One could question the truth of what I'm saying based on how they see the world (Cool so may different ways to look at it!). Yet let us take the blinders off for a moment. How integrated are we as a society? We are all separated out by religion and race and there is very few that can transcend those bounds because all of the communities make it difficult (... some of them are more open than others based on what is in the best interest of that group). In any community you will find voices of inclusion and voices of exclusion struggling for dominance. 

Social groups are just as willing to follow bad leadership as they are good leadership (Most people don't know the difference.). In this particular circumstance, local social/sports groups have decided those "others" are not welcome (They were prompted by their group leadership to not treat others civility. It also highlights that there are some negative values such as a false sense of importance being taught  in school sports as well as many positive values such as sportsmanship). Hate becomes dangerous when people are no longer empowered to think for themselves, associate with who they want, or follow their own path (i.e. forced social adherence).

Different worlds means you understand the world based on its symbolisms differently. Our world is one of symbolism and constructed meaning. Learning about alternate religions and cultures also opens up the possibility of creating multiple vantage points when understand the world (i.e. the World Knot of cognition). That is a natural enhancement when compared with cradle to birth ethno-centralism (We all sort of do this whether we like it or not. Its not race or religious exclusive). 

You will also find that you are not entitled to the same civility, benefit of the doubt, application of local laws, fair treatment, value of life, etc.... (There are exceptions here and I will discuss at some point what was done well.) What would normally be unacceptable in a civilized society becomes acceptable under convenient circumstances. (Our technology has changed but our species changes much slower). Those in-group rules that are designed to protect members now are used to punish outsiders to maintain a sense of power. 

I think its important to recognize that there is truth and there is subjective truth. The first people who discount what I have to say are also often the first people who intentionally violate pro-social norms and rules. They have little experience with others but nevertheless believe they know the answers without starting with the right questions. People who are scientific in nature and sophisticated enough to understand the subjective nature of life come to recognize there is value in learning; whether we have the experience to understand it or not.

What we say as a society and how we act are not exactly the same thing. Yet it is precisely walking the talk that will lead us to future national heights or bump us down in international influence. Despite the actions of these local groups there are those who are seeking to create a better society based on a shared sense of purpose. Overcoming local hate is difficult because it is socially embedded. Yet if we don't overcome hate the group will feel even more empowered to cut off itself from the modern world and close itself off to a more enlightened existence (They damage themselves but are not self-aware enough to understand).

There are some benefits to adapting a more universal approach to race and religion but it can't be covered in a single post.