Tuesday, January 26, 2021

China and India Attract Foreign Investments While U.S. loses Nearly Half 2020-Could Diversity in Thought and Education Help?

Foreign Direct Investment (FD) is an important part of starting budding businesses and feeding expanding businesses. It is something the U.S. should strive to achieve as it often influences not only inflow of resources but also intellectual capital and future new products/services (intellectual and financial resources work off of each other). As a mechanism and indicator of future wealth and growth it is those with an influence of FDI that will grow (That means jobs and tax resources).

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) recently published findings indicating that China received $163 in FDI and the U.S. received $134 billion (UNCTAD, 2021). The U.S. lost about half and China and India increased. This change means were are not nimble and not prepared yet to corner new world markets without adjusting how we approach the global economy.

China's economy improves during the pandemic with a 2.3% GDP improvement during 2020 (He, 2021). (I didn't see any numbers on the U.S. yet). What is interesting about this change is that an initial contraction was boosted significantly in the 4th quarter to a whopping 6.5%. Economists also noticed that industrial manufacturing also bumped up 7.3% in 4th quarter indicating growing market appeal. 

Diversity in Research and Decision Making Needed:

While the video below is a marketing piece for Chinese investments you kind of get the point that the U.S. has for a long time not stepped up to the investment game and have been overusing old tools that don't seem to manage the economic system well. Some of this problem could be a result of limited perspectives and the limited movement of new intellectuals into the central circles (one of the risks of elitism...and that is not knocking anyone!). 

Without new ideas and new ways of viewing the economic system we will be stuck with old ways of thinking. As history has shown us over the past decade (probably 2) that our tools are not as effective as they once were. This FDI indicates there was some change in the economic system and we are not able to envision that change well and have some difficulty finding an appropriate course. 

All entities (whether business or governmental) need new people, new ideas, and new ways of looking at the world. Without new ideas you don't have change. One way to create innovative thinking is to have a mix of 30-40% new people that can create new ideas and 60%-70% experienced administrators that know how to make things function in the "real world" (Could be adjusted. Too many new ideas that can't be processed or vetted may lead to team ineffectiveness.).

We can continue to dump money into an older system or jump two feet forward into the digital economy. There is a risk to doing nothing and risks to doing something. The only thing we can say is we are not up to full competitive position yet (as seen in the numbers). We are in COVID exiting stage (hopefully) and we may want to use this opportunity to powerup and build up the fundamentals of our economy. 

He, L. (January 18th, 2021). China's economy grows 2.3% in 2020 as recovery quickens. CNN. Retreived https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/17/economy/china-gdp-2020-intl-hnk/index.html

UNCTAD (January 24th, 2021). Investment Trends Monitor. Retrieved https://unctad.org/system/files/official-document/diaeiainf2021d1_en.pdf

UNCTAD Foreign Direct Investment 2020 Totals by Dr. Murad Abel on Scribd

Fire Prevention and Safety Grant Program Application Period Opening

 Grants can help many small and local firefighter organizations. We need a grant like this for our fire department. When we checked into it we learned we need a special number before we could apply and that the process to obtain that number was pretty difficult. So we would need to pay $600 to have someone help us get that in and then it will take 30+ days to receive that so we could work on the application for a grant. We are likely too late for this year. Government might want to make the process a little easier for smaller entities that don't have grant writers or large resources to pay for special grant services. If we don't consider options for small departments, those who need it the most won't get it while those that are well funded will have an easier time applying to multiple grants. 

Congressman Bergman press email release.....

Fire Prevention and Safety Grant Program Application Period Opening
Washington - This Advisory is notification that the application period for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security FEMA Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Program is now open, and will close on Friday, February 26, 2021 at 5 p.m. ET.

The purpose of the FP&S Program is to reach high-risk target groups and reduce deaths and injuries caused by fire and fire-related hazards. Funding under FP&S also supports Firefighter Safety as well as Research and Development (R&D) activities. The allocation of FP&S awards is a highly competitive process. Awards are determined based on an applicant’s ability to both address FP&S program priorities and provide the most compelling justification for their need.

The Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2020 (Pub. L. No. 116-93) includes $355 million for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program (AFG) and the FP&S Program. Of that amount, $319.5 million will be awarded under the FY 2020 AFG Program to assist first-responder organizations that need support to improve their capability to respond to fires and emergencies of all types. The FY20 FP&S Program will award $35.5 million to strengthen community fire prevention programs and enable scientific research on innovations that improve firefighter safety, health and wellness.

Fire departments or other applicants requiring assistance, please visit https://www.fema.gov/grants/preparedness/firefighters; call the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program Help Desk at (866) 274-0960; or email them at firegrants@fema.dhs.gov.

The AFG Program Help Desk is open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. ET.

Racism, Bigotry and the Subjectivity of Laws

Crimes are something that detracts from all of our lives as the needs of some outweigh the needs of others. Some laws don't make a lot of sense while others are extremely helpful. As a nation, we have some laws that no longer reflect the values of society and are no longer reflective of the science of crime. At the same time, many laws make sense and should be kept and improved. Whether helpful or not we should review of many of these laws and make sure they are not subjectively applied. 

There are a lot of people upset out there (as seen from protests on both sides) because they feel the justice system no longer reflects their needs. I don't believe most officials set out to create this disparity but often it is embedded in the culture and language of the justice system itself (That is not in support of people who do crimes but fail to take responsibility for them...that's a different issue). 

I'm not a legal expert, but I wonder if there is a way to create more trust in the general mechanics and application of justice. While we can't control everything that has happened in the past we can begin to focus on changing things for the benefit of the future and going forward. We owe it to future generations to consider their best interests.

Crimes are activities that take away from society violate the rights of others. There is the legal side and the moral side of crime. The legal side is defined by the state (authority) while the moral side is often defined by the culture and norms of society (i.e. religion and moral conscious). 

For example, one can commit a crime and but be morally justified. Steeling food to feed one's family in the most difficult times is illegal but not a moral crime (That is why we love Robin Hood). Another example, might be sheltering Jewish people during the Nazi Era (A state crime that is counter to standard moral behavior). 

There are also people who commit crimes and are not held to account even though they are illegal and immoral. For example, someone engaging in coordinated harassment for financial gain by exploiting racial/religious differences that could have caused serious harm to children and others. Depending on where you live it would be considered illegal and immoral but in some locations its not a problem.

If the culture and social connections discount the value of some members of their society to support their social networks and personal bias then this would be a big problem for a country. The answers are not simple but ignoring these crimes could lead to all types of problems for society that ranges from encouraging extremism and radial partisanship (both sides of the argument). 

What I can say is that we will need some central anchor for justice that reflects the value of a diversified globally connected nation (whether we want to or not). Our legal infrastructure should change to improve trust by removing unscientific laws/punishments to increase accuracy and effectiveness in reform and punishment. Getting "tough on crime" is using the best tools for the best societal outcomes.

Even if we adjusted our system to a modern world we would nevertheless be faced with different perspectives on who and when people are punished. People have all types of misbeliefs about the law that range from "all officers are...this!" and "all those people are.....that!". None of that is the complete truth. The legal system is amuck in misinformation and misguidance. 

One way to improve the system is to focus on a concept of universal justice. Universal Justice occurs when we have laws in place that are scientific in orientation and reflective of the values of society that help our nation grow and develop through solid principles (i.e. white collar and blue collar theft) that reduce business activities and erodes societal trust. Yet these laws are anchored in a concept of universal value systems that apply to all human beings and doesn't unfairly punish one group over another. 

Universal justice looks at the particular merits of each person's case and makes decisions based upon the facts and potential solutions without allowing unexamined beliefs (left over from previous generations) to make their way into the decision. For example, we don't put kids in prison for decades because they got caught with a joint (that most of the judges did at one time or another when they were young). There is the law and their is virtue and we should consider ensuring our laws are beneficial to society and reflective of a global community in which we exist.

Aristotle maintained universal beliefs of moral justice and equality that work together to create a "just" society. You can read more about the philosophy HERE. 

"The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law."=Aristotle. 

I'm a conservative by nature and believe that all human beings have value in our society. Thus, the laws should be applied in a way that allows for maximum universal justice that leads to a stable and productive society that can sustain itself politically into the future. Working on my own economic theories an important component is trust in our basic institutions in a way that unlocks human potential and common good will toward each other. I'm working on climbing Mount Everest for universal justice (even if I only make it to Base Camp 1 I made effort to help society). 

Monday, January 25, 2021

President Biden Executive Order and the Rise of SME

President Joe Biden discusses some of the executives orders he has planned. Bringing manufacturing back is an important part of economic recovery. Its interesting because both Presidents (Trump and Biden) believe that we should begin to compete in a way that leads to higher levels of U.S. manufacturing and technology development (and other businesses). While we have two different strategies the essential goal of bringing manufacturing back is important. It not only provides opportunities for a new generation of wealth but has the ability to create long-term growth as Millennials learn new skills and adjust their culture in a changing new business environment. 

The problem many small American manufacturers face is they don't know what is actually needed by the market (and some need to develop new skills). Giving them a place to search for opportunities can be helpful (That could also work on an international level as well via a website where we can connect American SME to international business needs).  Manufacturing Extension Partnership focuses on SME manufacturing and that can give a rise to innovation and production. When SME does well they create new products, ideas, and economic growth at a higher rate than many larger companies whose structures have become costly (Internal transaction efficiency declines when in comparison to younger more nimble companies). 

Such a system may power an initial development spurt but they will eventually need to obtain increased contracts to produce items (niche, small/large batch manufactured) for businesses worldwide to be successful. I would pay attention to the AI, big data, and science approach as they are likely to impact market changes. The U.S. is still large and can readjust the supply chain networks in its favor. One would need to develop a concrete strategy and have the pathway to make it happen. The latter being much more detailed and thus far not available in research because most scientists focus on the details but miss the big picture of how all the details connect into a theoretical framework. Scientists are not often trained to put their research into a broad applied perspective (one of the criticism of indoctrinated higher education).

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Tacoma Police Car Plows Into Group-Justified?

 Officer runs over person but its hard to see it as a cut and dry situation. Street races are illegal and for good reason as people can get hurt (drivers and others). While a street race is not the major issue, the swarming of the car and eventual injury is concerning and indicative of the times.

A number of officers have been targeted over the past year and I suspect they are likely on edge. While I believe in beneficial police reform and universal justice putting officers into a threatening situation is going to be dangerous for everyone involved. You can see from the video the driver tried to back up and then punched it forward. 

It takes a lot of training to not react to situations that seem dangerous. Perhaps he could have went slower but fear often takes over the nervous system and the officer may have defaulted to fight or flight reactions.

Before one can really overcome automatic reactions they must understand where the feeling of panic comes from, how it influences the body, and then shortcut the response to slow down the nervous system to avoid tunnel vision that limits proper choice making. Thus, one must cut the nervous loop and purposely not react until they take a few seconds to assess all the options and pick the one that leads to the most options and best outcomes during a fluid situation. You can read more about the neuroscience of it all HERE. 

I wouldn't be quick to judge on guilty or innocent (or in between) until the details come out and witness statements, video, police statement, bullet proof windows, etc..are collected and assessed. If the officer truly felt threatened and a reaction was necessary based on realized threats then it would be difficult to assess blame. I wish the injured person injured has a speedy recovery. 

What do you think? If you don't have all the details it is often best to wait to make a judgement.

When Greed Leads to Criminality

 A relative of mine discussed greed and despite its destructive nature people don't really have a grasp of it from a criminal vantage point. While some of us know that greed is a moral hazard there are others that relish in the ability to engage in theft without concern for others. While greed is part of our lives our laws should help to protect us from such behaviors through investigating credible threats. Without this protection of the law  those who engage in greed are likely to do so again. 

Its amazing that while we know people have the propensity of greed we often don't follow up to find the causes of illegal behavior. For example, harassing someone and engaging in aggressive behavior could sometimes be a result of financial crimes and the need to keep such behavior undiscovered. Other times such behavior could have other causes. Its much easier to justify behaviors against people who are seen as less worthy by the perpetrators.

The problem is that when we don't follow up on these issues we have given a green light for people to commit these behaviors again. While I do understand limited time and budgets it is highly important to ensure that illegal activity is uncovered and prosecuted accordingly. When these crimes are mixed with threats, rumors and aggression they should take even more precedence in our legal system.

Greed isn't an innocent act but is based in something deeper as the person devalues the rights of others. A study found that "trait greed predicts selfish economic decisions that come at the expense of others in a resource dilemma." (Mussel & Hewig, 2019, para 1). It is not a one off event but based in a lack of internal feedback or ability to adjust behavior to environmental stimuli. 

That means selfish people will display other selfish behavior that seeks to raise their social status. In the example I'm familiar with, the person who engaged in theft also engaged in ethnic intimidation, put children in harm's way, constantly seeks to attention, and places herself at the center of nearly every social situation (always with a catch). This narcisstic behavior goes unchallenged. 

I've learned a few things. Not following up on theft, greed, and criminality may encourage others to engage in similar behavior due to a lack of consequence (Such behaviors have a social root). It doesn't take much for people to "catch on" that certain crimes will not be considered important and people may decide that the punishments and the low level of detection bank in their favor. 

Mussel, P., & Hewig, J. (2019). A neural perspective on when and why trait greed comes at the expense of others. Scientific reports, 9(1), 10985. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-47372-5

To Trump or not to Trump? GOP Engaged in Internal Battles

Watching the news and reeling from the backlash from capitol insurrection GOP members are struggling with essential questions of what it means to be a GOP member. This isn't an argument for or against impeachment (there are a lot of reasons either way) in so much as it is a discussion on the struggle that is looming within the party. As GOP members turn inward they will have to come to grips with what direction the party will take going forward. Censorship is increasingly being used on "old guard" Republicans leaving many confused whether bi-partisanship will be possible.  I think in the near future how we view topics today will be seen in a different light and perspectives will begin to change.