Thursday, May 14, 2020

Michigan's Republican Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield Extends Hand of Partnership to Governor Whitmer

Michigan's Republican Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield asks Governor Whitmer to work with legislature to come to solutions together. He states that Governor Whitmer has the best intention but the best decisions are made together. There will be a court case tomorrow where oral arguments will be heard so we will see how this pans out in the near future. The Judicial Branch will be a key decider on how things will go forward and perhaps determine whether there is a current "crisis" or not. Governor Whitmer states that she has been working with Republicans.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Governor Whitmer Covid-19 Update Charts and Current Position in Opening Phases

The video contained a lot of information so you will want to view the video. In general, cases are coming down and we are in phase 3 of 6 phases in the Michigan opening. What was done well here was the use of graphs/charts to highlight key points. One thing that could work is to be able to create a split screen with a chart on one side and the speaker on the other (Yikes...thinking online!😳).

There are a number of rules in place in terms of how to keep employees healthy and safe. If you have a business it is important to watch the video to understand changes as they are occurring. Furthermore, you will want to preview some of the Executive Orders (Currently in litigation) to understand what rules are currently in place. Executive Orders.

Some discussion on protesters and the Governor's hope to have them wear masks and stay 6 feet apart. Protests tomorrow so stay tuned.......

President Trump Meets with Gov. Polis and Gov. Burgum

President Trump meets with Gov. Polis and Gov. Burgum to discuss a variety of ideas and concepts as they relate to opening. I wanted to know more about the Space Force and of course manufacturing in the U.S.. Oh well! Right now its all about getting the economy open so much of the discussion is around that.

First District Congressional Art Competition Deadline Announced

Art is an important part of life and helps us visualize the world around us. Art uses a different kind of knowledge than math and science but does help us find new and creative ways of understand the world and its problems. Art and science often work together. Science drills into the details but art can create new connections among broad categories of research. Thus, art is not a wasted enterprise but one that can have significant impact on the breadth of our personal lives  but also science and business. 

Press Release Below......

Washington - Each spring, the Congressional Institute and participating Members of Congress sponsor An Artistic Discovery, a nationwide high school visual art competition that recognizes and encourages artistic talent in each congressional district. Since the pilot competition in 1982, more than 650,000 high school students have participated.
The annual Art Competition is open to all high school students currently living in the First District. The winning submission will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol for one year and viewed by visitors and dignitaries from all over the world.
The theme for the 2020 Art Competition is "something important to you in your local community."

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, students must submit the Student Release Form along with a digital copy of their artwork to
All entries for the Congressional Art Competition must be submitted by June 1st, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
All questions and inquiries should be directed to
 Ms. Reeve Katt was the winner of the First District 2019 Art Competition with her piece "The Launch of the Steamer Frank J. Hecker."

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Governor Whitmer Announces 3 New Executive Orders: Teleconferences, Weight Restrictions, and Youth Employment

New Executive orders by Governor Whitmer are more administrative in orientation. Those include virtual conducting of business, lifting non-seasonal load restrictions and allows youth permits to be mailed, email, faxed or sent via the web. None of them are eye opening but just more focused on daily management of the state.

Executive Order 2020-80 continues to permit the Michigan Employment Relations Commission, Unemployment Insurance Agency, and other administrative hearings to be held by video conference or phone in place of in-person hearings. The order also temporarily allows e-signatures in place of written signatures on related documents. 

Executive Order 2020-81 extends provisions lifting state and local non-seasonal load restrictions, as well as other restrictions on the timing and loading of deliveries, for deliveries that meet immediate needs for medical supplies and equipment related to the testing, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19, as well as other critical supplies, equipment, and personnel. 

Executive Order 2020-79 suspends the requirements of Youth Employment Standards Act to allow work permits to be mailed, emailed, faxed or sent via the web rather than the previously required in person submission. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci Testifies-Indicates that As Long as Guidelines are Followed States Can Open

What I like about what Dr. Anthony Fauci is saying is that it is ok to start opening the economy as long as people follow the process. That means most of the country has been in decline but there are a few places where it continues to (could still) spike. Optimistic caution is the way I look at it. 😬 Thus, those areas that have been in decline could start thinking about opening based on....

1. Decline in positive cases.
2 Capabilities to handle outbreaks.
3. Ability to contact trace and "snuff" out the spike.

We know as a nation we can't stop all risks. It would not be a wise expectation. No one should pretend there are no risks. However, there are risks if we keep the country closed as state budgets are going bust, people are struggling to pay their bills and other COVID collateral damage is starting to rise.

Goal and direction of research and testing.....

1. Improve fundamental knowledge
2. New point of care diagnostics
3. Characterize and test therapeutics
4. Safe vaccines

What I get out of this, and its only my interpretation, is that we are better prepared to handle cases than we were in the past. If a state (or county) have prepared themselves they can start to think about opening under the federal guidelines. They should follow those guidelines and not circumvent them (To the extent possible). Those are the essential arguments however one will need to watch the whole video to determine what they see. Just remember that selective attention can sort of skew what we pay attention to and what we ignore depending on our pre-existing beliefs. It takes a lot of personal insight to sort of weed out those "bias"(on both sides).

Senator Tim Scott made some really excellent comments about the ultimate goals and how the essential arguments changed. The goal never was to stop 100% of deaths but to ensure that hospitals are not overwhelmed. As the economy opens we will want to improve our capacity but the goal was not to shut everything down for extended periods of time. We are running into other problems by trying to stop the virus completely. He mentioned a false dichotomy and the need to rethink about our goals. It doesn't so much matter if you agree or not agree but that he had a new way of looking at the problem.

What might further add to this story are economic projects on what would happen if we do not open for another 2 months, 6 months, or 12 months? Its a little comparative but it might round out the issue for strategic thinking and choice. This virus and our choices will be reviewed, studied, and discussed in history books for a long time. I can only say we have gone a long way as a country and I'm impressed. There is a horizon we still need to cross.........

Monday, May 11, 2020

Governor Whitmer Press Briefing-Improved Testing Capacity, Budgets and Protesters

Much of the discussion revolved around improved testing that leads to better data. That capacity is ramping up and there will be more people able to get these tests. Total new infections are declining significantly and that is good news. Indications on re-opening based on the existing plan. It appears from the video that there is increasing conflict (i.e. protests). I suspect that such a conflict will continue to be part of current political realities.

Harvard has a nice article on the 4 different types of negotiators. Its an interesting read....

WILX 10 has some great notes on the briefing so you will want to read them.....