Friday, May 1, 2020

Soo Locks Receives $123 Million in Federal Investment to Build Second Poe Lock

Export oriented economies require efficient shipping lanes, ports and railroads that move resources within the U.S and then export finished products to the rest of the world. Our infrastructure is declining because we outsourced much of our resource extraction to other nations. While this has short term benefits, there is a growing need to maintain our own production capacity within North American. Managing and owning our supply chain helps us keep production running during times of adversity as well as create new innovation and efficiencies.

That doesn't mean we don't buy any resources from overseas, or that some components of our products cant be manufactured overseas, it means that our nation must balance these appropriately so that the center of our production and supply lines lay within the U.S.. Production value, and in turn economic value, is highest when products are invented and built within the U.S in a way that enhances our economy and the value of American labor (Republican and Democrat should see eye-to-eye on this issue).

The problem with a declining infrastructure system is that if we don't invest some money our capacity could be lost; maybe forever! We can see this in our deteriorating and often underused railroads, ports, and shipping routes. The government is seeking to enhance our local production abilities encouraging innovative manufacturing processes. Thus, the Soo Locks (Poe Lock in particular) are vitally important for steel and manufacturing that feeds other manufacturing industries.

According to study commissioned by Homeland Security entitled The Perils of Efficiency: An Analysis of Unexpected Closure of the Poe Lock and its Impact ,"Approximately 80 percent of iron ore mining operations, and nearly 100 percent of the North American appliances, automobile, construction equipment, farm equipment, mining equipment, and railcar production would shut down" (Homeland Security, 2015, pp.iii).

The Great Lakes Seaway Partnership , which supports public understanding of the benefits of commercial shipping in the Great Lakes, further elaborates that around 80 million tons of iron ore as well as coal, grain and limestone move through the Sault St. Marie every year. Approximately 90% of cargo makes its way through the Poe Locks thereby creating productive redundancy is important.

Federal government is willing to invest $123 million in building a second lock because a 6 month closure could create a devastating 1.1 trillion in damage to national GDP (Homeland Security, 2015).

Congressman Rep. Bergman highlights within his press release that, "After decades of political inaction and empty promises, the construction of a new lock in Sault Ste. Marie is now a reality. I will continue working with my colleagues in Congress and with President Trump's Administration to ensure we keep up this historic momentum.(1)"

Contract bids are open for companies that can do this type of work. Much more information on the project can be found on

You may also want to read more about Homeland Security's report by principle investigator Dr. Craig S. Gordon. Figure 3 Ports to Steel is a very nice map that indicates how these locks are so important (not sure if I'm allowed to copy so I don't! πŸ˜–). Small cities like Marquette and Escanaba have vitally important ports that are underutilized. Maybe that will change with new American growth initiatives.  The Perils of Efficiency: An Analysis of Unexpected Closure of the Poe Lock and its Impact

Contract Description

PURPOSE: The Detroit District of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) solicitation for a firm-fixed-price construction contract to accomplish the following work at the Soo Lock Complex, Sault Ste. Marie, MI.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The scope of work will be attached to the solicitation documentation. The intended start date for this requirement is within 30 days after contract award.

NAICS CODE AND SBA SIZE STANDARD: 237990 - Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction, $39.5 Million.

TYPE OF SET-ASIDE: None (Full and Open/Unrestricted)

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Specific information pertaining to this project as well as the virtual site visit and submittal of electronic proposals will be available in the attached solicitation. It is the responsibility of all potential offerors to monitor for any amendments, updates, responses to industry questions/comments, etc... The Government will not be maintaining a mailing list.

POINT-OF-CONTACT: The Primary Contract Specialist for this solicitation is Steve Hutchens, email: Any communication regarding this notice should be made in writing sent via email or facsimile and must identify the solicitation number, company name, address, email address, phone number including area code, facsimile number, and point of contact.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches Engage over Michigan Executive Orders

Governor Whitmer sought to extend the Stay Home Stay Safe Order and legislative members of the House of Representatives said "Not so fast!". Senate bills passed limiting her emergency powers and in turn the Governor promised a veto. Legislature went on to pass bills codifying (arranging into codes) existing executive orders and then empowered the speaker to go after the Governor legally.

Such a change means there were a number of members coordinating in the background to make this happen. An interesting turn of affairs in a future presidential race state. The "show down" was getting louder over the past couple of days and you could see tensions rising. The essential issues revolve around who gets to make the decisions.

All three branches (Executive, Judicial, and Legislative) are likely to be involved at some point. This is where things get more interesting because our constitutional system is designed to check and balance each other in this way. Therefore, there is likely to be a legal tie breaker unless some type of compromise occurs.

The possible choices....

1. Backing down (A remote possibility in a presidential battle ground state). Yikes! πŸ™‰
2. Compromise (Possible with face saving moves by both sides). Probably the most reasonable option. πŸ™Š
3. Judicial (The tie breaker if both sides don't come to agreement). Long, messy and expensive.πŸ™ˆ

You may want to email discussion in Talking Points Memo.....

The essential issue is moving power back to the legislature. In the emails, chief of staff Jeremy Hendges proposes, "two one-week extensions in exchange for a public agreement that all future stay-at-home-type orders (and only those) be enacted through bipartisan legislation and the democratic process rather than executive order."

The response from the Governors office was...."While I welcome partnership, information sharing and robust discussion with the legislature, I cannot abrogate my duty to act in an emergency to protect the lives of Michiganders"..... "We are in the midst of a global pandemic that has already killed 3,670 people and COVID 19 numbers continue to climb in parts of our state. Michigan remains in a state of emergency regardless of the actions you decide to take or not take (1)."

Fincantieri Marinette Marine Wins Guided-Missile Frigate Contract $5.5 Billion

Press release Congressman Bergman April 30th, 2020......

Today, the U.S. Navy announced Fincantieri Marinette Marine was awarded the contract for detail design and construction of the FFG(X) guided-missile frigate. While physically located in Marinette, Wisconsin, thousands of U.P. workers are employed at Marinette Marine.

If all options are exercised, the cumulative value of this contract would be $5,576,105,441. Rep. Jack Bergman, Member of the House Armed Services Committee, and Retired USMC Lt. General issued the following statement:

"With this contract award, Fincantieri Marinette Marine will continue its longstanding tradition of supporting the U.S. Navy, building high- quality ships, and creating jobs in the region. This contract will have lasting impacts on Michigan’s First District and the U.S. Navy as it prepares for the future fight.

"As a Member of the House Armed Services Committee, I’m proud to have worked alongside Congressman Mike Gallagher (WI-08) to support the shipyard in its efforts to secure this contract. I look forward to our continued efforts, as the hardworking men and women at the Fincantieri Marinette Marine shipyard begin their work.

The FFG (X) class is designed to be a multi-mission small surface combatant able to meet the demands of the National Defense Strategy, and will feature a new radar system, 32 vertical launch cells, and an Aegis combat system. In addition to ensuring work at the shipyard for the duration of the contract, the project is projected to create thousands of jobs to benefit our local workforce.

To learn more about the Navy's FFG (X) Program, click HERE.

Office of Attorney General Releases Memo on COVID and Civil Liberties

A Department of Justice memo was issued on April 27th, 2020 by the Office of the Attorney General related to monitoring state and local directives that could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of individual citizens. Times of crisis require us to make actions that are outside the scope of normal. There is some judgement on how far of a reach these decisions should extend and when or when they are not appropriate. Because we are an interconnected society there will inevitably come times during a crisis when individual liberties could be impacted. It appears this memo seeks to "keep an eye out" for instances where that may occur and take action to correct the situation when necessary.

Two main points are below:

 "Constitution also forbids, in certain circumstances, discrimination against disfavored speech and undue interference with the national economy. If a state or local ordinance crosses the line from an appropriate exercise of authority to stop the spread of COVID19 into an overbearing infringement of constitutional and statutory protections, the Department of Justice may have an obligation to address that overreach in federal court (Barr, April 27th, 2020, para 3) .

"I am therefore directing the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, Eric Dreiband, and Matthew Schneider; the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan, to oversee and coordinate our efforts to monitor state and local policies and, if necessary, take action to correct them (Barr, April 27th, 2020 Para 4)."

Barr, W. (April 27th, 2020). Balancing Public Safety with the Preservation of Civil Rights. Office of Attorney General, para 3 & 4.

GDP Contracts 1st Q of 2020-Is It a Short Lived Shock and Digital GDP Recovery?

The humming economic engines of the U.S. economy went into an abrupt screeching halt as our business and personal lives were derailed by a phantom disease. COVID-19 caused worldwide supply chain and employment disruptions that will shift our fundamental economic assumptions about how business is conducted for a long time to come. Contractions in the first, and perhaps the second (or third) quarter were expected as our economy shifts and adjusts to the voracious appetite of an economic cookie monster. The question becomes what happens after we put the "beast" back in the can? We are either in a recession or we are part of a short-lived shock. The answer may lay in our ability to adapt to a new digital platform that includes short term economic boosts and long term economic mastery.

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis states.....

"The decline in first quarter GDP was, in part, due to the response to the spread of COVID-19, as governments issued "stay-at-home" orders in March. This led to rapid changes in demand, as businesses and schools switched to remote work or canceled operations, and consumers canceled, restricted, or redirected their spending. The full economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be quantified in the GDP estimate for the first quarter of 2020 because the impacts are generally embedded in source data and cannot be separately identified.(BEA, 2020)."

While it may be difficult to extract the causes in a novel and chaotic situation they do provide additional insight......

"The decrease in real GDP in the first quarter reflected negative contributions from personal consumption expenditures (PCE), nonresidential fixed investment, exports, and private inventory investment that were partly offset by positive contributions from residential fixed investment, federal government spending, and state and local government spending. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, decreased (table 2)."(BEA, 2020).

Modified for Emphasis

What is an Economic Shock and Resilience (From a Network Perspective)?

Economic shocks are unexpected chaos situations that put overwhelming pressure on our economic system in a way that can be devastating for a defined period of time. In any chaos situation there is a time frenzied task oriented behaviors to overcome immediate threats that eventually give way to longer term adaptation strategies. A hit, recovery and thriving is possible if there is coordinated adjustments to existing economic structures that improve the total functioning of the system for long-term synergistic growth.

 According to a paper in the Journal Review of Regional Studies...."community structure of a regional economy should provide a new perspective to understand the aggregate economic response and resilience. In turn, these insights could help to develop unique and specific policies for different regions to improve their stability, resilience, and growth prospects over time (Hana & Goestza, 2015, pp.147).

A community in an economic sense is something that relates to how businesses act and interact with each other in a way that is more robust than in other areas of the economic systems (Watts and Strogatz, 1998). Thus, these components function across county lines, regionally, nationally and at times globally. As an example, we can see this occur in the Midwest with its automotive manufacturing base that impacts the entire region (Likely one reason why regions are opening in a coordinated manner.).

Massive Growth in Digital GDP?

The U.S. has one of the largest Digital GDP in the world and it is expected to continue to grow into the long-term future. According to an article comparing 100 countries in the Wall Street Journal the economy amounts to 35% of GDP when compared to 18.5% average for other advanced nations (Wladawsky-Berger, 2017). Those numbers are based in part on a limited definition of GDP that is likely to change now that a significant portion of the world's global economy transitions online.

......a potential opportunity brewing?

Furthermore, the growth in Digital GDP has vary large untapped source of value for the U.S. and is likely to be a continual source of short and long term development. More and more companies are going online and e-commerce will increasingly become a key aspect of the global economy. According to Abode Digital Economic Index e-commerce sales from COVID-19 are up 25% and groceries have more than doubled (Abode Analytics, 2020). Growth in groceries as representative of a basic staple not only impacts our daily lives but also represents an interaction between the virtual and physical worlds.

Significant technology and intellectual based jobs are moving to virtual telecommuting as an indication of a necessary trend. A  Gartner, Inc. survey of 317 CFOs found that 74% plan to move at least 5% to permanent remote and a quarter to move at least 20% of their workers to permanent remote positions (Gartner Inc., March 30, 2020). There will likely be mass increases in virtual work and that in turn means new methods of understanding how the Digital GDP functions across multiple sectors of society. In essence, much of our economy will begin shifting to the virtual world and that means new definitions and opportunities for an advanced nation like the United States to move into novel uncharted territory.

Digital Transformation:

Digital transformation takes time. There are some companies (and countries) that are more prepared than others. According to an in-depth article entitled A Road Map for Digital Transformation by McKinsey & Company the digital transformation takes around 5 years (Catlin, Lorenz, Sternfels & Willmott, 2017). In the first two years there will be significant capital investment in organizational transformation which will have a profound impact on total Digital GDP and production capacity.

This report also discussed three primary stages of company transformation that include 1). Defining; 2). Launch and Acceleration; and 3.) and Scaling up. While five years is the projected rate it should be expected that acceleration and adaptation will be a conducted in a wider network of other companies adapting at the same time. Therefore, they will be learning form each other and engaged in clustered transactions that speed innovation. Thus, the time to adapt and overcome could be less
than 5 years.

Economic Clusters:

We have thus learned that economic shocks and recovery are based in part in the networks that exist in counties, states, regions, nations and globally. As companies adapt they will inevitably be impacted by growth in virtual work, e-commerce, new network development, and perhaps whole new innovative product line developments. We then need new theories that better explain how economic growth works in the virtual and physical world. There are a number of disconnected theories out that lack holistic foundations.

I have been working on one (i.e. paper in progress) and it is starting to be formalized but it takes a long time to justify. You can get a sense of the formation of an unfinished work in The Theory of Interactive Clusters for Innovative Economic Growth. (πŸ˜±πŸ™ˆ)  At present I'm working applying some of the concepts to an investment ripe, but economically under-performing area, called Delta County Michigan that has tourism, resource extraction and small manufacturing potential that is well matched with an older existing export infrastructure based in mining and lumber.

Short or Long-Term Recovery Pattern?

I think this may not be an easy one to answer because of the multiple complex variables involved.  There could be short-term economic recovery as businesses open and reinvest back into their home ports so to speak. It may also open the possibility of longer-term economic growth as companies adapt to new digital realities and apply what is being learned to very practical things like advanced manufacturing.

It is entirely possible we may see a....... "Get Back to Work Boost" (3rd/4th quarter-1 year), followed by corporate transformation investments (1-3 years) and then boosted by digital economy synergy (3+ years). Time and initiative are the key determinants of how our economy will play out in the future. With pain there is possibilities for exceptional growth....its how we handle it that counts!

The projections from economists are likely all over the place so I'm curious how this turns out. Fingers crossed and hope for the best! 🀞

Abode Digital Economic Index (2020) Abode Analytics. Retrieved

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. (April 29th, 2020) Gross Domestic Product, 1st Quarter 2020 (Advance Estimate). Retrieved

Caitlin, T., Lorenz, J., Sternfels, B. & Willmott, P. (2017). A Road Map for Digital Transformation. McKinsey & Company. Retrieved

Gartner, Inc. (March 30th, 2020). Gartner CFO Survey Reveals 74% Intend to Shift Some Employees to Remote Work Permanently. Retreived

Hana, Y. & Goetza, Y. (2015). The Economic Resilience of U.S. Counties during the Great Recession. Journal Review of Regional, 45, pp.147 Retrieved

Watts, Duncan J. and Steven H. Strogatz. (1998) “Collective Dynamics of ‘Small-world’ Networks,” Nature, 393, 440-442.

Wladawsky-Berger, I (September, 2017). GDP Doesn’t Work In A Digital Economy. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved

You can look at more source data "Key Source Data and Assumptions"

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

April 29th 2020 Governor Whitmer Discusses Yoopers and Further Opening of Economy

Much of the discussion on Governor Whitmer's April 30th, 2020 briefing revolved around new programs that help and create incentives for Frontline workers. That includes initiatives that relate to childcare, unemployment and college tuition. Furthermore,a new executive order will likely be issued Friday as it pertains to opening commercial and residential construction. A Heroes Fund was introduced to encourage additional hazard pay for first responders and frontline workers.

She provided an example of a Gladstone resident (i.e. Yooper) that renewed her nursing license so she could go back to work in Marquette at a nursing home. Linda (Yooper) was held out as an example others should follow.

Interestingly, there was a 15K proposal (As part of the Heroes Fund) to create incentives to recruit healthcare and first responders. There appears to be a problem with recruiting nurses and first responders as the supply of 1,600 Canadian nurses dried up with travel restrictions at the border (1). This group is also at a higher risk of contracting the COVID sickness as 3K+ medical workers were infected with Covid while working in the Detroit Healthcare System (2). I wonder if the 15K recruitment incentive proposal also means they will need to work in the Detroit area for a certain time period? (πŸ€”Thinking Face).

-Changes in that expand benefits and make it easier to apply.
-Additional protections from foreclosure.
-Childcare for Front line workers.
-Futures for Frontliners. Certificates in technology and degrees. Tuition free college. Want 60% of Michiganders to obtain post secondary degree.
-Free testing for COVID
-699K+ Enrolled in MI Healthy Michigan Plan.
-Industry and health experts are working on reopening the state.
-Friday will sign an Executive Order to open resident and commercial construction by May 7th, 2020.
-Heroes Fund (Senator Gary Peters): Hazard Pay 25K raise for frontline workers until end of year and $15K recruitment incentive for healthcare and first responders.
-Michigan Economic Recover Council helps determine ways to return back to work in a safe manner.

You may want to check out the college free college tuition and childcare information below:

Whitmer Press Release ChildcareGovernor Whitmer Takes Significant Step to Make Child Care Affordable and Accessible for Families

Whitmer Press Release College: Governor Whitmer Announces "Futures for Frontliners," a G.I. Bill Program for Essential Workers

A pretty solid article on tuition by Forbes.....Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Announces Free College For Frontline Coronavirus Workers

There was a question as it relates to a debate with Republicans on legislature and issuing Executive Orders. You can read an article on the topic.... Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer wants 28-day extension of emergency powers.

Business Roundtable and Economic Opening Plans-President Briefing April 29th, 2020

The President's April 29th, 2020 Briefing was excellent today in a way that discusses how the leading "thinkers" of today's American economy are coordinating to create a stronger and new economy. What is most inspiring is that there is an opportunity to get all of these businesses (Business Roundtable) sailing in the same direction. The Business Roundtable members discussed how they are going to reopen the economy.

What is the Business Roundtable?

According to their website, "Business Roundtable members are the chief executive officers of leading U.S. companies. Collectively, they represent every sector of the economy and bring a unique and important perspective to bear on policy issues that impact the economy. Roundtable members are thought leaders, advocating for policy solutions that foster U.S. economic growth and competitiveness."

They are a serious group of economic players that have significant influence on how our economy will function and grow.

There was some discussion on a phased approach to opening

1. Disease Growth
2. ICU Capacity
3. Testing Capacity

The post office will likely be reformed with a board of governors that are looking into solutions.

The President hopes that a new normal will be the old normal someday. It may take time but this virus will eventually go away and be eradicated.