Saturday, April 25, 2020

150 Businesses Sign Letter Requesting a Safe Reopening of the State

I'm a little late seeing this but it appears to be a letter intended to encourage re-opening of parts of the economy. This was sent a few days before the last executive order.

Michigan's Joint Select Committee on COVID-19 Pandemic (Res.No.20)-Learning Organization?

While Michigan's COVID-19 crisis isn't quite over but seems to be moving toward the end of a rampage and with hope it will dissipate into a moment in history. Resolution No.20 creates a committee to review what the state has done thus far and provide information and advise the legislative body of potential improvements. It is a little like reviewing a company's policies and procedures after a major change to see what worked and how it can be improved for next time. Learning organizations require feedback loops that lead to better policy making.

Concurrent Resolution No.20 is a way of improving our handling of the situation next time. Here is how...

During a crisis special powers are giving to people of authority to quickly handle those issues without having to go through a slower legislative process. One example is the Emergency Management Act in 1976. Such acts help to encourage quick coordination of resources and actions that may not have been possible in other situations. When we need quick action we can take it!

These powers are designed only for a certain amount of time while the crisis is in full swing and then powers will eventually move back to legislature. There were two Executives Orders given by Governor Whitmer (EO 2020-04 and EO 2020-33). Because these were of limited time on April 7th the Legislature extended these powers until April 30, 2020. That allowed for increased flexibility in dealing with a fluid and novel situation.

On April 24th, 2020 Concurrent Resolution No.20 created a bi-partisan Joint Select Committee that "shall examine the status and efficacy of governmental actions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Michigan." It will research and review actions within the State of Michigan that will provide further direction on how to deal with the current COVID-19 crisis and provide recommendations on how to improve responses should similar problems rear their ugly head in the future.

Such resolutions are important because they allow us to review and reflect on the actions taken to find better ways to deal with crisis in the future. When people are in frenzy they are doing everything they can to find a solution. Its hard to judge a crisis from hindsight but we can say there are always ways to improve. Thus, finding a legal mechanism for government to create policy improvements is helpful. Legislature will then take the information from that committee to enhance future decision making.

With such a learning system, and hopefully bipartisan opportunities for improvement, the State can learn and teach other states what they did for further adaptation in a way that improves the functioning of the entire country. Michigan was a state that was hard hit and has something to add to the national dialogue! According to Learning Organization Theory by Dr. Peter Senge from MIT  learning organizations with feedback mechanisms have five major components (Senge, 1990):

Systems Thinking: Method of thinking about measuring an organization and all of its components (bounded).

Personal Mastery: Helping people learn and develop in government and within the state for improved performance.

Mental Models: Challenging what people think so they can see new possibilities/opportunities and detect new threats.

Shared Vision: Creating a new vision that allows Democrats, Republicans, Independents and others to think about a new path forward.

Teamwork: Creating a culture of working together to solve problems.

What the main point is here is that we have an opportunity to learn, grow and adapt as a state, people and nation. If the goal is improvement of the entire state and then application to the rest of the country where it makes sense then such a committee will be very helpful. It can offer opportunities to adapt the entire system so that the next time this happens we are better prepared. I guess this depends on how people use and view the committee.

You can also read more about Organizational Learning Theory it HERE.



Speaker Chatfield offered the following concurrent resolution:

A concurrent resolution to create the Joint Select Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Whereas, It is the inherent responsibility of the Legislature to oversee the operations of the executive branch and ensure the effective implementation and operation of state government programs. The Michigan Legislature passed the Emergency Management Act in 1976 and other related laws to grant the Governor certain responsibilities for coping with dangers to this state and the people of this state presented by a disaster or emergency; and

Whereas, On March 10, 2020, Governor Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-04 declaring a state of emergency across the state of Michigan to address the COVID-19 pandemic; and

Whereas, On April 1, 2020, Governor Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-33 to replace Executive Order 2020-04 and expand that initial March 10, 2020, declaration to include a state of disaster related to the COVID-19 pandemic; and

Whereas, On April 7, 2020, the Legislature extended the declared states of emergency and disaster until April 30, 2020; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That there be created the Joint Select Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic. The joint select committee shall consist of five members of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House, two from the House Democratic Caucus recommended by the House Minority Leader and three from the House Republican Caucus, and five members of the Senate appointed by the Senate Majority Leader, two from the Senate Democratic Caucus recommended by the Senate Minority Leader and three from the Senate Republican Caucus. The Speaker of the House shall designate the chairperson of the joint select committee, and the Senate Majority leader shall designate the vice chairperson; and be it further

Resolved, That, pursuant to MCL 4.541, the joint select committee may subpoena and have produced before it the records and files of any state department, board, institution or agency, and it shall be the duty of any state department, board, institution or agency to produce before the joint select committee as required by the subpoena, or permit the members of the committee to inspect its records and files; and be it further

Resolved, That the joint select committee shall examine the status and efficacy of governmental actions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Michigan. The joint select committee shall report to the Legislature a summary of its findings and conclusions, as well as any recommendations on further appropriate actions the Legislature may take to address the COVID-19 pandemic and to prevent or prepare for similar emergencies in the state.

Senge, Peter M. The Fifth Discipline : the Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. New York :Doubleday/Currency, 1990. Retrieved

Friday, April 24, 2020

White House and President Update on April 24th, 2020

President Trump, FDA and V.P. Pence gave updates on the fight against COVID. You can see some of the highlights below. There is continual movement with states to find new solutions. We are moving toward the the later part of the game agains Covid-19. Its not going to completely disappear for some time but will likely settle down and be less destructive.

Time and research is our friend. With enough effort we can find solutions to problems in the same way we have with other major pandemics. The FDA helps protect people but during a crisis situation by streamlining new solutions. We can often find ways to strengthen our immune systems but sometimes viruses are elusive to "cure all's".

I can say from the briefing it seems like there is an attempt to learn from the variability in the states to create best national practices. In addition, you can see that there is significant work occurring between academia, industry and government. Furthermore, you grasp the different types of virtual tracking systems, apps, websites, etc...that were designed to handle this issue.

We should learn from variability and encourage multiple evidence based practices in states to find the most viable solutions.

One Mission and One Team!

President Trump Highlights:
-New cases in New York are down 50%. Other numbers are declining as well.
-Fatalities are down 40%.
-Half of people live in states that are starting to open up.
-A lot of talent from the top to the bottom.
-Greater than ever before. Tremendous upward shift!
-Extra help to minorities and businesses.
-80 million Americans have received payments. CARES Act.
-Federal Deficit will about around 4T.
-Other nations are asking for ventilators.
-10K ventilators extra.
-Believes the our economy will be stronger than before.
-First home kits were approved by FDA.
-18K employees of FDA working on medical solutions.
-FDA worked with academics and maintained strong standards. They were able to speed up the normal process that would take for years in a very short time period.
-72 Trials are on way to develop therapeutics.

V.P. Pence:
-V.P. Pence discusses meeting with 50 governors and the increasing of testing.
-V.P. Pence indicates that there will be an increase because we will test more.
-There seems to be agreement that Federal government deals with national supply chains and governors work on implementing and expanding testing.

Governor Whitmer Extends Executive Order With Some Businesses and Activities Starting to Re-Open

The new order by Governor Gretchen Whitmer opens up sectors of the Michigan economy and some of the recreational activities people enjoy. It is being done in a measured fashion that can be rolled back if necessary (depending on infections/effectiveness). People are going to be happy that some semblance of life will continue forward and some businesses can think of how to open with curbside services. That makes a difference in how confined people feel and could impact perceptions of hope "light at end of tunnel".

We also see that the order is much more detailed than previous orders. It may be that Governor Whitmer is seeking to reduce previous confusion. As we become more aware of the effects and implications of Covid-19 we may also have more exact orders that limit misinterpretation. This is a natural progression in any process of understanding a complex issue and giving directions to others.

What you may notice is that everyone should be wearing something over their face when going into stores and other public places. This may be an attempt to test people working with masks to see if infections rise, stay the same, or continue to decline. If it works well now there may be opening up of other types of businesses in 14 days.

The same thing can be said about curbside pick up and deliveries. This means that stores can start opening to create some cash flow. Those businesses that can master this pre-order, get together, and sell on the curbside will likely be in a better place when this is over. It works best when businesses have websites and e-commerce strategies. People want convenience and curbside pick-up could be an added value service. It might open up a few more jobs for young people that want tip money (like a server).

What you don't see is restaurants re-opening. However, there may be an opportunity for these places to start doing deliveries, selling prepared food in groceries, and other places. That could work if they make a partnership with such places. There are many grocers that want to sell ethnic and local foods to their customers.

Highlights include.....

-Everyone must wear masks when inside stores. Businesses may consider not serving customers.
-Non-essential businesses may open with curb side service. (See details below).
-Bike shops, golf, outdoor recreation, boating, etc... is open again.
-Social distance is needed by everyone.
-Order is until May 15th which is the "gaiting" period recommended by the Federal Government.
-Non-Essential law garden and other items are now open to purchase.
-Orders are in participation with regional governors. Governors Mike DeWine (OH), Tony Evers (WI), Tim Walz (MN), JB Pritzker (IL), Eric Holcomb (IN), and Andy Beshear (KY) will work in close coordination to reopen the economy in the Midwest region.

I would be neglectful if I didn't mention that these changes don't work in isolation but are in conjunction with Federal activities and frameworks. You can see some of those activities of President Trump and the White House HERE. Parties are working together and that is exactly what crisis leadership is about (A whole over topic).

The video will likely provide an easier to understand summary. However if you are a business you may want to check out the actual order for details. As they say, "The devil is in the details".....

The actual executive order is below.....

President Trump Discusses COVID, Research, and Solutions!

The COVID-19 Situation for the nation is improving. The amount of deaths expected and experienced are two different things. Sure....there could be some projection issues but it isn't hard to look at and graph the death rates in other countries to see where we fit. While I haven't looked it appears to be that we have a much lower rate and managed the situation well.

The large research database is hugely important. They are using AI (which is super cool) to evaluate and assess all of the studies for connections, associations, and variables that can often lead to new studies. Once these connections and associations are created one can then move on to design better more accurate studies that are most likely to succeed.

Furthermore, the plan put together by the Federal government with flexibility for the states is important. Some of the best systems that survive have this sort of stronger central aspect but softer specific applications that allow for catered responses. One size doesn't always fit all in all circumstances but without a central guide some local leaders may be short sighted.

Good news came out about the benefits of summer, UV rays, bleach and alcohol, warm whether, etc....and its potential impact on the virus. This means we have found ways to limit its effects, spread, etc... so it is possible to use UV light to shine on certain aspects of our supply chain (i.e. Amazon, UPS) to ensure packages are clean. The same concepts may be able to be adapted in other places.

Congress (and Senate) also passed the PPP money that is needed for many small businesses. We are at a point where things are going to start opening so it may have been enough to keep these businesses alive. I suspect that our system will reboot fairly quickly and rebound once we are fully open. With luck we will be able to surpass the economic platforms we had before.

-PPP is expected to pass $320 billion in relief.
-30 Billion to help distressed communities like African American and other minorities.
-The virus does better in colder and dryer versus warmer and more humid.
-46 states showed drops in new cases.
-39 million N95Masks
-52K studies and technology firms are now in a database. There is constant searches for new solutions using AI.
-4.9 million tests across America.
-Discuss and learn from methods Governors are using to test.
-Elective surveys to start back up.
-16 States released formal opening plans.
-Homeland security is studying countermeasures for COVID-19.
-Sunlight kills the virus. Can reduce half life in humid and warm whether. Both bleach and alcohol works well.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Bergman Supports PPP Extension, Additional Funding for Rural Hospitals

Washington - Today, the House voted 388-5 on H.R. 266, the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act. Rep. Bergman spoke on the House floor in support of the bill and highlighted the specific needs of rural small businesses and health care providers. Rep. Bergman issued the following statement:
"After nearly two weeks of needless delay, today we brought this important legislation across the finish line in the House to ensure the Paycheck Protection Program has additional funding. First District workers, small businesses, and rural hospitals are struggling in the wake of the Coronavirus crisis. This legislation gives small businesses and hospitals across the First District access to economic relief as their lives and livelihoods are impacted by the health and economic strains we are facing," said Rep. Bergman.

The Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act includes:
  • $310 billion additional for the Paycheck Protection Program;
    • Including $30 billion in guaranteed loans for lenders with less than $10 billion in assets.
  • $10 billion Economic Injury Disaster loans;
  • $50 billion for the Disaster Loans Program Account;
  • Provisions to include small farm businesses in the EIDL program;
  • $75 billion for reimbursements to hospitals and healthcare providers to support the need for COVID-19 related expenses and lost revenue;
    • $825 million for Community Health Centers and rural health clinics
  • $25 billion to expand COVID-19 testing capacity; specifically:
    • $11 billion for states, localities, territories, and tribes to develop, purchase, administer, process, and analyze COVID-19 tests, scale-up laboratory capacity, trace contacts, and support employer testing. Funds are also made available to employers for testing. 
    • $1 billion provided to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for surveillance, epidemiology, laboratory capacity expansion, contact tracing, public health data surveillance, and analytics infrastructure modernization.
    • $1.8 billion provided to the National Institutes of Health to develop, validate, improve, and implement testing and associated technologies; to accelerate research, development, and implementation of point-of-care and other rapid testing; and for partnerships with governmental and non-governmental entities to research, develop, and implement the activities.
    • $1 billion for the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority for advanced research, development, manufacturing, production, and purchase of diagnostic, serologic, or other COVID-19 tests or related supplies.
    • $22 million for the Food and Drug Administration to support activities associated with diagnostic, serological, antigen, and other tests, and related administrative activities.
    For more information about the Paycheck Protection Program or the Economic Injury Disaster Loan, visit the Small Business Administration resource page HERE.

Governor Whitmer Discusses Possible New Orders to Re-Open State's Economy

An interview today briefly discusses Governor Whitmer's plan to issue a new order to open the economy. What you do hear her say is that it will be rolled out in stages (waves) that can be rolled forward or backward depending on circumstances. My guess is that this is similar to the Federal system. I would also suspect that it would be based by industry type and by locality. That of course would be matched with other types of metrics like testing, cases and capacity.