Thursday, April 23, 2020

Using Tourism to Enhance Small Downtowns of Escanaba and Gladstone

Many American towns are starting to look a little drab and have that droopy worn out retro image that gives the impression the best days were well behind them! With some elbow grease leaders can take actions that lead to vibrant, business oriented, and attractive main streets. Developing healthy small business districts rests in part on enhancing local culture by thinking about business strategy and its impact on attracting visitors to the district.

While there are many components to creating strong downtowns, enhancing tourism and tourist businesses has a positive net effect on the local economy. We also have opportunities to improve manufacturing and resource extraction that are outside the scope of this article (Will be discussed in more detail in another article). Using research and success stories from other towns we can learn to apply them to Escanaba and Gladstone.

The design of downtowns is vital to the life and energy of small cities. With progressive downtown strategies these areas can have a positive net draw of visitors, investment and businesses. According to a study of tourist and recreational town of Ashville in the Western North Carolina mountains, the use of marketing and tourist development strategies increased overnight visitors in a way that enhanced local life through increased revenue (Stroma & Kersteinb, 2015).

From a tourism perspective, people who spend the night in the area also frequent shops, eat dinner, and spend their disposable income. A night in a local hotel often has a per night dollar value associated with it. New visitors and tourists mean more money to the downtown area and new businesses that want to tap tourist money (i.e. less empty store fronts).

The study highlights four components of downtown growth in their case study:

1. Research Your Tourism Market: Synthesize tourism area life cycle and tourism research approaches. Continuing to understand seasonal fluctuations in tourism in vacation destinations and connecting research can lead to enhanced marketing and tourism retention strategies. One way this may function is to not only to continually improve on marketing strategies to further increase ROI (i.e. neuroeconomics and psychographics) but also enhance tourist time/dollars spent in local establishments.

2.Community Spaces:  Effective use of public space enhances the community and aesthetic appeal of the downtown. People visit where they feel vibrant and alive! That includes anything from "walkability", bike paths into downtown, community areas, mini parks, food courts, and much more. What and how is dependent on the tourism genre, local culture and physical limitations of the area.

3. Downtown Branding: Branding the downtown with local culture in mind. Few people want to visit a "hodge podge" locality of confusing themes and activities. They want to immerse themselves in a local culture of fun, lively activities that co-mingle with a great shopping experience. Considering a general theme (i.e. Yooper or Eskimo) throughout the downtown can do much to raise its stature among tourist communities. The long term goal would be make it a "trendy" place for Millenials to travel, eat, shop and build businesses.

4. Local Governance Structures: Officials and entities like Downtown Development Authorities and local city government should focus part of their effort on rebuilding their downtown districts. Coordinated effort in drawing investments into the area and opening up new businesses in empty store fronts is essential to re-emergence. This may mean working with tourism experts and economists to ensure maximize enhancement of opportunities. 

Stroma, E. & Kersteinb, R. (May, 2015). Mountains and muses: Tourism development in Asheville, North Carolina. Annals of Tourism Research, 52,pp. 134-147

This is part of a larger work that fits within a bigger economic theory. You may want to review another article on attracting SME to Delta County.

Federal Government and President Trump Coordinate to Help Michigan

There has been a great amount of coordination between the Federal Government and the State of Michigan so that both entities are working to help their people. While it was a little tense from time-to-time, I must say that involved parties rose to the occasion and we now see ourselves on the COVID-19 decline. We are moving forward into calmer waters and have a chance to do profound things that no other nation can. It is OUR moment in history!

I want to share something that was sent to me that helps highlight how working together and coordination leads to higher outcomes. Whether one is Democrat, Republican, or Independent we are one people, one nation, and have one destiny! We need leaders that are capable of understanding a shared sense of national purpose!


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

President Trump and Task Force Gives Update for April 22nd, 2020

As a nation we are getting to a point where we are thinking of how to get past the COVID-19 pandemic. People's minds have switched from panicky reaction to long-term strategies on how to  re-open the country. You can see from the choice of topics and the way people are communicating that we are starting to assess where to go now and further build capacities in case things flare up again. Now is when discussions will happen with greater fervor on when to launch economic revival that will hopefully put the U.S. in a much higher competitive platform. It wasn't central to this briefing but implied in a few places. As the details of long-term economic strategies are created there will be additional tid bits coming out soon as plans are formalized.

A Few Notes from the Briefing:

There are some issues as it pertains to quotations and the media. So some of the time was spent correcting some of the headlines. It isn't expected that it will be worse in the fall.  I think this is correct because we now know what were dealing with, won't have as much public reaction, and people are more prepared than before. Likewise, we have better systems in place to deal with it effectively.

Discussed Georgia and the need to not open up too much too quickly. Some things are too soon. This was a strong comment so that people don't think its ok to rush back to normal and create more risk.

The Thunderbirds and Blue Angels want to show solidarity and support for the medical community that are really out there risking their lives. Troops are deployed by citizens to help them and support them. They are working on supporting the nation where they can through the airbridge and other movement of equipment and personnel.

The White House wants to support underserved African American and other minorities to restore people to full economic and physical health. There will be people working to try and enhance their position. I think this is important if we as a nation desire to have "all hands on deck" in our economic revival. The President hopes ever American can truly succeed in this country regardless of race, religion, and creed.

A tree was planted at the White House to commemorate the opening of our National Parks and Recreation area.  (Personal note) In the future, our environment will become increasing important and we will want to encourage and add to them when possible. Technology is changing, or will soon change, to the point that we can better protect the environment while still manufacture products that have market relevance. Innovation often limits waste in a way that creates a better product with less carbon footprint. We can think of better batteries and biodegradable products as examples of growing technology that can impact the environment.

It is important that states and federal government work together. The system created is designed to ease into normalcy in a way that can be reversed. It is important for leaders to not just jump into opening but to do so following the phases in order test and understand how it goes. Things could be complicated by the Flu so we have to be prepared and we are much better prepared now than before.

Extra information on the Change in Social Media: 

Facebook has some information on social mobility from Covid-19 Mobility Data Network, coordinated by Direct Relief and researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Facebook’s Data for Good program.

Health Organizations can check out Data for Good. Disease prevention maps.

Self-Help Book Teaches How to Turn Negative Memories into Positive Lessons for a Better Life

I have no idea how many books I've read in my lifetime but recently I added one to my list because it has a message most didn't---meaning! The author reached out and I'm happy he did. He seems like an interesting character and has a powerful message to share with people. We know that life is hard and sometimes we are dealt a pretty bad hand of cards. We can up our hand by training our brain to stop thinking about the past and focusing more on the future. Its not easy and early patterns of negative experiences might carry most of us forward into a destructive life to ourselves and others. There are those who become aware and move forward to do profound things. It may not always be an easy life but it is our own life and while we appreciate the helping hands along the way we are the ones that must pull ourselves out our own dark hole. Its your life so start living it in a positive and happy way!

Retrain your brain.....

Self-help Book Teaches How to Turn Negative Memories into Positive Lessons for a Better Life

Brian Kasperitis announces the release of ‘Your Life Sucks: Because You Are a Big Jerk!’

Brian Kasperitis
HOUSTON – Brian Kasperitis returns to the publishing scene with the release of “Your Life Sucks: Because You Are a Big Jerk!” (published by Xlibris) and also available through Barnes & Noble and Amazon, or your favorite book seller or distributor. Inspired from his own experience, this self-help book teaches how to change one’s thoughts and the level of their existence.

In the book, Kasperitis tells stories from his childhood through adulthood and portrays how each has helped him change his way of thinking and his life as a whole. Your Life Sucks” reaches out to readers who are facing any kind of struggle in life that may be holding them back with answers that can help them rise to a higher level of positive living. Further, the author asserts that change can happen “starting today!”

“Stop acting like a jerk! Stop treating people badly. Stop treating yourself bad! Stop cussing and complaining and move on move ahead! Rather than looking back, move forward, get out in front of your life and live on a higher and better level,” Kasperitis says. “You can do this, starting today!”

Easy to read and with personal, enlightening anecdotes, “Your Life Sucks” does not introduce sophisticated methods to succeed in changing one’s life but highlights on how one can learn lessons from every person they associate with.

YOUR LIFE SUCKS: Because You Are a Big Jerk!
By Brian Kasperitis
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 146 pages | ISBN 9781796039320
E-Book | 146 pages | ISBN 9781796039313
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author
Brian Kasperitis was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He presently lives in Kingwood, Texas, with his daughter, Megan, and his granddaughter, Brianna Dee. Kasperitis began working as a professional musician at an early age, touring and playing in an orchestra. He holds an associate degree in music, bachelor’s degree in music education, and in elementary education, and a master’s degree in educational leadership. Today, he is an author, teacher, college professor, workshop presenter, professional trumpet player, singer and entertainer. Readers can follow Kasperitis on Facebook and YouTube.

Governor Whitmer Discusses CORONAVIRUS and Opening of State & CNN Interview

There is a briefing that came out......mostly on waves. There will be some loosing of the rules and these will be based on facts and data. Data is indicating it is time to re-evaluate aspects of the Stay Home order.

CNN Interview

Governor Whitmer discusses the need for Swabs and some potential rules for PPE and social distancing in workplaces until the disease passes. There is some indicated on how business sectors will be open and under what circumstances. She needs additional swabs in the supply chain. I think they are in the supply chain Que already.

Brings up issue of risks for second wave. Science will be our guide here.

Discussion on protests.....(I stay neutral on such issues😶).

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

President Trump Update April 21,2020. PPP Funding Passes Senate

The President discusses many of the changes coming forward and the current funding of PPP. That money is necessary to keep payroll going and ensure many of these businesses don't close down. There was also some discussion on temporary limiting of immigration until we know where we are at in terms of reopening the economy. We are continuing to update and build capacity for this country, stockpile, and other countries.

Much of the conversation revolves around infrastructure development. While he didn't specifically state this it is something interesting to think about. Our nation is working off of older platforms of the Industrial Age is slow, clunky, expensive (i.e. our chronic budget shortages). Updating our infrastructure to the Digital Economy, Big Data and Advanced Manufacturing will make a big difference in our long-term global competitiveness.

Just thinking along this line a little.......there will likely be a blend of Industrial and Digital infrastructure. Specifically, balancing the export oriented economic infrastructure like roads, railroads, ports, etc... with updated information networks can make a huge difference in the creation and development of superior product lines. Creativity and innovation is a result of fast transference of information but then is manufactured and sent along traditional infrastructure systems.

A couple of notes from the Press Briefing:
  • Senate Passed $382 billion PPP 75 billion for hospitals and 25 billion for COVID-19 Testing. It is now moved onto Congress.
  • The loan has been extremely popular and there appears to be some plan to offer more money in the future.
  • Phase 4 appears to be infrastructure to help improve roads, bridges, and Broadband and much more.
  • $600 billion dollars total have been put into small business.
  • Some discussion on energy independence.
  • Temporary suspension of immigrant labor until American worker has found jobs. 60 days and then it will be re-evaluated. Only green card requests and not temporary workers.
  • -Some movement on anti-body tests. It takes a little time with two different types of responses.
  • -When the FDA talks about clinical trials, randomized trials, and studies I get goose bumps. It will be some time until we really understand how the disease works.

Bipartisan Congress Members Want to Replenish PPP-Can We Go Further?

The PPP program was very popular with business and it looks posed to receive additional funds. It helps to keep small businesses. I would challenge our government to not only keep small businesses open but also create a mechanism for Millenials and others who want to open their own business when the COVID crisis passes. Our future rests on pushing the young to take their rightful place in America's legacy. It isn't only about keeping existing doors open but expanding the small business base; particularly small manufacturing opportunities.

As a resident of Delta County I can see there are opportunities to match our national manufacturing needs with local infrastructure (rail, plane, shipping) to not only further develop local natural resources but also create opportunities for manufacturing.

The press release is below.....

Bergman: Keep PPP Open for Business

Washington - Today, Rep. Jack Bergman (MI-01) led a bipartisan letter with Rep. Xochitl Torres Small (NM-02) and 13 additional Members of Congress asking the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the U.S. Department of the Treasury to continue accepting new loan applications and approving new lenders in anticipation of renewed funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The PPP has provided more than 1.6 million Coronavirus-impacted small businesses with payroll assistance. However, the program used all available funds by April 15th. Rep. Bergman stated, “Millions of lenders and borrowers were not able to participate in the first round of PPP due to high demand. As I urge my colleagues to overcome partisan gridlock and replenish this critical Coronavirus relief program, it is important PPP remain prepared and keep its doors open to our hardworking small businesses and lenders.”