Tuesday, April 21, 2020

City of Gladstone Virtual Commission Meeting Scheduled April 27, 2020 6PM EST

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the meeting of the City of Gladstone City Commission scheduled for
April 27, 2020 starting at 6:00 pm at City Hall, 1100 Delta Avenue, Michigan will be conducted virtually (online and/or by phone), due to health concerns surrounding Coronavirus/COVID-19 under the Governor of Michigan’s Executive Orders 2020-42.

The Commission meeting may be viewed online at:

Instructions for Public Comment Periods

Public comment and public hearing comments submitted by 4:00 PM April 27, 2020 by email, fax, regular postal mail or dropped off to the City Drop Box shall be submitted into the record at the meeting:

Public Comment
Attn: City Clerk Kim Berry
1100 Delta Avenue
Gladstone, MI. 49837
906-428-3122 Fax

Public comment periods will also be handled by telephone conferencing.  A dedicated phone line has been established to accept phone calls from the public.  Your call will be answered in the order received; please stay on the line you will be told what caller number you are.  If you hang up you will lose your position in the system and have to redial. 

When the Mayor opens the public comment periods the public is encouraged to call:

The Mayor will announce when the public comment periods are closed and the meeting will continue. 

The Gladstone City Commission Rules of Procedures regarding public comment periods are still in effect and can be found at:  http://www.gladstonemi.org/government/commissions_and_boards/city_commission.php

To comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Any citizen requesting accommodation to participate in this meeting, and/or to obtain this notice in alternate formats, please contact the City Clerk, (906) 428-2311 x 7, prior to the meeting.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact:
Kim Berry, City Clerk
906-428-2311 x 7

Posted: 04-17-2020

'Check on MIVet' Helps Michigan Veterans, Guard and Reserve Members Thrive

The Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA) is launching a new initiative called “Check on MIVet” designed to get veterans, Michigan National Guard and Reserve members connected to the benefits and services they earned for their service.

Through the initiative, anyone concerned about a veteran, Guard or Reserve member can simply fill out an online form requesting that a representative from MVAA or one of our partner organizations check in on them through a phone call. Guard and Reserve members are eligible for many of the same benefits and services as their active component counterparts.

“The Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency is committed to providing the best resources for support, care, advocacy and service to veterans, Guard and Reserve members and their families who live and work in our communities,” said Maj. Gen. Paul Rogers, Adjutant General and Director of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. “The ‘Check on MIVet’ program is another means of ensuring the path to these resources is clear.”

Check on MIVet is not a mental health line or a “wellness” check; veterans experiencing a crisis should call the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255.

Rather, the initiative aims to ensure veterans receive the employment, healthcare, quality of life and other benefits they need to thrive. As Michigan’s central coordinating agency for Michigan’s approximately 600,000 veterans and their families, MVAA is available 24/7 through its 1-800-MICH-VET hotline to answer veterans’ questions and connect them to benefits and services.

“Michigan is committed to serving our veterans through all phases of their lives, whether that means helping them obtain education benefits, find a job, secure long-term care or get connected to the federal and state benefits they earned for their service,” said MVAA Director Zaneta Adams. “Through ‘Check on MIVet,’ MVAA can be that resource that veterans need to stay connected – not just to their benefits, but to a person on the other end of the phone who cares about their well-being.”

The MVAA can also help veterans with emergency needs during these challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic – and throughout the year. This assistance includes grants for eligible veterans through the Michigan Veterans Trust Fund for emergent issues such as a temporary inability to pay the mortgage or utility bills.

To access the Check on MIVet form, visit bit.ly/34EvO4B – or go to the top of the MVAA website, michiganveterans.com, and click on the “Check on MIVet” banner.

The forms can be submitted electronically, by email to MVAAResourceCenter@michigan.gov or the information can be relayed to a technician with the MVAA’s Veteran Resource Service Center at 1-800-MICH-VET.

Information around this outbreak is changing rapidly. The latest information is available at Michigan.gov/Coronavirus and CDC.gov/Coronavirus.

Nu-Way Cleaners Donates Masks to Gladstone Public Safety

Because of Covid they close at 3pm temporary.
Nu-Way Cleaner's staff were gracious enough to make and donate masks to Gladstone Public Safety. For public safety and fire departments the dangers run high in contacting CORONA-19 and tracking that back to their families. The nature of their jobs doesn't always allow for social distancing of 6'.

The CDC has provided some guidance on how to protect officers from contracting the disease. While equipment is not available for everyone because of supply chain issues there are a few things that can happen.

In communities like Gladstone and Escanaba it is important for businesses to come together and help high risk first responders. It can lead not only too positive corporate responsibility but also encourages a greater sense of community.

With shortages I have seen many officers with nothing. They seem to be some of the last people to receive the items but are at a higher risk of catching it. They have families and don't have the luxury of staying in their homes like the rest of the population.

Thank you to Nu-Way Cleaners. They are a positive community actor that makes our towns just a little better place to live. They also clean uniforms so check them out.!

Nu-Way Cleaners
106 N 15th St, Escanaba, MI 49829
(906) 786-1238

While I'm not social causing if you have masks and want them to go to some of our local first responders just let me know and I'll pick up and deliver. There are a number of full and volunteer first responders that I'm sure would like to have them. Murad 619-540-0501 muradabel@gmail.com


Monday, April 20, 2020

President Trump and White House Staff Update April 20th, 2020

From the information presented it appears that we have moved past the peak curve and on the downward slope. Because we have ramp up our capacity on many levels we are now focused on stockpiling extra ventilators, oil, and much more. There are some manufacturers coming online to provide things like swabs, testing and other issues.

Hints at revolutionized testing.

Much of the discussion was on current events and lists of what is happening. You can get the sense that the White House scramble is starting to settle and a plan has taken form. I'm more interested in what is going to happen tomorrow with the task force to see what economic strategies they will issue.

These are likely to be novel and bold.

President Trump

-American resurgence.
-Social distancing, hand washing and others.
-Deaths are down. Detroit down by 50%.
-PPP is being replenished. Senate is going to vote.
-$75 billion for hospitals.
-Filling up our oil stock piles.
-Help for medical institutions.
-V.P. Pence had a call with all the governors.
-We will be able help other countries with our excess of ventilators.
-We will have stockpiles at the Federal and State level.
-Let's bring our supply chain back. Let's build it and make it here in the U.S. Same for pharmaceutical products.
-Massive scientific mobilization unseen.
-Clinical trials are underway as well.

General Semonite

-Three legs...sites...supplies and staff.
-Working on the local level. 
-Existing hotel rooms, dormitories or large open spaces.
-16K beds available. 
-Need agile plan.
-Met with Governor Whitmer to help on beds. 
-Lots of amazing work was done quickly by working with multiple stakeholders. 
-There has been some other requests for flare ups. 
-Out of their way with 4K contractors on Southern Boarder.
-Construction going smooth. 164 miles. 

V.P. Pence

-770K American's contracted. 41K passed. 
-Slowing spread.
-We are working on solving problems together. 
-Testing for first responders. More testing coming out. 
-13 New testing sites in Michigan with Governor Whitmer.
-Phase 1 is starting and states will choose how fast to move through but the testing capacity is there.

Dr. Birx

-Governors received information on testing sites and laboratories.
-While we set the guidelines each state determines what to do that is best for them. 
-Good websites create greater awareness. 
-Testing facilities and abilities are preparing for week 2.  

Governor Whitmer Discusses Stay at Home Order April 20th, 2020

Governor Whitmer discusses the need for the Stay-at-Home order and changes within the state. Those states without stay-at-home orders are seeing increases in Covid. Some parts of the state saw a slight rise but mostly as a whole state we are declining.

The chart of change was pretty good and easy to follow. It would be nice to make it more active in the sense is shows increase and decrease in an animated manner to help people understand how it spreads and declines (I think it would be nice 🙊).

The Governor indicates she is working with labor, businesses, and others to know how to roll out an effective opening that minimizes risk. It appears that it will be focused on certain industries and regions in this process.

African Americans (and other minorities I believe) are disproportionately impacted by the disease.  Covid virus task force started on race issues as it relates to minorities and health. Part of the goal is to reduce bias and environmental factors as it relates the disease.

One positive change is a taskforce to tackle race and discrimination in healthcare and disease. The future of our nation needs all hands on deck in its economic recovery. Race and religious bigotry take entire sections of the economy and don't allow them to fully engage. Its lost human capital and it makes no sense in the modern world where rational minds and coordinated action is needed to pull our country out of crisis and thrive as a beacon for truth and justice that leads to prosperity for all (A modern America?).

(forgive any typos 😬)

Governor Whitmer:

-Discussed two first responders parents whose 5-year old child who died from COVID-19.
-Still too dangerous to life all restrictions.
-Some people are protesting and feel their rights are violated.
-Comparison with WWII.
-She is taking a 10% paycut. Senior staff will take 5% paycut.
-People and organizations are donating masks.
-Ventilators were provided from NY.
-Manufacture PPE in Michigan (Pure Michigan) retooling grants program.
-2200 people have completed training to help contact people who were in contact.
-Trump offered Federal assistance to States.
-75%/25% share between Federal and Local emergency work.
-Need food donated to Food Bank.
-Hoping that PPP program will help small businesses.
-32K positive cases 2.4K deaths.
-15% reduction of hospitalizations.
-Increased testing to 11K per day. Swabs are being produced.
-PPE are increasing for hospitals.
-Google indicates that stay-at-home is improving.
-Temperature checks, visitors, cleaning, rapid testing, etc... for determining business safety.
-Communities of color have impacted the most with 40% of total deaths coming from that community.

Dr. Khaldun 

-Social distancing is working.
-Want to see consistent decline.
-Too soon could cause a peak.
-Expanding testing criteria. First responders can get test even without symptoms. Food service workers I believe are included.
 https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/ to find a testing site.
-Every skilled nursing facility must report Covid to state.
-IPREP local medical staff that work with long-term care facilities.
-Regional hubs for medical coordination.

Lieutenant Governor  Garlin Gilchrist

-Thank you for brave men and women who are keeping us safe and doing their work.
-Thank you to first responders, transportation workers and others.
-There is a need to work on education and health.
-We need to respond to generations of disparity in the country. Some changes are needed. Poverty task force seeks to address inequities and inequalities. Mortality difference in life and death.
-Importance and value of data and information.
-Minorities don't have education and income in all cases to work from home or use their personal cars to avoid to get sick.
-Real time tackling of racial disparities.

Trump Briefing April 19th, 2020-Manufacture at Home and Bring the Supply Chains Back

President Trumps White House briefing discussed the need to bring back manufacturing, manage supply chains, and reemerge as a great society. It believe that much of what he says is correct. While service in an enhancement much of the growth other nations have received is from manufacturing. We have given away our abilities for cheap profits all the while neglecting the American people. We can, if our hearts desire it, change that dynamic now.

The supply chain and local manufacturing are part of the "come back" stage of the American economy. Crisis offers opportunities to reset the button and create new behavior patterns throughout the nation. Innovation, life-long learning, environmental consciousness and production are becoming part of what it means to be an American. Our educational systems will need to adjust in order to help workers adapt and learn new skills. Science and creativity are part of the American Renaissance.

Becoming the center of the global world means creating the highest value in this nation and sending it out to consumers across the world. Manufacturing and developing our internal resources is important. That doesn't mean we don't diversify our resources draw from overseas but that we bring our internal capacities up to competitive speed for the least amount of supply chain disruption. The matching of those resources to brilliant minds leads to market driven products that carry real value for investors, workers and communities.

If we don't grasp this opportunity to secure our place in global society there will unlikely be another ready made opportunity for a long time. Resources and abilities may not be there in the future when we need them or in a crisis situation that forces us to adjust just about everything in society (Including the way we live). We would have failed ourselves and all the generations after us because we were not willing and able to rise to the occasion. The winds call the bird of Jove to take flight to its rightful place at the center of the global economy.

President Trump:

-Discussing 4.2 million Americans tested.
-Localized testing.
-Converted plant to create swabs.
-Governors share what works and create a stronger strategy.
-Covid Declining in Trajectory Path.
-Beating the curve at around 60K deaths.
-New rules for doctors and hospitals. Complete surgeries and more.
-New hospitals and we have excess capacity.
-Young smart people trying to help their country.
-New gowns for healthcare.
-Lots of masks coming out on the market. Medical and N95.
-We need to make products in the U.S.
-Supply chains can be difficult if they span too far across the globe.
-Bringing supply chains back home.
-New treatment and therapies.Cutting red tape.

V.P. Pence:

-Corona Task Force have met. Over 746K americans tested positive, 68K have recovered, over 41K pass away.
-Metro areas are stabilizing and past peak.
-9K ventilators on hand.
-Tomorrow will be hosting a conference call with all governors. Discussion on testing capacities in the country.
-Strong hospital capacity and 14 days gaiting.
-Were here to help.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Coronovirus Task Force Provides Update April 18th, 2020

There is a good point the President made as it relates to the PPP program and its potential benefits to the country. Refunding the PPP (and other) can be helpful for creating greater innovation down the road for large (large businesses often integrate successful smaller businesses) and small businesses (can grow and develop on their own) alike. One issue our nation has faced is concentration of wealth in fewer hands. Allowing for a method of encouraging smaller businesses to start and sustain operations can have multi-fold benefits such as greater economic shock absorbing, improved return to investors, re-connecting rural economies that were sidelined by globalization, zoning for future disease waves to minimize economic impact, rebranding American values to a large/poweful group of Millennials, and encouraging localized grassroots economic systems that support family incomes. It just seems like it makes sense from an economic, social, and political standpoint. There are lots detail on how that works but the big picture idea is valid.

An idea that might add to this strategy is encouragement of larger investors (or crowd investors) that angel fund promising start-up ideas (with a good business plan). Doing so in large scale hedges risks and can raise entire towns and regions in sectors that are needed. For example, in Delta County you have resource rich area with mining, lumber, tourism and potential small manufacturing capacities with sufficient railroads, airports, and ports that could lead to exportation. Actions like this lead to greater American capacity and long-term sustainability in developing a competitive stance that fosters higher paying jobs that put food on American tables.

Government (s) may also want to consider publishing business and prospect reports for investors and small businesses about opportunities in different regions. Local governments may want to create growth plans and these plans are analyzed to create state, regional and federal plans. Connecting wealthy older investors to a creative and youthful younger generation is a patriotic responsibility that better prepares the young to take the seats of the old (i.e. passing of the guard). Of course...that is dependent on how we view our personal and national responsibilities.

-Positive signs virus has passed its peak.
-We did better than anyone except maybe Germany
-Indicates we did better than most of Europe.
-A number of states will start a phased opening.
-$350 Billion for PPP program. $1.6 million small businesses.
-Should be bipartisan. Hopefully it will be open forever.
-13K medical sites are supported.
-Stronger testing than many other nations.
-We have extra ventilator capacity and can help other nations.
-9-10 platforms with testing capabilities.
-The market is improving and is rising because it has trust in our governmental system.
-There is an attempt to refund with $250 Billion.