Saturday, April 18, 2020

Delta County Airport Receives $1 Million+ (Sawyer International $18 Million +) from CARES

Congressman Bergman from the 1st Congressional District announces that a number of local airports will be receiving monies through the CoronavirusAid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that provide $10 billion to support U.S. airports experiencing severe economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency. The monies come from a U.S. Treasury Fund and will be used to mitigate disruption and encourage improvements.

Why is this helpful for Delta County?

Delta county is ripe for international investment and manufacturing. It is a county that has underperformed the market but has much of the needed infrastructure and "Yooper Strong" working population that could really make things happen. While this monies is for airports that experienced economic disruption it does create an opportunity to improve the airport for other purposes such as economic development. Notice in the yellow the more commercial oriented Sayer International and Escanaba Delta County are getting a pretty good chunk. Kudos for Delta and the Region!

Daily Free Press Article

Alpena County Regional APN $17,903,142
Beaver Island SJX $20,000
Cheboygan County SLH $30,000
Drummond Island DRM $20,000
Escanaba Delta County ESC $1,076,012
Grayling AAF GOV $1,000
Charlevoix Municipal CVX $30,000
Gaylord Regional GLR $30,000
Gwinn Sawyer International SAW $18,075,846
Hancock Houghton County Memorial CMX $1,098,918
Harbor Springs MGN $30,000
Iron Mountain Ford IMT $1,085,245
Ironwood Gogebic-Iron County IWD $30,000
Mackinac Island MCD $30,000
Manistee Co-Blacker MBL $30,000
Manistique Schoolcraft County ISQ $20,000
Menominee Regional MNM $30,000
Newberry Luce County ERY $20,000
Ontonagon County - Schuster Field OGM $20,000
Pellston Regional Airport of Emmet County PLN $1,104,773
Sault Ste. Marie Chippewa County International CIU $1,095,968
St. Ignace Mackinac County 83D $30,000
Traverse City Cherry Capital TVC $14,819,260
Rogers City Presque Isle County PZQ $1,000
Mio Oscoda County Dennis Kauffman Memorial 51M $20,000
Atlanta Municipal Y93 $20,000
Bellaire Antrim County ACB $30,000
Frankfort Dow Memorial Field FKS $20,000
Pointe Aux Pins Bois Blanc Island 6Y1 $20,000

Friday, April 17, 2020

Governor Whitmer Discusses the State of COVID and Michigan's Plan to Re-open

Michigan Governor Whitmer updated the public with the State of the State as it relates to Covid. She indicates that she will be re-opening the state based on location and infection rate. One thing that you can see is how the states and federal government interact in a type of conversation. There are some differences between the two in terms of testing but these are not anything radically different. So it appears as a nation we are creating a total plan where responses can be localized based on a wider federal guideline. It is one of those strategies that allows for flexibility within a stronger framework. This is what happens when State and Federal government listen and interact with each other in a positive way.

One thing is for that Chaos has taught our nation new skills and a spirit of bi-partisan collaboration. If it happens again we will have an arsenal and a battle plan already!

Governor Whitmer Updates.....
-1-888-733-7753 Mental Health Line.
-New Mental Health website, meditation, activities, etc....
-$2 million behavioral grant from the SAMHS Administration.
-Michigan Cares offers educators, children, parents and free digital lessons to teach people emotional, social, and mental well being skills.
-Michigan Sexual Assault Line Call or text. 1-855-voices4 and Domestic Violence 1-800-799-safe.
-Discussed working with governors in region.
-Fact based and data driven opening.
-Sustained control of new infections, test and trace infections, hospital surge, and social distance.
-New testing sites.
-Working with industry for testing.
-12 small businesses and non-profits were awarded Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) Pure Michigan grants program are helping to fund mask creation.
-Wal-mart and other organizations have donated a lot of PPE and other stuff.
-Starting to engage with low risk sectors and regions.
-Work settings will be evaluated on the type and risk.
-Fill out your Census.
-30K people tested positive Covid. Lost 2000 people.
-Showed how we flattened the curve.

Dr. Joneigh S. Khaldun Provides Details
-More people are being discharged than being admitted.
-Social distancing is working.
-Data is used to help people understand.
-First state to talk of race and demographics.
-If you need call disaster hotline 1-800-985-5990

Interview Earlier in Day:

Governor Whitmer discusses Michigan, COVID-19 and Federal Guidelines. It appears for the most part she plans on following them but will do so specifically with Michigan in mind. There are differences between the U.P. and South Michigan in terms of infection rate. My suspicion is that the  regional governors may end up charting a slightly different route that will still shadow the Federal guidance.  What I like about what the Feds did is that they offered an opportunity for each state to determine their own course. Of course if restrictions are viewed as excessive or too arbitrary pressure will rise. isn't an easy call for anyone and a lot political careers are made and broken in difficult times. A massive new spike would be terrible in the same way as a destroyed economy. Thus, we know something will be announced soon but precisely what that open to debate.

April 16th, 2020 President Trump Updates on Opening the Economy Methodology

President Trump discusses the opening of our economy through bi-partisan advisers in a way that puts science at its center. It is our chance to reoriented the great American Armada to new lands and opportunities. We have within our fingers the chance to reclaim our destiny and carry our great nation forward as a one people. Three phases to opening that can be done on a national, regional, state, and county level. There will be continued monitoring of the cases and areas to ensure that we don't have new outbreaks. New rules and guidelines are to be released but appear to be well thought out.

President Trumps highlights:

-Largest mobilization since WWII.
-We are a national family.
-Made choices to protect Americans and mobilize industry.
-$2 Trillion dollar relief package.
-Actions have saved 100K of lives.
-Originally expected 1.5-2.2 million deaths without mitigation.
-30% if country have reported no new cases.
-The next front "Opening Up America Again".
-National shut down is not a long-term sustainable solution.
-Would believe the economy would boom.
-184 countries have suffered.
-Federal Government issuing guidelines for opening economy.
-We are opening in a phased and safe manner.
-Healthy Americans can return to work.
-We will shelter our vulnerable population.
-Easing restrictions when cases go down.
-Each state is different and Governors can choose to open and close as necessary.
-We want states to work together and harmonize their efforts.
-If we have outbreaks we will put them out rapidly.
-If it returns in the fall we can use the guidelines to put it out quickly.
-35 clinical trials are currently on the way in terms of plasma. Look for
-New 5 minute tests. 120,000 test in a single day.
-Extra testing capacities of 1 million a week.
-Science based opening.
-Not about a party its about our people.
-Reclaim our destiny and carry our nation forward to new heights.

The Generic Phases:

Phase 1: Vulnerable individuals "shelter in place".
-Some places can open under the right circumstances and cleaning protocol.

Phase 2: Physical distance and reopening.
-Schools can start to open.

Phase 3: New "Normal".
-This will be defined in the future but will require diligence.

The Concept of "Gaiting" 

The concept of "gaiting" allows for a criteria before moving into the next phase. This appears to be dependent on data and cases. Such a system helps local governments figure out where they fit in terms of the overall safety measures to open up. There will be a new normal that may include crowds but there will always be protections in place. The system allows checking back to ensure cases are subsided before moving forward.

People want to keep the small business loan system going. This has great potential down the road. It will improve liquidity, spur innovation, and run against the "wealthy get everything" mentality that has grown over the past decade. Young Millenials will have a better chance to blaze own path in a way that creates long term economic sustainability. It is opportunity and youthful hope matched with seasoned guidance that will make our nation a leading force for good generations to come!

An Opportunity for Growth:

If I was a young person now I would think about what I could do to turn my innovative ideas into a feasible business. It may start in your basement or garage but with diligence could become a powerhouse for your family and local communities. There are many ways to serve your country and dreaming is one of them!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Michigan Governor Whitmer Spearheads Regional Plan to Phase State Reopenings

Some good news for Michigan in the sense that regional states will slowly start working together to open up their economies. As governors, they are not jumping to open all at once in a hazardous manner but testing the waters in a way that will allow for rolling back if cases begin to creep up. Its important to realize that because of the risk of regional cross-infection, coordination among a number of states is helpful.

The list of Governors involved in the process....

Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D), Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R), Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb (R), Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D), Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D)

I'm sure there will be lots of new details to come about the specifics. It would appear a plan is being created and it will likely may include workplace safety, testing, hospitalizations, etc... Using these "dashboard" approaches helps to view the virus from multiple perspectives. It also allows for the ability to monitor and roll back portions as a team.

Making those "dashboards" public could improve transparency and trust in government. It will also open it up to researchers. They may also consider a temporary website where regional issues are raised.

There appears to be some grouping of Republicans and Democrats in recent communications over the past few days. Bipartisanship, coordinating with the Federal Government, and Coordinating with Congress is important to successfully navigate a complex issue. Keeping in mind that crisis situations sometimes require quick action but that long-term solutions are typically best in collaboration (War n Peace). We all sink or swim together! Our deaths were limited because we did work together. Now is not the time to digress into partisanship.

You can read the press release on Governor's site here.....,9309,7-387-90499-526088--,00.html

Escanaba's City Council's Virtual Online Meeting (April 16th, 2020 7PM EST).

Escanaba's City Council is engaging in the Virtual WebX meeting on April 16th, 2020 at 7:00 PM Live. You may want to tune in from your home computer as the discussion will revolve around zoning, wastewater, bonds, budget, investments and much more.  It is important for citizens and investors to be aware of what is going on locally and how that may influence business prospects.

While Covid may have changed how these meetings are conducted they still offer an opportunity to look at how the city is functioning and preparing for environmental changes.

You can click in at 7PM EST time HERE or into the WebX page HERE

You can review the April 16th, 2020 meeting agenda and the minutes from here (or below). Particularly you may want to check out the Final Budget overview HERE.

There is much more information that can't be uploaded for brevity sake. See the Budget in full...

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April 15th, 2020 President Trump "News Brief" COVID Update

President Trump discusses re-opening sections of the economy as well as working with industry sectors to determine how exactly to do this. This is one of those paramount spots in U.S. history that will define us for a long time. Covid was destructive but also gave us as a people an opportunity to come together as a nation and master a universal challenge. We also know that people are concerned about the future. The shut-down and restart affords new opportunities to give Millenials a gift from older generations so they have the best shot at renewed, re-polished, and powerful nation. (If were not doing it for them then who we doing it for?) Their youthful spirit will be needed to improve standards of living, education and opportunities within the country so they may pay forward to the next generation. This is just one of those defining moments in history that will be written as a country that masters its fate or trips on it.

Highlight Notes:

-New cases are declining.
-Other areas are flat or declining.
-Past the peak.
-Guidelines for state reopening announced tomorrow.
-Best testing systems in the world.
-Antibody tests coming out.
-Air-bridge for flights moving equipment and supplies.
-39.4 million n-95 masks, 432 gloves, 57 surgical masks 10.2 million gowns, and 500 million masks coming, distributed 100 million masks.
-New ventilators coming out. Help companies with extras.
-New treatments coming out.
-Holding funds for WHO.
-300 billion of loans PPP to a million small businesses. Will need to replenish.
-Meeting with elected officials to restart the economy in a way that improves upon what we had before.
-States will be opening up. Governors are "chomping at the bit". 🐴
-Many leaders consulted on a full re-emergence of the American economy. Every sector with some of the smartest people on the planet. Super IQ's on the phone.
-Talking about the Internet and broadband with lots of infrastructure changes.
-When we work together toward a common goal we can overcome any challenge.

Congressional Members Seek to Re-Open Sections of Michigan's Economy

Members of Congress (Including 1st District/ U.P.) sent letter to Michigan Governor Whitmer indicating they would like to start opening up sections of the economy using safety guidelines. Its important for us to stay up-to-date on local and national politics to understand what may going on in the near future. I suspect sections of the economy may end up opening soon. There are risks to opening and there are risks to keeping it closed. Its a tough call and will require dialogue between multiple stakeholders. One one hand the economy is seriously limping and on the other side of the coin lives could be lost. Because of the multiple perspectives it may be beneficial to cautiously start opening areas that have lower risk rates with lessened restrictions with the understanding that if cases start to spike they will be closed again. Most people have masks and other items so the chance of quick growth is less now. Thus, "no shirt, no shoes, no mask; then no inside service" in areas that are struggling. No one is going to be happy no matter what happens but we do know the longer the economy is closed there will be costs there as well. 😷😬  Review the letter below.