Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Meijers Staff Donates Masks to Escanaba First Responders

Meijers is a relatively new store in Escanaba and is doing well making traction in the hearts and minds of locals. Offering a clean environment, high quality products and community support they are becoming one of the favorite stores. They donated surgical masks to the Escanaba Township Fire Department to help keep local first responders safe. But then something more unexpected happened........😲😷

They provided another round of surgical masks and their staff was gracious enough to personally sew homemade cloth masks just to say "we care". Meijers did a wonderful thing and the staff reached out with individualized concern over local first responders! πŸ™‡

The risk responders face for COVID-19 is much higher than the average civilian.  You may want to read associate professor Scott Wolfe's article on how to keep first responders safe by adjusting some protocals.

"When a 911 call goes out, the police (and others) must respond. Accordingly, many agencies are engaging in the best social distancing measures they can(1)".

But its hard when when your in the "mix".....

Masks help prevent local Firefighters and Police Officers from becoming ill. They don't have the luxury of always keeping 6' apart when interacting with the public. That puts them at a much higher risks that others may not experience.

Meijers engaged in something called positive corporate social responsibility (CSR). This can take a number of different forms but creates impact when it has a specific cause and help. When giving they did so out of heir hearts and did not expect us to do anything for them. Yet, only around 1/2 of companies share the nice things they did (Lee, Fairhurst & Wesley, 2009). When shared tastefully it can enhance a companies image and encourage positive feelings about the company.

The staff of Meijers went beyond the call of duty because they put their personal touch on this. It helps us realize as locals that those staff members are from our community and the company supports them in their helping behavior. They did not ask me to write this but they did some nice things to help our fist responders which could impact lives. It is the least I can do. Escanaba Twp. Fire Department took some and the other half were given to Escanaba Public Safety.

It should be noted that a staff member at Nuway Cleaners in Escanaba also gave masks. That would definitely be a place you may want to frequent in the future.
I'm not not really social causing for masks but if you have some to give call/text me and I don't mind bringing packages of surgical/handmade masks to our other local public safety/medical institutions. 619-540-0501 ....or I can just tell you who might need some.

Lee, M., Fairhurst, A. & Wesley, S. Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review of the Top 100 US Retailers. Corp Reputation Rev 12, 140–158 (2009).

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Governor Whitmer Provides "State of Covid" in Michigan (April 13th, 2020)

Governor Whitmer provided an update on the current Covid situation in Michigan. Below are some of the highlights but you will likely want to watch the video because it will provide a lot of information that I can't fully cover in this brief. There seems to be a theme of science and big data in the choices and decisions. She indicates that people must hold on for a few more weeks. It wasn't explicitly stated but it appears that there will be some review of the situation at the end of the month.

-Not enough PPE for first responders and others.
-The curve for Michigan is very steep.
-Trajectory is starting to show flatness.
-Some fear that hospitals could still get overwhelmed.

She indicated that she is trying to do what she can to help protect people from getting sick. Discusses people with depression, job loss, struggles and much more. There are a lot of people who are worried whether or not we will get through this issue. She indicates she is watching the data and trying to determine when and how to move onto the next stage.

-Working with insurance companies for not charging for COVID visits.
-13 Drive through testing and new lab.
-Statewide hotline mental health 888-733-7753
-Increased tele-health.

The chart appears to be slowing after the initial spike. There is some indicating it is flattening. It likely is as other charts show similar type tapering and eventually decline. Thus, no one knows when it will decline and the data will be the main guide.

Like President Trump she doesn't appear particularly happy with the media. I guess that depends on the media type and author. (Who says they don't share something in common? πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š)

She isn't yet ready to open the economy fully. Some of the message were addressed to protesters. Indicates a phased method. I'm wondering if that includes zones based on risk factors?

Director Jeff Donofrio from Department of Labor and Economic Freedom comes to the podium next.,5863,7-336-78421_96636_91456_91461-228025--,00.html

If you don't know what the department does here is a description, "Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) provides the connections, expertise and innovative solutions to drive continued business growth, build vibrant communities, create affordable housing, generate tourism and attract and retain key talent to fill Michigan’s vast pipeline of opportunities."

Jeff indicated that 1/4 of people have applied for unemployment. This is fairly normal for states that have been hard hit. Sometimes the system may crash because of influx of people but people are still able to apply. Claims are backdated. 

You can file at,5863,7-336-78421_97241---,00.html

I have a couple of comments that might be helpful. There are some items that people should be able to buy (pick up) or have delivered. It would make sense for many businesses to open up additional sales that can be picked up outside the store. In the new digital economy deliver of items will likely become more common and cheaper. I would think more along the lines of basic home office furniture and computers so that people can create virtual workspaces. (My back is killing me from sitting on a kitchen chair so I ordered one on Amazon😳). :)

It may also be helpful to mention that there is a balance between safety and economy. Both carry risks. Some areas might need to start opening up in a few weeks that are not near the hot zones with masks. For example, the U.P. may be at less risk when compared big metro places. Either way wearing proper equipment should be a requirement. I would hate to do this but what about a $10 ticket for people not wearing something over their mouth in places where people are likely to be in close contact? We all are part of the solution and the problem.

Paying Attention to Customer Feedback for Maximum Growth in the Polo Business "Learning Lab"

Customers are the life blood of any business and without them you are left with only an idea with little to no market value. Knowing your customers on a personal level and what delights them creates many benefits beyond immediate sales that leads to a higher brand image and improved sales performance. Online reputation is fostered through following up with customers that know your there to help them. Three immediate benefits of following up with customers are 1. Brand Loyalty, 2. Word-of-Mouth Sales Increases, and Increased Customer Reviews.

As a start-up owner of the "learning lab" Escanaba Polo Mallet Company that seeks to understand how small manufacturing can make a come back in the U.S. through regular individuals like you that have an entrepreneurial spirit. Our nation has lost much of its ingenuity and Millennials will be asked to revitalize our lost manufacturing through starting businesses of their own and growing them for market competition.. Each article focuses on a specific topic that is beneficial for others that desire to "put a shingle up".

Customers take the time to review your product, make choices between alternatives and eventually purchase your product. Don't ignore what they have to say! What is important here is that they selected your product for a reason and if you don't know what that reason is then you are limiting your capacity to build off your strengths and correct your weaknesses. In essence, you can't give them more of what they want so your product sales may not flourish as expected.

1.) Regularly Evaluate Your Online Reviews: Online reviews can tell you a lot about how customers feel about your product. If you have negative reviews you can learn from them, reach out to fix the situation, and turn a negative situation into a positive one. If you get a positive review good for you because many people are many times more willing to write something negative versus something positive. This is a comment we are very proud of....

"Flawless Transaction!!! Highly recommend seller! Extremely please! AAAA+++

2.) Follow Up on Questions and Sales: Customers want to feel appreciated and some things small manufacturers can do is answer questions and follow up on sales. Such actions not only help the customer feel special but also to encourage higher levels of feedback that often lead to greater loyalty. Send your customer a follow up message a week or so after their purchase and ask them if they are happy. Answer any emails or forum questions.

This customer reached out for a product and we talked about sizes....

"Exactly as stated, Seller took time to confirm size. having fun with it"

3.) Focus Group on a Shoestring: When you start to manufacture on a small scale you won't have a lot of money so staying very close to your customers will make a big difference in your success. Conducing a focus group doesn't need to be impossible. can send people a free mallet and then in turn ask for their advice. You could also ask your recent customers to send you back more detailed information in exchange for a t-shirt, raffle for a new item (i.e. mallet), or some other type of appreciation. You could also consider using a Zoom meeting or something else that could just entice them to become part of the solution to enhancing your product design! Use your creativity here.

A significant portion of profits from Escanaba Polo Mallet are donated to helping orphans, child enrichment and others. Sharing this article increases general knowledge for other entrepreneurs but also raises awareness of our good works company.

City of Escanaba Updates Office Closures

Monday, April 13, 2020

April 13th, 2020 President Trump and Dr. Fauci Discuss the State of COVID-19

Dr. Fauci discusses the need to ensure that the supplies and resources are available to minorities. He discussed the hypothetical situation of early mitigation efforts and saving lives. I believe what he is saying is correct in that with a novel situation it can be extremely difficult to project what are the best options. As a debating people, there isn't a single answer and discussing ideas in hindsight is very different than selecting options in the middle of a crisis situation.

President Trump discussed timelines of when he knew what and the types of decisions at that time. Additional discussion on decisions were offered and how those situations impacted the current situation. There seemed to be some contention between a few members of the media and the President.

Some of the things President Trump indicates are occurring....
I tried to be as accurate as possible. πŸ™ˆ

1. Masks for people (100's of millions).
2. 3 million tests for the virus.
3. 115K tests everyday.
4. Current anti-body tests and immunity.
5. FDA emergency authority to approve device that removes proteins that help the body not overreact.
6. Expanding hospital surge capacity.
7. 28 million doses of Hydrox (can't spell it). 😲
8. New therapies using plasma from recovered patients.
9. Americans are starting to receive cash payments into their bank accounts.
10. PPP PayCheck Protection Program small business loans that help businesses retain workers. $200 Billion in loans.
11. Replenish the PPP monies to increase wealth of small business.
12. In process of developing a plan on re-opening the country.
13. New guidelines opening the government. Try and return to "normal" life.
14. Developed a committee of some of the most knowledgeable people in the country.
15. Cut oil production by around 20 million barrels a day. 11 million of people will be helped by this action.
16. Bonds of love and loyalty of the American people to overcome this crisis to achieve victory. Paving a way to an American resurgence.

Lots of other great information you may want to look at.....

Michigan Covid Cases Chart April 13th, 2020

A chart will help your audience better visualize the main points. Learning to create these charts and display them for the average person's understanding can make a big difference in getting primary points across. Think along the lines of simplicity to read and understand with using colors and information appropriately. Most people may struggle with a complex chart but this one seems simple enough to use and understand.

When we look along the line we can almost see a trend forming where we have a virus growth, blooming, and then a general decline that appears to move along the same pace as its increase. There are likely lots of different scenarios on how and why this increases or decreases at certain paces (i.e. awareness and social distancing). Thus, we should expect this to continue for at least until the end of the month (perhaps more) and then start taper off to a slow death (The data should be our guide).

That doesn't mean that we will be out of the woods as it could easily start over if not watched and monitored closely. It does say that we earned ourselves some time, learned a few things about a virtual life, and will be much better prepared in the future. Novel chaos creates havoc but becomes less chaotic as we learn and adapt.

It does give us an opportunity to restart our economy in a new way that maximizes new ideas. We can rethink the strategies of the past and move toward a digital economy and integrating digital GDP into our existing economic structures. With fingers crossed it is hoped that this could change the U.S. trajectory into something more sustainable and central to the global economy.

April 13th, 2020-Current Financial Financial Markets

Financial Markets 04/13/2020