Sunday, April 12, 2020

HEROES Congressional Act Brings Tax Relief to Delta County's First Responders

Delta County, and other locations, first responders may be soon eligible for four months of federal tax relief. Emergency Responders Overcome Emergency Situations (HEROES) Act of 2020 was introduced recently to Congress by Michigan Congressman Bill Huizenga . Its a little more like (HEROES) From the "Hot Zone" Act as it seeks to offer four months of Federal Tax relief for first responders in counties with at least one positive COVID-19 Case.

Delta County had 9 confirmed cases and 1 death from COVID according to The Daily News . That makes them eligible. If passes it will include Escanaba & Gladstone Public Safety, Delta County Sheriffs Office, Hospital/Medical Staff, and Michigan State Police working and receiving wages in the county. I may have missed a couple departments.

The average salary of a first responder is approximately 34K with slight adjustments depending on the type of job and location (First Responder Salary)

These heroes do this type of work for a labor of love and take all types of risks others would not even think about. Everyday they they deal with death, injury, criminals and crisis situations. If it was about the money they might make more working almost anywhere else. Helping them is helping ourselves.

 A little tax reduction boost tells them we appreciated their risks.

While official COVID-19 infection numbers are hard to come by and are unlikely to be accurate until the crisis is over we can say first responders are at substantially  higher risk. The nature of the job simply puts them in close contact with others and it is nearly impossible to maintain 6 feet of distance.

You may want to read an article by WDET where Detroit Fire Captain Frank Williams recently passed away and over a 100 (if not much more) have tested positive with COVID-19 (Detroit First Responder Article). These men and women are rushing into a battle with nothing more than good heart and we should ponder that great responsibility for a moment. ๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ‘ฎ

Who is covered by the Act? a physician (as defined in section 13 1861(r)(1) of the Social Security Act), nurse, pharmacist, law enforcement officer, corrections officer, firefighter, emergency medical technician, or paramedic.

What Areas are Eligible?

Counties that have at least one confirmed case of COVID-19, or provides services in a licensed medical or care facility which is located in such a county.

What Dates?

Federal tax relief for February 15, 2020, and ending on June 15, 2020.

Where is It Now? Congressional House Ways and Means Committee.

You may read the act ......

I'm a big advocate of bi-partisan legislation because it typically is more aligned to national needs. Not always, but when both major parties work together, things seem to work out for the best. In this case, most people have respect for first responders that are doing the right thing and have the welfare of the American people in mind. They don't make a lot of money and anything we can do to help them while they are risking their lives is important.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

April 10th 2020 COVID-19 Update-500 million masks on the way!

Michigan Governor Whitmer sought and received help to improve the essential drug supply chain because the state is running low. That includes increased medical capacity through a new center to treat sick patients. The state has 816K +/-unemployment claims in three weeks meaning that much of the state is suffering under the disease. New methods for conducting electronic signatures and witnessing is helpful to return some levels of commerce and will start a precedence that will slowly grow to improve government service functioning and cost efficiency. Most of us have experienced the ridiculously long DMV lines in some parts of the country in a pseudo cold war herding mentality of the past (Go ahead and frequent the DMV in some places and you will see what 4 hours does to your need for individual customer service!๐Ÿ˜). While not discussed or implied new systems may include a lot more online functioning with smaller boutique services (or as an idea neighborhood subcontractor services for in person needs). She also mentioned additional food support for children's nutrition๐Ÿ™†. That will be important because people are not currently working and kids are not going to school where meals would have been provided.

It is believed that with social distancing, PPE and good hygiene you can see there are different scenarios with life and death. These are models so they are only projections with lots of wiggle room but they do highlight a point. UoM model is also similar. Therefore, holidays will need to be more online this year. So....nestle with your family and learn to enjoy the little things. A great time to reflect on the history and simple lifestyles many of our famous religious and philosophical leaders advocated for because they were busy thinking about bigger things. When the economy comes back you may gain the gift of appreciation that can only be leaned on a deep level from experiencing life in new ways.

What I like about her speech is the discussion on a new Task Force to address racial disparity in the state. With good effort and a viable model it may be something that the rest of the nation may want to consider because Michigan has a unique demographic make up. That depends on how open the task force is to addressing deep issues of poverty and race in a way that opens the conversation to meaningful exchange. As a nation we will need to get through the past paradigms on race and into a new world where science and common sense lead to a more enlightened society where true equality is the essential goal. Changing hearts and minds takes heartfelt discussions and brutal honesty with self and others..

If you are a medical professional feel free to donate some time. You may want to look into any compensation programs that the state or govt. are willing to pay for lost wages. Not 100% sure. ๐Ÿ˜ท,9753,7-406-98178_98811---,00.html

April 10th 2020 COVID-19 Update-500 million masks on the way!

President Trump discusses a task force/council on opening the country. This will be leaders from a wide swath of experts. Lots of great information within the briefing so you will need to watch it. I think having these meetings is helping even if some people feel annoyed. It is a fluid situation so new information helps people feel calmer. The same process occurs in businesses that are going through a crisis. 500 million masks on the way. There is a hint that there will be multiple phases to the comeback. Focus seems to be on small business and growth opportunities. Particular the writing new chapter comment makes us ponder the possibilities.

April 9th, 2020 COVID-19 Update-Federal Reserve Jumps in With $2.3 Trillion "Main Street" Program

Interest rates are low and now is the time to make a move! The Federal Reserve will be mopping up assets and then liquidating them later down the road in a better market. We may want to consider is a potential  bigger strategy forming underneath the White House and Federal Reserve's actions. Its a  "main street" and small business strategy that could pay big dividends if done well. I like the small business idea because when we get out from under the Covid Fog people are going to want to get back to work. There is a larger young Millennial generation that from a demographic standpoint wants to own their own businesses. That could be a longer term capital improvement that may (assuming all goes well) be a major boon a few years down the road as some of the businesses create innovative capital. Furthermore, it is these types of businesses that can start and bounce back quickly. Personally I would like them to focus on returning manufacturing back to the U.S. Small business is also known to be a great shock absorber that has the potential to earn higher profit ratings than large businesses alone. As they develop some of these businesses will fail but many will grow, develop new things, and integrate new technologies (You have to look at 1,000s of businesses for stability). While Covid may be devastating it is possible to not just muddle our way through but come out sooo strong that we see our economy bounce way above China. That will depend on whether our Republican, Democrat, and financial institutions stakeholders can get on the same page.

April 8thth, 2020 COVID-19 Update-Michigan Legislature Votes to Extend Stay at Home Powers Until the End of April

Michigan Legislature extends stay-at-home powers until the end of April. While both parties debate the length and time of the extension we do know that the situation is very fluid. No one knows if we need to "power up" parts of the economy in a few weeks or if the extension is truly needed another 70 days. There really isn't a right or wrong strategy here. However, I often like to think about maximum flexibility for strategic purposes. Situations change on the ground all the time. There is no doubt that it can create additional risks for legislature to be around each other but that is ultimately their responsibility. We have just always done it that way for historical reasons. One thing that could happen is that it "annoys" legislature enough to adapt to new online voting measures for emergencies. When this is over I suspect many states will start thinking about virtual voting. One way to do this might be voting online while recording the person making the vote via laptop, I.P. address, and then a follow up recorded phone call. If all three match you have a good vote that can be verified in multiple ways. Perhaps a physical witness might be a fourth way of adding further protections (i.e. fingerprint, voice recognition, eye scans, blah blah). Redundancy of verification is important. The actions can be archived for research and be investigated later for fraud issues. Just a few thoughts. Ultimately cyber security officials might find new and better methods but we are going to move in that direction now I suspect because this could be helpful in a number of scenarios not related to Covid-19 (i.e. emergency vote, illness, handicap or other issues such as increasing participation.)๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ™‹ I kind of like the idea of using a certain hand gesture only known at the time of the vote on camera to show a recording is done in real time.

April 7th, 2020 COVID-19 Update-President Trump Discusses Race and Illness as Well as New Stimulus Measures

President Trump discusses new stimulus efforts for small business and praises the bipartisanship spirit that is growing. He also discusses the unlocking of the "miracles of science". WHO will have some of their money held to investigate why they may have made a couple of bad calls. $600 Billion available for small business loans. Community banks will be involved because they know their customers the best. Answering a question from a reporter the President indicates that he was hoping the virus in the beginning wouldn't be a big issue but no one really knew but he was already closing down travel to China and then Europe for protection. Discussion of the representative from Michigan and her illness and how it helped her. If you have stories of how your working together you can share by using #americansworktogether.

President Trump did pretty well navigating some of the tough questions. What I liked most was people working together. Its a strong message. More importantly he is starting to address issues of poverty and race. That is great and its helpful statement. It also provides more freedom for full political expression of people to choose what they want based on personal belief versus being confined to vote primarily by race, religious or political lines. In the past people often voted by their demographic group but by really going after issues of poverty and disparity it helps roll out the mat to a better America tomorrow where race, politics and religion are not so contentious. There appears to be more stabilization in the infection rate and hope is starting to rise that with continued effort we may reverse the trend.

April 6th, 2020 COVID-19 Update-Governor Whitmer Discussed State of Covid-19 in Michigan

Governor Whitmer discussed general guidelines on slowing the spread by people not leaving their houses unless absolutely necessary. If most of us stay home we can better protect our communities.

April 5th, 2020 COVID-19 Update-Federal, State, and City Stakeholders Come Together to Help Detroit

Checking in on the news I noticed that our Federal and State officials have come together to give this virus a Right (Rep.) and Left (Dem.) punch! It may not end the virus but that line of thinking will help us quicken its defeat. This foe will not menace society forever and showing that our government is working together in positive and meaningful ways says a lot about who we are as a nation and a people (We strive, adapt and overcome!). I have to say I'm impressed and the way things have been going over the past few years in politics I wasn't quit sure everyone could get on the same page; it seems like we are.

There is hope in what happened today with President Trump, V.P. Pence, Governor Whitmer and Detroit Mayor Duggan coordinating their activities. More 15 minute tests were brought forward to save first responders and citizens alike, a large scale study of potential cures in Detroit is well on its way, drugs (although not the perfect cure) are in Que to be manufactured. That won't stop the virus yet but it will set a precedence of coming together during a crisis by letting science and common sense take charge. In this case, we should applaud our government and what they are doing. We can bicker again when its over (Hopefully not but human nature sometimes resorts back to previous patterns; unless we choose to change that).

Viruses are hard to control and manage and just like the flu there are safe practices that help but don't always stop the virus. We can see from the news that heavily inflicted areas seem to start a kind of plateau and with hope of a soon to be realized decline. I wonder in the future if a better drug will be available? Maybe we will not stop the virus but carbon copy it into weaker states quickly or block the receptors it connects to long enough to starve it in our bodies?๐Ÿ˜ท We will need to rely on our warriors of science to tell us what to do in the future!

April 2nd, 2020 COVID-19 Update-Governor Whitmer Gives Town House Q&A

As Covid makes its way through our economy and life we will need to be fluid in our options and choices. Providing accurate information helps people come to accept the gravity of the situation and cues them into how they can help. It also helps people get into action mode in order to follow general rules and help out where they can. Having people donate, help, and contribute is part of beating this virus "invader". We are a species and must act like a coordinated organism (i.e. social distancing and resource allocation) in order to beat it. There is no doubt that we as a state and nation will overcome this but it will take time. If we can learn a few lessons it is that we are a "one people" who must work together and we should be prepared for the next time this occurs. Time is our friend and experimental drugs and science are our champion warriors.

Tuesday March 31st, 2020 COVID-19 Update-Tough Two Weeks Ahead!

Monday 30th, 2020 COVID-19 Update-President Trump Extends Social Distancing

Saturday 28th Update-Michigan Needs Masks

Video on Governor Whitmer and the need for more masks in Michigan. Its a problem all of the states are facing right now. There simply isn't enough available and so people are going to fight over precious resources. This is absolutely normal!The problem we face is that this virus caught everyone and every nation off guard and until production increases there will be shortages, worry and elbowing to get more. From my perspective there really is only two primary possible solutions when it comes to availability of masks (assuming the need for masks isn't declining).

1. Increase supply. Increased supply comes from making (making our own) or purchasing (from less afflicted nations). Suppliers, and potential suppliers, should consider the the benefits of making them. Small businesses in a group can make a big dent and they often can start producing small batches quicker than larger companies. Could also be countries out there that are willing to sell excess capacity to Michigan and/or Federal Government.

2. Better allocation of existing masks to provide a little slack time to supply new ones. That would assume we are close to having new batches. That would require a sharing type strategy among states. That requires some coordination and planning guidelines. These states will want them back if needed.

I wonder with such a worldwide need why businesses have not yet started to fill the void (market pressure)? If businesses can create masks they should be contacting the state and federal authorities to offer their help and let them know they have some capacity and ability. There is no easy solution but what we can say is that there a lot of people (worldwide) who need them and such businesses are likely to find a receptive market (I doubt this will be the last time a bad virus spreads globally). Simple masks are easy to make which may suffice for daily errands and grocery shopping but the more complex masks are harder to come by for first responders, police officers, nursing homes and medical staff.

Thus, building more and ensuring that people who are fighting the disease on the virus battlefield get them first is important. One might also say that elderly and those at risk have legitimate needs. One mask might be able to go a long way if used gently. Got extras...consider donating and doing a patriotic service to your country! If your a state that doesn't currently need them would you be willing to make a temporary loan to a crisis state like Michigan until you need them back? Anyone got a shipping address? Could hospitals also start sharing resources so that they are allocated to "hot spots" first? No easy solutions......๐Ÿค”

Friday 27th 2020 COVID-19 Update-Census Tracking for Michigan (Other States)

You can view COVID-19 Tracking in Michigan and other states at the COVID Tracking Project

-Cases per county (Michigan):
-All States Daily:

Thursday 26th 2020 COVID-19 Update- President Trump Releases Document to Governors to Restart Economy

President Trump indicates a methodology to re-start the economy through better testing and labeling counties/areas for different risk levels. Localizing the fight could help those areas that are not at the same risk levels continue to work and live life fairly normal while reallocating to those who need their help. It also appears from the document that the government is getting better of tracking the virus's spread. Computer models are so much better now and we have the ability to track these things with much more accuracy with the right models and testing apparatuses. The problem with this virus is that it caught the world off guard and no one was ready!I'm pretty sure that the policies we are setting up today will impact a line of policies the next time this occurs. There will be risks in the reopening of our economy (increased sickness that could result in death) in the same way that there are risks by keeping it closed (increased poverty that could impact the lifespan and general welfare of generations and the fate of our global position). Its a hard balance to find because people are going to be right and left of the most reasonable "risk/reward" line. If it works well it would seem that localizing and isolating quickly before it spreads to regional areas allows us to keep the economy charging forward. Like a large organism, when one part is suffering the working parts can help out and send resources to better fight and protect the areas that are currently afflicted. For example, lets say we have 10 non-infected counties and 1 infected one. If all go under the same "stay home" rules than all the masks, ventilators and resources will be sucked up by everyone leaving serious shortages to those who need it. However, if we could do this correctly we can send available resources to those counties that are struggling. In other words we are managing our supply chain better and ensuring the area has ventilators, masks, gloves, etc... to "nip the disease in the bud" quickly. This "maximizing resources where needed" system could be an excellent model (at least theoretically) if we can get people coordinating. Imagine.....saving the economy (maximum capital) while saving more lives (better resource allocation).

You can read this document here.....unfortunately I couldn't tell if there was a way to embed. ๐Ÿ™Ž๐Ÿ˜ญ

Wednesday 25th 2020 COVID-19 Update- Watch Senate Vote

Tuesday 24rd 2020 COVID-19 Update- Federal Resources Mobilizing, Stock Increases, and Restarting Economy

President Trump makes a strong point about the economy and its need to overcome current challenges. Personally, I believe that this is a crisis and it opens opportunities for innovating our economy. There is a lot of movement and buzz going on in the White House and it appears a comprehensive package that impacts most engine sectors of society will help them power back up. New masks, gloves, and other medical supplies are being made and shipped. Companies have stepped up to the plate to help our nation overcome its challenges. This could be a defining moment in the trajectory of our development but only time will tell.

Michigan has a lot of information on COVID-19. You may want to read up....

Monday March 23rd 2020 COVID-19 Update-Michigan Stay Home/Safe Orders and Surgeon General Warning

Surgeon General Jerome Adams......

Everyone needs to act as if they have the virus right now, test or no test, we need you to understand you could be spreading it to someone else or you could be getting it from someone else. Stay at home.”(2).

Michigan Governor Whitmer.....

"The order also directs Michiganders to stay in their homes unless they’re a part of that critical infrastructure workforce, engaged in an outdoor activity, or performing tasks necessary to the health and safety of themselves or their family, like going to the hospital or grocery store" (1).

Sunday March 22nd 2020 COVID-19 Update-National Guard Deployed to Cali, NY, and Washington

The President announced FEMA/Federal Governments that includes hospital beds, new supplies and national guard support. The states will control the national guard but the Federal Government will cover the costs. That includes new testing and medical stations. The country is coming together to beat this virus. While it is unlikely to be the last of its kind in our lifetimes it does help us change and adjust our current methods/capabilities to be even better prepared the next time something similar happened.

Sunday March 22nd 2020 COVID-19 Update-Rising Numbers in Michigan

There are indications that COVID infections numbers are rising in Michigan. While we know how in general such viruses function there are likely many more people who are infected but have no idea they are raising risks of exposure to others. We do need to work together on a national and state level to focus on opportunities that find new solutions and protocols. As a nation, we will swim or sink together and at this time both parties need to be 100% focused on solutions. Stay safe out there and be mindful of others during our time of need. Take care of your neighbors and work together. 790+  cases and quickly rising means we all need to be diligent. Data is still taking additional time and it is unlikely we can test everyone so the numbers we have are only projections that contain a large margin of error. This means no one knows for sure the exact amount and we don't know the end result. We can, however, focus on developing something new out of the chaos. With such novel situations no one knows the "right" answer but we do know there are a lot of factors at play all moving at one time. Even in the worst situations, thrivers look to discover new solutions and make their way to a vision of a better future.

Saturday March 21st 2020 COVID-19

General updates that include working with businesses as well as preparing additional testing with stronger preventative measures. Much of it is discussing the overall approach the government is employing to minimize casualties and ramp up capacities. One thing the White House is doing right is working together as a nation and involving businesses in solutions. Our innovative manufacturing capacities are part of the reasons why we triumphed in our past wars and will be part of the solution in this war. The President also announced student loans will have 60 days temporary suspension and a promised future discussion on the student loan debt (๐Ÿคž).  It would seem a gale of change is coming and there will be further coordination with companies to better position the country to handle these types of challenges. It could even be a time when we think of turning on the fluorescent lamps (That is before LED๐Ÿ˜ฌ)and blowing off the dust off our lost manufacturing ingenuity to solve new problems (What eco, high tech, cutting edge, etc. products will solve problems in a new market?). Everyone has a hand in solving this problem and we rise or fall together as a people. This becomes ever so apparent in a virus crisis that sees no differences between people, races, religions, education, income, or any other man made construct.

President Donald Trump offers an air of calm to a nervous nation. It is a time of necessity and a lot of partial information, unknowns, and misinformation has flooded the airways. At the end of the day, with the current WTO rates of virus transference our economic system is likely to continue forward in the long run; unless something changes. Our essential systems and supply chain are not impacted from a structural standpoint. Yet, the spike in demand does create unexpected problems for people who have families and need to shop normally.

A little reflection on your true needs would be helpful here....

The food supply system is designed to meet "normal" demands. However, hoarding and panic strip the shelves clean of basic necessities. Even with the COVID-19 there doesn't appear to be at this time any reason to close stores (unless to restock). Life should continue on as "normal" as possible under new safety measures.

We need to be diligent against the virus and diligent in helping our community members.

We create some of our own problems. Some of us think about others and some of us don't (Essentially, the same problem from the beginning of mankind). The elderly, mothers, families and others might be left without the basics (i.e. empty bread shelves or no masks for the sick/elderly) if we all push others out of the way!

A few things you should think about before you load your cart! ๐Ÿค”

1. Can you conserve? Disposable masks can be used over and over. Toilet paper can be opted a little more sparingly. You can switch from paper towels to old fashion cloth towels. Think more about what it means to protect your environment through better conservation practices. Try and limit waste and explore repeat use products when stores are out.

2. Its time to think long term for the next time a virus breaks out. Its wise to have a couple of weeks of extra canned/dry food in the house.  If people have a little surplus they don't need to rush to the store. The extra cushion can help you in all types of situations beyond COVID-19. Now might not be the time to swipe the shelves clean but it could be the time to create a future plan.

3. Just pick up a few extra things. Its ok to pick up a few extra things you might need. It is NOT ok to have a basket of 40 packs of masks, all the canned food you can get your hands on, and 30 rolls of paper towel. Think in terms of days. What do you really need per day and pick up a few extra days each time you go to the store. It could help limit supply shocks and bring you great awareness of your consumption habits.

From a national standpoint we can slow but not stop such viruses; at least until a vaccine is created. We can think about minimizing its impact and good hygiene. The changes in FDA testing means that research can go to trial much faster. Faster trials mean faster solutions!. They may be testing different strains of virus to see if any can produce a vaccine that will work on COVID-19. It takes time to grow, test and see the results of clinical trials. Our job is to do our best to slow down the spread through self-awareness, washing hands, and minimizing large social gatherings. Article on new rules and testing trials. 

You may want to look at the WHO interactive map of the virus spread.

State of Michigan offers information on the virus and their policies.... 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Michigan Stay-At-Home Order Extended Until the End of April Executive Order NO. 2020-42

Michigan Governor Whitmer extends the stay-at-home orders. If you own a business and are allowed to stay open you may want to look at some of the occupancy totals. Outdoor recreation is still ok as long as you maintain your social distancing rules. The list of who can still work and who can't is below. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

What is the PayCheck Program (PPP Loan) and How it Pays 8 Weeks of Expenses for Local Businesses Free!

Small business in Delta County Michigan are struggling like many others around the country to keep the lights on and make pay-roll. That can be pretty tough if you have no money coming in! Most of our local businesses have 500 or less employees and can get 8 weeks of certain fixed expenses free. They need this help because they don't have the extra capital in the bank to make it through the Covid-19 crisis. Loans are needed....but don't do enough! While this might be called a loan it is actually free as long as you use it for what it is intended.

Why would you want this money? It all depends on whether you can continue to make your expenses. If its going to be tight and you are risking closing down your business then you will want to take this loan. Personally, if you have expenses and employees you have nothing to loose by taking it.

Should you really take it? That is up to you but I will say that Delta County needs real businesses that employ people. Families need to put food on the table and the people need your business to maintain its health. You are saving your business and reducing the hardship on local families.

Who can get it? This money is for small businesses that need to get through the "hump". If we want to keep our Delta County businesses alive and kicking after Covid-19 declines then you might as well take the free money. This includes any business with 500 or fewer employees—including nonprofits, veterans organizations, tribal concerns, self-employed individuals, sole proprietorships, and independent contractors

Is this a Loan that I have to Pay back? Its forgivable and you don't have to pay it back unless you use it for anything other than payroll costs, mortgage interest, rent, and utilities payments over the 8 weeks after getting the loan. Use the money wisely and its free for you!

Is it a lot of paperwork? From what I see I can fill this thing out in like 10 minutes. You will need to show your payroll but most businesses have this readily available so it doesn't take much time.

Who within Delta County Can Process these Loans? Any lender that is federally insured (which is most likely most) can process these loans. They may not be up-to-date as it is a new things that expires July 1, 2020. You may want to show them this article because they can fill this small form out pretty quick and get you a loan.

FAQ on the loan from the Treasury Department HERE

You can download the application and take it to one of our local lending institutions.

Is there help for people who don't have a business. Delta County Credit Union has some pretty interesting stuff that can help you skip a mortgage payment, get a small bridge loan to make ends meet and skip a payment. Check out their page.

Using the Promote Features on Ebay to Test Selling Polo Mallets

Small business sometimes get drowned out by the marketing power of larger companies with bigger budgets. As a small business you can gain some front page traction through the use of Ebay's promotion feature. Selling online is one of the ways to get your product out to a national or international market from almost anywhere in the country. Escanaba Polo Mallet Company is a "learning lab" good works low-cost start-up that helps to understand how small manufacturing can grow and develop in the U.S. so that new policies and ideas can develop. Check back often for new ideas.

There is little use locally for these mallets so nearly all sales will need to be conducted virtually in a way that will require higher reliance online marketspaces. While manufacturing will be local sales will be international.

While I haven't sold any mallets internationally because I have been primarily focused on building a national customer base and a strong product with market value it is something that I will keep in the back of my mind. One helpful feature often overlooked by Ebay sellers is the promotion feature. What does it do and what are some of the benefits?

From their website you can gain additional insight into how the feature works.

"Promoted Listings helps your items stand out among billions of listings on eBay and be seen by millions of active buyers when they’re browsing and searching for what you are selling, helping to increase the likelihood of a sale. The best part? You only pay when your item sells."

The promotion feature will help you get your product out in front to gain the exposure you need. There is a balance to be made because if you place your price too high then people won't buy it. Yet exposure is often the name of the game when selling. Therefore you will need to play with your strategies a little to balance price, demand, and supply. I have been doing a little experimentation and there are a few things I learned.

Strategy 1: Low Promotion Rate. If you have a brand (product) that has existing market appeal and you want to increase sales a little you can bump up your promotion rate just a smidgen. That basically means you are gaining just a little extra exposure but not necessarily increasing your costs by much. Lets call that under the 10% range.

Strategy 2: High Rate but Increased Cost: If you have a product that you desire to put into a higher category of value and its good enough to do that, you can consider pushing your rate up. Because it also pushes up your costs up you may want some starting brand capital (i.e a new product). It also works well if you have extra inventory you need to liquidate (i.e. extra inventory). That is in the 20% and more range.

Strategy 3: Moderate Rate and Moderate Cost Increase: When your start-up has a product that fits within the average price range you may want use the 10% to 20% promotion rate. The goal is to increase your exposure without wiping out your profits.

Very few businesses exist without some type of marketing and advertising. In the physical world we can gather street attention by a sign but in the virtual world we have to try new things that help highlight the product and features.

Escanaba Polo Mallet company is a good works "learning lab" company that seeks to test micro manufacturing to raise awareness about business issues, government policies, and other actions that lead to a successful export economy. Much of our profits go to good works such as orphans, local child enrichment, and helping the disadvantaged. If you like what you read here please feel free to share.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

A Simple Way to Make Masks- Dr. Denise Fair Gives Simple Instructions

There are a lot of people who don't know how to make masks, don't know where to get them and will have trouble finding them if needed. Dr. Denise Fair Chief Public Health Officer from Detroit shows a very simple way to make a mask. Its actually pretty simple and easy to do with a makeshift system. No cutting or strings involved. However, if you can sew a little (needle and string)  you can make a better mask. You could also consider stuffing a pieces of cloth between the layers where the fabric line moves in the opposite direction to create better protection.

If you got to go get groceries or some other important business this is something you can do.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Racism and Bigotry Is a Social Crime-Covid 19 Gives Fuel to Ignorance

Racism and bigotry is a social disease that will continue to infect our society and spread from one person to the next. Each of us is so worried about Covid-19 that we fail to understand the unique opportunities it provides for self-reflection. The best and worse come out during tough times. What I have found is that the crisis may take center stage but the way people handle and react to it is very much a personal issue. People with pre-existing bias will use the crisis to justify further bad behavior.

I'm not one of those guys who see bigotry and racism in everything. As a matter of point, I try and think through people's behaviors the best I can before I jump to a conclusion. Many times those who have engaged in such actions are suffering from other issues but are no longer consciously aware so they project their problems onto others. Asking them to think and reflect is going to be difficult unless they develop as a person or get the help they need.

Worse than this is when people begin to infect others with misinformation in order to cover their true intentions. People don't admit what is actually going on in their heads or what they are saying to their close friends. When we look at Detroit and other places where poverty is rampant I heard people say its because of their color. No its not! Maybe there are a lot of other social issues but color is not it! (Skin pigmentation may be physical but our judgments about it are socially constructed).

Calling people out on bad behavior doesn't make you friends. It creates a lot of enemies; but there comes a defining moment in some people's lives where lies, deceit and injustice no longer makes sense. Bad people with bad intentions should not be allowed to rule our lives and the people around us. Poor values should not be encouraged in public life and racism/bigotry in all its forms should be shunned.

It isn't about politics...its about human life. Bullies will always be bullies unless they get struck by lightning or have such a disastrous event in their life where they are forced to self reflect. As a father of two mixed race kids I'm appalled that people within our community and families have accepted bigotry and racism as an acceptable means to dealing with their own personal issues.

Such people have all the excuses in the world! They always had all the excuses in the world! Covid-19 is terrible and its life threatening. Its not an excuse and should never be! Lies will fly and people will support their friends but few will actually say much truthful. Grown people afraid that someone in their social group will disapprove of them! It makes you wonder if they are capable of thinking for themselves?

Were complaining about how our country is falling apart, how were losing jobs, and how China is kicking our butt! Has anyone considered that we are causing our own problems? We lost our American spirit. Where is our ingenuity, our sense of truth/justice, pragmatism, and search for a better way of living? I can't even image the lives lost, the human capital blunted, and communities separated by hate. There is enough blame to go around but it is us (meaning all the races and religions in this country) that have failed to do what is best for each other. We became America's own worst enemies; its the enemy within our hearts. I always try and maintain hope that the future will be about being creative, productive, and the best society on the planet.

I've heard my kids called niggars, I've seen them get bullied, I've seen a swarm of people come out to show disdain that I would raise my voice to protect them, I've heard the lies, the intentional misinformation, rejection by a group of never grew up high school "cool" kids, and the complete lack of regard for anything that smacks of honesty. So as a father of two mixed race black-Muslim kids....I love them with all my heart! As far as my religion goes...its none of your business unless I want to tell you! The same people who are talking about me and my children are the same people talking about the "Blacks of Detroit".  I want you to know I don't hate you. As a matter of fact, I love you because I know that such darkness isn't about me or my children or the "Blacks of Detroit"...its about you and how you feel about yourself! If you don't want to soil your hands by shaking mine....then make sure you only shake those who look like you and act like you because your world is small, narrow and unenlightened. I will continue to live my life and try and improve the world around me in the best way I can. Who is the better person?   No depends on your personal value system!

I will be talking more about these issues in the future as I encourage our government and local stakeholders to think about our future economy, lost human capital, and the values we hold as a nation. If we want to be a beacon of light that attracts international investment and opportunities for our kids (all our kids) then we will need to start acting that way! ๐Ÿ’“