Sunday, March 29, 2020

Webcam Michigan-Pure Michigan Steps Up Virtual Exploration

The State of Michigan is one of the world's most beautiful places with lots to offer for people who are into the outdoors. Its not practical for people to travel right now because of some of the risk factors associated with Covid-19. That doesn't mean peoples shouldn't let their brains explore the state through virtual views. Pure Michigan is offering something for you while your nestled up on couch trying to debate between reruns on Netflix or spending some time enjoying breathtaking scenery.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Video on the Bravery of Those Who Climbed and Ballooned Mount Everest

Throughout history there have been people who challenged society to do new and wonderful things. Things that most of us would shirk and shudder from because it is taking risks just for an idea and a dream. It is those symbols, dreams and hopes that continue push people forward to do things that are nearly impossible. People have scaled Mount Everest and they have endured and did it again. Many more have passed away in the attempt. As a human species we continue to overcome our environment and the brave souls continue to march to uncertain futures!

Most people will never understand the draw to challenge the possibilities while a few have something deep inside them that whispers, "Why aren't you there?" and "You can do this stuff!" Trips are not cheap ranging from 50K to 100+K and take years and months to prepare. Oxygen is a serious issue up there and preparation takes a long time. A small cough could end your trip. Some might not get medical or permits because lack of experience. I heard from a few climbers that K2 is even more crazy and difficult.

A really honest article on what its like from Daily Mail.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

How the Economy Might Change After COVID-19?

The business world and the economy are changing by the minute, perhaps by the second, as stock markets bounce and economic animal spirits come back to haunt the bull market. Market chaos seems to feel like the new "normal". As novel measures are enacted to create greater pressure to adapt telecommuting, online education and online shopping we may want to consider economic options to encourage rational optimism for when the crisis is over.  The COVID-19 and social distancing policies may have inadvertently lead us to the door of the Information Age, Big Data and the Digital Economy. As pressure mounts on existing structures our economic system might just tip toward the virtual and that in turn could alter some of our basic assumptions. New assumptions sometimes make older economic models obsolete and leaves the field open to new models. Lets look at a few ways the digital economy could impact us......

First lets us say that some level of evolutionary economics is going to occur. This means that the environment has fundamentally changed but our structures are functioning properly so they will adjust to meet the new environment (A little bumpy ride). Because we are testing and putting pressures on these new structures they will adapt along with the companies that use them. There are times when chaos (Chaos Theory) leads to new ways of doing things based on shifted underlining structures....
While we might not be able to control the "uncontrollable" but we ARE able to control how we deal with it. "We can't control the winds but we can adjust our sails" Finding our bearings, plotting a novel course and giving others a point of sale raises our pride. I wonder which country will make it through the transition first? Crack of sails nods destiny.

This article is part of context for research on Transactional Economic Clusters that may (or not 😣) contribute to a body of knowledge on viable economic models. You can read more about it HERE.

Related articles economy:

Gary Cohn says the US is in a recession that will cost ‘trillions’ as unemployment ‘skyrockets’

Coronavirus spreads, raising threat of global economic depression

Job losses could quickly soar into the millions as coronavirus craters U.S. economy

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Scientists Can Submit COVID-19 Papers to World Health Organization (WHO) Database

The World Health Organization (WHO) created a database that researchers that can upload papers, partial papers, and pre-print papers for other scientists to read and explore solutions. In crisis situations it is important to open the lines of communication to fellow scientists on a global scale in an effort to gain a broad understanding quickly.

As of yet no one has a solution but encouraging people who studied similar phenomenon to upload their papers goes a long way (for successful and unsuccessful studies). It is an attempt to collect all current peer-reviewed studies on COVID-19 and make them searchable.

Science can sometimes be chaotic and at times researchers explore hunches to find new connections that lead to solutions. The good news is that the database seems to have enough capabilities to be useful and lead to categorization of information. Categories with lots of data allow for us to think along the lines of variables and testing.

More impressive is that scientists are throwing their work up their with little or no concern for copy-write issues! If you know scientists and professors they are somewhat secretive of their ground breaking work. In this case they are pulling together to get the job done as a scientific community!

Within a short time span they created a budding body of knowledge.

There may be a few biologists, researchers and others that may have something to contribute. Here is the WHO site.....

Lap Swimming Pool Closed? Jump into the Deep Blue!

Body Glove summer suit and quick dry shoes.
The pools are closed and you feel lost because your normal appetite for lap swimming isn't quenched ( can get addicting!). Hot showers, tip toe warm pools, time clocks in every direction, and modern poolside conveniences like towel service are for the socially conscious swimmer. Outdoor swimming and all its panoramic view is for adventurists who likes rugged inconveniences! Go the "old fashion" way...the way great grandpa and grandma did it! Go jump in a lake!

After the first 30 seconds of agonizing "wake up" shocks as your body plunges into the deep blue you will come to realize how spoiled you were back at the "spa"!  Maybe you will also come to gain a greater sense of how important it is now and in the future to protect our environment.

We probably don't need to discuss much about the health benefits of lap swimming because if you are reading this you likely found it by key words. In short, swimming is one of  the best sports one could engage in for overall health. It impacts your entire body, improves your cardiovascular system and shreds fat! Moving on......

Swimming outdoor burns even more calories! It not only requires a higher level of effort dealing with bouncing waves and pulling currents but also pushes you to become comfortable with the uncomfortable. Likewise because you are maintaining your core temperature in cold water (I mean very cold water!😬) your body will burn additional calories!

While doing a rustic plunge has its advantages for health and aesthetic sights there are some precautions you should take before going natural with your workouts. This is even more important with people who are not accustomed to being outdoors and the fickle personality of Mother Nature. Swim with either a wet suit or a flotation device until you get familiar with your own abilities and your new swimming grounds. I once saw a surfer get swept back out by a rip tide he was crossing over. Fortunately, he was a strong swimmer and knew what he was doing but you may not.

Be safe out there......

Saturday, March 14, 2020

CDC Announces Chart For People To Determine Cold or COVID-19

You have the sniffles and you wonder if you have the COVID-19. Not all of us really know so following the chart helps us sort it out. When you first notice you are getting a fever and coughing a lot you may want to don a mask. They are only about 70% effective but using masks to cover your mouth if your in public can go a long way. No one needs 40 large packs of masks. You can reuse them for the most part until they break. Being a "hoarder" is going to cause more harm than good. Save masks for people who have colds and those who have to work with the elderly.

Friday, March 13, 2020

President Donald Trump Declares an National Emergency COVID-19

President Trump announced emergency measures designed to improve response effectiveness, new temporary powers HHS, additional resources, and maximum flexibility. Encouraging telehealth, speeding up testing, FDA streamlining, new tests, better information, etc... You can listen/watch to  below...