Monday, May 21, 2018

The Simple Three Fs to Fitness and Weight Loss

Image result for fitnessPeople think that weight loss and health are extremely difficult and that it is nearly impossible. It isn't but we get confused by all the different articles, supplements, gimmicks, false information, body builder posts and much more. There are only three F's to Fitness. 

Fitness: Cardio and weights help reduce fat and improve muscle tone. Early morning workouts have better effects than evening workouts. Make healthy choices like walking and biking to work.

Food: Increase protein, fiber, vegetables, fruits and reduce sugary foods, sugary drinks, carbs and transfats. It is about making many small choices that lead to a better diet.

Feeling: If you feel good you will be more active and lose more weight. You will have high self-confidence. Exercise, activity, and feeling good all go together.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Traveling? Try Traveling Yoga

Successful Guerrilla Marketing Methods by Being Extraordinary and Surprising

Small and medium businesses sometimes use guerrilla marketing methods in an effort to attract new customers. These methods often include public displays and activities in places where people congregate. According to a review of successful companies the use of extraordinary and interesting & surprising works well (Onurlubas, 2017).

Extraordinary: Something beyond expectations and into the ma-mouth that is unusual and unexpected.

Interesting and Surprising: It must be interesting and exciting for people to watch.

People should remember these campaigns so they can be remembered and shared among others. If it is something that pulls people out of their daily grind it will have accomplished these two aspects. More importantly, having them remember the product and find some interest in it through sharing their likes is helpful.

Onurlubas, E. (2017). A research on the determination of consumer perceptions related to guerrilla marketing methods: Sample of Izmir...Emerging Markets Journal, 7 (1).

5 Tips for Managing Change and Resistors!

Change is a constant for a business. If it isn't then you have a problem and your company will soon be irrelevant. Change comes with resisters who are not necessarily opposed to the change itself but changing their work habits. There are five ways to encourage people to join up with change (Armbruster, Moran & Beitshe, 2013).

1. Speak to Loss: Discuss the necessity of change and why the organization must move in a certain direction. Making known the risks of not doing so is important.

2.Get them On Board: Get people on board and removing those who refuse to join up. Successful change requires participation.

3. Skin in the Game: Get people involved and let them own it. Hand out tasks and make them owners.

4. Humor: Lighten the mood with a little humor. Not everything needs to be stone cold serious.

5. Celebrate Success: Recognize people and celebrate changes as they occur.

Armbruster, S., Sonja, M. & Beitsch, L. (2013). Change resistors: people who block change initiatives and 5 tips to overcome resistance. Journal of public health management and practice, 19 (5). 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Decision Making Logic Used by Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs have a hard time making decisions that improve their outcomes. Many start out without much knowledge in business and when they are faced with tough choices they don't know what to do or where to go. According to an analysis of 385 decision events they found that effectuation and causation logics dominated the entrepreneurs decision models (Reymen,et. al 2017).

What is a decision logic? It is a methodology people use to make decisions about events where they may not have all of the information. With limited information people have to use a methodology.

Effectuation Logic: The logic incorporates concepts of self and their abilities to make decisions. They also may focus on losses vs. profits, find collaborators to reduce risk, understanding contingencies, seek to control factors that impact the future.

Causation Logic: Try and see the relationships between what causes another. If they do A they are hope to have B happen.

You may find that entrepreneurs are not just poking into the night to find success. They have a logic that allows them to look at themselves, their current situation, abilities, collaborators and possibilities to make decision. The ultimate goal is to reduce risk and increase reward.

Reymen, et. al. (2017). Decision making for business model development: A process study of effectuation and causation in new... R&D Management, 47 (4).

Friday, May 18, 2018

5 Online Marketing Methods Used by Successful Companies

Businesses are seeking to create avenues of reaching customers online. They often try a variety of different methods. However, there are five methods most businesses use to improve their e-retailer strategies (Li, 2013). As their competitors use one strategy they may invest more heavily in another but all five have benefits.

The five strategies include:

Online Marketing: The usu of key terms, SEO and online marketing services.

Social Medial Marketing: Using common social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and More.

Customer Relationship Management: Keeping in constant contact with customers and understanding their needs.

Affiliate Marketing: Using others to help market your business.

Word of Mouth: Trying to spread the word online and physically among social networks.

Li, Z. (2013).  E-Retailer's Technology Strategy for Implementing Online Marketing.  Applied Mechanics and Materials,Volume 427-429

Awe and Anger Drive Viral Marketing

Companies engage in the online marketing world seek to create viral messages that will be passed on the Internet form user to user to create a broader reach. It can be difficult to determine what makes something viral and what doesn't. Research indicates that viral marketing is driven by physiological arousal and emotion (Berger & Milkman, 2012).

The study found that users who viewed media that cause high arousal states such as positive awe or negative anger shared the media more often.

On the flip side, those media pieces that led to sadness were less shared by others.

What this tells us is that companies should create awe inspiring media driven by magnificence or focus on things that really anger people.

Not all things work well for all types of industries. For example, a company may have fall out trying to produce anger so would be best focusing on create awe. At the same time, non-profits and advocacy groups might be better served by anger motivations that push people to act and get involved. 

Berger, J. & Milkman, K. (2012). What makes online content viral? Journal of Marketing Research, 49 (2).