Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Smell of the Ocean

There is something about the ocean that draws people back again and again. It doesn't matter if you are surfing, sailing, lounging, dinning or just staring into the horizon. The ocean is a remarkable world that covers most of our planet. While human kind lives and dies by the ocean many people have never seen it.

The other day I went surfing and jogged the ocean. It gave me piece of mind as I connected closer to nature. The crashing waves, the sun, and the smell is a natural aphrodisiac. There are few places better.

It is also one of the reasons why people pay so much to live by the ocean. If you have a balcony that faces the sunset you will be paying a premium but your life becomes integrated into this world.

Places like San Diego offer so many ocean attractions that it continues to swell beyond its capacity to hold that many people. Housing continues to rise and push out people of modest incomes.

I spend as much time as I can on the ocean and engage in lots of amazing activities.  From sailing to kayaking I have found that my place is in the outdoors. It is a lifestyle that offers more than sun basking and into actually earning your clam chowder meal.

Developing Cross Functional Teams

Cross functional teams are dependent on the type of people you select and the goals you have in mind. Making sure your cross functional teams have the right people is important. It isn't cost effective or wise to add a lot of people from various departments that don't have a direct impact on your success. Whether you are processing a new product or service you will need a team that can help you get from point A to Z.

Consider the general needs of the team to create your new product or service. There may be a need for designers, engineers, marketing managers, purchasing representatives, etc... Your team should be based on creating a successful launch.

You may not need everyone right away. During the initial product development stages you may not need everyone right away. Instead you may want to include people that are more focused on the creation aspect in the initial stages, manufacturing in the second stages and sales in their final stages.

Furthermore, you should consider having a few key people such as project managers throughout all the stages that understand how the entire product will move throughout the process. Having such people ensure that information isn't lost in any of the transitional stages.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Focus Your Efforts and Work for Greater Productivity

Sometimes we get lost in the weeds of work and life and we aren't as focused as we should be. It is those little annoying distractions like grocery shopping, paying bills, etc... that sort of take us away from the tasks we should be working on. However, if we put things in proper perspective and "clean" out those things that don't add value or don't contribute to our life in some way we can create a happier lifestyle.

As we focus you will find that some things won't be as important as others. Time is limited and how we spend our time will impact how we live our lives. If we spend time on activities we don't enjoy or don't contribute in some way then we not feel fulfilled.

Its hard to determine what is of value to us and what isn't. This is a personal question you have to answer for yourself. What your neighbor finds of value you may not and visa versa.

In the end, it will be how you spent your time and how you live your life that will count. Sometimes, the only thing you have is your memories.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't do activities that help you make money and life a good life. You need to take care of your future so work will definitely be on your priority list. As much as you can you should maximize your income up to a point.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Stocks Down on Possible Chinese Telecommunications Restrictions

Dow Jones declined 174 points on worries over telecommunications restrictions on Chinese companies selling within the U.S. The stock market is like a roller coaster when small changes in strategies lead to bumps and burps in the market. The overall trends often stay the same but the day changes are what put many executives on the edge of their seats.

If I was an investor, assuming I had money like some do, I wouldn't worry about day bumps. My concern would be more about long-term trends in the market. If industries are changing and some companies are being pushed out that would make me concerned.

It would also be important to see what the companies plans and trends are. If they don't have a solid plan to introduce new products and services that will improve their financial performance they are likely to suffer in the long run.

Equally beneficial is to not put all your money into one place. You want to hedge with industries in different sectors. Especially those that are known to work independently of each other. Some may decline while others rise creating security.

Rover.com and How Well They Treated My Pup

Image result for puppiesI recently traveled to New Orleans for a conference. Not sure where to put my pup I called a number of kennels. They were extremely expensive. Likewise, the hotel wanted $50 a night which is what I might spend for myself when just trying to get from point a to point b. One of the kennels suggested I try Rover.com.

Taking my time to look up the site and join for free I searched out two possible candidates that said they would accept my pouch. It was kind of nice because they contained reviews and comments by other people.

When engaging with the sitters I could text either via my phone or the site and it would record on the site. Communication was easy it put me to rest that I could contact the sitter at any time.

The first lady I signed up with got in an accident and was injured a week or so before the actual visit. Frustrating as it was Rover offered to help me find another sitter. Because I had a backup I didn't need it and they provided a $20 discount.

Ranging from $20 to $30 a night it was more affordable than the kennels or keeping the dog in the hotel. Its a puppy not an elephant!

My second contact Chris was fantastic. He took the dog with some care, sent me pictures everyday, and when I needed an extra day at the conference he didn't have a problem at all.

All the payments were made through the system which lowered the need to worry about money. As a matter of professionalism, I offered to pay Chris cash for the last day and he went and put it on the system because he wasn't sure he could do that.

Retrieving my pup 4 days later I found him in good health and spirits. Obviously he was well taken care of. Because he was still relatively young he was only partially potty trained. A week after receiving him I realized my little pouch was fully trained. Apparently Chris did some extra work Pro Bono!!!

Why Some Entrepreneurs Fail?

Being an entrepreneur is exciting. They create a product and start selling. Sometimes they are very successful in the beginning and then fail in the end. There are three major reasons why they fail and this includes lack of diversification, business knowledge, and enthusiasm.

Diversification: Having one great product that sells is fantastic but eventually you will need to include additional products if you want to keep selling. One hit wonders almost always lose consumer interest at some point.

Business Knowledge: You have to be a little glossy eyed to be an entrepreneur. Most enter without knowing much about how to actually run a business. Some pick it up as they go while others get lost in the process.

Enthusiasm: When you first start you are very enthusiastic but eventually doing the same thing everyday can wear on you. You will need to find ways to keep the enthusiasm going if you want to be successful.

Simple Boating and Camping Mediterranean Tuna Pasta

When out camping and boating you don't have a lot of ability to complete cooking. You can't carry much stuff with you so it is a benefit to prepare in advance. You only need some hot water to make this recipe.

1/2 lb penne pasta
3 oz parmesan cheese
12 green olives
1 garlic pieces
1 tsp crushed red chilles
1 can tuna
1 lemon
1/4 pine nutes
salt and pepper.

Put the past in one bag and the seasoning in another. You can carry the can of tuna with you. Boil the pasta and put the rest in the bowl. You are done.