Monday, April 16, 2018

Little Things That Help Brand Cities-Remembering the Trolley!

There are little things that are functional and help cities gain a reputation. For example, New Orleans and food & culture or San Francisco and the Trolley. To some it may not make much difference but you will often find these symbols plastered all over billboards, advertisements and media. Eventually, they become tied to the identity of the place.

I think of trolleys and immediately the images of San Francisco or New Orleans pops up. Somewhere along the line I encoded theses images and when they are recalled they are connected to oceans, floods, Blues music, sour dough bread, and shrimp! Two different places connected by a trolley in my mind.

So trolleys can help put flavor on an existing brands but may not be the only differentiation. The totality of images, impressions, and cultural feel will create a theme of which trolleys fit like to create a "scene".  So when I think of New Orleans there are a number of images all connected together through my five senses and the way information is coded.

Hiking while Traveling-Enjoy New Scenic Routes

Hiking gives you the chance to enjoy the outdoors and see the world in its natural form. Some people live for the benefits of hiking and exploration. They can't wait to get out of the office and make their way to the closest hiking trails they can find.

To me I enjoy traveling, fitness, and the outdoors so hiking while traveling shoots multiple birds with one stone. Sometimes gyms are hard to find when traveling and it makes sense to go to the park and get either a speed walk or hike in. Just make sure you got good shoes that will do both!

A couple of helpful tips while traveling:

1. Google maps will show you all the trails and parks.
2. Use shoes that can be used in the gym, walking, or hiking.
3. Throw a pair of sweatpants in your car.
4. Keep your phone fully charged if you don't know the trials.
5. Some morning go to the gym and some out hiking.
6. If your driving an hour hike can break up your day.
7. Use hiking as another travel enjoyment to see the countryside.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Why are Wages Not Growing with the Economy?

It would seem from a traditional economics approach that as economic activity speeds up, and unemployment lowers, that wages should rise. This is true in theory but it isn't true in today's world. Productivity rises but wages rise much less. People who are working hard and worth a lot are paid much lower for their labor. As a matter of point, peoples wages are generally declining over time and being eaten up by inflation. So there is something wrong....but it may not be easy to explain.

Corporate profits are up so this doesn't make a lot sense that workers wages are not also up. Sometimes companies make so much money they take it and invest it overseas in order to avoid paying taxes. Of course, those companies have no moral qualms about leaving the country and ditching their loyalties when the accountants can shave another percentage or two of profit by doing so.

.....kind of makes you wonder about the type of people donating to political campaigns and what they are expecting that money will buy them.

I read this article that was thought provoking. I'm not pro labor, or pro corporate, as much as I am pro-American. Businesses and employees should profit together and when they don't there is misalignment of values. Someone feels more entitled and doesn't see the rest of Americans as worthy as they see themselves. I have seen time and time again inner circles of executives enrich each other and create opportunities that more deserving people don't have access to.

Many times companies would rather destroy themselves than allow new blood with new ideas.

You make your own judgement about the article.....How the American economy conspires to keep wages down

Reducing Stress and Improving Flexibility Between Workouts!

Putting your muscles under constant stress leads to soreness and can raise your stress levels. It doesn't make sense does it? However, as you tear your muscles for growth your body will draw resources and you will feel a little sore and tired. To counter this, while still improving your fitness level, you can engage in yoga and stress reduction at the same time! These type of routines are great a few hours before sleeping to settle you down and get the blood moving freely throughout your body!

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Language Truth and Logic by Alfred Jules Ayer

I had the delight of reading Language Truth and Logic by Alfred Jules Ayer to come to the insight that the language we use is direct reflection on how we think. If you truly want to understand someone you only need to listen and sometimes ask questions. We can assess the quality of a persons thinking, their knowledge base and their use of logic in reasoning.

Likewise, the book seeks to discredit in some ways intuition and focuses more on an empirical method of understanding. A often focuses on a priori understanding as not worthy of philosophy and seeks more to make a case for direct experience through our senses.

The book definately fits within our current perception of science and how ways of knowing can be measured and understood. However, one may make the argument that there are periods before our ability to measure a concept that we "know" something and are forming an understanding of it.

This is drawn from experience and the ability of our brains to understand the world around them. It would be pretty difficult to have a scientific breakthrough if all things need to be measured right away. Instead I would say that knowledge and experience can lead to leaps in mental creativity that can later be measured for accuracy. As a discussion of language and logic the book is pretty good but a little boring to the average reader.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Boxing Distance Is Important for Maximum Impact

The distance between the person and their opponent is important for maximum force. Just before full extension of the arm is where the most power is earned and received. That isn't always possible when in a match because one must vary their distance and power for maximum impact. However, trying to gain a few properly distanced punches will help you expend less effort and gain momentum.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Reforming Higher Education to Reduce Income Inequality

Higher education is an important aspect of living a full life with a living income. Education is starting to define the rich and the poor. The need for higher education is increasing with 85% of new jobs needing some form of higher education. That means there will be those who can and those who can't find meaningful work if we don't consider overhauling higher education.

We are sort of stuck in the past. We love large physical libraries, big sports teams, dormitories, and the total college experience. I miss those days as well but the world has changed. There will be a lot more people who need to update their skills and won't have the luxury of leaving their jobs or paying the big price tag.

A pretty good article came out on debt and the need for reform.