Monday, March 5, 2018

The Book Theory and Reality by Peter Godfrey-Smith

Last week I got done reading the book Theory and Reality which went through the introduction to the philosophy of science. I must say that it is a great book and people who are trying to learn about science and study science should read it. Unlike many other books it provides for a broader knowledge of the context and type of thinking associated with science.

Concepts like empiricism, naturalism, and scientific revolution. You will also find subjective interpretation, empiricism, Bayesianism, Kuhn, Logic and history. Mostly the book will put the different manners of viewing and seeing science and observation into a larger picture.

Sometimes we learn about the method and the overall process of designing experiments but we don't always have the large background knowledge needed to contextualize such information. It is important here because in research one has to be familiar with the methodology to better manage data and observation.

 It is kind of a long book but the author does a pretty good job of explaining the concepts in a way that builds off of each other. I think I gained a few IQ points by reading it. It helped me put together all of these different pieces of philosophy and science into a better framework.

The Benefits of University-Business Researcher Partnerships

University research is helpful in improving the overall innovative potential of the economy and improve the functioning of businesses. Not all businesses engage in this type of collaboration but it does have a benefit for both the business and the university.

1. The business is able to use experts to resolve problems and investigate issues. Many businesses don't have the ability to conduct research but can partner will universities to get this work competed.

2. It provides an additional revenue stream for the university. The university can gain additional funds and support by conducting research into important issues for companies.

3. It improves the research capacity of the university by improving facilities and hiring full-time researchers that often leads to more STEM professionals.

4. New knowledge spill over into the market and can sometimes transform that market. Economic benefits arise from university research.

5. New knowledge learned through university research can make its way into classrooms and programs.

6. Research is not limited to hard science but could include marketing, psychology, sociology, telecommunications, etc...

Greater collaboration between universities and business partners can improve overall innovation in society, enhance economic development, and improve up on the bottom line of universities and the cutting edge knowledge they offer.

The Aims of Renegotiating NAFTA

NAFTA, North American Free Trade Agreement, has been on the minds of many Republicans and a number of Democrats as well. While not a bi-partisan issue it does have the eyes and ears of many. The current administration is seeking to renegotiate the terms of NAFTA to make it more fair to American businesses.

The details are still sketchy but what they are discussing is the need to ensure companies don't leak to the south (Mexico) in search of cheap labor. Likewise law makers will want to ensure that more manufacturing is centered within the U.S. as well as protect against issues related to copywrite/patent violations and product "dumping".

I'm a believer, through my own research, that international trade is an absolute must and that trade agreements and treaties are an important part of ensuring American businesses have what they need to manufacture products and have receptive countries that are willing to import our products.

Access to materials and open boarders allows for the two way street needed to enhance local production. As an emerging advanced economy we need cheap quality materials to build new and exciting products as the highest value is not often in the mining process but the creation and production process.

Furthermore, our trade agreements should ensure that our products can be sold in any of our partnering countries without penalties. It isn't enough anymore to produce products for American consumers and a global agenda is needed.

Whatever the actual outcome there should be three focuses

-Access to markets
-Cheap materials and capital
-Protections from copying and dumping

Fitness Boxing as a New Trend

Fixing boxing is growing as a trend that is swelling many MMA and boxing gyms around the country. The difference is that people don't want to engage in the head trauma and knockout blows boxers have become accustomed with. They do want to train like professional boxers but in a non-contact manner.

Another fun sport of mine is boxing and kickboxing. The training can be rigorous if you are willing to really engage with it. However, like me many are likely to do it as part of a more relaxed fitness routine.

Boxing has some advantages that include total body fitness, self-defense and confidence.

While boxing often improves upper body strength the overall fitness routine includes crunches, weight management, crawls and much more.

Self-defense is a natural aspect of the boxing. As one engages in the sport they will learn to use their body mechanics, arms and basic blocks well.

Confidence comes from a new healthy lifestyle as well as the ability to defend yourself when necessary. There is less fear of others and a more willingness to be genuine.

China Cuts Taxes to Stop Capital Flight to the U.S.

Taxes in China can be a whooping 45% and this is causing capital flight to the U.S. As an American I think that this is great news as more capital here often means more investment, better business growth and more jobs. However, China is not willing to allow this money to leave without a fight. They are simplifying their tax code and seeking to retain some of that money.

While tax reform is occurring they are likely to implement other programs that encourage capital to stay within the country. Not sure what those are yet but they will likely revolve around create incentives and punishments.

Recent tax reductions in the U.S. make the country a little more competitive and are taking a toll on growing economies like China. The question is, "in the long run will we see a net positive increase of investment in the U.S. from many different countries?"

No one knows for sure but my suspicion is that we will. If China is having some problems with capital flight there is likely an increased percentage of capital outflow from other nations as well. Perhaps as not as much as from China but enough to make a difference. If this outweighs the cost of lower near term tax revenue in the U.S. that is great.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Experience and Motivations are Tied in Outdoor Tourism Marketing

Many of us love the outdoors and enjoy engaging with wildlife. Much of my life I have loved the outdoors and tried to live part of my life there. We find that as the outdoor recreational opportunities improve there will also be a need to understand what motivates people to love the outdoors and how to market to them.

According to a study in the Journal of Vacation Marketing people who have positive outdoor experiences also begin to choose outdoor activities as part of their vacation (Ansan & Emeksiz, 2018). They enjoy creating experiences through choosing vacations that have an outdoor component.

We should not forget that experience is partly associated with our sensations and how we feel. Therefore, when marketing to such individuals it is important to create vivid imagery with positive emotions in order to tap those memories in a positive way.

Such emotions create motivation to purchase tickets, make vacation plans and continue to engage in the outdoor world. Marketing to this group can be improved when help people connect to nature through outdoor adventures, positive experiences, and engaging vividry. Showing engaging happy people experiencing something new for the first time helps attract people who have a history of outdoor discovery and enjoyment.

Ansan, K. & Emeksiz, M. (2018). Outdoor recreation participants’ motivations, experiences and vacation activity preferences. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 24 (1).

Unpaid Training in Higher Education

You apply for an adjunct job and you get selected to go through their "free" training. However, free isn't really free because it costs the instructor something in terms of time and energy. They move through the process and you spend 20 hours a week for a few weeks passing the training and moving into the pool.

What happens next?

No work and no training pay. You are simply put within the pool in case they have some need. They need more faculty in their pool but there never really was a pressing need in the first place.

You might say that the training costs them money. It does and there may be some small benefit of going through the training but in many cases that cost is minimal once the modules have been created. For the worker, they just did labor without pay.

What if they paid minimal wage during this training? In this case they would only put people in the pool once they have a need. The workers would receive at least some small pay, much less than they are actually worth, but there would less taking advantage of these workers.

More and more schools are relying on adjunct workers because there is no obligation beyond the initial 6 or 16 week contract and they need not pay any benefits. However, this isn't really fair to the faculty who are finding their pay dwindle and their job security shrink.