Friday, December 22, 2017

Life Expectancy Declines by 2 Years because of Opioid Addiction

Life expectancy declines 2 years based on Opioid overdose and addiction. The new information helps show how we should restrict such usage to those who need them but not over prescribe them for pain. People turning to alternative sources are becoming addicted.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Spruce Offers a List of Online Adjunct Faculty Positions

Online teaching is a way of life and faculty are often looking for online adjunct teaching jobs. Often we become familiar with a few websites but skip out on many of the other great websites that give you opportunities. I came across this site and I think you would enjoy it as well. There are lots of online faculty jobs you may enjoy here.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Are there really UFOs on our Planet from a Scientific Standpoint?

Are UFO's possible from a scientific standpoint? I'm not much of a UFO guy but I do enjoy the probabilities of science. An interesting video was released that seem to show something we don't quite understand. Is it a UFO? No one really knows because we were not able to capture it and take a closer look. From a scientific standpoint there is just something of interest and a very rough piece of evidence but without closer observation and detailed analysis one cannot rule out that it came from other sources. What if another country built it? What if some genius in his basement built an advanced drone but we are unaware? A multitude of questions have not been answered.

However, we can say for sure that alien life does exist in one form or another. We have seen these remnants on other planets and found them attached to our space stations.  Likely another reason why some governments are pushing for stronger space programs. Most of these discoveries are only about simple organisms and have not been fully studied. It is actual alien life but not the type that would get the average person very excited!

We also have the chance to discuss probability. If chance of life on another planet is one in a trillion then it is believed that advanced life has existed at least a billion times already.  Because the universe is estimated to be around 10 billion years old, not like anyone really knows no how many numbers we throw at it, then many of these existing civilizations may have already passed away. There just isn't any evidence or proof because we are limited in our space exploration abilities.

So is this video is proof?

Not really. It only opens the door to additional questions from a scientific standpoint. To know for sure would mean we would need to test and manipulate what we found. A grainy video only gives us a direction to look at but doesn't provide enough information to show anything conclusively other than there is something that can move quickly across the surface of the earth. Additional videos and observations would be needed to show additional information. Once that occurs, we would need to see one in real life and be able to "play with it" to determine precisely where the materials and technology came from.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Economic Investment and Growth Through Marketing and Brand Management

As the world changes and becomes more integrated American businesses will need to improve and adapt their marketing techniques in order to reach different peoples from different places with different backgrounds. Furthermore, such regions that brand their image will not only help raise their local businesses global reach but also encourage greater investment in their area.

While companies continue to seek out new marketing opportunities to expand their reach local governments don't often think on this level. The process of creating a brand relies on the ability of local governments to think like businesses with their product being its current infrastructure, peoples, and local businesses. As they learn to master marketing techniques they will find their areas attracting clusters of businesses.

Thriving localities want to be known international to have the draw that is needed to improve their economic growth. An investor seeking to put money into self-driving cars should immediately think of Detroit or an investor thinking of putting money into biotechnology should think of San Diego. The brand of an area has actual value on the market in the same way as it does for companies.

Brand and Growth: The brand of each area should be focused on those key ideas that lead to growth. For example, Silicon Valley and technology, San Diego and Biotechnology and Detroit and innovative automotive industries. Such brands attract new investments when these industries are vibrant.

International Marketing: We no longer live in a domestic world and advertising location branding as well as advertising of products/services should adapt to new market realities. There will need be more sophistication in reaching different peoples, cultures and places.

Macro Trending and Big Data: Marketing in multiple international locations also means that companies will need to crunch data. Sophistication of market analysis techniques and technology will grow to find both individual and large market trends that help companies improve their current marketing practices.

Online Marketing: Because international marketing is difficult, expensive and clunky in traditional formats online marketing will continue to grow to meet emerging growth in mobile technology and Internet access.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

What is a Corporate Silo? How to Break Them?

Silos can limit cross-functional decision making and allow inefficiencies to creep in. Silos occur when departments don't communicate well with each other limiting their overall ability to function as a single business entity. The more barriers that are created, typically the more inefficient the business. At the core issue of silo creation is often the leadership team and their desire to create their own fiefdoms.

It is natural that as people rise in position they seek more control and additional opportunities to choose their own courses of actions. The department becomes an extension of its senior management. If the wrong tone and culture arises it can limit the interaction between the departments.

Limited information sharing leads to decisions within isolation. That means decisions won't be well thought out or take into consideration the skills, needs and abilities of other departments. The organization slowly looses its ability to compete against others that have more efficient operations and ability to share information and resources.

This is something that can be fixed but it takes some thoughtfulness by key leaders. Each company has their own unique challenges and will have to cater their turnaround efforts based on the uniqueness of the entity and the characteristics of their market.

1. Create cross-departmental teams: Teams from different departments will help ensure that core decisions such as product lines and general operations take into account other departments and the needs of the entire organization.

2. 360 Performance Appraisals: Cross department 360 performance appraisals for managers encourages them to work with other departments and be accountable to each other.

3. Total Management Compensation Packages: Part of key executive management should be based on how the entire company operates. Bonuses that are associated with the organizations health help them understand the need to take care of the entire organization.

4. Shake up the Core Team: Get rid of silo executives that refuse to work with others and find replacements that are more collaborative in nature.

5. Culture: Encourage and reward behaviors that work with others. Create an empowered egalitarian environment.

6. Revamp Processes: Revamp processes so that approvals of other departments that are impacted are needed. Make sure that processes make connections between departments.

7. Information Networks and Corporate Communication: Disseminate information to others and create communication networks based on cross-department needs.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

How Does Fed Interest Rate Hikes Affect You?

The Federal Reserve raised its benchmark interest rate a quarter point to a range of 1.25 to 1.5 percent. People often don't understand what impact this rate has to them and how it influences their pocket book. Furthermore, they don't understand how not raising this rate could also impact the cost of goods they buy. The interest rate is the main tool in the chest for government to control the economy.

The government uses the benchmark interest rate to speed up and slow down the economy. People often say, "Why would they want to slow down the economy?" They are not rich and feel the economy should go faster and create even more employment. This doesn't see the big picture.

As the interest rate rises it costs us more money to take loans for houses, education, cars, and credit cards. This means you will spend less and the economy will slow down. Often the savings rate will also rise and people will put more money in the bank than spend it. 

Slowing down the economy is about keeping inflation at bay. When the economy rises too quickly inflation raises the cost of your normal household goods and this leads to you loosing some of your income to the cost of groceries, gas, and other items you buy on a daily basis. Slowing down the economy means keeping those prices within a normal range so you can keep more of your money. 

When the economy isn't doing well and unemployment is high they can increase the economy by lowering the interest rate. Your housing, car, education and credit car loans go down and you are likely to take on more dept. Your purchasing behavior increases the amount of purchases in the economy and it speeds up. 

The problem today is that we are in a global society so these tools only "sort of" work. When we make borrowing cheaper most of us simply buy items from overseas making their economies wealthier and then taking on more debt for many things we probably don't need. We are not reaping the full benefit as a nation.

The Federal Reserve manipulates this rate to keep the economy moving forward at a reasonable rate so that inflation doesn't eat up your paycheck and economic growth continues. While the government has done an "ok" job at this it doesn't strike at the fundamental need to improve manufacturing in the U.S. so that more products are produced here and people buy from us in a way that truly helps both paychecks and lifestyles. 

Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN: 2395-6542)

Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN: 2395-6542)
CrossRef DOI: 10.15520
Call for Papers – December Issue – 2017
Authors are  invited to submit papers for the upcoming December  Issue – 2017
for online Submission visit online Submission or you can directly mail to   
The journal publishes research papers in the fields of humanities and social science such as anthropology, business studies, communication studies, corporate governance, criminology, crosscultural studies, demography, development studies, economics, education, ethics, geography, history, industrial relations, information science, international relations, law, linguistics, library science, media studies, methodology, philosophy, political science, population Studies, psychology, public administration, sociology, social welfare, linguistics, literature, paralegal, performing arts (music, theatre & dance), religious studies, visual arts, women studies and soon.   
Kind Regards
Chief Editor

Dr. Rathore P.