Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The 2018 International Conference on Industry, Business and Social Sciences

The 2018 International Conference on Industry, Business and Social Sciences (IBSS 2018)
22nd to 24th August 2018
Tokyo, Japan

Dear Colleagues,

Hi, this is IBSS Secretary - Ya-Jyun. We are pleased to announce that the 2018 International Conference on Industry, Business and Social Sciences (IBSS 2018) will take place at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan on August 22-24, 2018.

Based on the 2017 Tokyo International joint Conferences that had received 416 submissions from 45 countries, with an acceptance rate of approximately 75.72% and a registration rate of around 85.08% of the accepted papers, the 2018 Waseda Tokyo International joint Conferences thus are expected to attract more worldwide participants than that in 2017. IBSS is an international platform for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary research and practices in the fields of Industry, Business and Social Sciences. Therefore, during the three-day conference, all participants will have plenty of opportunities exchanging ideas, findings and the latest research results, engaging in many academic and industry events, and meeting peers from different countries. We believe participants can share their viewpoints from different perspectives and expose to the cross-domain communicating and learning atmosphere through the interdisciplinary joint conferences. For detailed information regarding IBSS 2018, please browse the official website which has been activated to the public since the early December, 2017.

Abstract/Paper Submission Due Date: April 10, 2018
Conference paper format: Please click Here

Sign Up and Submit Now

Notably, we will send all conference proceedings to ISI office to be possibly indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI). Please note that ISI office welcomes all submissions but there is no guarantee of inclusion in CPCI. Inclusion in CPCI is selective and competitive, while not all-inclusive.

Looking forward to seeing you at Waseda University in Tokyo.


David Ang, Ph.D.
Conference Chair of IBSS 2018
Coordinator of the AUM HBUE IS Degree Collaboration Program
Head and Professor of the Department of Information Systems
College of Business, Auburn University Montgomery, USA

Ta-Wei Hung, Ph.D.
Program Chair of IBSS 2018
Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology and Management
College of Management, Shih Chien University, Taiwan

Hirotaka Matsuoka, Ph.D.
Local Committee Chair of IBSS 2018
Professor, Faculty of Sports Sciences
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Why Research Takes Such a Long Time?

Research is a slow process of generating new knowledge that creates benefits in the market or for people's quality of life. Regurgitating old research is easy. You simply take what has already been discovered and repost it on the same lines as existing thinkers. New research requires a different type of skill that even some of the smartest people don't have

First there is a level of understanding of existing knowledge. This is the 10K hours rule. It takes about this much time to grasp what other experts are saying and create an unconscious understanding of the deeper mechanics of existing models.

One must then begin to experiment with existing knowledge to see what components fit together and what doesn't. Many times this starts with simple mental play and imagination to see new ways of using existing information. New models are formed as the pieces come together.

Upon generating a few new ideas it is important to actually try and connect the components and experiment on them to see if they are significant. Development of formal and informal mechanisms of test create an understanding through success and failure that new ways of doing thing are possible.

Once a tested model is created it is possible to have other people test it. Publication of ideas allows other researchers to see what was already has been tested and complete their own analysis and adjustments of the findings to create a growing, changing, and updating model. Those models that are successful will stick around for a long time.

It takes time to get the creative juices rolling and generate new ideas. It takes its own course and while you can speed and slow it sometimes it is based in how willing to brain is create new ideas. The testing itself takes time and the formation of new models also takes additional time. The process of science can be sped up with resources, manpower and lifestyle but there are limits. Changing paradigms happens with creative intelligence that run their own course.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Benefits and Detractors of Layers of Management

Layers of management often creep into businesses. While these can sometimes beneficial they do have detractors that take away from the functioning of business. There are times when such bureaucratic structure is helpful but as employees become more educated they will want additional abilities to make decisions that help their organizations.


-Structure: Highly structured environments that create chains of commands.
-Control: Structure creates control which are often beneficial in bureaucratic institutions.
-Promotions: Layers of management also create opportunities for promotions as the decision tree lengthens.


-Poor Decision Making: Decision making has too many hierarchical layers with each person adding and adjusting for their own needs.
-Lack of Empowerment: Employees don't sense the ability to take responsibility over issues.
-Demotivation: If others make all the decisions motivation decreases.
-Inability to Adjust: Layers of management make decisions slower and less likely to adjust to market needs.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Poem: Infinity of Knowledge Integration

Infinity of Knowledge Integration

When time and space are connected,
Our conscious accepts the new.

Each piece joins the rest,
Coordinating into a full view like a symphony.

Like a small morsel,
To a finished meal.

Creating new ideas and conclusions,
Integrating knowledge into one.

Over the horizon,
The heavens and earth become one.

Knowledge becomes insight,
Insight becomes wisdom.

Life will continue on,
but at a higher level of understanding.

Creating Export Clusters Through Export Environments

Export environments have characteristics that set them apart from other locations. To move products out of an area and to allow for resources needed for manufacturing to come in it will require infrastructure that moves resources as efficiently as possible. Infrastructure reduces costs for companies and helps to attract more manufacturing as clusters develops. The proper infrastructure, attracting new industries to create cluster growth, encouraging companies that produce products, and serving those products leads to creating a stronger export environment.

Export Infrastructure: Roads, Internet, ports, rails, highways, and electrical grid all contribute to the ability to exports. Products must move quickly and efficiently to export locations and sent overseas. Any delays or bottlenecks in these systems are seen as time and money wasting for industries. When companies evaluate an area they will seek understanding of the infrastructure and how it contributes to their profit margins.

Attracting Industries into Clusters: Cities will need to actively seek out investment by international and domestic companies that are producing goods for the global market. Some of this cluster growth is through brand awareness of the city's benefits, infrastructure improvements and environmental/tax structures.

Export Oriented Manufacturing: Industries should be export oriented to dominate the global market. American businesses should be able to products with higher quality and progressive pricing in order to dominate the market. While domestic producing companies are highly beneficial an export orientation will need to move these products overseas.

Enhancing value through Global Service: Raising value of products also means providing the service quality of a demanding customer from a global perspective. Returns, questions, concerns, and protections are part of raising products value. American businesses that work in a global market will need to support their products so that the "guarantee"' of their quality is high.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Most Common Online Marketing Methods

Online marketing dominates the market. There are numerous methods companies use to get the word out about their products and services. Using the right one to reach your target market can make a big difference is whether or not you are using your resources wisely.

The most common online marketing methods are below (Minculete & Chisega-Negrila, 2014):

Search Engine Marketing: The method of data collection, search software, and categorization of information. This is the bones behind the Internet.

Email Marketing: The collection of emails and dissemination of information using this medium.

Viral Marketing: Creating content that users will willingly pass onto their social networks.

Affiliated Marketing: Displaying a company’s banner and advertisements on sites for additional revenue. Most people know this as Google Adwords and similar type programs.

Internet Advertising: The process of creating advertisements and purchasing places and locations in high traffic areas and sites.

Web-logs: The use of blogs to create content that draws search engine and user interest.

Social Networks: The social media networks that try and engage physical and virtual communities.

Online Reputation Management: The use of reputation management to ensure one’s online image is strong.

Mobile Internet: Using personal products, cell phones, tablets, etc… to reach customers. This is common in the applications and music download industry. Newer technology includes streaming.

Web Communities: Marketing within chat rooms and forums.

Webcasting: Creating videos and other advertisements that can be posted on Youtube and other areas to draw interest.

Each of the tools has different levels of effectiveness and rates of return on investment. All of the tools funnel people to a website or brick-n-mortar business that can create an exchange of money and product/service. How a website is designed based upon the target culture can have an impact on conversion and sales (St. Amant, 2006). Such websites should consider the placement of functionality such as hyperlinks, text, pictures, search functions, e-commerce buttons, etc...

Minculete, G. & Chisega-Negrila, M. (2014). Online marketing. Challenges and opportunities for the military higher education. Journal of Defense Resources Management, 4 (2).

St. Amant, K. (2005). A prototype theory approach to international web site analysis and design. Technical communication quarterly, 14 (1).

4 Things Professors Should Be Doing

There are four things that professors should be continuously engaged in which include teaching courses, research, writing/community engagement, and current events. The primary job of professors is to share new knowledge. They must understand, generate, and share their knowledge with students. Professors are thinkers by nature and the process of creation takes a different route than traditional jobs and should be encouraged among universities in order to improve the total quality of knowledge output. 1. Teaching Courses: Teaching courses helps professors understand what is being taught to students and adjust that knowledge when it becomes stale. Teaching is the primary purpose of professors as they are able to transfer knowledge from one generation to the next. 2. Research: Developing knew knowledge helps increase the abilities from one generation to another and fosters greater innovation. An important function of universities is to generate new knowledge that leads to industry change. 3. Writing and Community Engagement: Engaging in the community and writing helps professors enact change through greater awareness of how thing could be and how they should be done. It is a process of educating the public. 4. Current events: Reading journals, the news , and connecting to industries leads to an understanding of the problems society faces as well as the specific problems of their chosen fields of study.