Thursday, December 7, 2017

What Managers can Learn from the Philosopher Nagel on Objective Performance Management

Managers have a responsibility of objectivity when it comes to management of employees and the daily functioning of their departments. Being emotionally wrapped into the the daily conversations of employees or taking wildly emotional stances not based in sound business logic does not help in growing a successful business. Learning to objective means stepping back from the daily bustle and learn to observe and see the big picture.

Erwin Schrodinger restates some of Nagel's beliefs in What is Life? (1944) stating "moderately satisfying picture of the world has only been reached at the high price of taking ourselves out the picture, stepping back into the role of the non-concerned observer." According to Erwin one comes to higher knowledge and general satisfaction by not being dipped head first into the daily bustle.

We learn from our senses but we interpret from our impressions and mental constructions. Knowing that one's immediate beliefs are not the truest interpretation opens up the possibility to see the world from a new perspective. Philosophy teaches us that by stepping back and taking a bigger view we gain performance perspectives.

Stepping Back: Stepping back means not engaging in the employee gripes, fights, and arguments. The daily politics should not come to sway the managers opinions and thoughts based on personal loyalties and self-seeking behaviors. The manager who can step out of the fray learns to see his/her department from a more objective standpoint which leads to better decisions.

The Big View: When one becomes an observer and pays attention to understanding versus judging they can eventually come to understand the mechanics of their department and the bigger picture with greater clarity. The big view will allow the manager to put the daily fires in perspective and work toward larger goals needed to advance the company.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Sneaking in Your Workout Throughout the Day

Working out throughout the day is important part of staying healthy. If you live a busy life it can be very difficult. Sometimes we work all day and into the evening and can't find time. The problem is that without this workout we don't get the full benefit of a healthy life and may find that our mental performance also suffers.

It is possible to find a little time if you consider breaking your workout up to 20 minute home or workouts.

1.) Watch Youtube cardio programs or read a book on weightless work outs.
2.) Use your lunch break to climb stairs or go for a walk.
3.) Use your office space to do yoga, squats, sit ups and other methods.
4.) Develop an evening routine that includes fitness between household chores.

The Benefits of Bottom Up Management

Bottom up management occurs when decisions are made from the lowest positions possible within the workplace. There are numerous benefits when organizations change from a top-down approach to a bottom-up approach which includes better vetted decisions, employee empowerment, better skills, lower turnover, and generally better performance.

Vetted Decisions: This occurs when more people look at a problem and then seek to find solutions from a diverse set of eyes. Employees typically come from different backgrounds with different experiences and can open up new pathways of thinking or see problems before they rise.

Employee Empowerment: When employees have an opportunity to make decisions that impact them they feel empowered to take ownership over problems. As each employees success is tied to the business they feel a greater sense of ownership over the organization.

Better Skills: Making decisions also means we understand the context of those decisions. Employees know that their skills are not in isolation and have a better sense of how all the different types of skills work together. They will soon seek to diversify their talents.

Lower Turnover: Having input on decisions also leads to more loyalty to the company. Employees gain a sense of connection with the organization that values their opinions and beliefs.

Better Performance: Performance improves over time as employees tie their own success to the organization. They self-police and create expectations toward other employees as they build their community

What does Wal-Mart's change to Walmart Signify about Future Strategies?

January 1st Wal-Mart will be rename Walmart in order to accept its move into e-commerce. The company has been beat out by Amazon and the desire of people to price compare and purchase online. Walmart has been seeking ways of ensuring its low cost dominance over the past few years. Walmart has a few things going for it that many other companies don't.

1.) Its distribution system is one of the best in the world. If it decided to it could purchase a fleet of smaller trucks at each of its stores and start delivering. This doesn't seem to be in their plans but moving to more distribution focus makes sense considering it is one of their greatest advantages.

2.) Its purchasing power allows it to buy products at a cheaper price than anyone else. Amazon is made up of smaller providers and use the system as a marketspace. However, Amazon is starting to purchase hot selling items on its own. Walmart will need to compete in this arena.

3.) It has acquisitioned and improvements in that system are likely. Not sure if they will be hosting sales of non Walmart items but improving its eCommerce strategy includes reaching more customers through the Amazon competitor.

4.) Physical locations offer an opportunity for people to return products and see them first hand. Amazon doesn't already have a physical presence so Walmart can use its Click-n-Mortar hybrid approach to gain customers online and offline. Many of us still grocery shop and need items today which makes it more convenient. Few like shipping items back on Amazon.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

24th ORLANDO International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference

24th ORLANDO International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference

Theme: Promoting Global Competitiveness, Innovation, and Sustainability

International Association of Applied Business Research - IAABR
Jointly with
Academic Organization for Advancement of Strategic and International Studies – Academic OASIS

DATES: March 16 - 18, 2018
PLACE: Courtyard Orlando Lake Buena Vista in the Marriott Village
8623 Vineland Avenue, Orlando, Florida, USA

Deeply discounted, special rates are still available for the participants in 2018 IAABR/ Academic OASIS – Orlando Conference. Here is the link where the conference participants may book their reservations at the special deeply discounted conference rates: Conference participants may also call 1-888-789-3090 to book their reservations and use the group name of "IAABR Orlando Conference". Please note that special rate reservations must be made by MARCH 1ST, 2018 (the cutoff date), or until there are rooms available at the negotiated discounted rates.


FULL PAPERS - MARCH 3, 2018. All full-paper submissions will be reviewed for publication in one of the double-blind, peer-refereed Journals Sponsoring the 2017 ORLANDO Conference on Business, Economics, Finance and Accounting or the refereed Conference Proceedings with ISBN number. The authors of these articles will receive their publications in person while still attending the IAABR Conference in Orlando (one copy per a registered participant will be provided free of charge).

ABSTRACTS - MARCH 5, 2018. The authors of all accepted abstracts will have the chance to PRESENT THEIR RESEARCH IN PROGRESS at the Orlando Conference which will also give them the OPPORTUNITY to submit their COMPLETED PAPERS by SEPTEMBER 15TH, 2018, in order to be considered for a journal publication.


The regular registration fee is $350 (the reduced registration fee for virtual participants via Skype is $300, and the special student fee is $285). The regular registration fee includes: 1) the popular IAABR/ Academic OASIS 2 FOR 1 ADVANTAGE - 2 OPPORTUNITIES: an OPPORTUNITY to PUBLISH your accepted paper or abstract in a PEER-REFEREED PUBLICATION with ISSN or ISBN number issued by the Library of the Congress + an OPPORTUNITY to PRESENT the results of your work at an INTERNATIONAL FORUM for 1 LOW FEE; 2) one printed issue of the journal or Proceedings CD containing your paper; 3) an Official Certificate for International Conference participation; 4) the Conference Luncheon, Receptions, Coffee Breaks and Keynote Address; 5) Attending all Conference sessions and symposia; 6) Attending all Social and Networking events; 7) Listing of your presentation in the Official Conference Program; 8) Opportunity to Explore and Enjoy the Disney World parks, SeaWorld, Universal Orlando, and the nearby Atlantic Coast!

EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: All conference participants, who register by FEBRUARY 13 will receive a free admission voucher to GATORLAND, known internationally as the "Alligator Capital of the World", and showcasing thousands of alligators and crocodiles including extremely rare leucistic "white" alligators.

Our ORLANDO Conference is for people, who want to participate in a major international forum, get published, network with colleagues from many countries and sharing similar or complementary interests, and to have fun in one of the most exciting cities in the USA, known worldwide for its Disney World parks, SeaWorld, Universal Orlando, and the nearby Atlantic Coast!

Papers related to all areas of Accounting, Banking, Business Ethics, Communication & Media, e-Business, e-Learning, Economics, Education, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Globalization, Human Resources, Information Technology, Innovation and Creativity, Law & Legal Studies, Leadership, Logistics, Management, Marketing, Political Science, Psychology, Security Studies, Social Sciences, Social Work, and Sustainable Development are invited to this international conference, which is expected to be attended by authors from nearly all parts of the World. People without papers can also participate in this conference, and they are invited to serve as session chairs or discussants, as well as informal contributors to the academic quality of this international event.

Journals Sponsoring the 2018 ORLANDO International Academic Conference:
- Journal of Strategic and International Studies (JSIS)
- Journal of Organizational Advancement, Strategic and Institutional Studies (JOASIS)
- Journal of Advancements in Applied of Business Research (JAABR)
- Journal of Advancements in Economics, Finance & Accounting (JAEFA)
- Journal of Psychology and Social Studies (JPSS)

To submit your full paper or abstract, please email it as an attachment (acceptable formats are .doc and .docx) to GLOBAL@IAABR.COM (please put "ORLANDO CONFERENCE" in the Subject line of your message). All submissions will be double blind peer-refereed by members of the Conference Review Committee. Authors will be notified of the review outcome within 3-4 weeks after the arrival of their submissions.

Authors, who could NOT travel to Orlando for visa or other reasons, may PARTICIPATE VIRTUALLY in the Academic OASIS or IAABR conference, and these authors will have the same publication opportunities, as the regular conference presenters.

For inquiries, please contact the Conference Organizing Committee via or visit our Website:

Conference Organizing Committee, 2018 Orlando International Academic Conference

Network Development For Cluster Innovation and Economic Growth

No business functions at its highest potential in isolation and formal and informal network development is important for corporate growth and functioning. While these networks may exist within a company and its suppliers it may also exist among competitive companies. Because a large part of cluster growth is based on the exchange of ideas and the necessary components such as finance to achieve growth there must be a conduit of exchange to increase idea sharing.

Business within a cluster are connected by people, information, resources and finance. The more connections we can develop and the closer the proximity, typically the more advantage companies receive as they share important components of doing business. They become a supportive network that continues to develop and build off of each other.

The Internet and IT networks have become a big part of this model. As people, businesses, and administrators move online there is a substantial increase in GDP of the area. That equates to greater wealth and tax revenue for governments. Investment in infrastructure relates to communications and impacts the entire network of businesses.

As investment in communications infrastructure rises there are also more opportunities to receive outside investment into local businesses and increased chances of expanding into global markets. Investment improves the overall capital needed to move companies out of their domestic markets and into a more competitive world. As the information about the cluster improves, investors awareness also improves and this can lead higher investments that create an upward cycle.

It should similarly be stated that as people move online and share information they also share their ideas. Increased information becomes breeding grounds for collaborative improvement of products and open sourcing options. Ideas spread quickly and companies can research and compile this information for general improvement of their business.

Developing of networks for private and public collaboration can increase the speed of cluster development as ideas spread quickly and are adapted into existing operations. Governments and business leaders should support the sharing of knowledge and information for profit gain to spur local economic development. They can invest in closed, open and infrastructure improvements that have a systemic impact on the overall speed of information and the connectivity of people.

The Little Pack that Holds Alot

You are hiking up the side of a mountain or blazing through a local event. Carrying a full backpack isn't likely to be helpful when you only need a few items for the day. Using a cross-body shoulder strap packs are a great way to minimize weight while still holding the items you need.

While they don't offer the same level of carrying capacity you can certainly put phones, wallet, water, first aid, and basic rations in one of these packs. Much more effective than the traditional "fanny pack".

Other uses include biking and walking. When I go sailing I often like to bike over to the race marina from my boat and I will used one of these packs because it fits my gloves, hat, water and food for the day.

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