Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Labor Relations and Unionization as a Factor of Security and Self-Esteem

There two primary reasons why employee become part of a union. As the world changes companies should look at these two reasons to ensure that their employees feel security and self-esteem from the work that they do. An organization is a village of types and helping employees feel these two needs leads to greater organizational trust and eventually performance. Neglecting these needs increases all types of other issues as they relate to legal and labor relations headaches.

Security: Union workers want security in their jobs. As the workplace becomes more chaotic and companies move overseas they desire stability. While the seniority system may not be great for performance it does provide a level of stability of workers who don't want to be in the cuts of layoffs. When companies can make a commitment to their workers they can lessen the need for union protections.

Self-Esteem: When people engage in an occupation it impacts their self-esteem and the viewpoints of their life. Their occupation becomes part of who they are. The workplace is every bit as important as their households and the work takes on special meaning to them. Helping employees become part of the decision making process and treating them as skilled and valuable members of an organization helps limit the need for unionization.

Monday, December 4, 2017

The Role of Immigrants in the U.S. Labor Market

Customer Service with a Smile

Customer service is a large part of retaining your current revenue streams. While it would seem that it isn't a lot, much can be said for how people view your staff and how you might be willing to help customers feel satisfied with their purchase. Something as simple as a smile can make all the difference in whether or not someone purchases your products/services again and again.

Consider that the interaction with the customer sets the "face" of the organization. When that interaction is positive they will naturally feel that the staff is helpful. These personal interactions put the customer in a better mood which becomes part of their impression of the company.

There is also a mental spill over effect that occurs. A negative interaction by one grouchy employees will reflect on the entire business. In the opposite, a positive interaction will embed the memory and feeling together anytime someone thinks of the company.

Thoughts and feelings are associated. When we remember a company our feelings are often more important than the actual thought. As soon as we think about a particular company we also think of our feelings associated with it. These can be any flavor and variety.

For example, long waiting lines to talk to a customer service representative says one thing..."I don't care about you". It tells customers that you took their money but won't necessarily answer their questions or fulfill the implied contract when there is an issue. You just wanted their money and that is bad for long term business.

A smile is something important when we consider it within the context of the entire interaction. Helping customer service representatives understand why it is so important to have a positive and upbeat interaction with customers can make a big difference between a one time sale and life long customer. Something as simple as a smile can generate a long-term revenue stream.

Helping Students to Help Themselves

Students come from all different educational and family backgrounds that leads to persistence and success in the classroom. Some of the hurdles that students have could seriously hamper their ability to be successful. Persistence and grit is based within the deeper understandings of life and their ability and helping them achieve success might take a slightly unorthodox approach.

1. Positive and encouraging tone.

2. Understanding the educational deficiencies they faced in high school.

3. Connecting them to a community of supportive students.

4. Raising the value of education to them personally by making curriculum applicable to their lives.

5. Determining their motivations and goals in life and building plans specifically for them.

6. Raising their self-perception and self-efficacy.

7. Constant contact and engagement.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Is it wise to buy in bulk?

If you ever entered a Sam's Club or Costco you will find that many of the items are sold in bulk. It doesn't have to be these two stores as many places offer bulk food as well. Determining when to and when to not buy in bulk is important for helping you save money.

Most of the time buying in bulk is a great idea. At other times it is not a great idea as you may end up spending much more than you need. Consider the following before you make a purchase.

1.) Is it perishable and will you use it in time? Items like canned goods, coffee, toilet papers, hardware supplies, etc... can be stored for a long time.

2. Will you use the item? Sometimes we buy things on the spur of the moment but we don't actually need them. Make sure you buy when you will use the item a lot.

3.) Is the per piece price lower than what you can find at other places? This is the primarily reason why people buy in bulk.

4.) Are there other people who will split the bulk? Sometimes you can find people who will take half of the bulk purchase so you don't need all of it.

5.) Does it fit within your budget? No matter what if the item doesn't fit within your budget it is a problem.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Adapting Messages to Your Audience Increases Communication Skills

Each communication channel has a specific audience you are trying to reach. Knowing who that audience is and how to best communicate with them on their own level will do much to improve the relation and retention of information. When working as a manger it is important to think about the language and style before you write.

Language: Words are symbols. Each group of people have specific symbols which are often unique to their backgrounds. For example, employees of a particular company share a history embedded into their organization. They may not always be aware of it but it determines how "commerce" and interaction are conducted in that environment.

Using language (symbols) that relate to them help to ensure the essence of the message is better received. Each person will interpret that message and having it relate specifically to your audience improves upon the information transference.

Style: Tone and style help determine the overall intent and meaning of the words (symbols) being used. For example, a firm that hires highly educated engineers are likely to resonate more with longer paragraphs and detailed information than one which hires factory employees.

Furthermore, one should consider the speed of information and how the sentences are constructed to ensure the right tone is created. It is possible to have a statement that is positive be negatively received if the tone and style are not in alignment with the message.

Small Town Parades Drive Traffic Downtown

Small town parades are not only great for getting the community downtown but also getting them into one place to start the Christmas shopping seasons. Bars and restaurants get their fill but so does those stores that stay open during the time. As business create floats they show their connection to the community and also advertise.

Community Togetherness: Drawing people together to engage in a community activity that leads to greater connection among members but also greater loyalty to the area.

Shopping: Stores that stay open during the parade often find people go down early and leave late. Bars and restaurants get a significant boost but so can businesses if they advertise deep discounts.

Advertising: Floats and displays are not just a community activity but also lead to advertising. Each eye focuses on each float and company as it passes.

Community Loyalty: Engaging and interacting with the community leads to life-long relationships with businesses. As people think about certain stores they saw in the parade, help build decorations with, or who sponsored them they will often become long term customers.