Thursday, November 16, 2017

When to Pay for a Fitness Class and When to Learn on Your Own

Classes are great for teaching you form and how certain types of workouts are safely conducted. I'm an advocate of classes to help people stay motivated and learn proper techniques. However, once one has learned the basics they can move onto fitness study on their own. Yet this depends on their personality and whether or not they can stay motivated in solo routines.

If you are just learning something you will definitely need a class. They will show you how to complete certain moves that lead to the greatest benefits and a serious reduction in the chance of injury. You will spend your money wisely if you avoid a life-long injury.

Likewise, if you want to engage in group type sports and activities you will want to join a class. Being around other people helps you to learn and gain knowledge from different people. Most people are willing to show you how smart they are by sharing advice.

If you have a hard time staying motivated on your own you may need a regular few day a week class to socialize and create group support of each other. When you miss and your classmates text you then you will see how motivating group type work can be. Eventually you meet friends and create a social network.

Once you have learned the skills you need and have enough knowledge to practice on your own you don't need the same level of "hand holding" and costs inherent in classes. You will need to take your practice seriously and occasionally frequent a class if you need clarification on something or need a boost of motivation. Therefore, find "pay as you go" classes if you can.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Who are the Gifted and Why We Should Foster Them?

Giftedness is a level of human performance that leads to eminence in one or more fields. This level of performance is partly biological and partly fostered through one's environment. The gifted person is someone who can function at a high level in their particular field. The fostering of giftedness among college students and adult learners can lead to greater benefits of society.

According to Subotnik, et. al. (2011) gifted individuals:

1. reflect the values of society
2. perform actual outcomes typically in adulthood
3. performance in a domain of endeavor
4. development as a result of biological, pedagogical, psychological and psychosocial factors
5. is relative not from the ordinary but to the extraordinary that change fields

In essence, gifted individuals have a moral compass, typically perform in adulthood, find eminence in a particular field, have personality development factors, and typically compare well to extraordinary that changes fields.

It is that ability to transform and change fields that is important. It isn't about performing well and getting things done using the same logic and skills developed by previous masters. This is just a great copy of the original. Gifted have the ability to change the entire logic and create higher levels of performance that even the most "talented" can't do.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Top 1% of Wealthy Own 50% of the World's Income Creating Class Instability

A report by Credit Suisse indicates that more and more of the world's wealth is concentrating in fewer hands.  This trend appears to be more dire over time with people on the bottom part becoming poorer and the people on the top becoming wealthier. The risks associated with this divergence is political instability and rapid change. Yet there are things legislators can do to change the troublesome trend.

Credit Suisse expects to see 22% rise in millionaires by 2022 increasing from 36 million people to 44 million people. While there will be some moving to the top there is less growth on the bottom leaving 70% of the worlds population with less than $10K.

While 3.6 billion poor might seem like a remote problem for people in poor countries to deal with the problems are very much at home in the U.S. It is expected that Millennials will not have the same access to wealth, homes, pensions, and other items that were so common to the Baby Boomers.

A highly educated generation mixed with few to no opportunities creates a disaster decades down the road as frustration grows. Without opportunity that generation will impact the way their children think and influence the opportunities of the generation behind them.

One must wonder what the impact of declining influence of American financial strength mixed with declining opportunities both within the U.S. and across the globe. Such situations have fostered class struggles seen in major societal upheavals throughout history.

The very premise of the U.S. is that people have opportunity to change and grow to their maximum potential. That is becoming increasingly unlikely as large concentrations of wealth and political influence seek to ensure the "deck is stacked".

However, not all is lost. The American system is adaptable and the core principles of the nation rest on the inherent freedoms of the individual. Legislative changes that include increasing opportunities as well as supporting the development of small business can help ensure that income is distributed more evenly among those who are working hard and acting like entrepreneurs to achieve financial freedom. The economy can improve its innovative capacity through small business while creating enough variability in the system to keep it fluid and changing.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Encouraging Students to Think Beyond the Audience

Students, like most others, eventually get into a pattern of thinking. This occurs when the information is presented to them and they take the fastest most obvious answer. The problem is that there is no such thing as the "obvious" answer in science. There is always more depth to the problem, usually multiple solutions, and the potential for different conclusions. Choosing the conclusion that makes the most logical sense leads to a more critical thinker. To think beyond the audience means to think for oneself.

Once students begin the process of thinking for themselves they open a world of new understanding by questioning common mob wisdom. They are not confrontational thinkers that always think in polar opposites but they are able to see the differences in group think and the potential for better understanding.

How does one get to think for oneself?

They must learn to question their world in a way that leads them to their own conclusions. While it is highly unlikely you can transform a person's thinking through higher education alone without their innate ability to develop you can sow the seeds to critical thinking.

Professors can do this through encourage students to think through alternatives. If they start with a belief then it is helpful to push them to understand where that belief comes from and how they may challenge their assumptions by always looking deeper and at others perspective. Typically this is done through asking thoughtful questions and challenging holes in their logic. This may not always work as students must be open to the possibility that they are "wrong"; as defined by further depth. Something most of our egos can't handle.

International Journal of Current Engineering Sciences

 ISSN: 2320 – 9046
CALL FOR PAPERS - October- 2017
Dear Readers,

We are pleased to inform you that International Journal of Current Engineering Sciences (IJCES) is going to launch its next issue.

We would like to invite you to contribute a Research Paper for publication in International Journal of Current Engineering Sciences (IJCES).
 International Journal of Current Engineering Sciences (IJCES) is an on line open access journal, basically the aim of this journal to promote the new Innovative ideas in all fields of Engineering and Technology. This Journal will help to promote all Innovations in Engineering and Technology on one platform so that if anybody wants to integrate their ideas with other field of technology, they can implement it with the help of this Journal.
 Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary – Engineering, Technology, Science and Management
 Type of Articles Accepted:
  • Research Paper
  • Survey Paper
  • Informative Article
  • Case Studies
  • Review Papers
  • Comparative Studies
  • Dissertation Chapters
  • Research Proposals or Synopsis

Kindly visit our journal and submit your article through website OR

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Golfing the Point Loma Club

Occasionally I have the opportunity to get out and golf a few holes. Located at a Marina a few miles away The Loma Club offers the closest opportunity to enjoy golfing for a few hours and then get back to business. It is one of the older golf courses in the city and was once attached to the local naval base. Today the club is open to the public.

It is very short with most holes a par 3. This means that total golfing time on foot is somewhere around an hour and half. There really is no need to use a wood on this course if you don't want to.

The club house is conveniently located in Liberty Station. Hosting bands, dancing, drinks, and food it seems to fit well with the once wealthy "to do" that were members.

The patio is also huge with plenty of places to sit and enjoy. You can find people lounging around at nearly all times of the day.

Once inside you will also notice places where they have games, pool tables, and other fun activities. So there is plenty to do for those who want a "Hunt Club" sort of view.

What I like about this place is that it has a solid servicescape, history, convenient location, relaxed atmosphere with reasonable pricing.  While the course may be short the place offers a lot of charm.

 As far as my golf swing is, well still terrible. It has a been a little while since I have hit the clubs. Yet I got a little better toward the end. It seems I needed a little practice.

2960 Truxtun Rd, San Diego, CA 92106

Phased Tax and Investment Incentives for Economic Growth

Governments are always looking for new ways of enhancing the economy and putting it on a competitive stance. Throughout the years there have plenty of ideas that came and went. Ideas are often as plentiful as the politicians that bring them forward and the business investor class that seeks to make profit off of change. The opportunities to grow the economy why creating a strong return on investment from investment opportunities makes the fundamental difference between those cities that can grow and change and those that will die.

The entire cluster acts as a organism with lots of working parts. It is always adjusting, moving, creating, destroying, and working to fulfill its ultimate purpose. For the businesses in the area the purpose is return on income while for residents that may lay with quality of life and opportunity. Because collective organisms grow and change they have different needs to fulfill their existence. As they decline and change new money and ideas is needed to grow them again. If investment opportunities meet growth cycles the entire system can grow quickly.

Cluster stages of development have different needs at different times to help them grow healthy. Similar to company stages such as introduction, growth, maturity and decline a cluster will also grow and decline through different stages. In the beginning it will need entrepreneurs and angel capital. When it is in the growth stage it will need an influx of capital and supplier businesses. Eventually, when the companies within the cluster no longer produce meaningful products they will decline without reinvestment and rejuvenation of purpose.

Each stage needs its own type of investment at a particular time. As these stages grow and change investment in the infrastructure of the system, as well as investment in the companies within the cluster, will be needed to create the biggest impact. Investment in companies that exist within a growing sector will help the entire network of companies grow while investment in the infrastructure will allow the entire system to grow.

Infrastructure investment improves the overall growth prospects of all companies within the system. For example, providing investment in entrepreneurial creative spaces may help launch ideas but investment in education leads to long-term growth once these business have developed to a point where news skills are needed. The same can be said for high speed Internet, roadways, social places like bars and restaurants, housing, parking and just about everything else the clusters need to grow. Different times, have different, needs as the company moves through the different stages. While a random market hand may work government can apply the right pressures at the right time to speed up this growth.

Providing tax incentives and other incentives relevant to the stage of growth based on the needs of industry clusters encourages a coordinated boost to economic growth. Government should seek to maximize on existing trends and do so in a way that the return on investment is greater than any cost to public resources. Through strategic and scientific approaches government can continuously grow their coffers to catalyze additional growth into the future. As the investment pays off in terms of new money, employment taxes, and generated commerce it can reinvest this money through additional incentives and infrastructure improvement.

Coordinated institutional investors can create a big impact on the potential success of the companies. Their profits are derived from the ability to return greater value. In clusters, that value is created when multiple interrelated businesses attract new profitable business.  Pack investing can put the needed capital at important places within the cluster network that have the greatest return. They can "light up" the cluster network with injections of cash and liquidity to ensure that the growth stages are well lubricated and have what they need when they need it. Investing in groups of clustered businesses enhances all of their performance because they work in the market in collaboration as much as they do in competition.

Industry and government can work together to create something new that profits business, people and government. Yet they need to think about proper coordination of their efforts. When clusters move through different stages government can catalyze growth by providing the right incentives to attract growth and investment that later leads to "profit" through economic growth and tax revenues for government and greater returns on investment for investors. Research and awareness into how economic systems work opens the door to new possibilities of economic rejuvenation.