Sunday, August 21, 2016

2016 San Diego Polo Open

2016 Sunday Polo open brought a crowd to their field as the horses lined up and faced off with hooves pawing in the dirt in anticipation of a great game. Sponsored by Tesla, Sunrun and Home Start. The first match started 1:00 pm, divot stomp at 2:00 pm and featured polo match at 3:00 pm.

The weather was mild and smell of fresh cut green grass permeated the air. Located in Del Mar the flow of field, food, and fun kept the guests entertained as the ponies made their way across the field.

VIP and non-VIP sections were available. Food trucks, wine, umbrella sitting and music enhanced the atmospheres. Groups of friends found ample room to sit around the tables, chat, and watch the matches. A good way to spend some time on Sunday.

Polo in San Diego started in 1906 when John D. Spreckels, an entreprenuer, imported British Lords to play against military officers. Over the decades its has declined but has made a resurgence as a trendy social event that draws interested crowds of young and old.

Using Entertainment and Events to Market to Customers

Entertainment and events draw customers and put them into the seats of your business. If done well it provides an opportunity to either draw new customers or retain existing customers. In organizations that want to use events for marketing they should look at drawing new customers, alignment of events to core offerings, and where these events are marketed.

Strong events are aligned to the existing customer base of the business. Events that attract the wrong, or misaligned, customer than that which is likely to purchase products/services in the long run is a waste of time and effort. Aloha events for resorts and food events for restaurants seem to make sense.

Appropriately targeted new customers have an opportunity to frequent the business and make additional purchases. As a bonus, they might even become long-term customers if they had a positive experience and want to experience it again.

Where these events are marketed is also important. While posting flyers on the door might do well with existing customers it may not do so well attracting new customers. The business website, social event sites, and your local newspaper seem to work well.

Events should draw new customers, retain existing customers and enhance the brand of the business. Doing this well keeps the establishment fresh and attractive to customers. Purchases often go up during these times and social medial posts increase the word-of-mouth marketing of the business.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

What Healthy Foods Should Restaurants Offer?

Eat fresh and eat healthy. Natural and organic food is part of America's palate and is increasing in demand. Restaurants that offer fresh and healthy foods catering to a crowd that seeks healthy options when compared to the high fat and high processed foods we have become accustomed to. What to provide is an important question?

Common offerings are fresh fish, salads, soups and detox foods like spinach. These meals are often easy to provide because there isn't a lot of prep time associated with them. Having a few of these items on the menu creates more interest among the healthy younger crowd.

We know that popular dishes like french fries, pasta, and other fried foods will be around for a long time. However, people are becoming more health conscious and establishments that don't take into consideration a large segment of the population that wants healthy options.

Some favorite foods can be slightly adjusted to make them more appealing to a larger crowd. For example, I had calamari strips as an appetizer and was pleasantly surprised they were grilled and not fried. The end result was a better tasting product that became a house favorite.

For most establishments, the change is a switch in product and processing method. The results are significant as the brand of the restaurant slowly changes into a more popular venue. Younger and more educated individuals set this trendy tone and if you can appeal to them your business will pick up.

Friday, August 19, 2016

How Does Discrmination Limit Human Capital Utilization?

We hear a lot about discrimination in society and its impact from a personal and often emotional point of view. However, we don't often hear about the dangers of discrimination from an economic standpoint. Discrimination limits the amount of intellectual and human capital available to companies that must compete on a global scale and need that diversity to further their global objectives.

It is difficult to be innovative with products and services that apply to a global audience if such products are created by people who share too close similarities in background. The world is becoming more global and diversified talent is needed to ensure we have the capacity to hedge differences in our background to be inventive.

In order for companies to truly capitalize on diversity they will need to have access to people of different backgrounds. Poor education, discriminatory policies, poverty, tense relations with police, and short-sighted political solutions do harm to encouraging groups to engage the system fully. This capital becomes lost to society thereby limiting our future options.

One of the reasons why our institutions will change is because they have no option as they run against the needs of a more global world that will require higher levels of competitiveness. As the U.S. risks moving into the second spot in terms economic size, it will need to rethink these institutions to create maximum engagement and competitiveness.

Differentiating Your Business in the Online Market

The online market is made of millions of small businesses just like yours that seek to grow and develop. Those who reach the top of the search engine ranking do better than those who don't. Finding a differentiating strategy can help your business reach higher in the search rankings and help it stand out when compared to other businesses.

Just like there are millions of businesses in cyberspace there are also billions of online shoppers. They browse the Internet in search of products using different search strings to achieve their goals. They don't use generic searches because these result sites that don't fulfill their needs.

Specific search criteria means that small businesses should start to brand themselves by finding a niche for your products. For example, the word "soap" might have thousands of sellers but the words "organic sheep milk soap" would be fewer putting your business at the top of the options list.

Differentiating your business means finding something that separates your business form others and has practical marketing utility to draw customers and make sales. Trying to compete against larger businesses offering the same product is business suicide.

Think about what item/service you sell the most and whether or not that item can sustain your business. Sometimes you can have multiple services/products that are related. Focus on that unique skill set or product that  can lead to increased awareness and interest.

The online world is fundamentally different from the brick-n-mortar world. In the physical world you can offer a variety of items/services and attract customers from the area. In the online world distance is becoming less important and specialization is more important. Make your business stand out by finding out your core value!

2nd Global Conference on Economics and Management Sciences

Conference dates: 28th & 29th November 2016
Venue: Adya Hotel Langkawi , Malaysia

The conference provides a platform for researchers, academicians and students to present, debate and exchange ideas on issues relevant to the conference's focus. GEMS2016 – undeniably – is also an opportunity for researchers and enthusiasts to build and expand network with their fellow counterparts.

Please visit our website to more details:

Important Dates:

Abstract Submission Due: 31st. August, 2016
Acceptance of Abstract: 15th. September, 2016
Full paper Submission Deadline: 30th September, 2016
Full paper Acceptance Notification: 15th October, 2016
Early-bird Fee until: 30 September 2016


Early Morning Walks

One of the best times to workout is in the morning while the weather is cool, before the busy hours begin, and while most of the world is sleeping. As a start of the day it is generally one of the easiest and most convenience to get your fitness program settled. Changing your life patterns can help you develop and grow in your fitness goals.

One must learn to change their schedule and patterns to get into the habit of morning walks. The first thing you notice is the alarm clock changes and you start hearing the annoying buzz sound an hour early. If you don't want to be tired all day you will also need to go to bed early as well.

After your cup of java and head outside you will see a different world than what you are used to. Things are slower, just starting out, and less people are around. The environment is quite and people are just turning on their lights. The haze hasn't yet dissipated but you are moving and on your way.

Soon you will find yourself enjoying the quit world in the morning and the feeling that often comes after exercise. Your life will slowly adjust and you will go to bed earlier and get up earlier in order to keep your program going. Over time your body will change and you will make other life choices that will help your program.