Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Squeezing the Brexit Turnip and its Impact on Fed Interest Data Hike

Things have been running fairly smoothly for the American economy. There is a push to get interest rates moving upward to ensure the economy doesn't overheat. However, being hasty without knowing the full impact of Brexit might not be a smart idea. A little caution by making mild adjustments might be wise for the next few months.

Thus far Brexit has been largely confined Britain where inflation picked up and companies are adjusting.The overall impact on businesses is muted as the full effects are making their way throughout the system.

It should be remember that many contracts go on for a year or more and when they expire there will be significant problems as companies seek to find a place in both the EU and Britain. Using the UK as a launching pad into the EU will be muted and monies and contracts are likely to be split based on market share.

Companies have not yet burnt through their cash reserves and as their income takes a slow but sure hit they will adjust. They will start making decisions as sure as they understand the impact themselves. Once their strategy has formalized operations will be adjusted.

Brexit wasn't an all or nothing shock. It was one that will play out over the years. Likely, starting in the next 6 months the UK will start leaking news about problems with their companies, economy, and revenues. They will recover and there won't be a one time hit...but a slow squeezing of the turnip. It would be wise for the Feds to understand the full impact before being too optimistic.

Is Sitting Killing You?

Sitting my actually be killing you! According to a news release from the American Heart Association people are spending far too much time sitting. As they get older the problem gets worse resulting between 8 and 10 hours sedentary a day. They recommend moving throughout the day in addition to your 30 minute exercise routine.

Most people spend a lot of time sitting and this is going to get worse. We are in a world where work and recreation are often done sitting at a desk. By the end of the day, many of us have exceeded the danger mark.

That doesn't me we are doomed to cardiovascular heart failure. We can mix up our day with a little activity. For example, every half hour to an hour you can put in yoga or other aspects of fitness to keep your blood circulating.

If you don't have the ability to do that because of work constraints try and stand up every half hour or so. You can also try working while standing or exercising in place by putting your knees up or doing squats. 

The main point is that as we become more sedentary in our lives we will want to ensure that take care of our health and fitness needs. This means trying some things that were not tried before. The biggest point is that we must move instead of sit and take breaks from sitting too long. 

Don't Snake Charm Your Customers

Customers are smart and they will eventually figure out that you are snake charming them. Don't ruin your reputation or your business success by offering something you can't provide. Providing genuine business advice and quality products will raise trust with your clients and bring you repeat success over and over. Without trust business doesn't exist.

 I frequented a sporting goods store that offers both used and new goods. I listened to the owner talk about how nice and high quality a pair of sandals were and decided to purchase a pair for myself. A few days later and they break, I exchange them for another pair, they also break, and I exchange again to the same end.

Apparently...low quality sandals bought on discount.

Eventually I received credit on another item that worked out well. A few weeks later, I called to see if they had Personal Flotation Devices for sailing. She stated with the same positive and hyper enthusiastic voice that she did! When inquiring about the automatic inflatable deep sea kind I needed, she skipped over the "no I don't carry that" and artfully moved to telling me about the ones she does have.

She didn't care if I drove down to find out she doesn't have what I wanted or not! I could not buy any other one than what I needed and to go see the other kinds would have been a waste of time and effort. She was overly focused on that one sale.

A masterful salesperson that likely led to her success. The problem is that with the poor quality item I purchased, and her overly practiced approach of not giving dis-confirming information, she puts me at a disadvantage to make an informed choice. Because of her inability to answer my question directly or provide me with accurate information....I choose to downgrade her store as an option.

The problem for her business is that I also downgraded it for other purchases as well. Once you break trust with customers they will maintain that negative image of your business until you do something exceptional. While I might go back and purchase something they will not be my first choice. The lesson...don't try and snake charm your customers....provide them with honest and accurate information.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Investigating and Solving Business Problems

Business is about solving problems. These could be customer problems, operational problems, market problems, financial problems or any other problem. Some problems are easily solved with a little effort but many require in depth explanations and understandings.

Businesses are like people in that if they ignore their problems they will compound and not be able to functional at their highest performance.

Consider a business that is top heavy and has a greater impetus to focus on its imbalanced structure but fails to work on the bottom line. While this may not seem like a problem when the organization is running well, it becomes a bigger problem later on as the organization can't keep up with the market.

Researching the process of decision making, salaries, structure and how these impact market performance could be beneficial. Each company and problem will be unique.

Researching business problems are conducted in a similar way to a scientific study. The researchers should come in with a single research question and not have any bias toward possible findings. As they begin to answer the pieces of those questions they come to understand the nature of the problem itself and adjust their focus until they have an adequate explanation and conclusion.

Research can be exploratory or quantitative; sometimes it uses both. When problems are not well defined it is beneficial to use exploratory methods but when the problem is already known, or found through exploration, a quantitative approach might be better to pinpoint a solution. Mixed methods are commonly used in the natural environment of business that can't be taken out of their context to study in a lab.

Can Surfing be Part of Your Fitness Program?

Surfing is a sport that takes a great amount of balance and core strength to do well. Not only does it provide a solid cardovascular workout it also uses a number of muscles that will improve your physique. As you swim out to the next great wave, push yourself up on the board, or try and maneuver you will find yourself engaging in all types of pro-fitness activities.

Triceps, biceps, deltoids, trapezius, rectus abdominis, latissimus dorsi, and obliques are just some of the main muscles used. You will get as much exercise on your board as you do in the gym but you will feel good about it and have fun.

Beyond major muscle groups it takes considerable effort to stabilize yourself on the board. This means that many of the smaller muscles are being impacted as well. These are the muscles ignored in the gym.

Balance and flexibility are helpful as you get older. Keeping yourself on the board helps your muscle groups work together and maintain their flexibility by adjusting itself.

If you are looking for a way to balance out your body building routine and hope to improve overall shape and reduce your fat then surfing is helpful. Combining with swimming, muscle use, and stabilization improves overall fitness and balance. Why not have some fun and work out by surfing?

Monday, August 15, 2016

2017 International Conference on Education San Diego

San Diego, California, USA

The Clute Institute, established in 1985, hosts the International Conference on Education (ICE) to promote excellence in academic research.

Please join us for the 2017 International Conference on Education San Diego. The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity for researchers to present their ideas, proposals, or completed research in all areas of education. Since 30 to 50 different countries are typically represented, presenting at this conference is a great way to get feedback from researchers with a different perspective. An extensive list of acceptable topics is available on our website. A peer review is available upon request. 


This year we are returning to the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel San Diego – Mission Valley located in the heart of San Diego. In addition to the International Conference on Education, we are also hosting an International Academic Conference on Business which will be held concurrently; one registration covering both. 


Web address:

Stocks Rise and Optimism Abounds

Stocks rise and optimism abounds as indications that governments will continue monetary policy easing, job reports are high, and oil prices jump forward. At the highest point since 1999 all three indexes rose (SPX, DJI, and S&P). Maintaining access to credit in a growing economy seems to be fueling optimism and investment.

Optimism can make a big difference in investments and stocks. When people feel the market will be in their favor they will take more risks and buy stocks in an effort to increase their wealth. As a herd, the more people who feel optimistic, the more they will buy increasing wealth for many.

This runs well until people become pessimistic about the market. Events from around the globe can easily impact the American economy and visa versa with the rest of the world. When investors sell they do so in a way that decrease economic activity and can lead to market loss.

There are natural fluctuations in the market that are mostly unpredictable. Investors seek assurances such as rising employment, consumer purchasing behavior, government actions, and world activities to determine their next investment steps. Optimism is not an irrational belief but based on selective attention to market indicators.

Some investors are definitely better at picking out trends in the market and knowing where to invest their hard earned money. Even the best can make mistakes and readily admit them out loud. At present the market is turning to indicate a stronger economy is abounding and government is willing to continue the risks of quantitative easing.