Monday, October 19, 2015

Martial Arts, Business, and Confidence

Martial arts is an ancient practice that teaches one self-defense skills. It also teaches a person about confidence and how to hold and carry their body. That all makes a lot of sense but what does that have to do with business?

Business is about how you hold yourself, maintain a conversation and tackle issues. Life isn't easy and it isn't always fair. The chips are often stacked against you but you will need to fight through it as much as possible.

Martial arts gives the confidence someone needs to deal with all of the issues and needs of other people. Much of what we consider "business" is social by nature and it is important for business professionals to learn how to deal with others.

Body language becomes a "tip off" to show others how to act and react to you. Confident body language will prompt people to act and approach you in a certain way. Confidence encourages people to respect your opinion.

Like other sports, martial arts gives a creative outlook that affords an opportunity to re-leave stress and get in shape. Work can be frustrating and having an outlet is beneficial for the overall life satisfaction.

Martial arts isn't just about kicking butt. It is also about building confidence, getting in shape, and reducing stress. It will help you hold your body in a way that improves others perceptions of you as well as provide an outlet for your free time.

International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Management Research

The "INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH  is a pre-reviewed, monthly, online international research journal, which publishes original articles, research articles, review articles with top-level work from all areas of Engineering Research and their application including Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Chemical, Electronics, Mathematics and Geological etc. Researchers in all technology and engineering fields are encouraged to contribute articles based on recent research. Journal publishes research articles and reviews within the whole field of Engineering Research, and it will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in  this ever-expanding subject. Apart from Engineering it also covers the area of Management including Marketing, Finance, Operations, and Accountancy etc.
To maintain a high-quality journal, manuscripts that appear in the IJESMR have been subjected to a rigorous review process. This includes blind reviews by three or more members of the editorial review board, followed by a detailed review by the IJESMR editors.

Subject Category:
Cover all branches of Engineering, Science and Management
Important Dates:
·Paper Submission:   20 October2015.
·Review Results (Acceptance/Rejection) Notification: Within 02 Days after submitting paper.
·Published Online on : 25 October 2015.
Publication Charges:
Indian Author(s)
Rs 750/- upto 2 authors, after 2 authors charges will be Rs 350/author 
Rs 300/author for Hard copy of certificate.
Foreign Author(s)
$ 70 USD upto 6 Authors

Submission Procedure:
Manuscript are invited in MS Word format and to be submitted via mail on, Please note that Review Papers/Articles are also acceptable.
Once a paper is accepted, authors are assumed to cede copyrights of the paper over to IJESMR. All papers will be acknowledged and referred.
Each final full text paper (.doc) along with the corresponding signed copyright transfer form should be submitted by
Editor in Chief:
Paper Submission
For any Query, Please feel free to contact

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Ensuring Business Curriculum Meets Employer Needs

The importance of strong curriculum cannot be underestimated. Universities sell their skills and knowledge to to students who are then snatched up by employers. Curriculum is the embodiment of that knowledge that determines brand value. Curriculum should continuously updated with industry knowledge, relevant theories and real life examples to ensure it is fresh and up-to-date.

Maintaining a leading market position in business education will require focusing more heavily on ensuring the needs of industry stakeholders are being met. This means that curriculum should always be focused on those skills employers seek to create higher levels of personal performance. 

I break curriculum into three areas that include foundational, theoretical, and market information.

Foundational is basic business knowledge needed to succeed as a professional in the market. This is information that will be used as a method of building more complex knowledge and understandings. Without the fundamentals of business, complex business thought cannot be produced in a way that will lead to a tangible outcome.

Theoretical is advanced knowledge of leading theories that solve common workplace problems. The theories are generally associated with the major functions of business such has human motivation, marketing, management, etc. Higher levels of education will lead to the incorporation of more theoretical aspects.

Finally there is market information. That information relates to modern examples, current marketplace problems, employer needs, and other market oriented information that adjust curriculum. Keeping information updated and relevant helps the school maintain its leading position that meets employer needs. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Leadership by Leading or Leadership by Formal Power:Making Long-Term Strategic Decisions

Leadership is an absolute and vital aspect of business success. Without the right type of leadership there will be a lack of motivation, commitment, and sustaining power in organizations. If your company has low morale and people are griping you might need to take a look at who and how leaders are selected. It may be a problem with personality and management style.

Consider a scenario of two leaders....

Leader 1: One leader has the an open personality and tries to understand before judging. He/she has confidence in their abilities and looks at issues from multiple angles before making a judgement. They rely on their own experience and the experience of others to make decisions. Because they have an even keel personality and are fair to others they have gained trust and respect.

Leader 2: Relies heavily on formal power. He/she is competent in their job  but unable to deal effectively with other people. Their agenda must succeed at all costs and anyone who has another idea is seen as a threat to their position. They encourage rumor mongering, get vindictive with promotions, and make decisions based on the bundle of dysfunctional needs they carry.

Companies make this mistake all the time. They skip over Leader 1 to get the quick results the "whipping of the horse" Leader 2 offers. They ignore the long term needs of the organization and the employees in an effort to quickly solve problems and means loss of human/intellectual capital.

When the organization finally figures out the mistake and in turn opt for Leader 1 they have already done a lot of damage. People have left, resentment bubbles, the rules of performance have changed, and a culture of distrust takes hold. It requires much more effort to fix the problem then it would have if the proper decisions were made right away.

Selecting the right type of leader who is a fully developed person is important for overall growth and development of the entire organization/organism (The organism and organizational structure often develop together). The personality and performance of the entire organization rests on the personality and performance cues brought forth by leadership. Poor leaders foster poor employee behavior while strong leaders enhance employee behavior.


-Think about personality and integrity when hiring for senior leadership positions.
-Ensure the person thinks about their role beyond themselves.
-Hire leaders who have ethical approaches and understand the benefits of fair processes for selection and promotions.
-Make sure the person has an even keel personality.
-Ensure they have right type of background and can make appropriate long-term strategic choices.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The International Journal of Management & Information Systems (IJMIS)

International Journal of Management & Information Systems
ISSN 1546-5748 (print); ISSN 2157-9628 (online) · Published since 1997

The International Journal of Management & Information Systems (IJMIS) publishes papers that significantly contribute to the understanding of any aspect of international management and especially as to how it is impacted by information systems and related fields. Using a wide range of research methods including statistical analysis, analytical work, case studies, field research and historical analysis, articles examine significant research questions from a broad range of perspectives. The purpose of IJMIS is to publish papers that significantly contribute to the field of international business and information systems.

IJMIS is a widely cited, completely open access journal that is important reading for management and information systems academic researchers and international business and information systems professionals. Articles may include but are not limited to any area that impacts on the conduct of international business management as it is impacted by management information systems and allied fields.

IJMIS is published quarterly. Months of Distribution are: January, April, July, and October.

Papers based on both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, in all traditional areas of information systems and related fields, are accepted. Authors with papers that have an international perspective are especially encouraged to submit to IJMIS. Articles submitted to the Clute Institute for possible journal publication are subjected to a double-blind, peer review process.

We therefore invite you to forward your papers of your research, review, learning etc. for publication in our esteemed International Journal of Management & Information Systems.

The authors are invited to submit their original research papers for IJMIS through the journal website:

Maximizing Innovation's $14.4 Billion Dollar Contribution to San Diego

According to a new report conducted by the San Diego Economic Development Corporation (EDC), innovation is a leading stimulator of the San Diego Economy.  Sean Barr, the Vice President of EDC, believes innovations economic impact supersedes that of 34 Comic-cons, 33 U.S. Open golf championships or four convention centers. Investing in research, innovation, and new products/services creates jobs and expands business.

Regional scientific R&D innovation generates around 14.4 billion dollars a year in economic impact and supports over 100,000 local jobs. Research institutions alone contribute $4.6 billion to the local economy and support 37,000 jobs.

Innovation Compared to Events

A comparison with other San Diego events, games, and conventions is important. We often hear how conventions and events will infuse the local economy with new capital. Even though conventions and events make a significant impact, it is the fundamentals of our economic system that creates the biggest difference.

The study by the EDC shows us that some of the most important economic contributions are fundamental in nature. Sustainable economics is based on our ability to spur economic activity that continues to pay dividends to residents, business, and taxes throughout the year.

Conventions, sports games, and events are more like a shot of espresso versus the slow drip of long-term economic gain. It will speed up local economics for a short period of time and continually taking shots of caffeine will keep us excited but once the drinks are turned off so are the benefits.

San Diego's Next Steps

Growth of this kind follows a Schumpterian model of finance, entrepreneurship, and economic development based upon the development of more marketable products. The next step in improving San Diego's economic potential is based in improving its financial development and investment opportunities.

According to a study of financial development and its impact on innovation in 51 countries between 1993 and 2008 improvements in the financial system promotes innovative capacity and economic growth (Meierrieks, 2014). The ability of investors to find opportunities and invest capital into local businesses makes a huge difference in success.

Government's Role

Government can provide better forms of information and data highlighting growing sectors of San Diego's economy, adjust financial policies to ensure easier access to capital, and improve public exposure of innovative clusters within the area. Government becomes a competent information generator that helps decision-makers create better growth oriented policies and attracts investors in local businesses.

Societies that seek to spur maximum growth rely on research to make innovation of various sectors possible. It is difficult to manage effectively if there isn't a clear idea of what is occurring at a fundamental level and what things are truly beneficial in spurring additional activities. In this case, I can only offer a level of applause for Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer and industry leaders who fostered a better understanding of how powerful innovation's impact is in the region. 

EDC's Recommended Strategies

The report calls for some new strategies that are beneficial for enhancing current R&D success to keep growth buzzing. 

1.Build supporting coalitions with industry leaders and institutions

2.  Drive opportunities to retain, expand and attract companies and investment to create global competitiveness. 

3. Ensure intellectual, academic, and human capital is available to fill needed spots. 

4. Work on getting out the message for policy makers and the public.
Meierrieks, D. (2014). Financial development and innovation: Is there evidence of a Schumpterian Innovation Nexus? Annals of Economics and Finance, 15 (2).

San Diego Regional EDG (2015).  The Economic Impact of San Diego’s Research Institutions.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

2016 International Education Conference

2016 International Education Conference #IECOrlando16

January 3-7, 2016

Orlando, Florida

The deadline for initial submissions and early payment discount is November 18, 2015.


Please join The Clute Institute for our 2016 International Education Conference in Orlando. The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity for researchers to present their ideas, proposals, or completed research. Since 30 to 50 different countries are typically represented, presenting at this conference is a great way to get feedback from researchers with a different perspective. An extensive list of acceptable topics is available on our website. There will be a post-conference tour on Thursday, January 7, 2016 with details to come soon.


This year we’ve chosen the Disney’s Boardwalk Inn. In addition to the International Education Conference, we are also hosting an International Academic Business Conference (including many business education presentations) that will be held concurrently; one registration covering both.


Enquiries: 303-904-4750
Web address:
Sponsored by: The Clute Institute, Littleton, Colorado, USA