Monday, August 10, 2015

San Diego Leads the Way in Desalination

Academics, Governments and Industry Manufacturers are coming together for IDA's World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse hosted in San Diego between August 30ths and Sept 4th. They are coming to view the Poseidon Water's desalination Plant and a sewage recycling system in Orange County.  They will see how the systems work and carry that knowledge back to their home countries.

Water is not a self-generating and requires proper conservation and usage. Places in the world suffer from a lack of water but do have abundant oceans. Harnessing the power of the oceans offers the ability to produce an abundant source of water that could potentially create terraform type changes in parts of the world.

Water can change a lot f things in places like California or Africa where resources are low but agricultural needs are high. Growing more food, healthier food, without as many pesticides can help in creating a stronger people. It can also slow down the pace of poverty and disease in regions whose climates have changed.

Countries that once had lush environments and have seen their water supplies dwindle from overpopulation and pollution can use reverse osmosis to clean their water and put it back into supply. New sources of water can be created at prices that will continue to drop as technology advances. The more people come to see and expand knowledge the better off the world will be down the road.

Transformational adjustments are a few decades away but that doesn't mean the seeds are not being sown today in San Diego's growing eco economy. As a city focused on tomorrow, through the development of sustainable practices, San Diego is drawing a lot of attention. Bio technology and bio management are growing markets that San Diego may soon find themselves in the forefront of. 

Perceptions of Perfection-A Manager's Dilemma

 Arrogance is as much a risk to any organization as outside threats. When evaluating risks few strategist look at the personalities and perceptions of perfection among managers even though this is a primary reason why many businesses eventually fail. Without constant rejuvenation, questioning of practices, and the implementation of improvements organizations are doomed to dissolution.

It doesn't matter if discussing a business, organization, government, or other entity the process of change is a necessary component to success. Systems that are open have the capacity to take in new information and use that information for improvement. A fundamental risk to all entities is the inability to accept new information and use that information to improve competitiveness.

Consider a company or public institution that knows its environment is changing but the stakeholders in that organization fail to recognize the need for change or how their decisions contribute to eventual collapse. They will naturally maintain the defunct operations until their position is either weak or forced to change.

Failure to change an organization is based in either the lack of knowledge to see the signs of change or the insight to enact change when needed. There is a stream of arrogance that runs throughout their decision-making. Sticking fingers in one's ears and running processes until the organization dissolves doesn't do anyone good even though it helps the manager feel as though their decisions are superior.

Managers have as much ego needs as anyone else. It takes a strong personality to perceive weaknesses  and find places improvements can be made. This requires a perception that is open to new information versus maintaining a delusion of perfection. Those that rise to the top of an organization should be able to self-reflect on their thought processes and operational strategies.

Questioning practices can often spark a fairly harsh response from narrow minded power players. Because of their position, and the power of that position is tied to their perception of self, they are willing to use that power to thwart any criticism of their decisions. Employees who question are quickly discarded  in order to maintain grips on knowledge and power.

Being a well-developed person who has the ability to see change when change is needed is not an act of weakness. It is an act of self-reflection and ensuring that the best practices are brought forward that help focus on filling organizational objectives.  Ensuring the brightest minds come forward is important for the health of the entire system.

Organizational change starts with breaking the erroneous belief that manger and their decisions will always result in the most positive outcome. Strong managers and self-improving systems are always capable of taking in new information and using that information for improvement. Only when an organization becomes stuck in the same process does it run the risk of total failure, replacement, or collapse. Perceptions of perfection and a lack of fortitude to change are the enemy within.

Branding Unique Restaurants

San Diego has lots of restaurants ranging somewhere in the thousands. It is possible to pick from Mongolian all the way over to Italian fine dining. Most are similar and maintain prices based upon their competitive environment and core customer demographic. Finding something unique helps in creating a  more competitive base.

Consider what you do when you want to take someone out to eat. You think about what your stomach is telling you to select the genre of food, you scope out your budget and then select something that is memorable.  The more unique, the better!

I went to a unique cajun style restaurant called Crab Hut. A simple place located in a strip mall. You sit down on a table with a paper mat, roll of paper towels, and some plastic gloves. Food comes in a steamed 1lb. bag which you eat with your hands and are free to make as much mess as you want.

It isn't as though it is completely unique but compared to many other restaurants in the same price-range it is a fun place to eat. This is the point. Restaurants are selling experiences. Ensuring an establishment has something unique attracts more customers and gives customers a nugget of information to spread via word-of-mouth to their friends.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Ensuring Seamless Service Contracts

Customer service and sales are two important aspects of managing a large business. These two functions are often outsourced. Sometimes that outsourcing is within the U.S. and at other times it is to countries like India. Making sure there are strong communication networks and expectations between the parent and contract company is helpful in giving a positive impression of the business.

Customers don't know the difference between the parent company and the contractor. If the contractor does a poor job it reflects directly on the main company. People will be left with a poor impression that could impact a lifetime of sales. The contract should reflect quality beyond actual sales to ensure customer satisfaction.

Promotions and terms should be well known among all vendors. If the website and the offers are different the business appears to be inconsistent. The impression becomes much worse if promotions offered in advertising pieces are not honored and up sold. The customer may question the integrity of the entire company.

That is the primary point of seamless service contracts that ensure all stakeholders are adequately representing the company. Customers see one business and they care little about about whether or not the company contracted their services. If their needs are not met and it appears they are not being given the latest information they may move over to other business with higher perceived integrity.

Friday, August 7, 2015

The Everyday All Day 99 Cent Taco!

I been searching around for tacos and deals and came across another great taco deal for 99 cents. The best part about it is that it isn't a happy hour or special. It is an everyday low price at any time you might want it! It is hard to complain about a golden brown battered piece of fish on a corn based taco.

The cheap price is not only part of San Diego's culture but is also a good lead for some of their other products. Customers may be attracted to the taco but soon upgrade to other items on their menu. A standard order might include a fish taco and a seafood burrito.

Located on popular Adams Avenue you can stop by on your way to other locations. It appears to be popular and locals seem to like frequenting the restaurant. It has a huge menu to choose from. For a few dollars you can make a meal out of your tacos and relax on the patio for a while. 99 Cents for a Taco is an unbeatable price!

The Advantages in Open-Minded Cultures

Cultures that are open systems and take in new information, adjust that information, and find better ways of solving problems are stronger than those who do not have this value. Open minded cultures have the capacity to adjust to problems better by incorporating new knowledge and mannerisms into their activities. Closed cultures are defined heavily by tradition and don't maximize their practical options.

Practicality has helped Americans rise in their economic stature by inventing and using new ways of overcoming obstacles. Practicality allows Americans to do what works, borrow information, and find new ways of doing things. They are practical in their approach and work toward objectives without constraints.

Tradition has its advantages and disadvantages in tackling problems. As a medium it helps one generation connect to the next creating a stream of understanding across centuries. Tradition also acts like a playbook with pre-defined rules for handling issues when they arise. When the playbook is wrong a country can run into problems.

For example, a culture that enjoys dominance may solve problems by going to war more often than cultures that are more passive. Economic and military dominance could become the metrics for success. In such a way, the past actions of a nation will influence and impact its future decisions. If the tool becomes outdated it can have large consequences.

Open-mindedness helps ensure that as a people we are open to new information and methods of solving problems. Instead of being confined by previous ways of thinking we can adjust and update as needed. The people will accept that new things need to be done in new ways that can be helpful for the creation of stronger performing countries.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Maximize Your Yoga Benefits

Yoga is a solid fitness and health activity that can help transform your body into something leaner and healthier. Yoga is only as good as the amount of effort you put in and the type of effort you engage in. Sitting on your keaster and barely moving isn't going to do you much good. If you want to get in better shape and health work on making things happen and build some sweat equity.

Decide which type of yoga you need. Each type of yoga has its own particular benefits. As a versatile activity you can focus on Muscle and Body Image, Cardio and Weight loss, Flexibility and Relaxation. Think about what aspect you need now and put your effort into the right style.

Muscle and Body Image: If you are seeking to gain muscle you might want to engage in yogalates which is blend of yoga and Pilates.  Another option is power yoga which helps you hold your position for a time engaging your core muscles.

Cardio and Weight Loss: Yoga that focuses on cardio is faster paced and helps you build up a sweat. You won't hold positions for too long unless they push your body. Movements are quick and designed to get your heart pumping.

Flexibility: Most yoga is designed for flexibility but certain practices emphasize this more than others. They can focus on hamstrings, lower back, upper body, etc. Slower elongating movements are common.

Relaxation: At its earliest forms Yoga was a meditative practice mixed with certain religious practices. Even though the religious component has been removed in Western nations the meditative types have caught on.