Friday, August 7, 2015

The Advantages in Open-Minded Cultures

Cultures that are open systems and take in new information, adjust that information, and find better ways of solving problems are stronger than those who do not have this value. Open minded cultures have the capacity to adjust to problems better by incorporating new knowledge and mannerisms into their activities. Closed cultures are defined heavily by tradition and don't maximize their practical options.

Practicality has helped Americans rise in their economic stature by inventing and using new ways of overcoming obstacles. Practicality allows Americans to do what works, borrow information, and find new ways of doing things. They are practical in their approach and work toward objectives without constraints.

Tradition has its advantages and disadvantages in tackling problems. As a medium it helps one generation connect to the next creating a stream of understanding across centuries. Tradition also acts like a playbook with pre-defined rules for handling issues when they arise. When the playbook is wrong a country can run into problems.

For example, a culture that enjoys dominance may solve problems by going to war more often than cultures that are more passive. Economic and military dominance could become the metrics for success. In such a way, the past actions of a nation will influence and impact its future decisions. If the tool becomes outdated it can have large consequences.

Open-mindedness helps ensure that as a people we are open to new information and methods of solving problems. Instead of being confined by previous ways of thinking we can adjust and update as needed. The people will accept that new things need to be done in new ways that can be helpful for the creation of stronger performing countries.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Maximize Your Yoga Benefits

Yoga is a solid fitness and health activity that can help transform your body into something leaner and healthier. Yoga is only as good as the amount of effort you put in and the type of effort you engage in. Sitting on your keaster and barely moving isn't going to do you much good. If you want to get in better shape and health work on making things happen and build some sweat equity.

Decide which type of yoga you need. Each type of yoga has its own particular benefits. As a versatile activity you can focus on Muscle and Body Image, Cardio and Weight loss, Flexibility and Relaxation. Think about what aspect you need now and put your effort into the right style.

Muscle and Body Image: If you are seeking to gain muscle you might want to engage in yogalates which is blend of yoga and Pilates.  Another option is power yoga which helps you hold your position for a time engaging your core muscles.

Cardio and Weight Loss: Yoga that focuses on cardio is faster paced and helps you build up a sweat. You won't hold positions for too long unless they push your body. Movements are quick and designed to get your heart pumping.

Flexibility: Most yoga is designed for flexibility but certain practices emphasize this more than others. They can focus on hamstrings, lower back, upper body, etc. Slower elongating movements are common.

Relaxation: At its earliest forms Yoga was a meditative practice mixed with certain religious practices. Even though the religious component has been removed in Western nations the meditative types have caught on.

On Issues of Morality and Law

Morality and law are two different concepts that many times converge into one but are not necessarily dependent on each other. A person could be law abiding and immoral, be both moral and law abiding, not moral and not law abiding, or immoral and not law abiding. The four categories represent possible combinations of law and morality and how they relate and interact.

The law is a lower copy of morality. Laws must always seek to represent the general moral sentiments of society or they are no longer supported by the culture of a country. If laws fail to adapt and change with each generation they run the risk of losing public trust. In essence, laws should be better carbon copies of the beliefs of society.

As morality is a deep seated belief system it is purer than its reflection. Those who define their morality based upon law alone, and whether or not they can be punished for breaking it, are not necessarily moral. They follow the law based upon its personal interest to them and not any sense of value beyond the law.

For a person to be truly moral they need to follow their inner compass on issues and matters of right and wrong. If they only follow the law then they are limited to a lower form of human development based in cold rules and processes. They have not yet been able to develop the ability to think independently about their obligations to society.

Consider corporate scandals where even though solid legal advice is followed the damage to society and public trust was massive. Those with an internal sense of values might have avoided the situation completely, turned in the activity, or removed themselves from the situation. Law and morality are related but often separated by depth of one's values.

Law Abiding and Immoral: A person who follows the law while cheating its spirit. They use power-driven attorneys, knowledge of the law, and subjective application of the law to fulfill their own needs. They may  not break any laws but at the same time leave a wake of destruction for their selfish purposes. The law is seen as a game for manipulation.

Moral and Law Abiding: A person who finds value in following the law but also has morality beyond the law. The law works as a guide and is followed in so much as the law is moral. The order the law provides is congruent with their basic value systems. When laws are in harmony with the values of the people there is a sense of legal peace with the population.

Moral and Not Law Abiding: There are times when a person must be moral and not necessarily follow the law. For example, if the law is immoral or is a transgression against the rights of the people then moral people have no need to follow the law. For example, Germans who helped Jews survive in WWII Germany may have violated the law but acted on a higher moral authority.

Immoral and Not Law Abiding: There are people in the world that are both immoral and not law abiding. These are your sociopaths and pathological criminals who don't care about morality or the law. Anything that steps in the way of their needs fulfillment are discarded as useless. You will find them not only imprisoned on a regular basis but also creating victims wherever they go.

Poem "Oceans of Blue"

 "Oceans of Blue"

Oceans of blue,
New winds it blew.

Soft blankets of sand,
Somewhere to stretch your hand.

Clouds of puffy white,
Coloring the sky bright.

Sounds of the wave's reach,
On the edges of the beach.

The beachfront is a popular destination for locals and tourists. So popular that stores and houses near the beach are prime real estate and fetch a pretty penny on the market. Those who live on the beach understand the benefits of strolling the coast in the evenings, walking to local restaurants, and taking a few minutes to feel the breeze. 

Integrating Your Career Into a Lifestyle

Conventional wisdom tells us that we should separate our lives and our careers to keep appropriate work-life balance. There is nothing wrong with this advice as it serves a purpose. However, what if you like your job and find meaning in the work that you do. Then it becomes a way of living in the world, seeing the world, and making a living in the world. It is a pleasurable experience that means more than a 9-5 paycheck.

Consider the difference between a person who likes their job and someone who doesn't. A person who likes their job enjoys coming to work, is committed to their tasks, thinks about ways to improve their effectiveness, seeks growth opportunities, and integrates it into part of their identity. Those who do not like their job seem to compartmentalize their work, do the minimum, seek to get out as quickly as possible and have little vested interest beyond pay.

People who are actively engaged integrate their work into their lives and identity. It becomes something they simply "are" without stumbling over their career or identities. When they wake up in the morning they have positive images and impressions of the work they do. Even though the are natural up and down cycles of commitment they maintain an interested stream through it all.

For example, a person who loves designing electronic equipment will take intrinsic pleasure in playing with electronics, buying electronics, thinking about electronics, learning about electronics and/or inventing new devices. They do this because they find pleasure in the type of work they do and integrate this into their lifestyle.

On the contrary a person who doesn't enjoy their job thwarts that identity as soon as they walk out of their office in afternoon. The don't think about their occupation in the evening, show low levels of commitment, and generally disdain going into work everyday. They are externally motivated and if it wasn't for the money they wouldn't bother going.

The difference of the two can add up over time. A person who is uncommitted is likely to bounce from job to job and be generally negative in their workplace disposition. Someone more committed will find more interest in their work and stay longer at any particular organization. They will learn more and do a better job then someone not mentally engaged in their work. Integrating your work into your lifestyle is more about identity and interest than it is about overworking.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Soft Side of Retaining Officers in an Improving Economy

Military officers are subject to culture and  personnel needs in the same way as any other company. Recruiting and retraining mid-level officers for senior officer positions is helpful in maintaining long-term competitiveness. The principles that apply to the military are also easily applicable to the business world.
Making sure the needs of Millennials are fulfilled helps ensure they have viable career paths that create win-win situations between all interested parties.

The military should manage for the Millenials, revamp human resource strategies and adjust command structures (Kirklin, 2015). Doing so creates a stronger environment for higher levels of military performance and skill retention that impacts leadership capacity in the future. The military is not immune to recruitment and retention strategy failures.

One of the first steps to transformation for the new generation is to understand their needs. They want more individual freedom, capacity to contribute and opportunity to grow. The recession has impacted the generation before them and a growing economy offers plenty of prospects outside of the military. Attracting and retaining high performers needs a little more emphasis.

Adventure, contribution, patriotism, opportunity, companionship and stability are some of the reasons why a person might choose to join or stay in the military. The military's culture will require a renewed focus on the mannerisms and needs of a new generation so that they can maximize their performance and make life-time careers out of serving others.

As the management guard changes from older to younger generations it is necessary to ensure that the organizations take their needs into consideration. This means that cultures will have to change in positive ways that create more capacity. Millenials seek full expression of their values and beliefs and incorpoating their needs into today's organizations can make a difference in retention.

The Practical Benefits of Learning Self-Defense

Self-Defense is not just learning how to defend yourself but also about how to live and exist in the world. People confuse self-defense with violence and this is not its purpose. It is more about health, defense, confidence, and sporting engagement than anything else. The style is less important than the process of engagement.

Consider the amount of time and focus it takes to learn various moves. One is learning to use their body in ways they have not been accustomed. This process of moving ones body and engaging in fitness to improve ability. The more one engages the stronger, more flexible, and coordinated they become.

Self-defense is beneficial in this world. We may think we live in a civilized society but this isn't always true. There are people in this world that seek to use violence and aggression to get their needs and goals achieved. No one knows they need the knowledge and ability to defend themselves until it is too late. Everyone should learn the basics.

Students will also gain confidence in their body and themselves. There is comfort in knowing that if you find yourself in a tough situation you can handle it. As the confidence rises it will filter into other areas of life such as work and friendship. This will impact how you see your world.

People loves sports and engaging in something practical has its positives. Those who enjoy self-defense appreciate the natural ability and movements that create an art form. Self-defense is on the same level as professional boxing, wrestling, and kickboxing. It is a sport people enjoy watching and learning from. At times it can also be socially oriented when you get involved in a local gym.