Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Biopsycholosocial (BPS) of Economic Development

The Biopsychosocial model (BPS) seeks to understand economic social development through the Epistemology, Anthropology, and Ethics. All economic systems are fundamentally based in human development. By broadening the scope of economic theory beyond the limited perspectives of finance a greater “truth” can be found. The authors Canadas & Giordano (2010) postulate that using additional constructs helps balance out the limited assumptions of major economic models. 

All economics is based off of innovative development. This development is inherently social by nature but also includes biological development and psychological processes. Humans make decisions at a very fundamental neurological level which impacts the decisions they make.  These decisions impact how the economy develops and the decisions society makes.

Epistemological Component: Understanding how people make decisions impacts the overall success of the economy and the way in which the economy leans. Milton Friedman believed that all predictions of the market could be wrong but are approximately true; at least to those making the assumptions. Each market works under basic economic assumptions that impact the way people think, how they obtain resources and how they spend those resources.

Anthropological Approach: The total human and all of his benefits and detractors live within the economic system. Seeing humans through a biological, social, and psychological approach helps in understanding how they make decisions to further their interests and survival. Understanding and predicting human behavior can help in solving economic problems. 

The Ethical Component: All resource allocation decisions are moral questions. According to von Hayek, “economic activity provides the material means for all our needs” (von Hayek, 1962, 49). Each human makes economic decisions based upon how fair and equitable distribution of rewards should be realized. Economics should consider the common good and social stability within its policy decisions. 

To the authors, humans innovate their environment. This innovation comes from collaborative efforts that create “collective intelligence” that helps to create greater tools for resource attainment. Economics is often focused on high ended and easily measurable economic tools but often forgets the “real” factors that lead to economic activity. Most economists are now coming to the conclusion that simply money measuring is not enough and human behavior must be part of the process of prediction. 

As humans developed throughout history economic exchanges encouraged the development of collective intelligence. This collective intelligence comes from how people make decisions that lead to divisions of labor, mutual beneficial knowledge, and facilitate human development and speeds up cultural and economic development. It is humans interacting with each other and developing off of each other that lead to the highest societal and economic growth. 

Canadas, A. & Alejandro, G. (2010). A Philosophically-based Biopsychosocial Model of Economics: Evolutionary Perspectives of Human Resource Utilization and the Need for an Integrative, Multi-disciplinary Approach to Economics.  International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 5 (8). 

Von Hayek, Friedrich A. The moral element in free enterprise. In The morality of capitalism, ed
Mark W. Hendrickson, 49-57. New York: Irvington-on-Hudson, 1962.

Oh Captain my Captain-Walt Whitman's Patriotic Poem

Written in 1865 the poem was a patriotic encouragement by Walt Whitman to ask for people to fight for what was right so that the young country didn’t split in half. The poem was written as an honor for President Lincoln. His heart broke because he wanted slavery to end but also hated seeing Americans fighting against each other.

The beginning poem discusses the life and glory of the captain (President Lincoln) and he moves to the end in agony over the assignation of the president only because the hearts of the people still hurt. He compares the nation to a ship that was at sea but is not safe and anchored into the bay. Walt desires to see people celebrate the success in history.

Walt Whitman was a romantic character and saw President Lincoln as that leader which came from the log hut and rural countryside to put the nation on the right track. To Walt it was the simply man that had the most honesty in politics. President Lincoln not only had to convince others of the rightness of his action he also had to work through them himself. That was not an easy task at that time in history.

     O Captain my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
    The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won,
    The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
    While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
    But O heart! heart! heart!
    O the bleeding drops of red,
    Where on the deck my Captain lies,
    Fallen cold and dead.

    O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
    Rise up--for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills,
    For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths for you the shores a-crowding,
    For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
    Here Captain! dear father!
    This arm beneath your head!
    It is some dream that on the deck,
    You've fallen cold and dead.

    My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
    My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
    The ship is anchored safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
    From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
    Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
    But I, with mournful tread,
    Walk the deck my Captain lies,
    Fallen cold and dead.

The Five Best Ways to Build Relationships in the Workplace (Online Classroom)

Authors: Andree C. Swanson, EdD and Paula J. Zobisch, PhD
For the online faculty member, his or her workplace is behind a computer.  Often we feel isolated and alone.  Imagine what it must be like for our students who may need someone to connect to virtually (e-connectivity).  

It’s not enough for a course to be accessible online, it must also be designed in a way that keys into the digital pulse of current events, trending topics and insider knowledge endemic to the web. The three-quarters of 18 to 29 year-olds who have profiles on social networks are likely wondering why online course offerings aren’t nearly as enticing as the content that they find on their favorite social websites.” (Masoni)

As the current Allstate ad says… “we want more, we just want more”.  Students want a relationship with the instructor.  Students need reassurance there is a real instructor and person behind the text who is active and engaged. Two methods to provide more for your students are to build trust and to model behavior that you expect from the students.

Techniques to Build Trust

In the online classroom, faculty members need to build trust in an effort to create an effective learning environment.  Without trust, a student – teacher relationship does not exist.  Bowman (n.d.), a human resources expert, posits five techniques for gaining trust.  If these techniques apply in the work world, they could be applied in the online learning environment.
The first is to “establish and main integrity” (Bowman).  Creating integrity in the classroom is akin to three of Spears’ ten tenets of servant leadership, listening, empathy, and awareness (Spears, 2010, p. 27).

The second technique is to “communicate vision and values” (Bowman).  Communication is a very important aspect of creating a relationship.  Spears states that the servant leader must conceptualize and persuade their vision and values.  “The servant leader seeks to convince others, rather than coerce compliance” (Spears, p. 28).

The third technique is to “consider all employees as equal partners” and the forth technique is to “focus on shared, rather than personal goals” (Bowman).  Both of these techniques build community.  Here is an opportunity to express true servant leadership. Approach new and old employees (students) with respect and humility.  Spears offered the concept of creating community; however, within this is the element of communication and trust.  If one’s communication is not clear and honest, one cannot develop a community of coworkers or students.  Clear communication can be achieved by selecting words carefully when writing in the online environment.  “Servant leadership suggests that true community can be created among those who work in businesses and other institutions” (Spears, p. 29).  When there is a community, the element of trust appears.

The final technique is “do what’s right, regardless of personal risk” (Bowman).  This is back to the basic concept of servant leadership. “Servant leadership, like stewardship, assumes first and foremost a commitment to serving the needs of others. It also emphasizes the use of openness and persuasion, rather than control” (Spears, p. 29).

Modeling Behavior

Overall, the instructor is modeling the behavior he expects from students online.  The goal is to provide security and responsiveness between instructor and students.  Being comfortable online is the biggest prerequisite to successful classmate relationships.  Showing respect and interacting when needed is the best way for students to “feel” and develop friendships online.  A method to show respect is to address the students by "Mr" or "Ms", rather than the student's first name.

Bowman may not be in a peer-reviewed literature, but his techniques for building trust are solid and supported within the academic resources.  Servant leadership appears as a strong leadership model to follow when building relationships at work and in the online classroom.

Bowman, D. (n.d.). The five best ways to build and lose-trust in the workplace. Retrieved from

Latch, C. (2012). Tips to building relationships with your online classmates. Retrieved from

Masoni, M. (2010). Why online education needs to get social. Retrieved from

Spears, L. (2010). Character and Servant Leadership: Ten characteristics of effective, caring leaders. The Journal of Virtues & Leadership, 1 (1), 25-30. Regent University. School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship. 

Call for Papers: International Journal of Technical Research and Applications

We invite authors and aim to achieve following filed of research, review and case study but not limited to:

Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Biotechnology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Chemistry Science , Automation and Mobile Robots, Virtual Reality, Image Processing, Computational Biology, Photonics Networks, Plastic Engineering, Virtual Reality, Computer Science , Bio-engineering, Bio-chemistry, Bioinformatics, Phonetics Networks, Data Compression, Search Engine Design, Brain Mapping, Genomics, Text Abstraction, Information Theory, Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing, Data Engineering, Architecture Evaluations, Design of Algorithm, Data Fusion, Computer Systems, Statistical Techniques, Genetic Algorithms.
Exclusive Editor
e-ISSN  2320 – 8163; p-ISSN 2321-7332

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Commercializing NASA Space Flight

NASA is seeking an alternative method of developing space cargo ships that can transport crew and cargo to the international space station. In order to create a level of efficiency in the program and money better spent they are seeking potential contracts in developing commercialized flight. They hope to break Russian monopolies on space flight.

Since 2011, NASA has ended its space flight program but commercial companies such as SpaceX, Boeing and Sierra Nevada Corporation have been developing their own commercial flights. NASA hopes to foster this growth through funding these private projects through partnerships. They goal is to provide a level of oversight and knowledge while private proposals will include design, testing, operations, and return flights.

They are working on the Commercial Crew Transport Capability program to build a commercial fleet by 2017.  Phase 1 is limited to the three companies but Phase 2 will offer opportunities to any company that thinks they can design and build the transportation spacecraft. It is believed that costs will be reduced.

To add to the mix Russian ships are currently used to transport American crew but they are threatening to charge higher rates in upcoming years. Likewise, budget problems in the U.S. are forcing government to rethink their strategies in hopes of finding cheaper and more commercially viable options.

The Knowledge NASA has accumulated over the years is extensive. By using that knowledge to help companies foster their own programs, as well as encourage the development of new knowledge, is an important step in commercial-government partnerships. Taking the efficient developmental abilities of commercial entities and matching that with government information is sure to take off!

Other Reading:

The Importance of Verbal Skills in the Hospitality Industry

Embassy Suites Phoenix AZ
Communication in the hospitality industry is an important method of raising customer service levels and ultimately customer satisfaction. The preparation of students in communication is important for a range of duties in life but is a core element of the service industry. Rahim & Tazijan surveyed a number of hospitality managers and interns to determine their communication needs for future course development (2011).

The hospitality industry is a growing field in the U.S. as manufacturing stagnates and the service sector increases. According to the World Bank, the service sector comprises a significant portion of the overall economy in the post-industrial countries. As this service sector grows, the need for students that can communicate well is important.

Verbal communication is something we learn since we first begin to walk and as we become more proficient, the more capable we are in relaying information. Customers in particular desire communication that is friendly, accurate, and helps them solve a problem. The choice of words and tone has a large impact on customer impressions.

It is not a skill that is easily learned but can be mastered over time. College graduates should have a level of eloquence in their speech that affords them the opportunity to take higher-level positions. Whether one is within the service field or within a management position, it is beneficial to be able to speak well and communicate effectively.

Once graduates have mastered the basics of proper language, they are able to apply those concepts in other situations. Whether they are giving directions or helping a guests with an inquiry the ability to speak well makes all of the difference. It is this clear transference of knowledge that helps customers feel as though their needs are being addressed appropriately. Such skills are highly important in conflict situations.

The researchers found that the majority of managers (91.6%) indicated that interns had low ability and this influenced their ability to inform guests of transportation, entertain guests, and explain hotel policies to guests. Of all the respondents the skills of transportation arrangement, entertaining guests, answering customer questions on items, explaining fire escape routes, and explaining local attractions appeared important. Amazingly nearly a third of interns believed that some of these skills were unimportant leaving dissonance between the manager and themselves.  

Kusluvan, S. & Kusluvan, K. (2000). Perceptions and attitudes of undergraduate tourism students towards working in the tourism industry in Turkey. Journal of Tourism Management, 21(3)

Rahim, S. & Tazijan, F. (2011). Analyzing the training and internship needs assessment of verbal communication skills amongst hotel practitioners. English Language Teaching, 4 (3).

World Bank. Growth of the Service Sector. Retrieved 11.19/2013 from

The Lion Hunt by Horace Vernet

The Lion Hunt-1836
In the painting you can see the Arab hunters fighting with the lions. They are using the simple tools of spears, knives and the more advanced rifles to fight. Even though the hunters have the advantages of a horse and camel it should remembered that lions have cunning and mobility that makes them difficult to defeat. One man is on the ground already suffering from their defense. The cubs are being taken for market fetching a high price during this time. The fur is likely to be made into clothing, rugs or other items. 

The lion in religion and literature is an important creature of nobility. They are seen as have courage, willing to fight, truth seekers, and able to stand within a group or alone. They are seen as a creature with intelligence and lightning strength. To be lionhearted is to be brave and courageous.  It is this noble perception that has maintained human interest and fascination from the very beginning of time. 

Lions have been an important part of history since early humans put them in Paleolithic cave paintings. As one of the only species that would regularly hunt humans and other big prey the human race naturally has some fear of them. The lion is anatomically more geared for survival than us. They can see, fight, and pounce.  It was human’s ability to adapt tools that made them more successful. Lions are currently declining due to habitat changes. You may be interested in reviewing an organization that supports lions.

Video on the Curious Nature of Lions