Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Gun Violence Increases 20-21' (Pandemic Issue and Violence)

 -Between March 2020 and February 2021 the U.S. experienced 62,500 firearm-related incidents in the US.

-Increase 15% over previous trends.

The reports are concerning. We should differentiate between hunting rifles and those that are defensive vs. aggressive. Those that are designed as outward projecting should be using gun locks. We may also want to consider non-violent guns that are defensive and have no aggressive use. i.e. non-lethal self-defense guns. Gun ownership is great as long as the gun is related to self defense and/or hunting and not used for any other purposes. What are the solutions? Where there is the will there is the way!!!! Solving this problem takes the burden off police and the populace.

Rise in gun violence during pandemic adds strain to overburdened hospitals

Keep in mind that increases in violence in different locations means there could be underlining issues in play on a macro level  Add to that radicalism on left and right and the willingness to intimidate to get one's way and you should have a little concern. Maybe, may not.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Protesting Outside Supreme Court Justice Homes? The Right or Wrong Way to Voice Opinion?

There are things I may agree or disagree with when it comes to controversial issues such as abortion (It really could be any issue people feel excited about i.e. elections, taxes, police, legislation, etc...). Yet whether left or right in one's leaning we want the judicial branch to be as reasonably independent as we can make it. It is part of the three legged stool that keeps our society together. We will be moving into new era as information, ideas, economic shifts and cultural adjustments spread in society (globally). Some will be good and some won't be so great. I believe it is best to maintain the lines of independence and keep official's families as far away from these issues as possible (I know how this can work...my family and I were targeted for having a different religion and race than some others.). 

Once people begin to protest outside homes it creates a type of boundary crossing between home and work. In some ways it can also put people at risk because people who staunchly believe in their opinions (i.e. Capitol Riots and/or Abortion)  are willing to cross boundaries when emotions become heightened or the crowd angry (Not necessarily here but I think it would be best if people protest at the court or in some other venue if people believe it is helpful.). Not necessarily today, as protests are thus far peaceful, I applaud that peacefulness, but that the precedence starts to form where staunchness of political beliefs erode our civilities. This is why I advocate for our different political parties to start thinking about the long term health of the nation. I encourage people to start voting for centralist candidates that help draw people together. 

 What do you think?

River Boat in Louisville KY (Photo)


If you like the picture
Donate to Orphans
I sort of do some of this as a hobby and when it does make a little money I try and donate some of that away. If your interested in purchase you can see my slowly developing online gallery (Don't laugh at my art!!!!!😆) 

Investigating and Hold to Account Extremism and Corruption (Resolutions to Hate 05/09/2022)

 Extremism and hate are dangerous in our society and seem to be a supported activity within some social networks within our communities. While extremists, and their supporters, don't often feel that they are doing anything wrong, they rip at the foundations of what keeps our country intact and moving forward. Extremism is often mixed with other issues such as culture of bullying, official corruption, systemic bigotry in hiring practices and greed/fraud. It is a comingled factor that draws justification from other distorted viewpoints (...in and out of social network.)

My family and I have been the target of extremism ranging from stalking, threats, rejection from opportunities and ostracization. Those that normally would have not engaged in these immoral and illegal behaviors were either silent or forced through power dynamics in their social networks to quickly align themselves to key perpetrators (Not all but the pressures for conformity in this mediocre and now old sports group is high.)

Having a large group of hate supporters chase you is one thing but when those beliefs/values reach into some local law enforcement it is a sign that corruption is breaking down the backstop of judicial protections. That is the real danger of extremism is that it becomes supported by officials and begins to erode the foundations of our democracy. It turns the legitimate into the illegitimate (I say that as a Conservative. My conservative values believe that all men/women are created equal and it is darkness in societies that treat people differently.). 

Let me go a little further in my discussion. I also volunteer within the organization and it appears there was a legitimate attempt to ostracize, remove, defame and hinder that volunteering by a few law enforcement officials. Before you get excited, I'm very much a supporter of law enforcement when they are doing the right thing. I got their back and have had their back in other places! When a few members engaged in illegal and corrupted behavior I will push for accountability because I have greater responsibilities to society (I become more concerned about supporting the institutional value.). 

I think the integrity of our institutions is important. While most of the officers and departments realized they were duped/misled/lied to that department which was closely embedded and associated with extremism supporters did not (If I were an officer I might be more upset at the people who lied to me then the one's who are helping me see a better way forward.). Without accountability and a full investigation the few corrupted officers will continue to pose a risk to the community, its future viability, and visitors to the area (There have been multiple prior complaints by different people in the community that appear to be uninvestigated. Its an isolated community so there is little oversite from state and federal entities. Some improper behaviors have grown in that void.)

As a society we have an obligation to investigate legitimate concerns of targeting, extremism and what appear to be threats of intimidation/violence against the "other" (...in this case Muslims which they have no problem calling crazy and terrorists. Of course they neglect the rights of children and the patriotic leanings/serving of one's country. In other words, they are acting on self-induced behaviors not actually associated with the target. The catalyst seems to be simply difference/"other" and maintaining of social position.).

There are a few things that I had hoped to accomplish....

1.) Provide an opportunity for the initiators of the rumors and catalysts for extremist to self reform and get mental health help. (Because of lack of education and distorted sports culture the perpetrators may be prone to accepting these distorted beliefs. It isn't an excuse for them but it does parallels what we see in other similar groups. It was a chance for learning so they can live healthier and happier lives.

2.) Create a framework for hometown extremism and how to handle it. I have been looking/studying this stuff for a long time. As a nation we need better ways of dealing with hometown hate (It is important to remember that until our capital was attacked we had a hard time seeing the dangers of extremism and ant-Americanism among members of our community that on the surface looked like us. Its a mental framework that allows us to "see" and then act early to intervene.)

3.) Allow good officers and departments with integrity to learn from their mistakes to make them stronger and more effective. (I support officers 100% and I support legitimate complaints and opportunities for change 100%). Self reform is often the best way to deal with these issues as long as everyone is focused on their same goal (If your one of the good officers please feel free to say "hi" as you might find I'm pretty cool. I like officers and have done my best against crimes in other places. Take a chance!)

4.) Continue to engage with the community in a positive way to show they can accept differences, provide economic opportunities for locals if possible (Why I started looking at clusters more than a decade ago to provide locals in my community and country economic opportunities. Dang! Dirty Evil Muslims! 🤷), help my community through firefighting and other positive, engaging acts (There was an attempt by some officers to stop that.....and that hasn't been fully resolved yet.), and develop a framework for tackling hate/extremism in other hometowns throughout the country (MI. Hate Laws). 

5.) Ensure that local institutions (i.e. higher education and others) don't allow their HR departments to determine that "qualified" candidates are people that fit within their social groups and ethno-centric viewpoints. They have an obligation to fulfill their missions and values without key individuals distorting their recruitment practices (Without change I feel a full EEOC investigation into hiring practices might be helpful in adjusting some of their policies.)

6.) There may be a few more points but I got other stuff to do today. .

What happened here can't be sugar coated and it can't be swept under the carpet. It has been a few years since it started and the behaviors never truly died down. They just took different subvert forms. While the social group is no longer willing to engage in coordinated intimidation tactics a few of the officers have picked up the cause and continue to engaged in corrupted practices in hopes of "getting the Muslims" and looking good to people within their social networks (I suspect there are some legal reasons as well.). While they have not been successful thus far that doesn't mean I won't be pulled over on a lonely dark road someday (They should be mindful that there will be people out there that will ask questions. My goal is to learn, share, create positive engagement and not be "cleansed" out. Remember there is a lot more to this including pulling over my children in an unmarked car. My kids were targeted for bullying with false information. No one in this country has the right to say these behaviors are "ok". We need, want, deserve, and will support a free nation. An investigation will help clear the mud.)

Why do I persist? Because I think that we are one nation, one people, and the future lies in tackling these problems to create national unity (Path-Goal). My kids and your kids (any race and religion) should be able to walk freely in any town in this nation without the fear of aggression or corruption. Freedom is an American thing!

(A helpful hint: The next time you hear a "juicy" rumor about "those" people {any race or religion} make sure you consider the source and think before you act.)

Live Hate-Extremism Review and Analysis: Making or Breaking the System?

Sunday, May 8, 2022

CIA director speaks out about Putin's mindset (Russia's Plan B and Desperation)

Russia is having a hard time and they are being stalled in their Plan B pursuits. CIA Director Bill Burns indicates that Russia will become more desperate and more bloody. He also indicates that they are trying to rebuild their great empire. Its deeply embedded into his perception of self and sense of personal values (You can see that in his history of conflict and support within his prior KGB duties.)

Let me say I agree with Bill Burns on this one! Putin in a Cold War guy born and bred and wants to see his country return to its former glory. Ukraine must be a win for him and his country if he has any hope of claiming a level of victory (..at least part of the country that is Russian speaking. 🤷). 

Desperation has set in and soldiers have taking a small back step (based on previous losses) and the use of artillary to obliterate the opposition has increased. With western superior weaponry he may find himself somewhat out ranged (Threatening tactical nukes as an indication of psychological perspective and as a sign of that desperation.). 

That doesn't mean he can't win (time will tell) it just means that he will get more brutal in his approach and he will seek a decisive victory where human life will not be of any real consideration. Its simply a casualty.  

The country will increasingly be run with an iron fist to redraw the Iron Curtain. Ukraine and any nation on the planet should have the right to choose where it seeks to belong without militarized pressure. Freedom also comes with the right to choose. 

It is important for our American politicians to shore up any weaknesses we may have in the U.S. and keep their eyes toward the future where we have a window of opportunity to rejuvenate our nation, its mission, and its opportunities (In case your confused, that means our politicians should put down their petty arguments and focus on something greater than themselves for the benefit of everyone. There is more to patriotism than constant arguments and superficial differences {race, religion, etc..}. Be fearless in supporting core/universal American beliefs that made this nation great. Some are doing the right thing and some are not! 😮💨)

A few interesting pieces to read. Russia Plan B, Putin's Traitors, Russia IsolationRussian Scales Back (Delay tactic), and Russian Economy.

Cinco De Mayo 4th Street Louisville KY

 Very good times at Cinco de Mayo on 4th street in Louisville KY. 

KFC Hungry!!!!!!!!

Visitor info Kentucky. Now I'm hungry!!! Cornerstone Company.

Why I Disagree With Corruption (Advice on institutional Change in an Era of Rapid Transformation)

Corruption is a destructive force and designed to hide the truth and exploit resources. We corruption functioned in places like around Detroit. (I say around Detroit because it was as much, if not more, an issue of the places around Detroit versus Detroit itself. There were lots of dirty hands in the pot.) The dangers of not investigating complaints when they arise is inherently dangerous and reduces the viability of cities (...and in many ways can be seen as a precursor for nations that do not take corruption seriously) as well as the integrity of the wider system.

It is important to remember that our institutions are designed to ensure that they fulfill the needs of society. If they become derailed from their stated mandates their value begins to decline. An institution that would normally be seen as beneficial is now see with suspect. It makes no difference the institution but it does matter its ability to fulfill with integrity its societal function free self-interest. 

The Printing Press
Antwerp, 1580-1605 CE.

When I think of Detroit I often think of the many small complaints that may have arisen and not investigated fully. That doesn't mean that anyone (or everyone) did anything wrong but that without looking into those complaints one might never have discovered the bigger network of corruption. A bankruptcy put all of those smaller complaints into a theoretical system where they fit snuggly and confirmed a larger problem. 

Investigating complaints isn't about "do gooders" and "trouble makers" voicing their opinion in an effort to gain something (Sometimes it might be but it isn't always that way.). They are the eyes and ears of justice. As long as they are speaking the truth their complaints should be given proper merit. Discovery processes lead to the creation of a data trail that can be used to discover bigger problems. If we don't look we can't "see". 

Sometimes people withe power are part of the corruption and in turn hide, thwart, suppress and limit investigations to avoid discovery of bigger problems. As feedback loops become ignored we run the risk of major blow outs in the future. Think of Detroit and how many years corrupt behaviors have been going on until it went bankrupt (...crushed under its inability to change and adjust because the large system lacked integrity. Fluidity in Strategy)

As we move into the next era of digital transformation and rapid change it will be incumbent on our leaders, politicians, judges, officers, compliance officers, managers, employees, and citizens to act with integrity to ensure our institutions stay intact and trusted by the population. If we fail to do this well then the foundations of society will erode. All the would haves, could haves, and should haves mean nothing (New digital ways of processing information create new patterns and interconnectivity of society in national and international forums. Civil conflict increases i.e. Arab Spring, Capitol Riots, protests, etc...as beliefs are shared. Institutions that will withstand that change and ensure the U.S. maintains its leading positions will act and focus on integrity so as to maintain societal trust. I know it seems so so crazy...but just wait. Those changes could be good or bad. i.e. the printing press and Renaissance and the Internet and ????. We have to define it. ✍ Each time informational systems go through radical change there is change in how we conduct business, access to information, and pressure on institutions to be better. Those that bend will not break but those who stick to old or defunct ways will crack. 💁 ). 

Its sounds like a stupid idea but sometimes investigations may not lead to corruption but can lead to insight and understand that can be used for improvement. Without an investigation into legitimate complaints you have nothing! No knowledge, lack of institutional trust, increased corruption, societal conflict, and most of all no real avenue of improvement. I support investigations into complaints of corruption. No person or position in society should immediately dismiss concerns without an independent and truth seeking review.

Sometimes you can say things 100 of different ways and you get...🙈🙉🙊 We can learn and adapt as a society. Let us not suppress societal learning. Not acting when it is obvious that acting in the best interest of society is a growing problem. Duh!

Happy Mother's Day: Honor and Cherish the Past with the Power of Present

Our mothers are very important and perhaps one of the most important people in our early lives. They can be good or they can be bad. In my case, I had a great mother, kind, loving, empathetic who had a backbone. I'm proud that I am much like her and have been told that many times in my life. That is something I am proud of and I guess in many ways inherited through our genetic line. 

She adopted a kid, donated to the poor, was a successful business person and cared immensely about people. A trail blazer for women in business who even gave money to an abused girl. That doesn't mean that all of the people in her life felt the same way. This is one of the reasons why I now look with some disdain on this constant search and accumulation of money no matter what the cost. 

We all know that death brings grief but it can also bring the best and worst out of people. Where darkness already existed it can heighten that disease to bubble over the social boundaries that keep it at bay. It may also make good people better. Lives should not be so quickly discarded simply out of convenience.

She did well in her life and she did well by others. Remember that life is short and life is full of different bumps and road blocks. Despite this we have some basic rules and values we should follow. To me abusing/manipulating people who are near their death is highly inappropriate and there should have been more oversite (Some people will do bad things if given half the chance.).

There are no laws that can legislate love and hate. Morality and law are sometimes but not always associated (Something we should work on. Sometimes our courts and institutions fail to uphold certain rudimentary values. It causes other issues beyond any moral failure. That has to stop!). When people are seen as a source of money and what they built is destroyed within a few years we must scratch our heads and wonder where is the red line to those behaviors. All too often it is non existent (Why I support in general court systems and the search for truth.)

Its an important lesson about morality, values, lies and manipulation. On my mother's deathbed I vowed to do something important with my life and took chances others wouldn't have thought of, went to school, fought for what I believe was right and held my ground against all odds. People didn't always see it that way being blinded by superficial things like race, religion, a name, etc... (You won't gain those lessons in a textbook.)

I believe that such a vow led to all types of unturned stones. New ways of viewing the world and new insights into human nature and social networks. These were the hard lessons of life that few would have been able to navigate. So my mother's gift in many ways is about understanding and awareness. It brings forth in a round about manner new life and knowledge. Each generation passes something to the next whether we recognize it or not.

As you celebrate Mother's Day come to recognize the power of our mother's in our lives and cherish those people while they are still in front of you. They bring forth new life and create cycles in human development and change. They are the one's who give us our values and they are the ones who carry our traditions. When they are good they also hold the torch from one generation to the next. Democracy was built from the hearth of our mothers

Saturday, May 7, 2022

The Destructive Nature of Lies and Those Who Support Them (Social Groups)

I always thought of most people as truth seeking and desiring to have the best outcomes. What we find is that is often not the case. Lies are often believed because people lack critical thinking and alternative explanations. However, lies can also be dangerous and can harm, destroy, damage or sometimes kill. It may also put our institutions as serious risk (i.e. the capital riots) and destroy credibility (people and institutions)if they are not up to the task of tackling societal distortions. Sometimes lies are not innocent and can lead to all types of damage to those they are designed to harm and those that must navigate their way through them.

I'm a believer that truth brings growth and also a believer that lies bring chaos (On an individual and on a national level). While truth can be subjective depending on what race, religion, political party or background one belongs, the essentials of truth reach across all of them (i.e. why I believe our institutions should focus on truth and moral conscious. Its sounding like a repeat over and over. Yet I'm likely one of the few individuals in society that know this on a deeper learning level.). 

Lies of the past designed to self-enrich and harm others often repeated at later times because the essential dysfunction hasn't been dealt and the potential for gain not removed (Why I also support mental health for extremism). For example, one might lie for money and they may lie because they are embarrassed. That of course doesn't consider who they would be embarrassed from and their essential value to society (...everyone has value but that value should be based in more than one's social networks. We can even learn from dark souls as they have value to our learning.)

Manipulators distort and prey upon the weaknesses of their followership who lack critical thinking skills, education, and exposure. Its easy! Just make up a story and some people won't question (Think of how our capital was attacked and all of it based on perception. True or not it wasn't the way to deal with it. There are processes in place.). As the rumors designed to incite hate in their social networks grow, so does the lack of accountability over the willingness to harm targets. Responsibility declines the more people get involved (In this case we did a good job following up on such groups.).

As perpetrators find a path to enrichment and harm they will continue to use the same tools over and over without remorse until they are held to account. You would need a moral code, empathy, and integrity to stop yourself. Yet when a mob of blind supporters act on such lies you have a bigger problem. Worse, when law enforcement (by the way I actually support law enforcement but look with disdain on corruption and lack of accountability. While it may seem ignorant to some, our institutions must maintain a level of integrity.) becomes the enforcer of their "clans" distorted values we have much more than bad behavior going on! (Its a system derailed from a larger system and indicates there may be other victims and things going on just under the surface. There are fundamental differences between a mistake and intentional targeting. It needs an in-depth investigation to protect the public and ensure the values of the nation and constitution reign supreme. i.e. the law of the land.)

For example, I characterize myself as a conservative that has lots of liberal friends (some of the stuff they say makes sense as its a different perspective that leads to insight. I couldn't care less if someone says I'm a Rino, Dino, or whatever for exploring multiple solutions for the widest members of society) As a conservative, I feel a level of repugnance over those who sacked our capital with violence in order to create gain (Likely manipulated by key officials, foreign intelligence, and misuse of social media. If I had the opportunity to be there I would have been on the front lines with the capital police defending our democracy. Violence and power over others isn't the way to solve these issues. Our politicians are often afraid to go against the grain. Now we know there is more to the story. Other reading... Russia Election ConcernsElection Manipulation, Hate Groups Social Media, Central ValuesCapitol Riots, Capitol riots officers, Capitol Documents, Social Media Degroot Road to ultra nationalism. ). 

There simply comes a point where you say are we going to let the most ignorant tell the rest of us what to do and what to believe (In this social group they have already decided that their network is more important than other values. Values are up for social comparison and sale. Unfortunately, their close association with law enforcement allowed them to easily manipulate the integrity of the system. That does not include the officers and departments that recognized the false information, adjusted their mistakes, and in the end did the right thing. It does relate to those who persist and those who seek to create divisions in society by misusing their positions to exclude targets from certain positions, opportunities, and roles in society. Its a crime! Yes "bad apples" can commit crimes!). 

The bad values started long long time ago and is part of a life long dysfunction. That dysfunction led to exploiting people for personal gain (even people who were on their death beds) and is repeated again when new opportunities arise. In order to hide their bad behavior and create gains people made up a story and the ignorant accepted it as truth. Lies create chaos as their social networks (including corrupted officers) began to believe, spread, and act on such behaviors (rooted in their own own racism and extremist views) to come after the targets to keep those behaviors silent. 

I believe that people should have every opportunity to come to greater awareness over their own behaviors and have opportunities to reform themselves. When they are not able to do that then the law must create accountability (Not accountability for being a particular race, religion, education, or income level but actual accountability for behaviors that are owned by the perpetrators. Accountability to leads to the best positive outcomes and that doesn't always mean jail time as a punishment. Sometimes awareness of one's own behavior and having to deal with one's own issues is punishment enough.). That accountability could be mental health or it could be jail time depending on each's circumstance. 

As for those who consistently supported such behaviors....shame on them and shame on their value systems. I see little difference between the actor and the supporter. I do believe truth will win out over lies and that this can become a good learning lesson for others who juggle and teeter between having values that helpful or having values that are self and/or social group serving. While such people were forgiven the moment the dysfunction became apparent, they were also on the path that allows them to chase their own futures; everyone makes their own choices.  

Whether we are dealing with home town dysfunction or national insurrection we should understand that the very root mechanics are the same. It is us that must stand for something greater than self.....that is what make societies strong. Strength comes from setting positive social expectations and enforcing laws with universal wisdom. When we fail to tackle blatant corruption  and hate in society it is an indication  of what is likely to come as more of the same. Morality must be part of our choices. No institution  should be free from that responsibility.