This picture makes me think of "Excellence". I'm probably going to use in a gallery submission. If you like the picture Donate to Orphans |
The blog discusses current affairs and development of national economic and social health through unique idea generation. Consider the blog a type of thought experiment where ideas are generated to be pondered but should never be considered definitive as a final conclusion. It is just a pathway to understanding and one may equally reject as accept ideas as theoretical dribble. New perspectives, new opportunities, for a new generation. “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”—Thomas Jefferson
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Blades of Steel! Just about but not there yet.
Q1-2022 US GDP Sinks $1.4%: What's Next?
BEA released their Q1 2022 GDP analysis and it was a -1.4% GDP. See HERE. If you want a pretty solid analysis of it take a look at U.S. GDP fell at a 1.4% pace to start the year as pandemic recovery takes a hit by Jeff Cox. (I like looking at people who have been doing this for a long time. They have lots of great knowledge. For me I'm just paying attention for theoretical reasons.)
What I'm going to say about this is that we have a lot of things going on here (Increases risk and complexity.). That includes international conflict, supply chain issues, and inflation. We also find that consumers are still buying stuff (Who says were not a consumer culture?)
At the end of the day this is not expected to be a major downturn. Yet I don't think predictions are going to be perfect. It could be a little more of a downturn or it could be GDP growth going forward. Older metrics and ways of looking at the economy are changing.
I think we are going to see real boosts the later half of year and we are going to have a great 23-24 transition (Could come a little sooner as adaptation time. Lot of businesses are shifting around right now and moving their supply chains so that is part of the overall view in addition to COVID digital push. I could also be completely wrong. I'm somewhat indifferent as its not central to the main theory I'm working on.). Digital GDP will become increasingly a bigger part of economics and society (Things will change faster leading to cultural, institutional, and social adjustments.)
Lets wait and find out.....
Values: What do they mean and why are they still important? (Business, Society, Life)
If you like the picture Donate to Orphans |
Let me be a little clearer. We are not talking about the "judgy" values that shallow people use to put down others but the deeper values incorporating the "truths" woven into life. These are deeply rooted values that apply across different spectrums of society. It is these universal values that will be the marker of those who should lead and those who should follow.
Let us say you are hiring a new CEO. One gets the job done regardless of the cost. He/she lies and manipulates but still performs to get their goals accomplished. Another CEO may also perform but does have limits on their behavior (i.e. they don't always take the short term gain.). It would be tempting to choose the "get it done at all costs" as the person most appealing for business but it carries uncalculated risks.
Treading the line of immoral, unethical or illegal only lasts for so long. Of course you wouldn't be wise if you ran your business off of this mentality. You are asking for problems, a blow out of some type, and other issues that will likely get your company in hot water. Values are part of good governance and getting the job done while still considering the other stakeholders in society creates longevity in business (Tangible brand value and management strength).
I've seen the opposite occur where poor values persisted that nearly/did cause the collapse of a business but also was indicative of the wider society (also leading to larger bankruptcy.) Likewise, I have seen how poor values warped aspects of local governance and that in turn created wider chaos (Not that people see themselves as responsible for anything.)
While values don't seem very important, when you take a wider perspective I have seen how values are important on an accumulative scale. A poor judgement call on a lower level often is indicative of thinking on a wider level. Add them up over time and you have a long-term problem brewing based in values and culture. Mistakes are mistakes and bad values are bad values.
My suggestion is to hold certain universal values as important to your business, governance, and society at large. While short term losses can sometimes happen because your willing to make choices based on those values, organizations often win over the long term. They become more stable, supported by wider networks, and create more value for customers/stakeholders. There is ROI to universal values.
Friday, April 29, 2022
The Atlanta Ship Discovered on Bottom of Lake Superior 130 Years After Being Lost
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Sea Navigation Photo: Motivating to Performance
I'm looking through some pictures for a art gallery submission. I took a few photos while ago I liked but have sort of put them all over the place. I might create an online gallery to sell some of the works if people like them for their office or home. Stay tuned. For now I just try and share for readership pleasure and perhaps raise a few dollars for orphans.
Some of my pictures are kind of business like and I think might look good on a wall. So if your interested in this one just let me know, post a comment or something. This one makes me think of navigating change and charting courses. If you know where your going you can inspire others to follow.
If you like the picture Donate to Orphans |
Integrity Is an Important Concept for Leaders and National Institutions
“Every sailor knows that you can’t sail a ship that isn’t moving forward, strong leaders understand that to change direction, you first have to create forward progress.” John Maxwell |
First let us discuss integrity from a leadership standpoint. Here are a couple of quick studies......
1. Integrity Raises Organizational Effectiveness. ".....effective leadership correlates with integrity and the presence of integrity will improve organizational effectiveness." (Storr, 2004, pg. 1)
2. Integrity = Trust = Organizational Performance: Integrity is one of the most important characteristics of leadership according to a Robert Half Management Services (as stated in Williams, n.d.)
Integrity influences perceptions of trust and that in turn leads to improve organizational influence. Trust that one will act with certain values (i.e. moral conscious) allows for better management as people are willingly to adjust their own behaviors to meet current challenges because they "trust" the vision and the leader. Reasonableness, the ability to think beyond oneself, compromise, hold oneself accountable, truthfulness, moral conscious, etc. are partial indicators of integrity.
Here are a few important concepts to ponder:
1. How might political behaviors impact positively or negatively perceptions of trust among the general population?
2. Does the ability to solve problems influence perceptions of trust?
3. What happens to trust of institutions if integrity is not seen as important or rewarded from a cultural standpoint?
4. Where individuals, departments, entities are not acting with integrity (i.e. meaning adjusting, removing bad actors, honesty, forthrightness, wise use of resources, following a value system society believes in, correcting mistakes, etc.) will it create dissonance in society?
5. Is it necessary for leaders of organizations to have integrity in order effectively navigate change?
Williams, T. (as citation of original. n.d.) Why Integrity Remains One of the Top Leadership Attributes. Economist Education.
Storr L. Leading with integrity: a qualitative research study. J Health Organ Manag. 2004;18(6):415-34. Abstract from doi: 10.1108/14777260410569984. PMID: 15588012.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
China Moves to "Beef up" Infrastructure: U.S. Needs a Double Patty!
If you are following the China and U.S. national competitive initiatives you can gain a grasp of how infrastructure is becoming central to both nations and their approaches. China is a country that rose to power quickly in part because some U.S. executives found that the profits drawn from investing overseas was worth more than the total cost-benefit of investing in the U.S. (See how metrics can be misleading because they are finite and often fail to take in all the different factors. They used profit as one of the primary drivers without considering the longer term implications such as stolen technology, weakening of U.S. competitiveness, long term economic health, workforce development, etc.... That doesn't mean outsourcing to free up U.S. capacity to focus on higher value development is different than outsourcing entire manufacturing sectors to shave price. One keeps the highest value aspects of the line in the U.S. while the other moves the ultimate direction of value to another country.). The U.S. has amazing cultural and national resources that can be dusted off and put back to good use. Likewise, it has a shot at creating the first advanced Digital Era advanced manufacturing nations (That could happen if policy makers make the right decisions that lead to a series of open doors. Everything has risk and that includes doing nothing. China is also pushing to enhance its digital technology thereby understanding the wider significance is beneficial.)
I think you should read the article below to sort of gain a better understanding of what is going on. We have options to put our infrastructure initiatives into industry-government macro innovation systems whereby multiple sectors gain advantage (military, industry, micro companies, communities, etc...). Let us see what our policy makers come up with (Let just wait a few minutes while they finish up bickering about lesser important things. Just wait...they should finish anytime soon......waiting.....coming soon.....anytime now........💤💤😒🤷 Biggest Threats)
China’s Xi announces another infrastructure push to boost growth as Covid drags on
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Deutsche Bank Predicts 2023 Recession-Maybe but Not so Sure 🤔
Is Michigan the Next Space State? Innovation, Adaptation, and Feedback Loops
Monday, April 25, 2022
Violence Against Police Rising: Its Not the Solution
Policing is a necessary part of societal life and rising violence is going to bring more problems. Just like ignoring blatant problems in policing isn't the solution it is also not a solution to attack officers (It heightens issues to a point people make even bigger mistakes due to fear, frustration, and impulsivity.). The problem we face is that major differences in perspective (different views in society) and the people who heighten those differences for personal/political gain are creating bigger societal schisms. Ponder an important number.....
According to the article 'FBI director says violence directed at police officers unlike anything he's seen before' violence against police rose 59% to 73 murdered officers in 2021 (Lives lost in the line of duty. While it doesn't seem like a huge number the trend and the ambush methods are concerning.)
There are recruiting problems and other issues rising within policing and we should be concerned about finding long term solutions (That includes recruitment, training, and effectiveness.). Some change is way overdo and our politicians (and others) are not doing us any favors by foot dragging on thorny and politically dicey issues (Notice that if you work from your universal values there is little need to prejudge situations or embarrassing flip flop on issues later when the "political winds" have changed. Learning people/organizations take in new information and continuously adjust understandings because it reflects back various levels of "truth". More genuine opinions create a shared "truth" that we as society believe and experience in tandem with each other. Blah blah blah philosophy stuff! 🤓) . At the same time, violence will cause more problems and in turn create additional need to "crack down" on people and in turn potentially cause further rifts as different sides view the other as inherently dangerous (Political opinion, perception, intent and body language create "truths".).
I believe WE can fix these problems as soon as WE develop the political maturity to start focusing on finding solutions (versus constant mud slinging and blind partisanship). Every problem has a solution. Management of organizations (countries, companies, people, etc..) is all about finding solutions to problems so as to adapt the organization to the challenges of our environment/time/space. I don't believe this situation will be going away soon and I feel the longer it lingers there is heightened risk of the wrong decisions being made at the wrong time (Causing a bigger issue and perhaps fundamental break)..
We can only encourage our leaders to dig deep into their values, gain a wider perspective of our national purpose, and roll up their sleeves to get the sides working together on important legislation/resolutions. Our nation and its people are not a political game for personal enrichment and there are real consequences (to the nation, people, police, etc.) if we fail to anchor our perspective around shared American/"American" values (I say that because I have a Muslim sounding name so what I have to say isn't usually seen as beneficial/valid among some circles of society. Others probably believe I on occasion trip over my own tongue and make a good point here and there. It might be rare but you never know. 🤷). I support police 100% and I support peaceful protestors and practical/beneficial reforms 100%. We are all in this boat together and violence is going to bring more problems, pain, and chaos (That means constructive dialogue is my and should be everyone else's preferred path.).
Unfortunately when we are reactive to looming issues versus proactive tackling problems we find ourselves increasing behind the curve ball when change heads our way (Without the mental, physical, financial or political tools to resolve through adaptation.). This is why we have freedom of speech and should always be open to the possibilities of new ideas, new ways of looking at things and new ways of solving problems. When we get stuck in our thinking we limit our capacities because we don't see all the possibilities. Selling proactivity is difficult if we are still dealing/fumbling with problems of the past. Living in the present and focusing on the future will strategically give us the best options going forward (i.e. lets stop talking about who is at fault and who is right/wrong and instead focus on the root of the problem to create fundamental shared values on policing. If our politicians dig deep enough they are likely to find that there are practical solutions that most people agree with and are willing to support. Unfortunately, our political networks that have carved up nation limit bi-partisan approaches for seen as being soft and weak. The ability to question and work together isn't "weakness" or lack of political resolve. It is the essence of a democratic system! Our entire system is designed around creating shared perspective through democracy. Think about freedom of speech, voting, electing, etc... and how those are designed to keep society focused on dialogue and potential solutions. When communication breaks down and hope of resolution dissipates is when hard lines are draw and the really big problems begin! I think as an American people we should be expect our politicians to put aside their petty grips and get to work solving this issue. In theory we are paying them and in turn they should be doing their jobs to the best of their abilities. I guess that depends on whether political opinion is reflective of society or society is reflective of political opinion. Chicken or egg concepts....sorry a little deep there. 😬 Hagel. I digress....)