Showing posts with label supplements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supplements. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Benefits of Drinking Green Tea for Fitness Health

People who work out often reach for supplements. The problem with many supplements is that they can damage other areas of your body even though weight loss is increased and muscle building enhanced. Some supplements may cause heart attacks, hypertension, joint damage and more. However, green tea is a great supplement for fitness buffs and those who simply want to eat for better health. Implementing green tea into one’s diet helps in many things that range from weight loss to working memory.

There is no such thing as a wonder drink but certain types of tea can be beneficial across various aspects of one’s health. Green tea is known to have an effect on weight loss, cell resistance, cholesterol levels, working memory, blood sugar stability, and fighting cancer cells (1).  The benefits of green tea are solid and help the body in multiple ways. 

Green tea is known to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels (2). Research indicates it lowers risks of cancer and heart disease. By drinking three cups of green or black tea a day the total risk of a heart attack is lowered by 11%.  Don’t be afraid of those herbs.

There are some differences though. Green tea as a drink and green tea as a pill can be two distinct products. Green tea as a drink is generally unprocessed and therefore contains the variety of benefits while green tea as a pill sometimes is most beneficial as a weight loss supplement (3). 

Health food stores offer green tea in pill form that has not been processed. Most green tea pills keep the catechin EGCG which still maintains the health benefits of the product (4) even though some of the benefits may not be available. They also maintain other positive effects so the pill form is still a strong alternative if you don’t like the actual taste of the tea or live a fast paced lifestyle. 

As a weight loss product green tea works well. It can counter the sugar to fat storage, stimulates metabolism, and encourages muscle building (5). The overall use of green tea as a fitness supplement is positive with few side effects. You can find green tea pills in most super markets, health food stores, pharmacies, and online.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fish Oil Pills Help the Brain and the Body

Fish oil pills have a positive effect on the brain and the body. Recent studies by the American Heart Association state that it can maintain proper brain functioning and lower risks to the heart that lead to heart attacks. It seems as though our mothers had wisdom when then pulled out that cod liver oil and forced you to choke it down next to the sink. 

They recommend eating fish three times a week to obtain enough Omega-3 fatty acids. The best way to consume such oils is through natural consumption. For some it may not be possible to get this much so it is beneficial to purchase fish oil pills. These can be taken 2 to 3 X a day throughout the entire week. The biggest issue you must worry about is to find mercury free products.

There is also an issue with cost. Fish oil supplements are much cheaper than buying fresh fish and cooking it. Fresh fish take a lot of preparation to do well and for some this may not be an option. In general, most pharmacies and grocery stores now offer fish oil supplements that will last a number of weeks for the price of a single fish meal.  The best part is they can be stored in pill form and do not go rancid easily.