Showing posts with label global warming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global warming. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Walmart Uses Solar Panels to Cut Expenses

Energy conservation is still a hot topic and an important part of developing stronger, more efficient, and a more innovative economy that reduces potential solutions. Walmart has become more innovative by using solar panels on top parking spaces to provide better use of surfaces. Their goal is to have 100% renewable energy sources that cut back on other bills and problems. 

At the end of 2013 the company had 335 renewable energy projects. They save the environment 2.2 kWh of energy globally that doesn’t need to come from oil, gas, coal, or other non-renewable sources. The projects are completed on a large enough scale that it is more cost effective than others. You may read more about their efforts at their site

Walmart is at the forefront of encouraging sustainable energy development. Something likely reaching way back into the family’s farmer and conservation past. You will notice this as you drive or walk into the parking lot and see the carports that protect your automobile from the blistering sun. Kind of nice to get into your car without a wall of heat while still helping society curb global warming. 

The technology that goes into reusable energy has grown over the past few decades. Becoming stronger, bigger, and more cost effective for large companies like Walmart. It is believed that if solar and wind energy were harnessed appropriately it would supply enough energy for the entire world (Quanhua, et. al. 2009). This alone can be one reason to keep developing and implement technology.

It is refreshing to see companies like Walmart make efforts to curb global warming while reducing their costs on maintaining energy. They have a goal to someday be 100% renewable in energy. It may be a lofty goal but if there is one thing that Walmart is good at is finding efficiencies in economies of scale. It won’t be long other companies start following their path.

Quanehue, L., et. al. (2009). Solar and wind energy resources and prediction. Journal of Renewable & Sustainable Energy, 1 (4).

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Google Map Allows You to Watch Worldwide Deforestation in Real Time

High resolutions Google map offers an opportunity to monitor forest growth and decline worldwide.  The University of Maryland offers this interactive map to help people understand how their environment is changing. There was a total of 2.3 million square kilometers lost and .8 million kilometers gained. Brazil was one of the best countries on ending deforestation while Indonesia experienced the most loss.

Such interactive and constantly updating maps offer an opportunity to understand global climate change and pollution reduction effects in history. Each time the satellites pass the earth, they collect pictures of the forest changes. Scientists believe that this information will help policy makers understand the benefits and detractors of certain policies.

The benefit of technology and Google computing power helps solves problems. Even though deforestation can come from many different causes some of the most notable are deforestation and climate change. Sometimes these decisions are based in poverty to create more farmland, coal, and burnable fuel for homes.

Most of the images are taken from the U.S. Geological Survey's Landsat 7 satellite and were offered for analysis. A sort of partnership between government and business. The cost of developing such open systems is declining and some businesses have taken a first hand in trying to understand big problems. This map allows people to see the overall success or failure of decisions on a global scale. We are slowly moving from a local to a global development concept and that may make all the difference. 

Hansen, et. al. (November 2013). High-resolution global maps of the 21st-century forest cover change. Science, 342 (6160). Read Here

Other Reading:

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Trees Adapting to Climate Change

Forests are changing in their battle against climate change. In some parts of the world such tree networks are beginning to change so that they remove more carbon dioxide and use less water. The report was shocking in the sense that it throws conventional wisdom a little on its head. Ecosystem-level photosynthesis and net carbon uptake is increasing while evapotranspiration is decreasing. Trees are becoming more efficient. 

The process works by closing the pores on leaves in order to maintain consistent carbon levels within the leaf and therefore allowing less evaporation loss of water from within the tree. This is done while not stopping the growing mechanisms of the tree. Some tree networks that are still in temperate climates of the northern hemisphere have found a way to survive changes in their atmosphere. 

The downside to such findings is that the trees will pull less water out of the soil and release less water into the air. This will then impact the amount of rain some of the area receives for crops and farming. Yet the trees will be more resistant to drought and high heat conditions that may have destroyed them in the past. It could have an impact on regions. 

The study was led by Dr. Trevor Keenan currently at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Most of the research was completed while at Harvard University as a research associate. They analyzed 20 years of data from 21 northern hemisphere forests and found large scale patterns. Some areas have lost trees but where climate is still acceptable the trees are doing better than they did in the past. 

Assuming that the trees release less water it may mean that farms may not receive adequate rainfall. This could have a negative impact on food production. The problem is that because the findings are so new it is difficult for anyone to say what the true result will be. The one thing we can be sure of is that the study will open interest and funding for new research in this area. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Can NASA's Vegetation Map Encourage Efficient Legislation?

The world’s vegetation is beneficial for sustaining life, growing food, and encouraging diversity of animal species. With 75% of the world covered in water and 25% in vegetation a total of 25% of the earth is relatively barren of sustainable plant life. You can see in the video how vegetation changes throughout a particular year to have a better perspective of the cycles of the seasons. The possibilities for proper analysis of the benefits and detractors of certain legislative actions is enhanced. 

The data was collected using Visible-Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite (VIRS) on a NASA satellite that uses reflections of light to determine overall vegetation. The results will allow for monitoring as part of the Herbal Earth project and will be used to index vegetation overtime. The use of satellites will allow a more global perspective on what areas are suffering and what areas are doing well.

 There are obvious advantages to the use of such technology that include forest fire risk monitoring, climate change monitoring, weather pattern prediction, and vegetation loss risk. Where obvious changes and vegetation stress occur legislation may be beneficial and where vegetation is at an optimal level a reduction in legislation may be beneficial to encourage economic growth. The difference is that it can be monitored on a global scale for recent discussions on climate change and problems can be pinpointed.

To make effective legislation often requires a better analysis of the data as it is being presented. This technology now affords a greater understanding of climate change on a global scale and can further better approaches that put environmental laws where they are most beneficial without creating undue restrictions on areas that are growing fine. The protection of species, climate, and diversity can be more pinpointed and effective. Areas of concern can be monitored to see the actual benefit or detractors of certain legislative decisions that allows for the finding of a balance between economic and environmental needs.